838 resultados para Anthony Giddenns
Seventy four asthmatic children aged 7 to 11 years were examined along with controls matched by age and sex. Clinical and laboratory investigations preceded a 28-day follow-up where data about morning and evening peak expiratory flow rate (PEF), symptoms and treatment were recorded. The coefficient of variation of PEF was found to be an objective measurement of asthma severity that has statistically significant correlation with both symptoms (r s= .36) and treatment (r s= .60). Moreover, it separates mild and severe asthmatics, as confirmed by statistically significant differences (p= .008 or less) in symptoms, treatment, skin allergy and airways response to exercise. Skin allergy and airways responsiveness to exercise were found to be predictors of both disease and severity. By means of logistic regression analysis it was possible to establish the probabilities for both asthma and severe asthma when children presenting and not presenting these characteristics are compared. One single positive skin test represent a probability of 88% for the development of asthma and a probability of 70% for severe disease. A PEF reduction of 10% after an exercise test implies a probability of 73% for disease and a probability of 64% for severe disease. Increases in these variables imply geometrically increased risks and their presence together have a multiplicative effect in the final risk.
A sample (n=124) of schizophrenic patients from a defined catchment area of the city os S.Paulo, Brazil, who had been consecutively admitted to hospital, was assessed for psychopathological status and social adjustment levels. Sociodemographic, socio-economic and occupational characteristics were recorded: almost 30% of the subjects had no occupation and received no social benefit, more than two-thirds had a monthly per capita income of US$ 100.00 or less. Sixty-five percent presented with Schneiderian firstrank symptoms. Nearly half the sample showed poor or very poor social adjustment in the month prior to admission. The most affected areas of social functioning were participation in the household activities, work and social withdrawal. The current mental health policy of promoting extra-mural care as an alternative to the previous hospital-based model will then mean the investment in a network of new community-based services, that give effective treatment and support to patients and their families. The need of further research into the current picture of mental disorders in the country is stressed.
High mortality rates among those suffering from schizophrenia and related psychoses have been consistently described in developed societies. However, to date there is a lack of data on this matter in Brazil. In order to examine this issue, a prospective 2-year follow-up study was carried out in S. Paulo. The sample consisted of 120 consecutive admissions to psychiatric hospitals in a defined catchment area, aged 18 to 44 years old, with clinical diagnoses of non-affective functional psychoses according to the ICD-9. After 2 years, 116 (96.7%) subjects were traced. During the study period there were 7 deaths (6.0% of those traced), 5 (4.3%) due to suicide. All but one of the suicides occurred in the first year after discharge from hospital. Age and sex Standardised Mortality Ratios (relative to rates for the population of the city of Sao Paulo) were 8.4 for overall mortality (95% confidence interval: 4.0-15.9) and 317.9 for deaths due to suicide (95% confidence interval: 125.2-668.3). These results are in agreement with previous studies, and show that in Brazil non-affective functional psychoses are life-threatening illnesses, which need adequate care, particularly when patients go back to live in the community after hospital discharge.
INTRODUCTION: Among psychiatric disorders schizophrenia is often said to be the condition with the most disputed definition.The Bleulerian and Schneiderian approaches have given rise to diagnostic formulations that have varied with time and place. Controversies over the concept of schizophrenia were examined within European/North American settings in the early 1970s but little has since been reported on the views of psychiatrists in developing countries. In Brazil both concepts are referred to in the literature. A scale was developed to measure adherence to Bleulerian and Schneiderian concepts among psychiatrists working in S. Paulo. METHODOLOGY: A self-reported questionnaire comprising seventeen visual analogue-scale statements related to Bleulerian and Schneiderian definitions of Shizophrenia, plus sociodemographic and training characteristics, was distributed to a non-randomised sample of 150 psychiatrists. The two sub-scales were assessed by psychometric methods for internal consistency, sub-scale structure and test-retest reliability. Items selected according to internal consistency were examined by a two-factor model exploratory factor analysis. Intraclass correlation coefficients described the stability of the scale. RESULTS: Replies were received from 117 psychiatrists (mean age 36 (SD 7.9)), 74% of whom were made and 26% female. The Schneiderian scale showed better overall internal consistency than the Bleulerian scale. Intra-class correlation coefficients for test-retest comparisons were between 0.5 and 0.7 for Schneiderian items and 0.2 and 0.7 for Bleulerian items. There was no negative association between Bleulerian and Schneiderian scale scores, suggesting that respondents may hold both concepts. Place of training was significantly associated with the respondent's opinion; disagreement with a Bleulerian standpoint predominated for those trained at the University of S. Paulo. CONCLUSIONS: The less satisfactory reliability for the Bleulerian sub-scale limits confidence in the whole scale but on the other hand this questionnaire contributes to the understanding of the controversy over Bleulerian and Schneiderian models for conceptualisation of schizophrenia, the former requiring more inference and therefore being prone to unreliability.
New K/Ar dating and geochemical analyses have been carried out on the WNW-ESE elongated oceanic island of S. Jorge to reconstruct the volcanic evolution of a linear ridge developed close to the Azores triple junction. We show that S. Jorge sub-aerial construction encompasses the last 1.3 Myr, a time interval far much longer than previously reported. The early development of the ridge involved a sub-aerial building phase exposed in the southeast end of the island and now constrained between 1.32 +/- 0.02 and 1.21 +/- 0.02 Ma. Basic lavas from this older stage are alkaline and enriched in incompatible elements, reflecting partial melting of an enriched mantle source. At least three differentiation cycles from alkaline basalts to mugearites are documented within this stage. The successive episodes of magma rising, storage and evolution suggest an intermittent reopening of the magma feeding system, possibly due to recurrent tensional or trans-tensional tectonic events. Present data show a gap in sub-aerial volcanism before a second main ongoing building phase starting at about 750 ka. Sub-aerial construction of the S. Jorge ridge migrated progressively towards the west, but involved several overlapping volcanic episodes constrained along the main WNW-ESE structural axis of the island. Malic magmas erupted during the second phase have been also generated by partial melting of an enriched mantle source. Trace element data suggest, however, variable and lower degrees of partial melting of a shallower mantle domain, which is interpreted as an increasing control of lithospheric deformation on the genesis and extraction of primitive melts during the last 750 kyr. The multi-stage development of the S. Jorge volcanic ridge over the last 1.3 Myr has most likely been greatly influenced by regional tectonics, controlled by deformation along the diffuse boundary between the Nubian and the Eurasian plates, and the increasing effect of sea-floor spreading at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
OBJETIVO: Estabelecer a influência exercida por três diferentes biótopos em áreas do Parque Nacional da Serra da Bocaina (PNSB) sobre a fauna local de mosquitos. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas capturas mensais em ambiente silvestre e domiciliar, em isca humana, durante três diferentes períodos do dia, pelo período de 24 meses consecutivos, de janeiro de 1991 a dezembro de 1992. RESULTADOS: Foram capturados 11.808 espécimes adultos, pertencentes a 28 espécies. Ru. reversa e An. cruzii foram predominantes, respectivamente 52,5% e 17,9% do total de mosquitos. Ru. reversa representou 59,4% do total de espécimes no ambiente de mata fechada, seguida por Ru. frontosa com 10,5% e An. cruzii com 9,9%. No ambiente formado por campos de altitude e matas de galeria, o An. cruzii predominou com 48,1%, seguido por Ru. reversa com 28,1%. No ambiente modificado pelo homem, o An. cruzii predominou com 73,7% dos espécimes. Coquillettidia chrysonotum foi a única que se apresentou preferencialmente nesse biótopo: 14,9% no intra, 19,4% no peri e 65,7% no extradomicílio. An. cruzii e Ru. reversa foram constantes em todos os ambientes ao longo do ano. CONCLUSÕES: Com exceção de Cq. chrysonotum, com preferência pelo ambiente modificado pelo homem, os mosquitos apresentam hábitos assinantrópicos no PNSB. An. cruzii, embora assinantrópico, se aproxima e adentra o domicílio para realizar a hematofagia. A presença do Ae. serratus no extra e peridomicílio reforça a importância epidemiológica como vetora potencial de arboviroses. Os Sabethini apresentaram-se exclusivamente silvestres.
OBJETIVO: Estabelecer a influência exercida pelos fatores climáticos na freqüência mensal da fauna de mosquitos em áreas do Parque Nacional da Serra da Bocaina, Vale do Paraíba, SP. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas capturas mensais por meio de isca humana, em três diferentes períodos do dia, durante 24 meses consecutivos (janeiro de 1991 a dezembro de 1992). RESULTADOS: Foram capturados 11.808 espécimes adultos pertencentes a 28 espécies. Anopheles cruzii, Runchomyia reversa e Ru. frontosa foram as espécies mais presentes em todos os meses do ano; An. cruzii ocorreu preferencialmente de outubro a fevereiro; Ru. reversa e Ru. frontosa, em setembro; An. lutzi, Chagasia fajardoi, Coquillettidia chrysonotum, Aedes serratus, Trichoprosopon simile, Wyeomyia theobaldi, Ru. humboldti e Ru. theobaldi, pertencentes ao segundo grupo de espécies mais abundantes, ocorreram preferencialmente nos meses mais quentes, úmidos e chuvosos. A temperatura e as precipitações pluviométricas influenciaram positivamente na incidência da maioria das espécies. CONCLUSÕES: A cobertura vegetal de Mata Atlântica bem preservada, as precipitações pluviométricas e a temperatura foram determinantes para a incidência da fauna de mosquitos no parque. Os meses mais chuvosos, úmidos e quentes contribuíram para o aumento da diversidade e da densidade. O período de setembro a março foi o mais favorável. Cerca de 70% das espécies chegaram a desaparecer no período de abril a agosto, os meses mais frios e secos do ano.
OBJETIVO: Observar detalhes morfológicos de ovos de Haemagogus leucocelaenus visualizados pela primeira vez por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e realizar morfometria das principais estruturas. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados ovos de Hg. leucocelaenus provenientes de fêmeas capturadas na Reserva Biológica do Tinguá, RJ, sendo parte destinada à eclosão e outra ao processamento de MEV, dos quais três foram submetidos à análise morfométrica. O material foi fixado em glutaraldeído 2,5% e pós-fixado em tetróxido de ósmio 1%, ambos em tampão cacodilato de sódio 0.1M, pH 7.2, processado e observado ao MEV Jeol 5310. Medições foram realizadas com o auxílio do software de análise Semafore. RESULTADOS: Os ovos apresentaram contorno elíptico com aproximadamente 574 µm de comprimento e 169 µm de largura, sendo o índice do ovo (l/wratio) 3,39 µm. O exocório é extremamente regular, possuindo ornamentação hexagonal e algumas vezes pentagonal. Nas células coriônicas, observaram-se tubérculos simetricamente dispostos com relação ao eixo longitudinal, e, no interior delas, tubérculos menores, individualizados, dispostos na periferia, e poucos agrupados no centro. A superfície do retículo coriônico não apresentou rugosidades. O aparelho micropilar apresenta colar proeminente, contínuo, com disco micropilar bem evidente. CONCLUSÕES: A ornamentação do exocório apresenta diferenças em relação aos tubérculos das células coriônicas e ao retículo coriônico externo entre os ovos de Hg. leucocelaenus comparados aos ovos de Hg. janthinomys e Hg. equinus, bem como com relação aos de Aedes aegypti, Ae. albopictus e Ae bahamensis.
For some years now, translation theorist and educator Anthony Pym has been trying to establish a dialogue between the academic tradition he comes from and the world of the language industries into which he is meant to introduce his students: in other words, between the Translation Studies discipline and the localisation sector. This rapprochement is also the stated aim of his new book The Moving Text (p. 159). Rather than collect and synthesise what was previously dispersed over several articles, Pym has rewritten his material completely, both literally and conceptually, all in the light of the more than three decades of research he has conducted into the field of cross--cultural communication. The theoretical arguments are ably supported by a few short but telling and well-exploited examples.
Este artigo pretende sublinhar a importância de entender a obra de Mário de Sá- Carneiro através de uma leitura atenta da sua produção literária que não procura provas da “veracidade” dessa leitura na biografia do poeta do Orpheu. Partindo de uma análise do trabalho crítico de Fernando Cabral Martins, levanta-se a problemática de deturpar uma análise de crítica literária com abordagens influenciadas por normas de história da literatura que inserem a obra no seu contexto histórico, o que tem sido o caso na recepção da obra de Sá-Carneiro, onde o mito do autor tende a ofuscar o seu legado literário. Assim, este artigo questiona se em O Modernismo em Mário de Sá-Carneiro, Fernando Cabral Martins consegue libertar a obra sá-carneiriana da sombra do poeta biográfico, e oferece uma avaliação panorâmica da tradição crítica dedicada ao autor, apontando para casos de interpretações que se prenderam com questões que ficam para fora do texto, como tem sido o caso com a natureza homossexual da obra e do homem.
We propose a wireless medium access control (MAC) protocol that provides static-priority scheduling of messages in a guaranteed collision-free manner. Our protocol supports multiple broadcast domains, resolves the wireless hidden terminal problem and allows for parallel transmissions across a mesh network. Arbitration of messages is achieved without the notion of a master coordinating node, global clock synchronization or out-of-band signaling. The protocol relies on bit-dominance similar to what is used in the CAN bus except that in order to operate on a wireless physical layer, nodes are not required to receive incoming bits while transmitting. The use of bit-dominance efficiently allows for a much larger number of priorities than would be possible using existing wireless solutions. A MAC protocol with these properties enables schedulability analysis of sporadic message streams in wireless multihop networks.
Crítica de teatro / Thomas More / William Shakespeare / Anthony Munday / Robert Delamere / Royal Shakespeare Company
A 73 year-old white male, living in the interior of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, in central Brazil, after an initial diagnosis of sinusitis was transferred to the neurology service with a 3-day evolution of intracranial hypertension. Exams showed lymphocytic leukemia and a tumor-like lesion, either an expanding inflammatory process such as an abscess or a neoplasm. Treatment with Ceftriaxone and Decadron was started and intracranial hypertension was controlled. Methotrexate was injected on the occasion of the next puncture considering a possible leukemia infiltration. Flagellate forms of T. cruzi were observed in the CSF and treatment with Benznidazole was started. After 4 days the CSF presented fractionated forms of trypomastigotes. The protein level was 27%. Signs of intracranial hypertension ceased. Tomography and magnetic resonance images showed an important reduction of the tumor-like lesion. The clinical condition of the patient improved.
A low-cost disposable was developed for rapid detection of the protein biomarker myoglobin (Myo) as a model analyte. A screen printed electrode was modified with a molecularly imprinted material grafted on a graphite support and incorporated in a matrix composed of poly(vinyl chloride) and the plasticizer o-nitrophenyloctyl ether. The protein-imprinted material (PIM) was produced by growing a reticulated polymer around a protein template. This is followed by radical polymerization of 4-styrenesulfonic acid, 2-aminoethyl methacrylate hydrochloride, and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate. The polymeric layer was then covalently bound to the graphitic support, and Myo was added during the imprinting stage to act as a template. Non-imprinted control materials (CM) were also prepared by omitting the Myo template. Morphological and structural analysis of PIM and CM by FTIR, Raman, and SEM/EDC microscopies confirmed the modification of the graphite support. The analytical performance of the SPE was assessed by square wave voltammetry. The average limit of detection is 0.79 μg of Myo per mL, and the slope is −0.193 ± 0.006 μA per decade. The SPE-CM cannot detect such low levels of Myo but gives a linear response at above 7.2 μg · mL−1, with a slope of −0.719 ± 0.02 μA per decade. Interference studies with hemoglobin, bovine serum albumin, creatinine, and sodium chloride demonstrated good selectivity for Myo. The method was successfully applied to the determination of Myo urine and is conceived to be a promising tool for screening Myo in point-of-care patients with ischemia.
This work describes a novel use for the polymeric film, poly(o-aminophenol) (PAP) that was made responsive to a specific protein. This was achieved through templated electropolymerization of aminophenol (AP) in the presence of protein. The procedure involved adsorbing protein on the electrode surface and thereafter electroploymerizing the aminophenol. Proteins embedded at the outer surface of the polymeric film were digested by proteinase K and then washed away thereby creating vacant sites. The capacity of the template film to specifically rebind protein was tested with myoglobin (Myo), a cardiac biomarker for ischemia. The films acted as biomimetic artificial antibodies and were produced on a gold (Au) screen printed electrode (SPE), as a step towards disposable sensors to enable point-of-care applications. Raman spectroscopy was used to follow the surface modification of the Au-SPE. The ability of the material to rebind Myo was measured by electrochemical techniques, namely electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and square wave voltammetry (SWV). The devices displayed linear responses to Myo in EIS and SWV assays down to 4.0 and 3.5 μg/mL, respectively, with detection limits of 1.5 and 0.8 μg/mL. Good selectivity was observed in the presence of troponin T (TnT) and creatine kinase (CKMB) in SWV assays, and accurate results were obtained in applications to spiked serum. The sensor described in this work is a potential tool for screening Myo in point-of-care due to the simplicity of fabrication, disposability, short time response, low cost, good sensitivity and selectivity.