926 resultados para Active and Reactive Power


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Objective measurements of physical fitness and pulmonary function are related individually to long-term survival, both in healthy people and in those who are ill. These factors are furthermore known to be related to one another physiologically in people with pulmonary disease, because advanced pulmonary disease causes ventilatory limitation to exercise. Healthy people do not have ventilatory limitation to exercise, but rather have ventilatory reserve. The relationship between pulmonary function and exercise performance in healthy people is minimal. Exercise performance has been shown to modify the effect of pulmonary function on mortality in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, but the relationship between these factors in healthy people has not been studied and is not known. The purpose of this study is to quantify the joint effects of pulmonary function and exercise performance as these bear on mortality in a cohort of healthy adults. This investigation is an historical cohort study over 20 years of follow-up of 29,624 adults who had complete preventive medicine, spirometry and treadmill stress examinations at the Cooper Clinic in Dallas, Texas.^ In 20 years of follow-up, there were 738 evaluable deaths. Forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV$\sb1$) percent of predicted, treadmill time in minutes percent of predicted, age, gender, body mass index, baseline smoking status, serum glucose and serum total cholesterol were all significant, independent predictors of mortality risk. There were no frank interactions, although age had an important increasing effect on the risk associated with smoking when other covariates were controlled for in a proportional-hazards model. There was no confounding effect of exercise performance on pulmonary function. In agreement with the pertinent literature on independent effects, each unit increase in FEV$\sb1$ percent predicted was associated with about eight tenths of a percent reduction in adjusted mortality rate. The concept of physiologic reserve is useful in interpretation of the findings. Since pulmonary function does not limit exercise tolerance in healthy adults, it is reasonable to expect that exercise tolerance would not modify the effect of pulmonary function on mortality. Epidemiologic techniques are useful for elucidating physiological correlates of mortality risk. ^


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CaCu3(Ti4xHfx)O12 ceramics (JC = 0.04, 0.1 and 0.2) were prepared by conventional synthesis (CS) and through reactive sintering (RS), in which synthesis and sintering of the material take place in one single step. The microstructure and the dielectric properties of Hf-doped CCTO (CCTOHf) have been studied by XRD, FE-SEM, AFM, Raman and impedance spectroscopy (IS) in order to correlate the structure, microstructure and the electrical properties. Samples prepared by reactive sintering show slightly higher dielectric constant than those prepared by conventional synthesis in the same way than the pure CCTO. Dielectric constant and dielectric losses decrease slightly increasing Hf content. For CCTOHf ceramics with x> 0.04 for CS and x> 0.1 for RS, a secondary phase HfTi04 appears. As expected, the reactive sintering processing method allows a higher incorporation of Hf in the CCTO lattice than the conventional synthesis one.


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When aqueous suspensions of gold nanorods are irradiated with a pulsing laser (808 nm), pressure waves appear even at low frequencies (pulse repetition rate of 25 kHz). We found that the pressure wave amplitude depends on the dynamics of the phenomenon. For fixed concentration and average laser current intensity, the amplitude of the pressure waves shows a trend of increasing with the pulse slope and the pulse maximum amplitude.We postulate that the detected ultrasonic pressure waves are a sort of shock waves that would be generated at the beginning of each pulse, because the pressure wave amplitude would be the result of the positive interference of all the individual shock waves.


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The genome of the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas putida harbours a complete set of xcp genes for a type II protein secretion system (T2SS). This study shows that expression of these genes is induced under inorganic phosphate (Pi ) limitation and that the system enables the utilization of various organic phosphate sources. A phosphatase of the PhoX family, previously designated UxpB, was identified, which was produced under low Pi conditions and transported across the cell envelope in an Xcp-dependent manner demonstrating that the xcp genes encode an active T2SS. The signal sequence of UxpB contains a twin-arginine translocation (Tat) motif as well as a lipobox, and both processing by leader peptidase II and Tat dependency were experimentally confirmed. Two different tat gene clusters were detected in the P.?putida genome, of which one, named tat-1, is located adjacent to the uxpB and xcp genes. Both Tat systems appeared to be capable of transporting the UxpB protein. However, expression of the tat-1 genes was strongly induced by low Pi levels, indicating a function of this system in survival during Pi starvation.


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The genome of the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas putida harbours a complete set of xcp genes for a type II protein secretion system (T2SS). This study shows that expression of these genes is induced under inorganic phosphate (Pi ) limitation and that the system enables the utilization of various organic phosphate sources. A phosphatase of the PhoX family, previously designated UxpB, was identified, which was produced under low Pi conditions and transported across the cell envelope in an Xcp-dependent manner demonstrating that the xcp genes encode an active T2SS. The signal sequence of UxpB contains a twin-arginine translocation (Tat) motif as well as a lipobox, and both processing by leader peptidase II and Tat dependency were experimentally confirmed. Two different tat gene clusters were detected in the P.?putida genome, of which one, named tat-1, is located adjacent to the uxpB and xcp genes. Both Tat systems appeared to be capable of transporting the UxpB protein. However, expression of the tat-1 genes was strongly induced by low Pi levels, indicating a function of this system in survival during Pi starvation.


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The three single-headed monomeric myosin I isozymes of Acanthamoeba castellanii (AMIs)—AMIA, AMIB, and AMIC—are among the best-studied of all myosins. We have used AMIC to study structural correlates of myosin’s actin-activated ATPase. This activity is normally controlled by phosphorylation of Ser-329, but AMIC may be switched into constitutively active or inactive states by substituting this residue with Glu or Ala, respectively. To determine whether activation status is reflected in structural differences in the mode of attachment of myosin to actin, these mutant myosins were bound to actin filaments in the absence of nucleotide (rigor state) and visualized at 24-Å resolution by using cryoelectron microscopy and image reconstruction. No such difference was observed. Consequently, we suggest that regulation may be affected not by altering the static (time-averaged) structure of AMIC but by modulating its dynamic properties, i.e., molecular breathing. The tail domain of vertebrate intestinal brush-border myosin I has been observed to swing through 31° on binding of ADP. However, it was predicted on grounds of differing kinetics that any such effects with AMIC should be small [Jontes, J. D., Ostap, E. M., Pollard, T. D. & Milligan, R. A. (1998) J. Cell Biol. 141, 155–162]. We have confirmed this hypothesis by observing actin-associated AMIC in its ADP-bound state. Finally, we compared AMIC to brush-border myosin I and AMIB, which were previously studied under similar conditions. In each case, the shape and angle of attachment to F-actin of the catalytic domain is largely conserved, but the domain structure and disposition of the tail is distinctively different for each myosin.


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Response inhibition is the ability to suppress inadequate but automatically activated, prepotent or ongoing response tendencies. In the framework of motor inhibition, two distinct operating strategies have been described: “proactiveandreactive” control modes. In the proactive modality, inhibition is recruited in advance by predictive signals, and actively maintained before its enactment. Conversely, in the reactive control mode, inhibition is phasically enacted after the detection of the inhibitory signal. To date, ample evidence points to a core cerebral network for reactive inhibition comprising the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG), the presupplementary motor area (pre-SMA) and the basal ganglia (BG). Moreover, fMRI studies showed that cerebral activations during proactive and reactive inhibition largely overlap. These findings suggest that at least part of the neural network for reactive inhibition is recruited in advance, priming cortical regions in preparation for the upcoming inhibition. So far, proactive and reactive inhibitory mechanisms have been investigated during tasks in which the requested response to be stopped or withheld was an “overt” action execution (AE) (i.e., a movement effectively performed). Nevertheless, inhibitory mechanisms are also relevant for motor control during “covert actions” (i.e., potential motor acts not overtly performed), such as motor imagery (MI). MI is the conscious, voluntary mental rehearsal of action representations without any overt movement. Previous studies revealed a substantial overlap of activated motor-related brain networks in premotor, parietal and subcortical regions during overtly executed and imagined movements. Notwithstanding this evidence for a shared set of cerebral regions involved in encoding actions, whether or not those actions are effectively executed, the neural bases of motor inhibition during MI, preventing covert action from being overtly performed, in spite of the activation of the motor system, remain to be fully clarified. Taking into account this background, we performed a high density EEG study evaluating cerebral mechanisms and their related sources elicited during two types of cued Go/NoGo task, requiring the execution or withholding of an overt (Go) or a covert (MI) action, respectively. The EEG analyses were performed in two steps, with different aims: 1) Analysis of the “response phase” of the cued overt and covert Go/NoGo tasks, for the evaluation of reactive inhibitory control of overt and covert actions. 2) Analysis of the “preparatory phase” of the cued overt and covert Go/NoGo EEG datasets, focusing on cerebral activities time-locked to the preparatory signals, for the evaluation of proactive inhibitory mechanisms and their related neural sources. For these purposes, a spatiotemporal analysis of the scalp electric fields was applied on the EEG data recorded during the overt and covert Go/NoGo tasks. The spatiotemporal approach provide an objective definition of time windows for source analysis, relying on the statistical proof that the electric fields are different and thus generated by different neural sources. The analysis of the “response phase” revealed that key nodes of the inhibitory circuit, underpinning inhibition of the overt movement during the NoGo response, were also activated during the MI enactment. In both cases, inhibition relied on the activation of pre-SMA and rIFG, but with different temporal patterns of activation in accord with the intended “covert” or “overt” modality of motor performance. During the NoGo condition, the pre-SMA and rIFG were sequentially activated, pointing to an early decisional role of pre-SMA and to a later role of rIFG in the enactment of inhibitory control of the overt action. Conversely, a concomitant activation of pre-SMA and rIFG emerged during the imagined motor response. This latter finding suggested that an inhibitory mechanism (likely underpinned by the rIFG), could be prewired into a prepared “covert modality” of motor response, as an intrinsic component of the MI enactment. This mechanism would allow the rehearsal of the imagined motor representations, without any overt movement. The analyses of the “preparatory phase”, confirmed in both overt and covert Go/NoGo tasks the priming of cerebral regions pertaining to putative inhibitory network, reactively triggered in the following response phase. Nonetheless, differences in the preparatory strategies between the two tasks emerged, depending on the intended “overt” or “covert” modality of the possible incoming motor response. During the preparation of the overt Go/NoGo task, the cue primed the possible overt response programs in motor and premotor cortex. At the same time, through preactivation of a pre-SMA-related decisional mechanism, it triggered a parallel preparation for the successful response selection and/or inhibition during the subsequent response phase. Conversely, the preparatory strategy for the covert Go/NoGo task was centred on the goal-oriented priming of an inhibitory mechanism related to the rIFG that, being tuned to the instructed covert modality of the motor performance and instantiated during the subsequent MI enactment, allowed the imagined response to remain a potential motor act. Taken together, the results of the present study demonstrate a substantial overlap of cerebral networks activated during proactive recruitment and subsequent reactive enactment of motor inhibition in both overt and covert actions. At the same time, our data show that preparatory cues predisposed ab initio a different organization of the cerebral areas (in particular of the pre-SMA and rIFG) involved with sensorimotor transformations and motor inhibitory control for executed and imagined actions. During the preparatory phases of our cued overt and covert Go/NoGo tasks, the different adopted strategies were tuned to the “how” of the motor performance, reflecting the intended overt and covert modality of the possible incoming action.


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We analyze the entropy production and the maximal extractable work from a squeezed thermal reservoir. The nonequilibrium quantum nature of the reservoir induces an entropy transfer with a coherent contribution while modifying its thermal part, allowing work extraction from a single reservoir, as well as great improvements in power and efficiency for quantum heat engines. Introducing a modified quantum Otto cycle, our approach fully characterizes operational regimes forbidden in the standard case, such as refrigeration and work extraction at the same time, accompanied by efficiencies equal to unity.


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Colloidal gold nanoparticles were synthesized by different procedures affording suspensions with two different mean sizes (2 and 5 nm). Au catalysts were prepared by sol immobilization onto several silica frameworks with different 2D and 3D mesoporosities. The catalysts were tested in styrene oxidation reactions showing excellent efficiency and selectivity. The effect of nanoparticle size and mesoporous framework on the physical and catalytic properties of the final materials was studied. The most selective catalyst was prepared from the 5 nm Au nanoparticles and the more interconnected silica framework (3D mesoporosity).


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Current trends show progressive declines in levels of physical activity from childhood through adolescence and adulthood, most notably for females. The current study examined organized activity involvement in active and inactive females (age 18) using retrospective data. Results indicated that active females participated in significantly more physical activities than inactive females from age 6 to age 18. No significant differences were found between groups for non-physical activities. In addition, parents of active and inactive females were the most influential factor in initiating physical activity. However, parents of active females initiated more physical activity involvement than did parents of inactive females. Results also indicate that certain periods in childhood and adolescence appear to be critical for developing long-term physical activity habits.