1000 resultados para Amazonia Historia
Nota on es vol fer constar la cancel·lació del “Programa de Cooperación Interuniversitaria” conegut per l'acrònim “PCI” de l' “Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo” (AECID), un dels programes més exitosos y de més llarga tradició de la cooperació espanyola
The objective of this work was to evaluate the catabolic gene diversity for the bacterial degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons in anthropogenic dark earth of Amazonia (ADE) and their biochar (BC). Functional diversity analyses in ADE soils can provide information on how adaptive microorganisms may influence the fertility of soils and what is their involvement in biogeochemical cycles. For this, clone libraries containing the gene encoding for the alpha subunit of aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases (α-ARHD bacterial gene) were constructed, totaling 800 clones. These libraries were prepared from samples of an ADE soil under two different land uses, located at the Caldeirão Experimental Station - secondary forest (SF) and agriculture (AG) -, and the biochar (SF_BC and AG_BC, respectively). Heterogeneity estimates indicated greater diversity in BC libraries; and Venn diagrams showed more unique operational protein clusters (OPC) in the SF_BC library than the ADE soil, which indicates that specific metabolic processes may occur in biochar. Phylogenetic analysis showed unidentified dioxygenases in ADE soils. Libraries containing functional gene encoding for the alpha subunit of the aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases (ARHD) gene from biochar show higher diversity indices than those of ADE under secondary forest and agriculture.
The objective of this work was to obtain organic compounds similar to the ones found in the organic matter of anthropogenic dark earth of Amazonia (ADE) using a chemical functionalization procedure on activated charcoal, as well as to determine their ecotoxicity. Based on the study of the organic matter from ADE, an organic model was proposed and an attempt to reproduce it was described. Activated charcoal was oxidized with the use of sodium hypochlorite at different concentrations. Nuclear magnetic resonance was performed to verify if the spectra of the obtained products were similar to the ones of humic acids from ADE. The similarity between spectra indicated that the obtained products were polycondensed aromatic structures with carboxyl groups: a soil amendment that can contribute to soil fertility and to its sustainable use. An ecotoxicological test with Daphnia similis was performed on the more soluble fraction (fulvic acids) of the produced soil amendment. Aryl chloride was formed during the synthesis of the organic compounds from activated charcoal functionalization and partially removed through a purification process. However, it is probable that some aryl chloride remained in the final product, since the ecotoxicological test indicated that the chemical functionalized soil amendment is moderately toxic.
Abstract: Politics of the absent : history and traditional culture as ingredients of Nenets ethnicity
The results of a coupled, in situ laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb study on zircon and geochemical characterization of the Eastern Cordilleran intrusives of Peru reveal 1.15 Ga of intermittent magmatism along central Western Amazonia, the Earth's oldest active open continental margin. The eastern Peruvian batholiths are volumetrically dominated by plutonism related to the assembly and breakup of Pangea during the Paleozoic-Mesozoic transition. A Carboniferous-Permian (340-285 Ma) continental arc is identified along the regional orogenic strike from the Ecuadorian border (6 degrees S) to the inferred inboard extension of the Arequipa-Antofalla terrane in southern Peru (14 degrees S). Widespread crustal extension and thinning, which affected western Gondwana throughout the Permian and Triassic resulted in the intrusion of the late- to post-tectonic La Merced-San Ramon-type anatectites dated between 275 and 220 Ma, while the emplacement of the southern Cordillera de Carabaya peraluminous granitoids in the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic (220-190 Ma) represents, temporally and regionally, a separate tectonomagmatic event likely related to resuturing of the Arequipa-Antofalla block. Volcano-plutonic complexes and stocks associated with the onset of the present Andean cycle define a compositionally bimodal alkaline suite and cluster between 180 and 170 Ma. A volumetrically minor intrusive pulse of Oligocene age (ca. 30 Ma) is detected near the southwestern Cordilleran border with the Altiplano. Both post-Gondwanide (30-170 Ma), and Precambrian plutonism (691-1123 Ma) are restricted to isolated occurrences spatially comprising less than 15% of the Eastern Cordillera intrusives. Only one remnant of a Late Ordovician intrusive belt is recognized in the Cuzco batholith (446.5 +/- 9.7 Ma) indicating that the Famatinian arc system previously identified in Peru along the north-central Eastern Cordillera and the coastal Arequipa-Antofalla terrane also existed inboard of this parautochthonous crustal fragment. Hitherto unknown occurrences of late Mesoproterozoic and middle Neoproterozoic granitoids from the south-central cordilleran segment define magmatic events at 691 +/- 13 Ma, 751 +/- 8 Ma, 985 +/- 14 Ma, and 1071-1123 +/- 23 Ma that are broadly coeval with the Braziliano and Grenville-Sunsas orogenies, respectively. Our data suggest the existence of a continuous orogenic belt in excess of 3500 km along Western Amazonia during the formation of Rodinia, its ``early'' fragmentation prior to 690 Ma, and support a model of reaccretion of the Paracas-Arequipa-Antofalla terrane to western Gondwana in the Early Ordovician with subsequent detachment of the Paracas segment in form of the Mexican Oaxaquia microcontinent in Middle Ordovician. A tectonomagmatic model involving slab detachment, followed by underplating of cratonic margin by asthenospheric mantle is proposed for the genesis of the volumetrically dominant Late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic Peruvian Cordilleran batholiths.
Pohjola piirtyy kartalle - myyteistä todellisuuteen. Näyttely Sederholmin talossa 18.10.2006 - 25.2.2007
L’exposició “La cubierta plana, un paseo por su historia” pretén fer un recorregut per aquells moments de la nostra tradició arquitectònica en els quals el terrat ha tingut un paper cabdal. Les raons del seu èxit no poden cercar-se tan sols en el desenvolupament tecnològic, més aviat es poden trobar en la capacitat del terrat de ser usat i gaudit com una estança exterior dels edificis.Es tracta, doncs, d’una proposta de divulgació del coneixement actual sobre la coberta plana mitjançant documents i imatges d’època on el lector serà convidat a reconèixer els fils de la tradició que relliguen les més modernes propostes amb els terrats de l’arquitectura popular, pràcticament desapareguts.L’exposició està estructurada en sis blocs: 1. Inicis mítics i espais de l’habitar; 2. Mirades al món preindustrial: terrats a les arquitectures vernaculars; 3. Mirades al món preindustrial: àtics i balustrades en l’arquitectura del classicisme; 4. Els efectes de la industrialització: un nou impuls al terrat; 5. Moviment Modern: racionalisme, abstracció i metàfora de la màquina; i, 6. La coberta plana en un món global. La proposta invita als professionals a reflexionar sobre els lligams indestriables entre arquitectura i construcció.
Sobre les transformacions viscudes en els darrers cinquanta anys en el món rural a les comarques gironines
Reseña de: Entre la pluma y la pared: una historia de la cultura escrita en los Siglos de Oro. Castillo Gómez, Antonio. Madrid: Akal, 2006; 303 p.: il.; 22 cm. (Akal Universitaria. Historia Moderna; 248)
Para terminar el recorrido, nuestra intención es aportar un grupo de reseñas breves, de carácter a la vez informativo y valorativo. Esta selección de textos responde menos a un criterio de exégesis bibliográfica exhaustiva que a otro, más adaptado y válido para el espacio del que disponemos. Por ello, hemos intentado señalar, dentro de la prolífica producción que en este campo se ha dado durante los años l990s., algunas orientaciones, algunas pistas para retomar, fortalecidos, algunas propuestas que pueden encontrarse en el camino recorrido durante esa década por historiadores y antropólogos preocupados por este tema.