692 resultados para Adult child sexual abuse victims - Psychology


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This article outlines the changes to the definition of sexual offences in Northern Ireland following the implementation of the Sexual offences Northern Ireland Order 2008 in 2009, and its implications for nurses working with sexually active children in a range of clinical settings. The paper outlines the key changes for practice and addresses the needs of children in three different age groups with emphasis on children aged 13-15 years, and reviews mandatory reporting, the differences between the rights of children to consent and confidentiality, developmental sexual experimentation and sexual health promotion. It reviews related policy and guidance and makes clear the differences between sexual abuse and exploitation, and experimentation. It seeks to advise the Safeguarding Committee of the Department of Health Northern Ireland on how best to support nurses working with sexually active children and when this activity should be discussed with line managers and safeguarding specialists or referred to the safeguarding authorities.


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Sexuality is an issue of equality, rights, and ethics, especially when it comes to the sexuality of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This paper offers a discussion of ethics related to the assessment and intervention supports of sexual behavior in people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. A brief history of sexuality and disability is presented. Issues of sexual abuse of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and the laws related to sterilization, pornography, sexual rights, and consent are explored. Finally, specific ethical concerns related to intervention by behavior analysts in the realm of sexual behavior are examined.


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INTRODUCTION: This study sought to increase understanding of women's thoughts and feelings about decision making and the experience of subsequent pregnancy following stillbirth (intrauterine death after 24 weeks' gestation). METHODS: Eleven women were interviewed, 8 of whom were pregnant at the time of the interview. Modified grounded theory was used to guide the research methodology and to analyze the data. RESULTS: A model was developed to illustrate women's experiences of decision making in relation to subsequent pregnancy and of subsequent pregnancy itself. DISCUSSION: The results of the current study have significant implications for women who have experienced stillbirth and the health professionals who work with them. Based on the model, women may find it helpful to discuss their beliefs in relation to healing and health professionals to provide support with this in mind. Women and their partners may also benefit from explanations and support about the potentially conflicting emotions they may experience during this time.


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The number of HIV-infected persons with children and caregiving duties is likely to increase. From this statement, the present study was designed to establish how HIV infected caregivers organise their parenting routines and to determine their support needs. A further aim was to ascertain caregivers' perception of conspicuous behaviours displayed by their children. Finally, it sought to determine the extent to which the caregivers' assessment of their parenting activity is influenced by the required support and their children's perceived conspicuous behaviours. The study design was observational and cross-sectional. Sampling was based on the 7 HIV Outpatient Clinics associated with the national population-based Swiss HIV Cohort Study. It focused on persons living with HIV who are responsible for raising children below the age of 18. A total of 520 caregivers were approached and 261 participated. An anonymous, standardised, self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. The data were analysed using descriptive statistical procedures and backward elimination multiple regression analysis. The 261 respondents cared for 406 children and adolescents under 18 years of age; the median age was 10 years. The caregivers' material resources were low. 70% had a net family income in a range below the median of Swiss net family income and 30% were dependent on welfare assistance. 73% were undergoing treatment with 86% reporting no physical impairments. The proportion of single caregivers was 34%. 92% of the children were living with their HIV infected caregivers. 80% of the children attended an institution such as a school or kindergarten during the day. 89% of the caregivers had access to social networks providing support. Nevertheless, caregivers required additional support in performing their parenting duties and indicated a need for assistance on the material level, in connection with legal problems and with participation in the labour market. 46% of the caregivers had observed one or more conspicuous behaviours displayed by their children, which indicates a challenging situation. However, most of these caregivers assessed their parenting activity very favourably. Backward elimination multiple regression analysis indicated that a smaller number of support needs, younger age of the eldest child and fewer physical impairments on the part of the caregiver enhance the caregivers' assessment of their parenting activity. Physicians should speak to caregivers living with HIV about their parenting responsibilities and provide the necessary scope for this subject in their consultation sessions. Physicians are in a position to draw their patients' attention to the services available to them.


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L’exposition à la violence conjugale est une forme répandue de mauvais traitement psychologique envers l’enfant dont les conséquences néfastes sont maintenant bien connues. Les enfants ne sont pas tous affectés de la même manière par la violence conjugale et peuvent présenter différents profils d’adaptation. Des recherches de plus en plus nombreuses suggèrent l’importance de variables médiatrices qui permettent d’établir le lien entre l’exposition à la violence conjugale et l’adaptation de l’enfant. Toutefois, peu d’études permettent encore de préciser les relations entre ces variables, ni de connaître la pertinence de ces variables pour un profil d’adaptation particulier. Cette thèse, comprenant deux études empiriques, visait deux objectifs principaux. La première étude avait pour objectif d’examiner les liens entre le point de vue de l’enfant sur la violence conjugale et sur ses relations familiales, deux facteurs reconnus comme des médiateurs entre la violence conjugale et l’adaptation de l’enfant. Il était prévu que le point de vue de l’enfant sur la violence, pouvant se refléter par le blâme que l’enfant s’attribue pour la violence, sa perception de menace et sa peur d’être abandonné par ses parents, prédit son point de vue sur ses relations familiales, étudié sous l’angle de la parentification et des conflits de loyauté de l’enfant. Cette étude a été menée auprès de 79 enfants âgés de 8 à 12 ans et vivant avec leur mère dans un refuge pour femmes violentées. Les résultats révèlent que le blâme et la peur d’abandon prédisent la parentification et que la peur d’abandon prédit aussi les conflits de loyauté. L’objectif de la deuxième étude était de dégager des profils d’adaptation parmi les enfants exposés à la violence conjugale et d’identifier les facteurs qui leur sont associés. Ces facteurs renvoient à l’expérience de violence de l’enfant, à son point de vue sur la violence, à la qualité de la relation mère-enfant et à la parentification. Cette étude a été menée auprès de 116 enfants âgés entre 8 et 12 ans vivant en maison d’hébergement pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale ou fréquentant d’autres organismes offrant des services aux familles confrontées à la violence conjugale. Les résultats révèlent la présence de quatre profils d’adaptation : troubles extériorisés seulement, troubles intériorisés seulement, troubles à la fois extériorisés et intériorisés et absence de problème apparent. Ces quatre profils se distinguent selon la présence d’abus physique envers l’enfant, la qualité de la relation mère-enfant, le point de vue de l’enfant sur la violence et le degré de parentification de l’enfant. Les résultats sont discutés en fonction de l’apport respectif des parents et de l’enfant dans le développement de la parentification et des conflits de loyauté chez l’enfant exposé à la violence conjugale. La discussion souligne également la variabilité des manifestations de la détresse des enfants exposés à la violence conjugale. Les facteurs associés aux différents profils d’adaptation laissent entrevoir les besoins des enfants appartenant à un profil particulier et permettent de suggérer des liens entre ces facteurs.


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Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de Doctorat (D.Psy.) en psychologie option psychologie clinique


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Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de Doctorat (D.Psy) en psychologie option psychologie clinique


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Introducción: El embarazo en adolescentes es uno de los problemas de salud pública más relevantes a nivel mundial. En Colombia, las políticas no han sido efectivas para disminuir la tasa de embarazo en edades tempranas, ni para impedir la reincidencia de la gestación. Este estudio caracteriza esta problemática determinando la prevalencia y los factores asociados tanto del embarazo en adolescentes como de su reincidencia. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal comparativo a partir de 13,313 adolescentes colombianas respondientes de la Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud, 2010. Se realizaron regresiones multinomiales para comparar el grupo de adolescentes no embarazadas con las que tuvieron uno o varios embarazos y regresión logística para comparar el grupo de embarazo único y el reincidente. Resultados: El 13.3% tuvieron un embarazo y el 3.5% más de uno. Al comparar con las adolescentes que no se embarazaron: a) las adolescentes que tuvieron un embarazo fueron mayores, convivían con su pareja, vivían con más personas, fuera de la familia de origen y habían sido víctimas de abuso sexual y maltrato físico. La probabilidad de embarazo disminuyo en aquellas adolescentes que tenían más recursos económicos, deseaban un menor número de hijos, asistían al colegio, habían usado planificación familiar y recibido educación sexual. b) En las adolescentes que tuvieron más de un embarazo se asociaron los mismos factores sin embargo no hubo diferencias regionales ni asociación con el número deseado de hijos, se encontraron otros factores como el menor nivel educativo y las mujeres de raza negra. La reincidencia también se asocio con la edad mayor del primer compañero sexual, la ausencia de control prenatal y haber tenido un recién nacido prematuro. Conclusiones: Este estudio utilizó una muestra representativa de las adolescentes colombianas. Demuestra tanto las dimensiones del problema como los factores que se encuentran asociados al mismo con lo cual se podrán direccionar programas de prevención adecuados


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La Explotación Comercial sexual de los niños, niñas y adolescentes – ESCNNA ha ocasionado graves repercusiones en la sociedad, sometiendo a los menores a situaciones que atentan contra su integridad física y psicológica. Por ello, en el marco internacional y nacional se han adelantado diferentes iniciativas para erradicar dicho fenómeno. La Cooperación Internacional para el desarrollo- CI ha sido una valiosa herramienta en el tratamiento del flagelo dados los diferentes canales de ayuda los cuales han contribuido para su intervención. En este sentido, la CI por medio de la Agencia Canadiense para el desarrollo internacional- ACDI y la Fundación Renacer- ECPAT Internacional (End Child Prostitution, Pornography & Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) hicieron posible junto con otros actores el proyecto de CI en Cartagena llamado: “La Muralla soy yo”, el cual buscó la prevención y futura erradicación de la Explotación Sexual de niños y adolescentes en el turismo- ESNAT en la ciudad. En el presente estudio de caso se pretende identificar cómo la CI incide por medio de la ACDI y la red ECPAT Internacional en instituciones locales de Cartagena para la prevención y posible erradicación del problema de la Explotación comercial sexual infantil en niños, niñas y adolescentes, en el contexto del turismo.


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Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue el de diseñar un modelo de intervención para la prevención del suicidio en la población escolar de niños y adolescentes, con 72 participantes de un colegio público y un colegio privado de la ciudad de Bogotá. Se caracterizó el suicidio en la ciudad de Bogotá en los últimos nueve años, los aspectos legales, se analizaron algunos modelos de prevención, se identificaron los principales factores de riesgo y factores protectores y se propusieron estrategias para su prevención. Este modelo está basado en la administración social del riesgo y los factores protectores y de riesgo, susceptibles de modificación. Se realizó una prueba de tamizaje y fueron utilizados: el Inventario de depresión infantil (CDI de Kovacs), la escala de desesperanza de Beck y la escala de ansiedad para niños y adolescentes de Spence, validadas a nivel internacional. Se observó una correlación positiva (0.490) mediante el coeficiente de rangos de Spearman, con una significación de 0,01 (bilateral) para los tres factores de riesgo. Se hace entrega de un manual de instrucción para la intervención temprana del suicidio en esta población y un folleto informativo dirigido a padres de familia sobre los factores de riesgo y factores protectores. A partir de esto se plantean implicaciones futuras.


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This text deals with a part of the research-action “Multifamiliar groups with sexual offender adolescents” and emphasizes the written production of the adolescents during the process. two texts were involved: the first one was a letter addressed to the parents and the second was an evaluation of the multifamiliar group. Seven adolescents between 14 and 17 years old wrote the texts. About the first text we discussed: the adolescent as responsible for the domestic work; the adolescent and his need to receive support and protection and the adolescent and the recognition of his growth phase. about the second text: the feelings of the adolescent regarding sexual abuse; the relation with the institution that carries out the intervention; the symbols that identify his ambivalence. We comment about the sexual abuse practiced by these adolescents as from two main points: the adolescence seen as a development phase and the role played by the family in the conduction of this phase.


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A presente pesquisa tem por finalidade investigar com os participantes do Projeto “Escola que Protege” quais as violências mais comuns registradas nas escolas e o impacto deste nas atividades desenvolvidas nas escolas no combate à violência. A violência contra a criança e o adolescente representa, atualmente, um grave problema de saúde pública no mundo e a escola é o ambiente frequentado diariamente pelas crianças, por isso torna-se um local de extrema e fundamental importância para o seu crescimento e desenvolvimento, interferindo diretamente em sua postura e comportamento futuros. Optamos por uma pesquisa qualitativa, que por meio das entrevistas pudéssemos verificar o entendimento dos sujeitos desta investigação sobre a violência escolar e a repercussão do Projeto “Escola que Protege” no município. E, ao analisá-las, concluiu-se que as violências mais comuns existentes nos municípios pesquisados não são diferentes das encontradas nas outras regiões do país, onde existe o trabalho infantil, casos de violência doméstica, bullying, além do abuso sexual, que também acomete as crianças destes municípios. Detectamos por fim que o Projeto Escola que Protege, conseguiu alcançar resultados positivos em todos os municípios pesquisados, levando informações importantes aos educadores, capacitando-os para a resolução ou o encaminhamento dos casos de violência infantil detectadas no âmbito escolar.


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Introduction There is an increasing body of evidence suggesting an association between early adverse events and an increased prevalence of sub-clinical psychotic phenomena. These 'schizotypal' beliefs and experiences have been associated with a history of trauma, and are also recognised as a risk factor for the transition to psychosis. However, previous studies have not investigated the associations between specific types of adverse event and the distinct dimensions of such phenomena. Methods An internet questionnaire produced three groups of participants who had suffered discrete forms of childhood abuse. Results Individuals who had suffered physical or sexual abuse exhibited higher levels of paranoia/suspiciousness and unusual perceptual experiences, but not magical thinking. Individuals who had suffered emotional abuse did not show higher scores within any of these three measures of schizotypy. Conclusion The results suggest the need for further research to improve the specificity of the identification of individuals who may be at risk of a transition to psychosis.


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Using NCANDS data of US child maltreatment reports for 2009, logistic regression, probit analysis, discriminant analysis and an artificial neural network are used to determine the factors which explain the decision to place a child in out-of-home care. As well as developing a new model for 2009, a previous study using 2005 data is replicated. While there are many small differences, the four estimation techniques give broadly the same results, demonstrating the robustness of the results. Similarly, apart from age and sexual abuse, the 2005 and 2009 results are roughly similar. For 2009, child characteristics (particularly child emotional problems) are more important than the nature of the abuse and the situation of the household; while caregiver characteristics are the least important. All these models have low explanatory power.


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Harold Pinter’s A Night Out is a significant but rarely produced piece of drama. Therefore, there is very little criticism to support or contradict my argument. The reason why I chose to do my essay on this particular play is to open doors for academic research and to try and make it an equal to its sister plays. I will raise questions and topics to prove the play is worth the readers’ time and effort and that A Night Out is a sharp piece of political theatre. Although at first glance it is a simple enough story, a straightforward tale of the nasty consequences of motherly love when it is pushed to the limit, on deeper inspection, a more far reaching and complex analysis of the abuse of power can be observed. The play offers a variety of themes, including: interpersonal power struggles, failed attempts at communication, antagonistic relationships, the threat of impending or past violence, the struggle for survival or identity, domination and submission, politics, lies and verbal, physical, psychological and sexual abuse. The prevailing theme in the play is the abuse of power: powerful parties oppressing weaker ones, and the results of the oppressed party looking for a vent in someone even weaker than themselves.