969 resultados para Activated carbon nanopowder
Ecological interactions between different species are not fixed, but they may depend, at least to some extent, on the particular genotypes involved as well as on the environmental conditions experienced by previous generations. We used a set of natural genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana, that previously experienced contrasting nutrient and herbivory conditions, to test for the influences of genetic variation and maternal effects on competitive interactions between Arabidopsis and the weedy annuals Anagallis arvensis and Senecio vulgaris. We used activated carbon to discriminate between resource competition and allelopathy components of plant-plant interactions. There was a clear competitive hierarchy: Senecio > Arabidopsis > Anagallis. Although we found no evidence for allelopathic potential of Arabidopsis, our results indicate that both Anagallis and Senecio exerted negative (direct or indirect) allelopathic effects on Arabidopsis. There were significant differences among Arabidopsis genotypes in their competitive effects on both neighbor species, as well as in their response to competition. Maternal environments significantly influenced not only the growth and fitness of Arabidopsis itself, but also its competitive effect on Anagallis. We found, however, no evidence that maternal environments affected the competitive effect on Senecio or overall competitive response of Arabidopsis. Generally, resource competition played a greater role than allelopathy, and genotype effects were more important than maternal effects. Our study demonstrates that ecological interactions, such as plant competition, are complex and multi-layered, and that, in particular, the influence of genetic variation on interactions with other species should not be overlooked.
Abstract Some introduced invasive species may be competitively superior to natives because they release allelochemicals, which negatively affect native species. Allelochemicals can be immediately effective after being released but can also persist in soils, resulting in a legacy effect. However, to our knowledge there are no studies which distinguish between allelopathic legacy and immediate allelopathy of invasive species and also test for their relative importance and possible interdependence. We used eleven invasive species and tested whether they show immediate allelopathy and allelopathic legacy effects in a factorial pairwise competition experiment using field-collected soil (invaded/non-invaded) and activated carbon to neutralize allelochemicals. We grew two native and the invasive species in both monocultures and pairwise mixtures. In monocultures, the native species did not experience an allelopathic legacy effect of the invasives, suggesting that invaders generally lack persistent allelochemicals. However, the effects of invader allelochemicals were modulated by competitive interactions. In competition, immediate allelopathy decreased competitive ability of natives, while allelopathic legacy positively affected the natives. Moreover, immediate allelopathic and allelopathic legacy effects were strongly negatively correlated. Our results suggest that both immediately released allelochemicals and the allelochemical legacy of invasive species are important for plant performance under natural conditions, and that natives should be able to recover once the invaders are removed. To test whether immediate allelopathy is responsible for plant invasion success, further studies should compare allelopathic effects between invasive and closely related native species.
Two highly efficient (K2CO3/sludge carbon and ZnCl2/sludge carbon) solids were prepared by chemical addition following carbonization at 800 °C and were tested for anaerobic reduction of tartrazine dye in a continuous upflow packed-bed biological reactor, and their performance was compared to that of commercial activated carbon (CAC). The chemical and structural information of the solids was subjected to various characterizations in order to understand the mechanism for anaerobic decolorization, and efficiency for SBCZN800 and SBCPC800 materials was 87% and 74%, respectively, at a short space time (τ) of 2.0 min. A first-order kinetic model fitted the experimental points and kinetic constants of 0.40, 0.92 and 1.46 min(-1) were obtained for SBCZN800, SBCPC800 and CAC, respectively. The experimental results revealed that performance of solids in the anaerobic reduction of tartrazine dye can depend on several factors including chemical agents, carbonization, microbial population, chemical groups and surface chemistry. The Langmuir and Freundlich models are successfully described in the batch adsorption data. Based on these observations, a cost-effective sludge-based catalyst can be produced from harmful sewage sludge for the treatment of industrial effluents.
Los procesos de biofiltración por carbón activo biológico se han utilizado desde hace décadas, primeramente en Europa y después en Norte América, sin embargo no hay parámetros de diseño y operación específicos que se puedan utilizar de guía para la biofiltración. Además, el factor coste a la hora de elegir el carbón activo como medio de filtración impacta en el presupuesto, debido al elevado coste de inversión y de regeneración. A la hora de diseñar y operar filtros de carbón activo los requisitos que comúnmente se buscan son eliminar materia orgánica, olor, y sabor de agua. Dentro de la eliminación de materia orgánica se precisa la eliminación necesaria para evitar subproductos en la desinfección no deseados, y reducir los niveles de carbono orgánico disuelto biodegradable y asimilable a valores que consigan la bioestabilidad del agua producto, a fin de evitar recrecimiento de biofilm en las redes de distribución. El ozono se ha utilizado durante años como un oxidante previo a la biofiltración para reducir el olor, sabor, y color del agua, oxidando la materia orgánica convirtiendo los compuestos no biodegradables y lentamente biodegradables en biodegradables, consiguiendo que puedan ser posteriormente eliminados biológicamente en los filtros de carbón activo. Sin embargo la inestabilidad del ozono en el agua hace que se produzcan ácidos carboxilos, alcoholes y aldehídos, conocidos como subproductos de la desinfección. Con esta tesis se pretende dar respuesta principalmente a los siguientes objetivos: análisis de parámetros requeridos para el diseño de los filtros de carbón activo biológicos, necesidades de ozonización previa a la filtración, y comportamiento de la biofiltración en un sistema compuesto de coagulación sobre un filtro de carbón activo biológico. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la biofiltración es un proceso que encaja perfectamente con los parámetros de diseño de plantas con filtración convencional. Aunque la capacidad de eliminación de materia orgánica se reduce a medida que el filtro se satura y entra en la fase biológica, la biodegradación en esta fase se mantienen estable y perdura a lo lago de los meses sin preocupaciones por la regeneración del carbón. Los valores de carbono orgánico disuelto biodegradable se mantienen por debajo de los marcados en la literatura existente para agua bioestable, lo que hace innecesaria la dosificación de ozono previa a la biofiltración. La adición de la coagulación con la corrección de pH sobre el carbón activo consigue una mejora en la reducción de la materia orgánica, sin afectar a la biodegradación del carbón activo, cumpliendo también con los requerimientos de turbidez a la salida de filtración. Lo que plantea importantes ventajas para el proceso. Granular activated carbon filters have been used for many years to treat and produce drinking water using the adsorption capacity of carbon, replacing it once the carbon lost its adsorption capacity and became saturated. On the other hand, biological activated carbon filters have been studied for decades, firstly in Europe and subsequently in North America, nevertheless are no generally accepted design and operational parameters documented to be used as design guidance for biofiltration. Perhaps this is because of the cost factor; to choose activated carbon as a filtration media requires a significant investment due to the high capital and regeneration costs. When activated carbon filters are typically required it is for the reduction of an organic load, removal of colour, taste and / or odour. In terms of organic matter reduction, the primary aim is to achieve as much removal as possible to reduce or avoid the introduction of disinfection by products, the required removal in biodegradable dissolved organic carbon and assimilable organic carbon to produce a biologically stable potable water which prohibits the regrowth of biofilm in the distribution systems. The ozone has historically been used as an oxidant to reduce colour, taste and odour by oxidizing the organic matter and increasing the biodegradability of the organic matter, enhancing the effectiveness of organic removal in downstream biological activated carbon filters. Unfortunately, ozone is unstable in water and reacts with organic matter producing carboxylic acids, alcohols, and aldehydes, known as disinfection by products. This thesis has the following objectives: determination of the required parameters for the design of the biological activated filters, the requirement of ozonization as a pre-treatment for the biological activated filters, and a performance assessment of biofiltration when coagulation is applied as a pretreatment for biological activated carbon filters. The results show that the process design parameters of biofiltration are compatible with those of conventional filtration. The organic matter removal reduces its effectiveness as soon as the filter is saturated and the biological stage starts, but the biodegradation continues steadily and lasts for a long period of time without the need of carbon regeneration. The removal of the biodegradable dissolved organic carbon is enough to produce a biostable water according to the values shown on the existing literature; therefore ozone is not required prior to the filtration. Furthermore, the addition of coagulant and pH control before the biological activated carbon filter achieves a additional removal of organic matter, without affecting the biodegradation that occurs in the activated carbon whilst also complying with the required turbidity removal.
Esta Tesis Doctoral tiene como principal objetivo el obtener una cadena de tratamientos seguros de aguas seriados que nos permita asegurar la calidad de las aguas para consumo humano en caso de emergencias, de tal forma que se minimicen los efectos de acciones hostiles, como sabotajes o actos terroristas, desastres naturales, etc y buscar soluciones adecuadas para garantizar en este caso la salud. Las plantas de tratamientos de aguas existentes comercialmente no aseguran dicha calidad y la documentación sobre el tema presenta vacíos de conocimiento, contradicciones entre resultados de investigaciones o insostenibilidad de conclusiones de las mismas. Estas carencias nos permiten determinar los aspectos a tratar durante la investigación. Por ello, este objetivo se concretó en tres acciones: Investigar sobre rendimientos de plantas convencionales en eliminación de microorganismos y productos tóxicos y peligrosos. Introducir mejoras que garanticen el rendimiento de las plantas convencionales. Investigar sobre la conveniencia de complementar las instalaciones existentes buscando seguridad y garantía sanitaria. Y se desarrollaron tres líneas de investigación: LI 1 “Inorgánicos”: Investigación sobre la eliminación de los metales boro, cobre y molibdeno mediante procesos de intercambio iónico y de coagulaciónfloculación- decantación. LI 2 “Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles”: Investigación sobre la eliminación de los compuestos orgánicos 1,1 dicloroetano, 1,2 dicloroetano, clorobenceno, 1,3 dicloropropeno y hexacloro 1,3 butadieno mediante procesos de carbón activo granular y de oxidación avanzada. LI 3 “Plantas portátiles”: Investigación sobre plantas existentes portátiles para verificar su rendimiento teórico y proponer mejoras. Estas líneas de investigación se desarrollaron tanto en el nivel teórico como en el empírico, bien sea en laboratorio como en campo. A lo largo del documento se demuestra que las principales fuentes de contaminación, salvo la degradación de yacimientos naturales, proceden de la actividad humana (efluentes industriales y agrícolas, aguas residuales y actividades beligerantes) que provocan un amplio espectro de enfermedades por lo que dificultan tanto la definición de la fuente como la anticipada detección de la enfermedad. Las principales conclusiones que se obtuvieron están relacionadas con el rendimiento de eliminación de los parámetros tras la aplicación de los procesos y plantas de tratamiento de aguas anteriormente reseñadas. Sin embargo, el verdadero elemento designador de originalidad de esta Tesis Doctoral, tal como se ha reseñado arriba, radica en la definición de un sistema seriado de procesos de tratamiento de aguas que asegura la calidad en caso de emergencia. Éste se define en el siguiente orden: pretratamiento, oxidación, coagulación-floculación-decantación, filtración por arena, intercambio iónico, carbón activo granular, microfiltración, radiación UV, ósmosis inversa, radiación UV y cloración final. The main objective of this Thesis is to obtain a chain of stepwise safe water treatments that allow us to ensure the quality of water for human consumption in case of emergencies, so that the effects of hostile actions, such as sabotage or terrorism, natural disasters, etc. and seek appropriate solutions in this case to ensure health. The existing commercial water treatment plants do not ensure quality, and the documentation on the subject presents knowledge gaps or contradictions. These gaps allow us to determine the issues to be discussed during the investigation. Therefore, this objective was manifested in three actions: Researching yields in commercial plants and microorganisms, or toxic and dangerous products removal. Improvements to ensure the performance of conventional plants. Inquire about the advisability of implementing existing facilities for safety and health guarantee. And three lines of research are developed: LI 1 “Inorganic elements”: Research removing metals iron, copper and molybdenum by ion exchange processes and coagulation-flocculation-decantation. LI 2 “Volatile Organic Compounds”: Research removing organic compounds 1,1 dichloroethane, 1,2 dichloroethane, chlorobenzene, 1,3-dichloropropene and 1,3-butadiene hexachloro through processes of granular activated carbon and advanced oxidation. LI 3 “Compact Water Treatment Plants”: Research on existing packaged plants to verify theoretical performance and suggest improvements. These lines of research are developed both theoretically and empirically, both in the laboratory and in the field. Throughout the document, it is evident that the main sources of pollution, other than the degradation of natural deposits, come from human activity (industrial and agricultural effluents, sewage and belligerent activities) which cause a broad spectrum of diseases which hamper both the definition of the source and the early detection of the disease. The main conclusions drawn are related to both the removal efficiency parameters after application of processes and treatment plants outlined above water. However, the real designator of originality of this thesis, such as outlined above, lies in the definition of a serial system water treatment processes assuring quality in case of emergency. This is defined in the following order: pretreatment, oxidation, coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation, sand filtration, ion exchange, granular activated carbon, microfiltration, UV radiation, reverse osmosis, UV radiation and final chlorination.
Nessa pesquisa são relatados os resultados da determinação das concentrações de microcistina e de biomassa algal após as várias etapas de tratamento de amostras de água coletadas junto ao reservatório de Barra Bonita-SP visando obtenção de água potável. O tratamento foi realizado em escala de laboratório com e sem aplicação de carvão ativado em pó (CAP) e as etapas foram: coagulação com aplicação de cloreto férrico, sedimentação, filtração em papel de filtro. Foi possível observar que a pré-clarificação desse tipo de água por coagulação seguida de sedimentação requereu dosagens relativamente elevadas de cloreto férrico (80 mg/L), tendo sido verificada eficiência muito baixa de remoção de microcistina nas etapas de tratamento por sedimentação seguida de filtração, quando não foi aplicado CAP. Apenas com a aplicação de CAP a microcistina foi reduzida à níveis que atendessem os padrões de potabilidade previstos na Portaria 518/04 (concentração menor que 1 μg/L). A determinação de microcistina pelo método que utiliza Imunoadsorventes Ligados à Enzima (ELISA) mostrou-se uma ferramenta útil e confiável para detectar e quantificar essa toxina, embora ainda apresente custo relativamente elevado.
The paper provides interesting evidences that a low softening point isotropic petroleum pitch can be used as a good carbon precursor for the preparation of activated carbons. The activation is carried out by KOH and/or NaOH and the resulting activated carbons present well developed porosity. Such hydroxide activations can be done directly on the pristine petroleum pitch (P) or on the pitch that has been submitted to an air stabilisation followed by a N2 heat treatment (TAN). In general, KOH activation produces better results than NaOH, both in terms of porosity and yield, the results obtained for the activation of TAN being impressive because of the good porosity developments and high yields reached. The different treatments carried out over the petroleum pitch precursor clearly show that they significantly influence the extent of microporosity development. This is due to different changes occurring in the porous structure of the precursor as a function of the treatment carried out. The efficiency of the activation process increases as the mesophase content of the precursor decreases, as well as the mesophase formation during the activation process is avoided.
Este trabajo se integra en el marco de un estudio de valoración energética de subproductos obtenidos de la palmera datilera, disponibles en grandes cantidades y que actualmente no se valorizan. El objetivo principal de este trabajo consiste en evaluar los subproductos de la palmera datilera, y en concreto, estudiar el poder calorífico superior de las principales especies presentes en los oasis, y en obtener, mediante pirolisis de estos subproductos, carbón activo, y de esta al forma valorar residuos, obtener un aprovechamiento económico secundario, al mismo tiempo que estamos valorando estos residuos. El estudio se realiza sobre siete especies arbóreas, entre ellas cinco variedades de palmera datiliera, y en concreto sobre un único subproducto. Los resultados de estas pruebas permitieron poner de manifiesto que el Poder Calorífico de las especies que habitan los oasis es más importante que el de las otras especies arbóreas. El residuo sólido se obtiene de la madera de la parte inferior del árbol que se llama (Kornaf), activada a una temperatura de 700 °C utilizando el vapor de agua como agente de activación. Se estudió la calidad del carbón activo obtenido, mediante el cálculo de su superficie específica, y resultó de buena calidad (1050m2/g).
A hydrogen economy is needed, in order to resolve current environmental and energy-related problems. For the introduction of hydrogen as an important energy vector, sophisticated materials are required. This paper provides a brief overview of the subject, with a focus on hydrogen storage technologies for mobile applications. The unique properties of hydrogen are addressed, from which its advantages and challenges can be derived. Different hydrogen storage technologies are described and evaluated, including compression, liquefaction, and metal hydrides, as well as porous materials. This latter class of materials is outlined in more detail, explaining the physisorption interaction which leads to the adsorption of hydrogen molecules and discussing the material characteristics which are required for hydrogen storage application. Finally, a short survey of different porous materials is given which are currently investigated for hydrogen storage, including zeolites, metal organic frameworks (MOFs), covalent organic frameworks (COFs), porous polymers, aerogels, boron nitride materials, and activated carbon materials.
We show, through some examples, that chemical activation by alkaline hydroxides permits the preparation of activated carbons with tailored pore volume, pore size distribution, pore structure and surface chemistry, which are useful for their application as electrodes in supercapacitors. Examples are presented discussing the importance of each of these properties on the double layer capacitance, on the kinetics of the electric double-layer charge-discharge process and on the pseudo-capacitative contribution from the surface functional groups or the addition of a conducting polymer.
An asymmetric aqueous capacitor was constructed by employing zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) as a pseudocapacitive positive electrode and KOH-activated carbon as a stable negative electrode. The asymmetric capacitor can be operated with the working voltage of 1.4 V, and exhibits an energy density that is comparable to those of conventional capacitors utilizing organic electrolytes, thanks to the large pseudocapacitance of ZTC. Despite relatively thick electrode (0.2 mm) configuration, the asymmetric capacitor could be well operated under a current density of 500 mA g −1.
On the basis of laboratory experiments with model mixtures (active carbon + CuBr2 at different loads), this work studies the formation of polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PBDD/Fs) by de novo synthesis. For the different samples, the temperature of the maximum carbon oxidation rate was determined by thermogravimetric analysis, and a kinetic model was proposed for the degradation of the materials in an oxidizing atmosphere (synthetic air). The effect of the addition of different amounts of CuBr2 was studied, finding that its presence accelerates the degradation of the carbonaceous structure in the presence of oxygen. The thermal degradation of the samples in air is satisfactorily described by a first-order single-reaction model. In addition, combustion runs of one of the mixtures (consisting of activated carbon + 50 wt % CuBr2, pyrolyzed at 700 °C) were performed in a quartz horizontal laboratory furnace. The analysis of the emissions and the solid residue proved the formation of brominated dioxins and furans at 300, 400, and 500 °C, with a maximum yield at 300 °C (91.7 ng/g of total PBDD/Fs) and a higher bromination degree with increasing temperature.
A biomass derived carbon, a commercial microporous carbon and a xerogel mesoporous carbon catalysts were used in the study of α-pinene methoxilation reaction and the influence of textural and physical–chemical properties of the carbons was evaluated. Biomass carbon presented the higher activity, whereas the commercial one is the less active in the conditions studied. The main product of the reaction was α-terpinyl methyl ether and good values of selectivity were obtained over all the catalysts. A kinetic model was developed assuming that the α-pinene is consumed according to the parallel reaction network. The kinetic model presents high quality fittings to the experimental concentration profiles. These results show that it is possible to activate a waste residue using H3PO4 and convert it to high added value product such as acid catalyst.
In this work, the WGS performance of a conventional Ni/CeO2 bulk catalyst is compared to that of a carbon-supported Ni-CeO2 catalyst. The carbon-supported sample resulted to be much more active than the bulk one. The higher activity of the Ni-CeO2/C catalyst is associated to its oxygen storage capacity, a parameter that strongly influences the WGS behavior. The stability of the carbon-supported catalyst under realistic operation conditions is also a subject of this paper. In summary, our study represents an approach towards a new generation of Ni-ceria based catalyst for the pure hydrogen production via WGS. The dispersion of ceria nanoparticles on an activated carbon support drives to improved catalytic skills with a considerable reduction of the amount of ceria in the catalyst formulation.
Las grandes emisiones de CO2 procedentes de la combustión de combustibles fósiles están provocando un calentamiento global en nuestro planeta. Estos problemas medioambientales están obligando a los diferentes gobiernos a buscar soluciones que permitan reducir esas emisiones y mitigar sus efectos adversos. Una de las soluciones más prometedoras consiste en la captura selectiva de CO2 en efluentes industriales mediante el uso de materiales adsorbentes porosos (zeolitas, carbón activado y materiales híbridos MOFs) que combinen una elevada capacidad de adsorción y una adecuada selectividad a CO2 frente al resto de gases del proceso industrial, además de una adecuada regeneración.