987 resultados para Aretino, Pietro, 1492-1556.


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This paper reports the fabrication and characterization of an ultrafast laser written Er-doped chalcogenide glass buried waveguide amplifier; Er-doped GeGaS glass has been synthesized by the vacuum sealed melt quenching technique. Waveguides have been fabricated inside the 4 mm long sample by direct ultrafast laser writing. The total passive fiber-to-fiber insertion loss is 2.58 +/- 0.02 dB at 1600 nm, including a propagation loss of 1.6 +/- 0.3 dB. Active characterization shows a relative gain of 2.524 +/- 0.002 dB/cm and 1.359 +/- 0.005 dB/cm at 1541 nm and 1550 nm respectively, for a pump power of 500 mW at a wavelength of 980 nm. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America


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Organic acids are important constituents of fruit juices. They render tartness, flavour and specific taste to fruit juices. Shelf life and stability of fruit juices are important factors, which determine their nutritional quality and freshness. In this view, the effect of storage on the concentration of organic acids in commercially packed fruit juices is studied by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Ten packed fruit juices from two different brands are stored at 30 C for 24, 48 and 72 hours. A reverse phase high performance liquid chromatographic method is used to determine the concentration of oxalic, tartaric, malic, ascorbic and citric acid in the fruit juices during storage. The chromatographic analysis of organic acids is carried out using mobile phase 0.5% (w/v) ammonium dihydrogen orthophosphate buffer (pH 2.8) on C18 column with UV-Vis detector. The results show that the concentration of organic acids generally decreases in juices under study with the increase in storage time. All the fruit juices belonging to tropicana brand underwent less organic acid degradation in comparison to juices of real brand. Orange fruit juice is found to be least stable among the juices under study, after the span of 72 hours. Amongst all the organic acids under investigation minimum stability is shown by ascorbic acid followed by malic and citric acid.


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Background. Interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) increases the expression of multiple genes and responses; however, the mechanisms by which IFN-gamma downmodulates cellular responses is not well understood. In this study, the repression of CCL3 and CCL4 by IFN-gamma and nitric oxide synthase 2 (NOS2) in macrophages and upon Salmonella typhimurium infection of mice was investigated. Methods. Small molecule regulators and adherent peritoneal exudates cells (A-PECs) from Nos2(-/-)mice were used to identify the contribution of signaling molecules during IFN-gamma-mediated in vitro regulation of CCL3, CCL4, and CXCL10. In addition, infection of bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) and mice (C57BL/6, Ifn-gamma(-/), and Nos2(-/-)) with S. typhimurium were used to gain an understanding of the in vivo regulation of these chemokines. Results. IFN-gamma repressed CCL3 and CCL4 in a signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1)-NOS2-p38 mitogen activated protein kinase (p38MAPK)-activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3) dependent pathway in A-PECs. Also, during intracellular replication of S. typhimurium in BMDMs, IFN-gamma and NOS2 repressed CCL3 and CCL4 production. The physiological roles of these observations were revealed during oral infection of mice with S. typhimurium, wherein endogenous IFN-gamma and NOS2 enhanced serum amounts of tumor necrosis factor alpha and CXCL10 but repressed CCL3 and CCL4. Conclusions. This study sheds novel mechanistic insight on the regulation of CCL3 and CCL4 in mouse macrophages and during S. typhimurium oral infection.


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Observations and models have shown the presence of intraseasonal fluctuations in 20-30-day and 10-20-day bands in the equatorial Indian Ocean west of 60 degrees E (WEIO). Their spatial and temporal structures characterize them as Yanai waves, which we label low-frequency (LFYW) and high-frequency (HFYW) Yanai waves, respectively. We explore the dynamics of these intraseasonal signals, using an ocean general circulation model (Modular Ocean Model) and a linear, continuously stratified model. Yanai waves are forced by the meridional wind tau(y) everywhere in the WEIO most strongly during the monsoon seasons. They are forced both directly in the interior ocean and by reflection of the interior response from the western boundary; interference between the interior and boundary responses results in a complex surface pattern that propagates eastward and has nodes. Yanai waves are also forced by instabilities primarily during June/July in a region offshore from the western boundary (52-55 degrees E). At that time, eddies, generated by barotropic instability of the Southern Gyre, are advected southward to the equator. There, they generate a westward-propagating, cross-equatorial flow field, v(eq), with a wave number/frequency spectrum that fits the dispersion relation of a number of Yanai waves, and these waves are efficiently excited. Typically, Yanai waves associated with several baroclinic modes are excited by both wind and eddy forcing; and typically, they superpose to create beams that carry energy vertically and eastward along ray paths. The same processes generate LFYWs and HFYWs, and hence, their responses are similar; differences are traceable to the property that HFYWs have longer wavelengths than LFYWs for each baroclinic mode.


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We have analyzed the characteristics of electrodes made of TiO2 nanotubes, microspheres and commercially available nanoparticles for dye sensitized solar cell. The morphology of the electrodes and the formation of aggregates have been analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and surface profiling technique. The concentration of Ti3+ type impurity state on the surface of these electrodes is quantified by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Micro structural properties have been characterized by Brunauer, Emmett and Teller method The optical properties of the electrodes such as band gap energy, the type of band formation and the diffuse reflectance are evaluated by UV-Visible spectroscopy. The photovoltaic characteristics of dye solar cell made of these electrodes have been evaluated and it is found that the characteristics of the TiO2 film alone can alter the overall conversion efficiency to a great extent. Additional analysis using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy has been carried out to probe the electron transport properties and charge collection efficiency of these electrodes.


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The M-w 8.6 and 8.2 strike-slip earthquakes that struck the northeast Indian Ocean on 11 April 2012 resulted in coseismic deformation both at near and distant sites. The slip distribution, deduced using seismic-wave analysis for the orthogonal faults that ruptured during these earthquakes, is sufficient to predict the coseismic displacements at the Global Positioning System (GPS) sites, such as NTUS, PALK, and CUSV, but fall short at four continuous sites in the Andaman Islands region. Slip modeling, for times prior to the events, suggests that the lower portion of the thrust fault beneath the Andaman Islands has been slipping at least at the rate of 40 cm/yr, in response to the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman coseismic stress change. Modeling of GPS displacements suggests that the en echelon and orthogonal fault ruptures of the 2012 intraplate oceanic earthquakes could have possibly accelerated the ongoing slow slip, along the lower portion of the thrust fault beneath the islands with a month-long slip of 4-10 cm. The misfit to the coseismic GPS displacements along the Andaman Islands could be improved with a better source model, assuming that no local process contributed to this anomaly.


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A systematic study of Raman spectra on Yttrium doped NdMnO3 polycrystalline samples was undertaken to understand the lattice dynamics in this compound. Raman active phonons were analyzed and the observed peak were assigned to elucidate various phonon modes in the range (200 - 800) cm(-1). It was observed that at 325 cm(-1) phonon frequency shifts upward as much as upto 4 % with increase in Yttrium content. Lattice distortions manifest themselves by frequency shifts in both bending and tilt modes of MnO6 octahedra, resulting in increase of Raman band line-widths.


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A dimensionless number, termed response number in the present paper, is suggested for the dynamic plastic response of beams and plates made of rigid-perfectly plastic materials subjected to dynamic loading. It is obtained at dimensional reduction of the basic governing equations of beams and plates. The number is defined as the product of the Johnson's damage number and the square of the half of the slenderness ratio for a beam; the product of the damage number and the square of the half of the aspect ratio for a plate or membrane loaded dynamically. Response number can also be considered as the ratio of the inertia force at the impulsive loading to the plastic limit load of the structure. Three aspects are reflected in this dimensionless number: the inertia of the applied dynamic loading, the resistance ability of the material to the deformation caused by the loading and the geometrical influence of the structure on the dynamic response. For an impulsively loaded beam or plate, the final dimensionless deflection is solely dependent upon the response number. When the secondary effects of finite deflections, strain-rate sensitivity or transverse shear are taken into account, the response number is as useful as in the case of simple bending theory. Finally, the number is not only suitable to idealized dynamic loads but also applicable to dynamic loads of general shape.


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Este experimento fue realizado en el Centro Experimental de Granos Básicos " Humberto Tapia Barquero " con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de cinco niveles y tres formas de aplicación del Nitrógeno y la interacción entre ambos factores en el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento del maíz (Zea mays L.) variedad NB-12 bajo labranza cero. Los niveles estudiados fueron: 0 (testigo) 50, 100, 150 y 200 kg N/ha. Se utilizó urea como fuente de nitrógeno la cual se aplicó en tres formas diferentes: al voleo, en bandas sobre el surco y en bandas incorporadas. Los resultados indican que a partir de los 49 días después de la siembra (DDS) cada nivel de nitrógeno aplicado tuvo efectos significativos sobre las variables de crecimiento y desarrollo, obteniéndose los mayores efectos con los niveles de 150 y 200 kg N/ha los que resultaron estadísticamente similares entre sí.


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Direct numerical simulations of a spatially evolving supersonic flat-plate turbulent boundary layer flow with free Mach number M = 2.25 and Reynolds number Re = 365000/in are performed. The transition process from laminar to turbulent flow is obtained by solving the three-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes, equations, using high-order accurate difference schemes. The obtained statistical results agree well with the experimental and theoretical data. From the numerical results it can be seen that the transition process under the considered conditions is the process which skips the Tolimien-Schlichting instability and the second instability through the instability of high gradient shear layer and becomes of laminar flow breakdown. This means that the transition process is a bypass-type transition process. The spanwise asymmetry of the disturbance locally upstream imposed is important to induce the bypass-type transition. Furthermore, with increasing the time disturbance frequency the transition will delay. When the time disturbance frequency is large enough, the transition will disappear.


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El presente experimento fue realizado en la estación experimental La Compañía, ubicada en el municipio de San Marcos, departamento de Carazo, Nicaragua, durante la época de postrera en el año 1989, con el propósito de evaluar el comportamiento de diferentes métodos de control de malezas y distancias de siembra sobre la cenosis de malezas, crecimiento y rendimiento del frijol común. Los tratamientos, doce en total, consistieron en combinar cuatro diferentes métodos de control de malezas (Manual, Químico, Periodo Crítico y Enmalezado), con tres diferentes distancias de siembra (0.20, 0.40 y 0.60 metros). Los métodos de control consistieron: manual tres limpias a los 14, 21 y 35 días después de sembrado, el químico en dos aplicaciones de herbicidas: pre-emergente (pendimentalin 1.5 1/ha) y post-emergente (bentazón fluazifop-butyl 1 + 1.5 1/ha), el período crítico en una limpia a los 21 días después de la siembra y el enmalezado se dejó a crecimiento libre de las malezas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que bajo las condiciones en las que fue realizado el experimento, el control manual con tres limpias, dos al periodo crítico y una al momento de la floración, seguido del control químico con aplicaciones pre y post-emergente a 0.40 metros de distancia entre hileras arrojaron los mejores rendimientos.


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Juan Luis Vives como hombre de las letras, la filosofía, las humanidades y la educación en el Renacimiento, fue inspirador del presente trabajo de conclusión de la etapa formativa de la Licenciatura de Filosofía, pues sus ideas, sus escritos y sobre todo su vida son un modelo integral de pensamiento y de comportamiento que sigue actualmente vigente y puede brindar aportes al hombre del siglo XXI. El tema de estudio del presente trabajo es la filosofía educativa del valenciano, en el contexto de su pensamiento humanista y de las corrientes que conformaron la época renacentista.


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Contenido: Palabras del Señor Rector / Guillermo P. Blanco – Testimonio / Juan Roberto Courrèges – Historia de un fervor / Teresa Iris Giovacchini – Homenaje / Luis Martínez Cuitiño – Paul Claudel en una de sus “Odas” / Ángel J. Battistessa – Apertura de Nuevos Mundos: 1492-1969 (Documentos igualmente augurales) / Raúl H. Castagnino – Valor condicional de adjetivos con rasgos de predicativos / Hilda Albano de Vázquez – Buzzati, dos en uno / Daniel H. Capano – La estructura circular de “Adán Buenosayres” / Norma Carricaburo – Una constante poética en la producción dramática de Armando Discépolo: continuidad e innovación en el realismo / Jorge Adrián Dubatti – La Saya/Fuga de J. B. o la novela épico-lúdica de un juglar laborioso / Teresa Iris Giovacchini – Algunas notas sobre el didactismo del Libro de Buen Amor / Elsa C. González Bolia – La “Noche oscura”, de San Juan de la Cruz, poema en diálogo / Teresa Herraiz de Tresca – Bernal Díaz del Castillo y las comunicaciones hispano-aztecas / Ernesto Livacic Gazzano – Hacia una teoría borgeana de la recepción / Luis Martínez Cuitiño – El Árbol, el Bosque y John Fowles (A propósito de la reedición de “The tree”) / Rosa E. M. D. Penna – El orden primero recuperado: “Le livre de Christophe Colomb de Paul Claudel / Paulette Rachou – La Torre de Apolidón y el influjo del Libro de Marco Polo en el Amadís de Gaula / Aquilino Suárez Pallasá – Jorge Manrique en la tradición literaria del amor y de la muerte / Lía Noemí Uriarte Rebaudi – Reseñas bibliográficas


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Resumen: El artículo trata la cuestión del poder político como superiorem non recognoscens en Vitoria y Suárez, y vincula los principios de la escolástica aristotélica del siglo de oro con un fallo contemporáneo clave, con el fin de destacar el sentido y valor del principio de independencia política, un eje de los fundamentos del derecho internacional público moderno afirmado por la escuela española.