370 resultados para Albania Macedonia
We analyse the access to different institutional pathways to higher education for second-generation students, focusing on youths that hold a higher-education entrance certificate. The alternative vocational pathway appears to compensate to some degree, compared to the traditional academic one, for North-African and Southern-European youths in France, those from Turkey in Germany, and to a lesser degree those from Portugal, Turkey, Ex-Yugoslavia, Albania/Kosovo in Switzerland. This is not the case in Switzerland for Western-European, Italian, and Spanish youths who indeed access higher education via the academic pathway more often than Swiss youths. Using youth panel and survey data, multinomial models are applied to analyse these pathway choices.
Consists of separtate handbooks for 21 countries, issued in sections.
Contiene una segunda obra: "Vida del principe sacro de Macedonia don Pedro Cernovichio, àlias Fr. Angelo Cernovichio ...", con port. propia
These lectures were delivered in the University of Chicago during the summer of 1904. cf. Pref.
Mode of access: Internet.
Vol. 4 by Sir W.G. Macpherson and T.J. Mitchell.
"This work concerns the non-liberated Bulgarian lands actually the object of competition between Bulgaria and the other Balkan states."-Pref., p. [iii]
Translation of: Aus meinem Leben. Leipzig, 1865. The aphorisms and poems included in the German ed. are here omitted.
"An introduction dealing with the outbreak of the general European war and an additional chapter on Macedonia, both written by Dr. David Starr Jordan while this book was in press, will be found in the succeeding pages."--Prefatory note.
Includes bibliographical references.
Mode of access: Internet.
This piece of art is a flipbook, analogous to the ones children play with as they make cartoon balls bounce with the quick flipping of pages between their thumb and index finger. However, instead of a playful scene, this flipbook is a commentary on Albanian Sworn Virgins. These are women from Northern Albania who, in their youth, swear to celibacy in order to gain the societal power that is exclusive to men in their culture. This flipbook demonstrates this cultural male-to-female shift and comments on its inability to ever be fully realized. This commentary is inspired by the words of Albanian Sworn Virgins in Elvira Dones’ documentary, Sworn Virgins, who feel betrayed by their biological need to menstruate and who view their reproductive system as a permanent obstacle in completing their societal shift. Just as a child’s flipbook tells a story, this flipbook illustrates the Albanian Sworn Virgins’ forever-unfinished transformation.
Muharem Avdispahic 1 Coordinator of the TEMPUS Project SEE Doctoral Studies in Mathematical Sciences (144703-TEMPUS-2008-BA-TEMPUS-JPCR) The main goals of the TEMPUS Project ”SEE Doctoral Studies in Math- ematical Sciences”, funded by European Commission under the TEMPUS IV first call, consist of the development of a model of structured doctoral studies in Mathematical Sciences involving the network of Western Balkans universi- ties, the curricula design based on the existing strenghts and tendencies in the areas of Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science and the first phase of implementation of the agreed model during the SEE Doctoral Year in Mathematical Sciences 2011. A decisive step in this direction was ”SEE Young Researchers Workshop” held in Ohrid, FYR Macedonia, September 16-20, 2009, as a part of the Math- ematical Society of South-Eastern Europe (MASSEE) International Congress on Mathematics - MICOM 2009. MICOM 2009 continued the tradition of two previous highly successful MASSEE congresses that took place in Bulgaria in 2003 and in Cyprus in 2006. This volume of the journal Mathematika Balkanica contains the talks de- livered at Ohrid Workshop by South-Eastern European PhD students in various stage of their research towards a doctoral degree in mathematics or informat- ics. Facilitating publication efforts of young researchers from the universities of Sarajevo, Tuzla, Belgrade, Skopje, Stip, Graz, and Sofia fully coincides with MASSEE goals to promote, organize and support scientific, research and edu- cational activities in South-Eastern Europe. The consent of the Editorial Board of Mathematica Balkanica to publish ”SEE Young Researchers Workshop” contributions aptly meets intentions of European reform processes aimed at creating the European Higher Education Area and European Research Area. It is an encouragement to these young researchers in the first place and at the same time an encouragement to their institutions in overcoming fragmentation and enhancing their capacities through fostering reciprocal development of human resources.
AMS Subj. Classification: 83C15, 83C35