997 resultados para Assistência Social Rio de Janeiro (RJ)


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Este estudo objetiva compreender como a Polcia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro pode se valer das redes sociais para potencializar a interlocuo com a sociedade e aprimorar seu trabalho e gerando valor pblico. O referencial terico buscou contextualizar um panorama privilegiado nesse estudo, considerando o ambiente potencializador de interaes propiciado pelas redes sociais e a viso da aplicao no campo da segurana. Foram considerados fatores como a evoluo da viso sobre o trabalho policial voltado para a rea de segurana, evoluo esta motivada pela insero de conceitos voltados para o pleno exerccio da cidadania, para a necessidade de colaborao social nas atividades estatais como caminho para atingir as necessidades das pessoas e realizao do trabalho dos rgos estatais, bem como a forma que este envolvimento social tem se dado no contexto recente na Polcia Militar do Estado, analisada a partir de seus exemplos operacionais observados no campo da segurana, a indicao de uma terminologia prpria para o momento de envolvimento desses conceitos no campo da segurana, agregando ferramentas e conceitos voltados a Governana Pblica e a utilizao das redes sociais atravs do aplicativo WhatsApp, visto ser este aplicativo um dos de maior alcance no contexto nacional e que rene caractersticas prprias ao escopo da pesquisa. Adicionalmente e buscando entender as prticas organizacionais vivenciadas pela utilizao das redes sociais atravs do WhatsApp, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com empresas de comunicao e Unidades Policiais com experincia no assunto, o que propiciou um mapeamento das motivaes para utilizao das redes sociais, suas formas de operao, bem como dificuldades enfrentadas nesta utilizao e resultados para os propsitos das organizaes. Alm dos resultados apresentados neste estudo, as revelaes do campo e suas correlaes, propiciaram a elaborao de linha mestra para emprego da ferramenta no contexto da Polcia Militar como parte das implicaes do estudo. O estudo demonstrou que as redes sociais so teis como ferramenta para a interlocuo social, entre a Polcia Militar e a sociedade, destacando sua capacidade no campo da preveno e melhoria da capacidade governamental na segurana.


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Esta pesquisa faz uma anlise do Campo Missionrio Congoangolano da Assembleia de Deus, localizado no bairro de Brs de Pina - Zona norte da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Procura identificar a funo desta comunidade religiosa para os imigrantes congoleses e angolanos que a ela pertencem. Desse modo, visa refletir sobre a formao de um espao territorial religioso consolidado por elementos da religiosidade africana e do pentecostalismo assembleiano e sua imbricada associao com a formao de redes de apoio e de coeso social em torno da manuteno e sustentao de um espao identitrio. Esse espao marcado por elementos que expressam smbolos e signos dos pases de origem de seus integrantes - Congo e Angola - ao utilizarem a liturgia africana em seus cultos. A pesquisa leva em considerao as demandas que norteiam o processo migratrio, as leis que regem esses imigrantes e o quanto tal processo contribui para prticas associativas que envolvem fatores inerentes a insero e integrao sociocultural e econmica no interior do campo missionrio.


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Favelas are Brazilian informal housing settlements that are areas of concentrated poverty. In Rio de Janeiro, favelas are perceived as areas of heightened criminal activity and violence, and residents experience discrimination, and little access to quality education and employment opportunities. In this context, hundreds of non-formal educational arts and leisure programs work to build the self-esteem and identity of youth in Rio's favelas as a way of preventing the youth from negative local influences. The Morrinho organization, located in the Pereira da Silva favela in Rio, uses art as a way for the local male youth to communicate their lived reality. This study used a visual critical ethnographic methodology to describe the way in which the Morrinho participants interpret living in a favela. Seventeen semi-structured interviews with young men aged 15 to 29, the feature-length documentary film on the organization, 206 researcher produced documentary style photographs of the Morrinho artwork, and the researcher's field notes were analyzed. Truth claims, ways of seeing as communicated through words and actions, were induced through a cyclical process of reconstructive horizon analysis that incorporated the societal context and critical theory. The participants communicated their concerns about life in a favela; however, they did not describe their societal positions in terms of complete marginalization. They named multiple benefits of living in Pereira da Silva, discussed positive and negative experiences in school, and described ways they circumvented discrimination. Morrinho as an organization was described as an enthralling game and a social project that benefited dozens of local youth. Character development was a valuable result of participation at Morrinho. The Morrinho artwork communicates a nuanced vision of both benevolent and violent social actors, and counters the overwhelmingly negative dominant characterization of Rio de Janeiro's favelas. This study has implications for an inclusive critical pedagogy and the use of art as a means to facilitate a transformative education. Further research is recommended to explore terminology used to refer to favelas, and perceptions that favela residents have of their experiences in public education.


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This paper emerged from an experience of 18 months in the CRAS Reference Center for Social Assistance which aroused a question about the listening of the singularity in the professional practice of Psi in the context of social assistance. The literature review revealed, on the one hand, a series of studies that aim to a discussion about of the process of professional integration of psychologists in the field of social welfare, proposing and / or analyzing practices directed towards the psychosocial assistance directed to the group and for the assurance of rights, forming citizen subjects. On the other hand, supported by a psychoanalytic perspective, we found studies that point to the importance of the singularity listening considering the subjectivity and symbolic resources of those who seek help in Basic Assistance Service. In this perspective, we aim to analyze, in a posteriori, the effects of offering a singularized listening in the context of CRAS and discuss its implications for the Psi professional practice in social institution. This is a theoretical and clinical research, based on Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, in which two cases, placed as investigation boosters, are analyzed in the light of the concept of the subject. We conclude that a singularized listening allowed a significant sliding and the consequent repositioning of the subject, in each case, front to their suffering. The effects collected allowed us to affirm the importance of a singular listening in the treatment of the demands that appear within the institutional framework


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Since the rules of the National Social Assistance (PNAS) and the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS) in 2004/2005 the psychologist action as an essential professional teams in the services offered in this field. Althoug, there are indications of psychologists who worked on the assistence prior this time. This insertion had not systematized in the literature, not allowing the establishment of records of this linear trajectory. The objective of this paper is investigate the entrance and a psychologist working in social care services in Natal / RN , as well as the activities undertaken by them in the period 1972-2003 . This temporal boundary is justified because Natal initiate to have a psychologist from 1972 to 2003 was immediately prior to the landmarks of the 2004/2005 year. The research was divided into two stages: documentary and oral history. The first was through the consultation of 86 monographs of the Sector Documentation Social Service Department of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte , its intend identify what were the services that characterized the health care field and evidence of the presence of psychologists in these spaces. In the second stage, interviews with psychologists who worked 13 trailers to social assistance in order to investigate its performance, activities undertaken, the insertion process in the area, among other things were done. The material analysis was based on themes from a historical perspective. The results point to three major areas of integration of psychologists : in child exceptionality in which psychologists were linked to Brazilian Legion Social Assistance (LBA); the field of the minor through the State Foundation for the Well Being of Minors (center), and occupying positions of management and coordination in some welfare programs.


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This paper deals of the effects generated by institutional designs in the behavior of political actors. The literature that discusses the implications of federal arrangements in the production of public policies to dock at two opposing arguments: (1) the federal configuration would cause dispersion and variation in service provision between subnational governments; and (2) the central government would own mechanisms to induce the provision of national policies in more homogeneous levels, similar to unitary states. The research is part of this discussion because it analyzes the effects of the institutional design of the Sistema nico de Assistência Social (SUAS) in the decisions of states in Brazil. Therefore, we analyzed the institutional capacity built by the 26 state governments after the implementation of SUAS, conceiving this system as defined mechanism of government functions and federative cooperation.It is argued that the existence of a heterogeneous institutional capacity of state governments in social assistance is a result of the autonomy contained in the institutional design of SUAS to this level of government. This freedom of action relativize the idea that the implementation of national public policy systems would generate positive (or homogeneous) effects in all subnational governments, at the same time as it preclude to generalize the premise of fragility of the states in the brazilian federal plan.


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This study investigated the role of psychologists in Social Assistance Reference Centres in the Amazon region of Maraj, considering its specificities: extensive territory, spread population and presence of native communities. Eleven interviews were conducted in 10 out of the total 16 cities. Theres a context of fragile economies and poor housing; incomplete or disarticulated public services; bad working conditions. The activities are ad hoc or asystematic. Promising experiences bet on decentralized and intersectoral services. Experiences from other groups point to the importance of long-term work. We conclude that a powerful way of action is to strengthen the sociability that is characteristic of the native peoples, valuing their knowledge and developing their social protagonism.


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Over the past decades, starting mainly in the 1960s, the number of elderly has grown in the country and an aging population is considered a remarkable global phenomenon. Given the speed of this process, this growth has produced different implications for the structure of the social, economic and cultural societies and, as such, constitutes new challenges for public policy, and particularly for the Brazilian social assistance policy. Considering the significant increase aging population in Natal and the challenges of social welfare policy, this research aims to identify and analyze the demands and challenges of Social Assistance Policy in the city of Natal / RN, in particular the access of the elderly to social protection basic in the Reference Centers of Social Assistance. This research uses a critical dialectical method, and the methodological procedures that guided the study: the bibliographical research, documentary and field as well as systematic observation. Some initial questions were important to guide this work: What are the demands that come to CRAS the elderly population? What are the answers to these demands by the Basic Social Protection? How this CRAS has implemented social protection responses to these demands as rights guarantee the elderly population? The services offered by CRAS meets user needs? To get the results of this research, bibliographic sources were used, documentary and observation for four (4) CRAS of different district areas of the city of Natal. The results of this research show that basic social protection is quite fragile, leaving part of the population at risk and social vulnerability still without attention due to several factors, including the reduced technical team and the impossibility of service to all neighborhoods referenced by CRAS in the respective zones, and 50% of elderly assisted arising from spontaneous demands.


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Over the past decades, starting mainly in the 1960s, the number of elderly has grown in the country and an aging population is considered a remarkable global phenomenon. Given the speed of this process, this growth has produced different implications for the structure of the social, economic and cultural societies and, as such, constitutes new challenges for public policy, and particularly for the Brazilian social assistance policy. Considering the significant increase aging population in Natal and the challenges of social welfare policy, this research aims to identify and analyze the demands and challenges of Social Assistance Policy in the city of Natal / RN, in particular the access of the elderly to social protection basic in the Reference Centers of Social Assistance. This research uses a critical dialectical method, and the methodological procedures that guided the study: the bibliographical research, documentary and field as well as systematic observation. Some initial questions were important to guide this work: What are the demands that come to CRAS the elderly population? What are the answers to these demands by the Basic Social Protection? How this CRAS has implemented social protection responses to these demands as rights guarantee the elderly population? The services offered by CRAS meets user needs? To get the results of this research, bibliographic sources were used, documentary and observation for four (4) CRAS of different district areas of the city of Natal. The results of this research show that basic social protection is quite fragile, leaving part of the population at risk and social vulnerability still without attention due to several factors, including the reduced technical team and the impossibility of service to all neighborhoods referenced by CRAS in the respective zones, and 50% of elderly assisted arising from spontaneous demands.


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A cultura de uma organizao importante para que seus colaboradores possuam mesmos objetivos e valores. Porm, em busca de manter uma estratgia competitiva e agir de forma responsvel na comunidade em que se encontra, a empresa precisa inovar e adaptar-se. A gesto da diversidade apresenta-se como uma vlida forma de enfrentar estes novos desafios e exigncias. Contudo, h muitos obstculos para que uma gesto da diversidade seja bem-sucedida. Este estudo prope-se em entender como a diversidade pode afetar a cultura de uma organizao. Alm disso, como a cultura pode afetar a estratgia de gesto da diversidade. Foi utilizado para este objetivo um estudo de caso em profundidade com seis entrevistas. As entrevistas foram apoiadas em um roteiro semi estruturado. A anlise dos dados obtidos foi feita pela anlise de contedo. De acordo com a pesquisa realizada, sugere que a cultura organizacional e a gesto da diversidade esto diretamente conectadas e que podem influenciar positivamente uma a outra, porm precisam manter um equilbrio em suas aes para que no causem prejuzos organizao.


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O objetivo deste trabalho analisar a relaao entre a ONG Movimento Cultural Social e a Prefeitura do Municpio do Rio de Janeiro. Para tanto, analisaremos os contratos entre a ONG e o governo municipal. Conclumos que tal relaao se adequa ao projeto neoliberal de sociedade


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O objetivo deste trabalho analisar a relaao entre a ONG Movimento Cultural Social e a Prefeitura do Municpio do Rio de Janeiro. Para tanto, analisaremos os contratos entre a ONG e o governo municipal. Conclumos que tal relaao se adequa ao projeto neoliberal de sociedade


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One of the most important civic phenomena emerging from favelas in Rio de Janeiro today is community (photo)journalism, which is practised by favela residents who are trained in journalistic and artistic techniques to raise critical awareness and promote political mobilisation in- and outside favelas. This paper looks at some of the work produced at one training place for community photographers, the agency-school Imagens do Povo (Images of the People) in Nova Holanda, a favela located in Rios North Zone. Using an ethnographic approach, this article first provides an account of the working practices of the School and its photographers. This is followed by a discussion of a small sample of their photographic work, for which we employ a social semiotic paradigm of image analysis. This methodological synergy provides insights into how these journalists document long-term structural as well as spectacular violence in favelas, while at the same time striving to capture some of the beauty of these communities. The paper concludes that this form of photographic work constitutes an important step towards a more analytical brand of journalism with different news values that encourage a more context-sensitive approach to covering urban violence and favela life.<br/><br/>KEYWORDS: alternative media, Imagens do Povo, multimodality, news values, photojournalism.<br/><br/><br/><br/> <br/><br/><br/> <br/>


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O objetivo deste trabalho analisar a relaao entre a ONG Movimento Cultural Social e a Prefeitura do Municpio do Rio de Janeiro. Para tanto, analisaremos os contratos entre a ONG e o governo municipal. Conclumos que tal relaao se adequa ao projeto neoliberal de sociedade


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O propsito desta pesquisa foi investigar o papel atribudo Dana, no mbito da dimenso afetivossocial compreendendo como se reflete na vida (pessoal e social) dos jovens estudantes dos oito Centros de Pesquisa e Formao em Ensino Escolar de Arte e Esporte Ncleo de Arte da Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro distribudos em distintas regies do municpio do Rio de Janeiro. A base terica do estudo foi fundamentada pela dimenso afetivossocial em autores de referncia da rea (Bertine, 2014; Damsio, 2012; 2013; Godoy, 2013; Leme, 2013; Macara 2010a, 2010b; Marques, 2010; 2014; Matos & Tom, 2012; Monteiro, 2012; Shapiro, 2008; Stinson, 2014; Strongman, 2002; Sawaia, 2014; Varregoso et al., 2014). Com este desgnio, o trajeto metodolgico percorrido para construo da tese decorreu em duas fases. A primeira de natureza exploratria, marcada por dois Estudos Preliminares. A segunda de natureza pluri-metodolgicos: Pesquisa de Mtodo Misto, com a combinao entre a abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, marcada por um estudo de campo. Participaram do estudo quantitativo 378 praticantes de Dana de 12 a 18 anos de idade e do estudo qualitativo 52 integrantes do espao (diretores, professores, coordenador e praticantes e ex-praticantes). O mtodo de anlise adotado foi estatstico descritivo e correlao de Pearson pelo SPSS22 e, anlise de contedo. Todos os dados analisados foram integrados nas duas dimenses do estudo, Dimenso Representao Afetivossocial e Dimenso Transformao Pessoal e Social. Como resultado, verificamos que os jovens sentem-se motivados e includos pelo trabalho realizado nas oficinas de Dana nos ncleos, percebem que a Dana fonte de empoderamento da dimenso afetivossocial pelo despertar da motivao, do bem-estar e da autorealizao. No campo afetivo, descrevem o desenvolvimento das competncias emocionais pelas sensaes, emoes e sentimentos gerados no corpo e nas experincias relacionais na Dana, despertando o conactus (Damsio, 2012; Leme, 2013) e a potncia de ao (Sawaia, 2014), capazes de transformar estados emocionais, situaes e coisas em benefcio prprio. O desenvolvimento das competncias sociais transcorreu pela mudana comportamental em casa, pela trade interao-participao-transformao social no ncleo, famlia, escola e comunidade despertando sentimentos na construo da dimenso afetivossocial e promovendo liberdade de ser e estar no mundo. Com o desenvolvimento destas competncias, estes jovens percebem-se includos na sociedade despertando para muitos o desejo de prosseguimento na carreira (Amadora ou Profissional).