930 resultados para BLUETOOTH WORMS
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
Septal fibrosis of the liver regularly develops in rats infected with Capillaria hepatica. To find out whether such fibrosis also occurs in mice, 20 animals were submitted to infection with either 100 or 300 embryonated eggs and histologically examined after several periods of time, from 30 to 110 days afterwards. Results showed that mice developed acute, severe, diffuse and focal hepatic lesions that were soon modulated to focal areas of fibrosis containing eggs and worm remnants, despite the fact that a few worms remained alive, at least up to 110 days after inoculation. Areas of perisinusoidal fibrosis appeared in the proximity and around focal parasitic lesions, but clear-cut septal fibrosis was not observed. Why septal fibrosis forms in rats, but not in mice during C. hepatica infection, only further studies can clarify. Mice seem to show better host/parasite relationship than rats in regard to C. hepatica infection.
Septal fibrosis is a common form of hepatic fibrosis, but its etiology and pathogenesis are poorly understood. Rats infected with the helminth Capillaria hepatica constitute a good experimental model of such fibrosis. To investigate the pathogenetic contribution of the several parasitic factors involved, the following procedures were performed in rats: a) regarding the role of eggs, these were isolated and injected either into the peritoneal cavity or directly into the liver parenchyma; b) for worms alone, 15-day-old infection was treated with mebendazole, killing the parasites before oviposition started; c) for both eggs and worms, rats at the 30th day of infection were treated with either mebendazole or ivermectin. Eggs only originated focal fibrosis from cicatricial granulomas, but no septal fibrosis. Worms alone induced a mild degree of perifocal septal fibrosis. Systematized septal fibrosis of the liver, similar to that observed in the infected controls, occurred only in the rats treated with mebendazole or ivermectin, with dead worms and immature eggs in their livers. Thus, future search for fibrogenic factors associated with C. hepatica infection in rats should consider lesions with both eggs and worms.
A morphometric study focusing on some features of the reproductive system of Schistosoma mansoni adult worms was performed, aiming to complete previously reported data concerning the effects of undernourishment of the host on the parasites. Male worms were significantly affected (p<0.05) regarding the testicular lobes.
In order to evaluate Callithrix jacchus as an animal model for mansoni schistosomiasis, a group of 10 male animals were once percutaneously exposed to 250 cercariae of the Schistosoma mansoni SLM (São Lourenço da Mata) strain. Animals were periodically bled for measuring serum level of enzymes and proteins and for blood cell counting. When comparing pre-infection to post-infection values, a significant increase was found for alkaline phosphatase at 15 to 120 days p.i., differential counts of eosinophil at 45 and 60 days, and total protein and global eosinophil counts at 120 days. No Schistosoma mansoni eggs were found in stools. Adult worms of small size were recovered from five animals. At day 120, the number of Schistosoma mansoni eggs/g of tissue was 0-289.7 (liver), 0-30.1 (large intestine) and 0-171.4 (small intestine). These findings lead us to classify Callithrix jacchus as a non-permissive host to the SLM strain of Schistosoma mansoni.
Twenty mice were exposed to cercariae from mollusks treated with hydrocortisone and another 20 mice received cercariae from non-treated mollusks. The behavior of the parasites from the two groups of mollusks was compared based on the ability of cercariae to penetrate mice, on the total number of worms recovered after eight weeks of infection, on the relationship between the number of penetrating cercariae and the number of recovered worms and on the number of eggs in the feces. Treating the mollusks with hydrocortisone did not alter the ability of cercariae to penetrate mice nor did it affect the total number of worms recovered. The number of female worms, the number of coupled worms and the number of eggs in the feces were greater in mice infected by cercariae from mollusks treated with hydrocortisone.
We examined 87 Brazilian individuals of a group of 132 that, on July and November 1994, participated in a peace mission in Mozambique. They served in an endemic area for haematobic schistosomiasis, where they swum in Licungo river during leisure time. Their arithmetic mean age was 31 year and all of them were male. Their urine test showed that 30 (34.5%) eliminated S. haematobium eggs and 55 (63.2%) presented positive serology by the enzime-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot test with purified microsomal antigen of S. haematobium adult worms. Eosinophilia was found in 30 (34.5%), haematuria in 26 (29.9%), dysuria in 32 (36.8%) and lombar pain in 36 (41.4%). All of those that eliminated eggs through urine had positive serology. Among the 25 patients with positive serology and without S. haematobium eggs in the urine test, 13 were symptomatic and 12 assymptomatic. The treatment with praziquantel for the 30 patients, with urine positive to S. haematobium eggs, presented 70% of parasitological cure.
To assess the performance of the immunochromatographic test for filariasis, adult Wuchereria bancrofti worms were incubated under different conditions. The tests were strongly positive with incubation fluids from both living and mechanically damaged females. Negative results were observed with incubation fluids from all male worms and from intact dead females.
INTRODUCTION: Septal fibrosis of the liver regularly develops in rats infected with the nematode Capillaria hepatica. Curative treatment of the infection prevents the development of septal fibrosis when intervention occurs up to postinfection day (PID) 15, but not later. The present investigation aimed to demonstrate which parasitic factors are present when the process of septal fibrosis can no longer be prevented by curative treatment. METHODS: Wistar rats were infected with 600 embryonated eggs of C. hepatica administered by gavage and treated with ivermectin and mebendazole in separate groups at PIDs 10, 12, 15, 17 or 20. Rats from each group and their nontreated controls, were killed and examined 40 days after the end of treatment. RESULTS: Findings by PID 15 were compatible with the stage of complete maturation of infection, when worms and eggs were fully developed and a complex host-parasite multifocal necroinflammatory reaction showed greater intensity, but with no signs of septal fibrosis, which appeared from PID 17 onward. CONCLUSIONS: Since the worms spontaneously died by PID 15, not only septal fibrosis production, but also its maintenance and further development appeared dependent on the presence of eggs, which were the only parasitic factor remaining thereafter.
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of anti-Toxocara antibodies in serum from 7-year-old children attending elementary school in Vitória-ES, Brazil and to correlate these antibodies with socio-demographic factors, the presence of intestinal helminths, blood eosinophil numbers, past history of allergy or asthma, and clinical manifestations of helminth infections. METHODS: The detection of anti-Toxocara antibodies was performed using an ELISA (Cellabs Pty Ltd)on serum from 391 children who had already been examined by fecal examination and blood cell counts. Data from clinical and physical examinations were obtained for all children. RESULTS: The prevalence of anti-Toxocara antibodies was 51.6%, with no gender differences. No significant differences were observed between positive serology and the presence or absence of intestinal worms (60.3 and 51.7%, respectively; p = 0.286). The only variables significantly related to positive serology were onycophagy and the use of unfiltered water. Although eosinophilia (blood eosinophil count higher than 600/mm³) was significantly related to the presence of a positive ELISA result, this significance disappeared when we considered only children without worms or without a past history of allergy or asthma. No clinical symptoms related to Toxocara infection were observed. CONCLUSIONS: There is a high prevalence of anti-Toxocara antibodies in children attending elementary schools in Vitória, which may be partially related to cross-reactivity with intestinal helminths or to a high frequency of infection with a small number of Toxocara eggs.
A domótica e a Internet das Coisas (Internet of Things – IoT) são dois conceitos que estão a ter bastante impacto na sociedade e a mudar o seu quotidiano, pelo que o utilizador é mais exigente na utilização dos seus equipamentos, pretendendo, que sejam mais simples e eficazes. A IoT é também muito utilizada na vertente da qualidade de vida (verificação da qualidade do ar, temperatura etc.) pelo que é necessário a utilização de uma rede de sensores de forma que toda a informação recolhida seja disponibilizada ao utilizador. Os sensores estão ligados a nós da rede de forma a recolherem informação. Essa rede pode ser constituída por diferentes topologias, sendo que a mais usual é a rede em Malha, pois no caso de um dos nós deixar de funcionar, a mensagem é enviada através de outros nós até chegar ao nó principal. O passo seguinte consiste em enviar toda essa informação para a Cloud, sendo que, nas soluções existentes, é necessário que o utilizador tenha um ponto fixo (gateway) com acesso à internet. Quando não é possível internet por cabo, a solução é a utilização de redes sem fios ou a utilização de, por exemplo, um cartão 3G/4G que implica o pagamento de taxas às operadoras móveis. Estas soluções implicam, na sua grande maioria uma instalação elétrica para alimentação dos nós dos sensores. O grande problema surge quando o utilizador não possui nenhum acesso à Internet (no local onde são instalados os sensores), ou no caso de não existência de nenhuma instalação elétrica para alimentação dos nós dos sensores. A solução proposta nesta dissertação consiste na utilização de um telemóvel, de um utilizador aleatório, como gateway. Assim, um utilizador comum pode ligar os seus sensores onde for necessário. Esses sensores são configurados Over-The-Air através de uma camada de aplicação do dispositivo de comunicação, como por exemplo, o Synapse. Após configuração, os sensores estão prontos a recolher toda a informação e enviá-la através da rede até ao nó principal. O nó principal é constituído pelo dispositivo de comunicação referido anteriormente, ligado a um microcontrolador (Arduino, por exemplo) que tem agregado um leitor de cartões SD e um dispositivo Bluetooth (BLE). Toda a informação recolhida pelos sensores é guardada no cartão SD até que um utilizador, com um telemóvel (Smartphone Android com a aplicação desenvolvida instalada) com o Bluetooth ligado, se aproxime do nó principal. Assim que a ligação é aceite e estabelecida, a aplicação envia a data mais recente de um sensor específico presente na sua base de dados na Cloud para o Arduino, permitindo que este apague os dados mais antigos presentes no cartão e envie, como resposta para o telemóvel, a informação mais antiga recolhida pelo sensor, atualizando assim a informação. A aplicação deste conceito pode ser útil quando não existe nenhuma ligação à internet ou quando um utilizador, por exemplo uma entidade responsável pelo meio ambiente e que seja necessário inserir sensores numa floresta, para prevenção de fogos. Assim os nós vão enviar toda a informação recolhida através da sua rede. Posteriormente, cabe ao utilizador escolher um sítio estratégico, onde saiba que irão passar indivíduos com alguma frequência, de modo a que estes recebam essa informação para o seu telemóvel.
Dissertação de mestrado em redes e serviços telemáticos
Females of simuliid black flies are haematophagous insects and vectors of several pathogenic agents of human diseases such as the filarial worms Mansonella ozzardi and Onchocerca volvulus. The genus Cerqueirellum is one of the most important groups of vectors of mansonellosis and onchocerciasis diseases in South America, and the genera Coscaroniellum and Shelleyellum are phylogenetically close to Cerqueirellum. There is not yet an agreement among authors about the generic classification of the species which compose these three genera, being all lumped by some taxonomists within Psaroniocompsa. A cladistic analysis of all species of Coscaroniellum, Cerqueirellum, and Shelleyellum, based on 41 morphological characters were done. Species closely related to Cerqueirellum were included in the analysis. The genera Cerqueirellum, Coscaroniellum and Shelleyellum were demonstrated as consistent basal entities and well-defined monophyletic clades.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Eletrónica Médica)