987 resultados para Anhysteretic remanent magnetization
The hysteretic behavior of mechanically alloyed nanocomposites FeCo + MnO was studied at high temperatures. These composites present an unusual high and thermally stable coercivity, compared to FeCo milled at equal conditions. Coercivity enhancement was observed in hysteresis loops obtained between room temperature and 750 K. It is attributed to the isolation of the FeCo ferromagnetic particles by the paramagnetic MnO (T(N) = 120 K). The M(rev)(M(irr))(H) curves are clearly linear for the composite, indicating that coherent rotation is the reversal mechanism in these materials. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The perpendicular exchange bias and magnetic anisotropy were investigated in IrMn/Pt/[Co/Pt](3) multilayers through the analysis of in-plane and out-of-plane magnetization hysteresis loops. A phenomenological model was used to simulate the in-plane curves and the effective perpendicular anisotropies were obtained employing the area method. The canted state anisotropy was introduced by taking into account the first and second uniaxial anisotropy terms of the ferromagnet with the corresponding uniaxial anisotropy direction allowed to make a nonzero angle with the film`s normal. This angle, obtained from the fittings, was of approximately 15 degrees for IrMn/[Co/Pt](3) film and decreases with the introduction of Pt in the IrMn/Pt/[Co/Pt](3) system, indicating that the Pt interlayer leads to a predominant perpendicular anisotropy. A maximum of the out-of-plane anisotropy was found between 0.5 and 0.6 nm of Pt, whereas a maximum of the perpendicular exchange bias was found at 0.3 nm. These results are very similar to those obtained for IrMn/Cu/[Co/Pt](3) system; however, the decrease of the exchange bias with the spacer thickness is more abrupt and the enhacement of the perpendicular anisotropy is higher for the case of Cu spacer as compared with that of Pt spacer. The existence of a maximum in the perpendicular exchange bias as a function of the Pt layer thickness was attributed to the predominance of the enhancement of exchange bias due to more perpendicular Co moment orientation over the exponential decrease of the ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic exchange coupling and, consequently, of the exchange-bias field. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An approach is presented that can also account for the description of small ferromagnetic particle magnetization tunneling. An estimate of the saturation value of an external applied magnetic field along the easy axis is obtained. An analytic expression for the tunneling factor in the absence of an external magnetic field is deduced from the present approach that also allows one to obtain the crossover temperature characterizing the regime where tunneling is dominated by quantum effects. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The erbium-based manganite ErMnO3 has been partially substituted at the manganese site by the transition-metal elements Ni and Co. The perovskite orthorhombic structure is found from x(Ni) = 0.2-0.5 in the nickel-based solid solution ErNixMn1-xO3, while it can be extended up to x(Co) = 0.7 in the case of cobalt, provided that the synthesis is performed under oxygenation conditions to favor the presence of Co3+. Presence of different magnetic entities (i.e., Er3+, Ni2+, Co2+, Co3+, Mn3+, and Mn4+) leads to quite unusual magnetic properties, characterized by the coexistence of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic interactions. In ErNixMn1-xO3, a critical concentration x(crit)(Ni) = 1/3 separates two regimes: spin-canted AF interactions predominate at x < x(crit), while the ferromagnetic behavior is enhanced for x > x(crit). Spin reversal phenomena are present both in the nickel- and cobalt-based compounds. A phenomenological model based on two interacting sublattices, coupled by an antiferromagnetic exchange interaction, explains the inversion of the overall magnetic moment at low temperatures. In this model, the ferromagnetic transition-metal lattice, which orders at T-c, creates a strong local field at the erbium site, polarizing the Er moments in a direction opposite to the applied field. At low temperatures, when the contribution of the paramagnetic erbium sublattice, which varies as T-1, gets larger than the ferromagnetic contribution, the total magnetic moment changes its sign, leading to an overall ferrimagnetic state. The half-substituted compound ErCo0.50Mn0.50O3 was studied in detail, since the magnetization loops present two well-identified anomalies: an intersection of the magnetization branches at low fields, and magnetization jumps at high fields. The influence of the oxidizing conditions was studied in other compositions close to the 50/50 = Mn/Co substitution rate. These anomalies are clearly connected to the spin inversion phenomena and to the simultaneous presence of Co2+ and Co3+ magnetic moments. Dynamical aspects should be considered to well identify the high-field anomaly, since it depends on the magnetic field sweep rate. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We compute the semiclassical magnetization and susceptibility of non-interacting electrons, confined by a smooth two-dimensional potential and subjected to a uniform perpendicular magnetic field, in the general case when their classical motion is chaotic. It is demonstrated that the magnetization per particle m(B) is directly related to the staircase function N(E), which counts the single-particle levels up to energy E. Using Gutzwiller's trace formula for N, we derive a semiclassical expression for m. Our results show that the magnetization has a non-zero average, which arises from quantum corrections to the leading-order Weyl approximation to the mean staircase and which is independent of whether the classical motion is chaotic or not. Fluctuations about the average are due to classical periodic orbits and do represent a signature of chaos. This behaviour is confirmed by numerical computations for a specific system.
We report magnetic data of free standing films of poly( aniline) (PANI) protonated with a plasticizing di-ester of succinic acid. The data have been obtained using the electron spin resonance (ESR) technique at two different frequencies, X-band (9.4 GHz) and Q-band ( 34 GHz), on one hand, and by magnetization measurements in broad ranges of temperatures and magnetic fields on the other hand. All the data can be explained assuming a transition as a function of temperature from delocalized magnetic moments in the valence band to localized positive polarons in several antiferromagnetically correlated bands. By increasing the magnetic field, the magnetic properties are affected in several ways. An intra-band admixture of states occurs; it contributes to increase the spins' localization and finally promotes an antiferromagnetic-metamagnetic transition.
The performance of the three-phase core type transformers, under AC/DC double excitation is discussed in this work. It is presented a mathematical model that considers the mutual coupling between phases and the magnetic nonlinearity. The validity of the proposed model is verified by means of the experimental and simulated results.
The size effects in the magnetization of a long cylindrical wire of circular cross section in the presence of an external magnetic field are investigated. For this study the London theory is used with boundary conditions appropriate for this geometry. Using the Monte Carlo simulated annealing method, the free energy of the mixed state is minimized with respect to the vortex positions. The ground state of the vortex lattice for n = 1 up to 18 vortices for a given radius of the cylinder is obtained. It is found that the finite size of the sample provokes a matching effect in the magnetization, as found in experiments with superconducting samples of finite size but different geometry. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.
This article reports on the influence of the magnetization damping on dynamic hysteresis loops in single-domain particles with uniaxial anisotropy. The approach is based on the Neel-Brown theory and the hierarchy of differential recurrence relations, which follow from averaging over the realizations of the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz equation. A new method of solution is proposed, where the resulting system of differential equations is solved directly using optimized algorithms to explore its sparsity. All parameters involved in uniaxial systems are treated in detail, with particular attention given to the frequency dependence. It is shown that in the ferromagnetic resonance region, novel phenomena are observed for even moderately low values of the damping. The hysteresis loops assume remarkably unusual shapes, which are also followed by a pronounced reduction of their heights. Also demonstrated is that these features remain for randomly oriented ensembles and, moreover, are approximately independent of temperature and particle size. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3684629]
A study of maar-diatreme volcanoes has been perfomed by inversion of gravity and magnetic data. The geophysical inverse problem has been solved by means of the damped nonlinear least-squares method. To ensure stability and convergence of the solution of the inverse problem, a mathematical tool, consisting in data weighting and model scaling, has been worked out. Theoretical gravity and magnetic modeling of maar-diatreme volcanoes has been conducted in order to get information, which is used for a simple rough qualitative and/or quantitative interpretation. The information also serves as a priori information to design models for the inversion and/or to assist the interpretation of inversion results. The results of theoretical modeling have been used to roughly estimate the heights and the dip angles of the walls of eight Eifel maar-diatremes — each taken as a whole. Inversemodeling has been conducted for the Schönfeld Maar (magnetics) and the Hausten-Morswiesen Maar (gravity and magnetics). The geometrical parameters of these maars, as well as the density and magnetic properties of the rocks filling them, have been estimated. For a reliable interpretation of the inversion results, beside the knowledge from theoretical modeling, it was resorted to other tools such like field transformations and spectral analysis for complementary information. Geologic models, based on thesynthesis of the respective interpretation results, are presented for the two maars mentioned above. The results gave more insight into the genesis, physics and posteruptive development of the maar-diatreme volcanoes. A classification of the maar-diatreme volcanoes into three main types has been elaborated. Relatively high magnetic anomalies are indicative of scoria cones embeded within maar-diatremes if they are not caused by a strong remanent component of the magnetization. Smaller (weaker) secondary gravity and magnetic anomalies on the background of the main anomaly of a maar-diatreme — especially in the boundary areas — are indicative for subsidence processes, which probably occurred in the late sedimentation phase of the posteruptive development. Contrary to postulates referring to kimberlite pipes, there exists no generalized systematics between diameter and height nor between geophysical anomaly and the dimensions of the maar-diatreme volcanoes. Although both maar-diatreme volcanoes and kimberlite pipes are products of phreatomagmatism, they probably formed in different thermodynamic and hydrogeological environments. In the case of kimberlite pipes, large amounts of magma and groundwater, certainly supplied by deep and large reservoirs, interacted under high pressure and temperature conditions. This led to a long period phreatomagmatic process and hence to the formation of large structures. Concerning the maar-diatreme and tuff-ring-diatreme volcanoes, the phreatomagmatic process takes place due to an interaction between magma from small and shallow magma chambers (probably segregated magmas) and small amounts of near-surface groundwater under low pressure and temperature conditions. This leads to shorter time eruptions and consequently to structures of smaller size in comparison with kimberlite pipes. Nevertheless, the results show that the diameter to height ratio for 50% of the studied maar-diatremes is around 1, whereby the dip angle of the diatreme walls is similar to that of the kimberlite pipes and lies between 70 and 85°. Note that these numerical characteristics, especially the dip angle, hold for the maars the diatremes of which — estimated by modeling — have the shape of a truncated cone. This indicates that the diatreme can not be completely resolved by inversion.
The use of water suppression for in vivo proton MR spectroscopy diminishes the signal intensities from resonances that undergo magnetization exchange with water, particularly those downfield of water. To investigate these exchangeable resonances, an inversion transfer experiment was performed using the metabolite cycling technique for non-water-suppressed MR spectroscopy from a large brain voxel in 11 healthy volunteers at 3.0 T. The exchange rates of the most prominent peaks downfield of water were found to range from 0.5 to 8.9 s(-1), while the T(1) relaxation times in absence of exchange were found to range from 175 to 525 ms. These findings may help toward the assignments of the downfield resonances and a better understanding of the sources of contrast in chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging.
Slow Relaxation of the Magnetization in Non-Linear Optical Active Layered Mixed Metal Oxalate Chains
Many metabolites in the proton magnetic resonance spectrum undergo magnetization exchange with water, such as those in the downfield region (6.0-8.5 ppm) and the upfield peaks of creatine, which can be measured to reveal additional information about the molecular environment. In addition, these resonances are attenuated by conventional water suppression techniques complicating detection and quantification. To characterize these metabolites in human skeletal muscle in vivo at 3 T, metabolite cycled non-water-suppressed spectroscopy was used to conduct a water inversion transfer experiment in both the soleus and tibialis anterior muscles. Resulting median exchange-independent T(1) times for the creatine methylene resonances were 1.26 and 1.15 s, and for the methyl resonances were 1.57 and 1.74 s, for soleus and tibialis anterior muscles, respectively. Magnetization transfer rates from water to the creatine methylene resonances were 0.56 and 0.28 s(-1) , and for the methyl resonances were 0.39 and 0.30 s(-1) , with the soleus exhibiting faster transfer rates for both resonances, allowing speculation about possible influences of either muscle fibre orientation or muscle composition on the magnetization transfer process. These water magnetization transfer rates observed without water suppression are in good agreement with earlier reports that used either postexcitation water suppression in rats, or short CHESS sequences in human brain and skeletal muscle.