939 resultados para Antibiotic feed supplements.
Similarities between the anatomies of living organisms are often used to draw conclusions regarding the ecology and behaviour of extinct animals. Several pterosaur taxa are postulated to have been skim-feeders based largely on supposed convergences of their jaw anatomy with that of the modern skimming bird, Rynchops spp. Using physical and mathematical models of Rynchops bills and pterosaur jaws, we show that skimming is considerably more energetically costly than previously thought for Rynchops and that pterosaurs weighing more than one kilogram would not have been able to skim at all. Furthermore, anatomical comparisons between the highly specialised skull of Rynchops and those of postulated skimming pterosaurs suggest that even smaller forms were poorly adapted for skim-feeding. Our results refute the hypothesis that some pterosaurs commonly used skimming as a foraging method and illustrate the pitfalls involved in extrapolating from limited morphological convergence.
Similarities between the anatomies of living organisms are often used to draw conclusions regarding the ecology and behaviour of extinct animals. Several pterosaur taxa are postulated to have been skim-feeders based largely on supposed convergences of their jaw anatomy with that of the modern skimming bird, Rynchops spp. Using physical and mathematical models of Rynchops bills and pterosaur jaws, we show that skimming is considerably more energetically costly than previously thought for Rynchops and that pterosaurs weighing more than one kilogram would not have been able to skim at all. Furthermore, anatomical comparisons between the highly specialised skull of Rynchops and those of postulated skimming pterosaurs suggest that even smaller forms were poorly adapted for skim-feeding. Our results refute the hypothesis that some pterosaurs commonly used skimming as a foraging method and illustrate the pitfalls involved in extrapolating from limited morphological convergence.
The effects of probiotic supplementation on the intestinal re-growth microbiota following antibiotic therapy were studied in a double-blind placebo-controlled study. In the placebo group, numbers of facultative anaerobes and enterobacteria increased significantly, and at day 35 the numbers were significantly higher in the placebo group than in the active group; in the active group, the numbers of bacteroides increased significantly. Although the numbers of enterococci in both groups did not change, in the placebo group the number of patients harbouring antibiotic-resistant enterococci post therapy increased significantly. There was no change in the incidence rate of antibiotic resistance among the patients in the probiotic group.
Sixteen early to mid lactation Finnish Ayrshire dairy cows were used in a cyclic change-over experiment with four 21-day experimental periods and a 4 5 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to evaluate the effects of heat-treated rapeseed expeller and solvent-extracted soya-bean meal protein supplements on animal performance. Dietary treatments consisted of grass silage offered ad libitum supplemented with a fixed amount of a cereal based concentrate (10 kg/day on a fresh weight basis) containing 120, 150, 180 or 210 g crude protein (CP) per kg dry matter (DM). Concentrate CP content was manipulated by replacement of basal ingredients (g/kg) with either rapeseed expeller (R; 120, 240 and 360) or soya-bean meal (S; 80, 160 and 240). Increases in concentrate CP stimulated linear increases (P < 0.05) in silage intake (mean 22.5 and 23.8 g DM per g/kg increase in dietary CP content, for R and S, respectively) and milk production. Concentrate inclusion of rapeseed expeller elicited higher (P < 0.01) milk yield and milk protein output responses (mean 108 and 3.71 g/day per g/kg DM increase in dietary CP content) than soya-bean meal (corresponding values 62 and 2.57). Improvements in the apparent utilization of dietary nitrogen for milk protein synthesis (mean 0.282 and 0.274, for R and S, respectively) were associated with higher (P < 0.05) plasma concentrations of histidine, branched-chain, essential and total amino acids (35, 482, 902 and 2240 and 26, 410, 800 and 2119 mu mol/l, respectively) and lower (P < 0.01) concentrations of urea (corresponding values 4.11 and 4.52 mmol/l). Heat-treated rapeseed expeller proved to be a more effective protein supplement than solvent-extracted soya-bean meal for cows offered grass silage-based diets.
A mixture of organic acids and lactulose for preventing or reducing colonization of the gut by Salmonella Typhimurium was evaluated in pigs. A total of 63 4-week-old commercial piglets were randomly distributed into three different experimental dietary groups: a plain diet without additives (PD) and the same diet supplemented with either 0.4% (w/v) formic acid and 0.4% lactic acid (w/v) (AC) or 1% (w/v) lactulose (LC). After 7 days of adaptation, two-thirds of the pigs (14 from each diet) were challenged with a 2-mL oral dose of 10(8) CFU/mL of Salmonella Typhimurium, leaving the remaining animals unchallenged (UC). After 4 and 10 days post-challenge, pigs were euthanized and the ileum and caecum content were aseptically sampled to (a) quantify lactic, formic, and short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), (b) quantify bacterial populations and Salmonella by fluorescence in situ hybridization and (c) qualitatively analyse bacterial populations through denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Modification of fermentation products and counts of some of the bacterial groups analysed in the challenged pigs receiving the treatments AC and LC were minimal. Treatments only influenced the bacterial diversity after 10 days post-challenge, with AC generating a lower number of DGGE bands than UC(P < 0.05). Neither the inclusion of a mixture of 0.4% (w/v) formic and 0.4% (w/v) lactic acids nor of 1% (w/v) lactulose in the feed influenced numbers of Salmonella in the ileum and caecum of experimentally challenged pigs. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Vitamin E supplementation, cereal feed type and consumer sensory perceptions of poultry meat quality
Lipid oxidation leads to meat spoilage and has been reported to cause adverse changes in the flavour and texture of poultry meat. Vitamin E has been found to be effective in delaying lipid oxidation. The aim of this study was to determine whether the vitamin E supplementation of chicken feed influences the consumers' perception of the quality of chicken meat under normal display and storage conditions. Untrained consumers (n 32) evaluated cooked breast meat from chickens (both corn fed and wheat fed) supplemented with 75 250 or 500 mg/kg vitamin E and after storage at 4&DEG; C for 4 and 7 d. Factorial analysis found an interaction between vitamin E treatment and storage day upon the perceived juiciness (P = 0.023) and tenderness (P = 0.041) of the chicken meat. Perceptions of quality relative to vitamin E level were more evident on day 4 than day 7. When the two cereal types were compared, the time-related subgroup effects were observed only in meat from corn-fed chickens supplemented with either 75 or 250 mg/kg, which was perceived to be juicier (P = 0.018) and more tender (P = 0.020) than that supplemented at the 500 mg/kg level. These results imply that the two lower concentrations of vitamin E have some advantages over 500 mg/kg, but for optimal consumer acceptance of corn-fed chicken meat, we suggest that 250 mg/kg vitamin E should be added to corn-fed poultry feed. There was no evidence to suggest any advantages in changing the current amount of vitamin E (75 mg/kg) used to rear wheat-fed birds.
Background. It is reported that undernutrition in older hospitalized patients is commonly found, but estimates of its prevalence vary. It is also not clear which treatment approaches are best because poor methodology prevents comparison of outcomes between different studies. Rationale. The rationale of this observational study was to look at typical elder care wards in order to determine what food supplements were being prescribed. We wished to determine whether serum albumin and/or body mass index (BMI) were appropriately related to the prescription of sip feeds and also to determine the palatability of supplements provided. Method. We monitored the wastage of sip feeds over a 24-hour period and extrapolated an estimated cost. Ninety-six patients were studied, including 23 patients with a BMI of less than 20, of whom 30% were on supplementary feeds. Results. Seventy percentage of prescribed sip feeds were being given to people with a BMI of 20 or more. The mean wastage in this 24-hour period was 63% (pound79.56) in four wards containing 96 older patients. Conclusion. We concluded that there was no relationship between the numbers of patients with a low albumin and BMI and the prescription of sip feeds. We found compliance to be low (37%) because of poor palatability, with a large number of patients who appeared to require sip feeds not being prescribed them and those who received them wasting more than they drank.
There remains limited scientific evidence on the efficacy and safety of 'natural' therapies such as herbal remedies and dietary supplements. Nevertheless, breast cancer patients are particularly prone to purchasing such products because of the perception that 'natural' products are less toxic than conventional prescribed medicines. However, the potential for interactions of supplements with current medications, the potential for adverse effects from consumption at high levels, and the lack of disclosure of such treatments by the patient to their doctor are serious public health issues. Robust clinical trials are required to prove the efficacy and lack of adverse effects of such preparations, and communication between patients and doctors must be improved and doctors made more aware that their patients may be seeking advice and treatment from sources outside conventional medicine.
The Alpha-Tocopherol Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study has provided the first evidence implicating vitamin E in hormone synthesis. The effect of vitamin E on stereoidogenesis in testes and adrenal glands was assessed in growing rats using Affymetrix gene-chip technology. Dietary supplementation of rats with vitamin E (60 mg/kg feed) for a period of 429 days caused a significant repression of genes encoding for proteins centrally involved in the uptake (low-density lipoprotein receptor) and de novo synthesis (for example, 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A synthase, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase, isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase, and farnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase) of cholesterol, the precursor of all steroid hormones. The present investigation indicates that dietary vitamin E may induce changes in stereoidogenesis by affecting cholesterol homeostasis.
The objectives of the present study were 1) to evaluate the effects of supplemental fat and ME intake on plasma concentrations of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), cholecystokinin (CCK), glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, ghrelin, and oxyntomodulin; and 2) to determine the association of these peptides with DMI and the hypothalamic concentration of mRNA for the following neuropeptides: neuropeptide Y (NPY), agouti-related peptide (AgRP), and proopiomelanocortin (POMC). In a completely randomized block design with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments, 32 pens with 2 wethers each were restricted-fed (2.45 Mcal/lamb per day) or offered diets ad libitum (n = 16) with or without 6% supplemental fat (n = 16) for a period of 30 d. Dry matter intake was measured daily. On d 8, 15, 22, and 29, BW was measured before feeding, and 6 h after feeding, blood samples were collected for plasma measurement of insulin, GLP-1, CCK, ghrelin, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, oxyntomodulin, glucose, and NEFA concentrations. On d 29, blood was collected 30 min before feeding for the same hormone and metabolite analyses. At the end of the experiment, wethers were slaughtered and the hypothalami were collected to measure concentrations of NPY, AgRP, and POMC mRNA. Offering feed ad libitum (resulting in greater ME intake) increased plasma insulin and NEFA concentrations (P = 0.02 and 0.02, respectively) and decreased hypothalamic mRNA expression of NPY and AgRP (P = 0.07 and 0.02, respectively) compared with the restricted-fed wethers. There was a trend for the addition of dietary fat to decrease DMI (P = 0.12). Addition of dietary fat decreased insulin and glucose concentrations (P < 0.05 and 0.01, respectively) and tended to increase hypothalamic mRNA concentrations for NPY and AgRP (P = 0.07 and 0.11, respectively). Plasma GLP-1 and CCK concentrations increased in wethers offered feed ad libitum compared with restricted-fed wethers, but the response was greater when wethers were offered feed ad libitum and had supplemental fat in the diet (fat x intake interaction, P = 0.04). The prefeeding plasma ghrelin concentration was greater in restricted-fed wethers compared with those offered feed ad libitum, but the concentrations were similar 6 h after feeding (intake x time interaction, P < 0.01). Supplemental dietary fat did not affect (P = 0.22) plasma ghrelin concentration. We conclude that insulin, ghrelin, CCK, and GLP-1 may regulate DMI in sheep by regulating the hypothalamic gene expression of NPY, AgRP, and POMC.
The efficiency of energy utilisation in cattle is a determinant of the profitability of milk and beef production, as well as their environmental impact. At an animal level, meat and milk production by ruminants is less efficient than pig and poultry production, in part due to lower digestibility of forages compared with grains. However, when compared on the basis of human-edible inputs, the ruminant has a clear efficiency advantage. There has been recent interest in feed conversion efficiency (FCE) in dairy cattle and residual feed intake, an indicator of FCE, in beef cattle. Variation between animals in FCE may have genetic components, allowing selection for animals with greater efficiency and reduced environmental impact. A major source of variation in FCE is feed digestibility, and thus approaches that improve digestibility should improve FCE if rumen function is not disrupted. Methane represents a substantial loss of digestible energy from rations. Major determinants of methane emission are the amount of feed consumed and the proportions of forage and concentrates fed. In addition, feeding fat has long been known to reduce methane emission. A myriad of other supplements and additives are currently being investigated as mitigators of methane emission, but in many cases compounds effective in sheep are ineffective in lactating dairy cows. Ultimately, the adoption of ‘best practice’ in diet formulation and management may be the most effective option for reducing methane. In assessing the efficiency of energy use for milk and meat production by cattle, and their environmental impact, it is imperative that comparisons be made at a systems level, and that the wider social and economic implications of mitigation policy are considered.