934 resultados para Absaroka Range


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The objectives of this paper were to derive the genetic variance of inbreeding depression ( ) and to predict the range of inbreeding depression (RID) in cross-pollinated populations. The variance of inbreeding depression is a function of the genetic variances related to dominance effects (, D2, and ), and of the inbreeding coefficients of the two generations in which inbreeding depression is measured (Ft and Fg). The results showed that the higher the level of dominance of a trait, the higher the variance of inbreeding depression. The magnitudes of were expected to be lower in improved (mean gene frequencies = > 0.6) and in unimproved ( < 0.4) populations, than in composite populations ( » 0.5). Data from a maize population used to illustrate the study showed that the range of inbreeding depression in the S¥ generation of selfing was from 48.7% to 85.3% for grain yield, and from 13.9% to 24.5% for plant height. A mating design outlined to estimate the genetic variance of inbreeding depression, the range of inbreeding depression, and of the range of inbred lines is presented.


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This study compares contrast thresholds for sinewave gratings, or spatial frequencies (1/CSF) with contrast thresholds for angular frequencies (1/aCSF) and for radial frequencies, or J0 targets (1/rCSF). Observers had to differentiate between one of these frequency stimuli and a stimulus at mean luminance within a forced-choice procedure. All measurements were made with the same equipment, methods and subjects. Our results show higher sensitivity to, or lower thresholds for, angular frequencies when compared to either sinewave gratings or J0 targets. Contrast values in arbitrary units, in the lower threshold range for angular frequencies, were about half those required to differentiate sinewave gratings from mean luminance in its most sensitive range


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Meandering rivers have been perceived to evolve rather similarly around the world independently of the location or size of the river. Despite the many consistent processes and characteristics they have also been noted to show complex and unique sets of fluviomorphological processes in which local factors play important role. These complex interactions of flow and morphology affect notably the development of the river. Comprehensive and fundamental field, flume and theoretically based studies of fluviomorphological processes in meandering rivers have been carried out especially during the latter part of the 20th century. However, as these studies have been carried out with traditional field measurements techniques their spatial and temporal resolution is not competitive to the level achievable today. The hypothesis of this study is that, by exploiting e increased spatial and temporal resolution of the data, achieved by combining conventional field measurements with a range of modern technologies, will provide new insights to the spatial patterns of the flow-sediment interaction in meandering streams, which have perceived to show notable variation in space and time. This thesis shows how the modern technologies can be combined to derive very high spatial and temporal resolution data on fluvio-morphological processes over meander bends. The flow structure over the bends is recorded in situ using acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and the spatial and temporal resolution of the flow data is enhanced using 2D and 3D CFD over various meander bends. The CFD are also exploited to simulate sediment transport. Multi-temporal terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), mobile laser scanning (MLS) and echo sounding data are used to measure the flow-based changes and formations over meander bends and to build the computational models. The spatial patterns of erosion and deposition over meander bends are analysed relative to the measured and modelled flow field and sediment transport. The results are compared with the classic theories of the processes in meander bends. Mainly, the results of this study follow well the existing theories and results of previous studies. However, some new insights regarding to the spatial and temporal patterns of the flow-sediment interaction in a natural sand-bed meander bend are provided. The results of this study show the advantages of the rapid and detailed measurements techniques and the achieved spatial and temporal resolution provided by CFD, unachievable with field measurements. The thesis also discusses the limitations which remain in the measurement and modelling methods and in understanding of fluvial geomorphology of meander bends. Further, the hydro- and morphodynamic models’ sensitivity to user-defined parameters is tested, and the modelling results are assessed against detailed field measurement. The study is implemented in the meandering sub-Arctic Pulmanki River in Finland. The river is unregulated and sand-bed and major morphological changes occur annually on the meander point bars, which are inundated only during the snow-melt-induced spring floods. The outcome of this study applies to sandbed meandering rivers in regions where normally one significant flood event occurs annually, such as Arctic areas with snow-melt induced spring floods, and where the point bars of the meander bends are inundated only during the flood events.


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Thromboelastography (TEG®) provides a functional evaluation of coagulation. It has characteristics of an ideal coagulation test for trauma, but is not frequently used, partially due to lack of both standardized techniques and normal values. We determined normal values for our population, compared them to those of the manufacturer and evaluated the effect of gender, age, blood type, and ethnicity. The technique was standardized using citrated blood, kaolin and was performed on a Haemoscope 5000 device. Volunteers were interviewed and excluded if pregnant, on anticoagulants or having a bleeding disorder. The TEG® parameters analyzed were R, K, α, MA, LY30, and coagulation index. All volunteers outside the manufacturer’s normal range underwent extensive coagulation investigations. Reference ranges for 95% for 118 healthy volunteers were R: 3.8-9.8 min, K: 0.7-3.4 min, α: 47.8-77.7 degrees, MA: 49.7-72.7 mm, LY30: -2.3-5.77%, coagulation index: -5.1-3.6. Most values were significantly different from those of the manufacturer, which would have diagnosed coagulopathy in 10 volunteers, for whom additional investigation revealed no disease (81% specificity). Healthy women were significantly more hypercoagulable than men. Aging was not associated with hypercoagulability and East Asian ethnicity was not with hypocoagulability. In our population, the manufacturer’s normal values for citrated blood-kaolin had a specificity of 81% and would incorrectly identify 8.5% of the healthy volunteers as coagulopathic. This study supports the manufacturer’s recommendation that each institution should determine its own normal values before adopting TEG®, a procedure which may be impractical. Consideration should be given to a multi-institutional study to establish wide standard values for TEG®.


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The striatum, the largest component of the basal ganglia, is usually subdivided into associative, motor and limbic components. However, the electrophysiological interactions between these three subsystems during behavior remain largely unknown. We hypothesized that the striatum might be particularly active during exploratory behavior, which is presumably associated with increased attention. We investigated the modulation of local field potentials (LFPs) in the striatum during attentive wakefulness in freely moving rats. To this end, we implanted microelectrodes into different parts of the striatum of Wistar rats, as well as into the motor, associative and limbic cortices. We then used electromyograms to identify motor activity and analyzed the instantaneous frequency, power spectra and partial directed coherence during exploratory behavior. We observed fine modulation in the theta frequency range of striatal LFPs in 92.5 ± 2.5% of all epochs of exploratory behavior. Concomitantly, the theta power spectrum increased in all striatal channels (P < 0.001), and coherence analysis revealed strong connectivity (coefficients >0.7) between the primary motor cortex and the rostral part of the caudatoputamen nucleus, as well as among all striatal channels (P < 0.001). Conclusively, we observed a pattern of strong theta band activation in the entire striatum during attentive wakefulness, as well as a strong coherence between the motor cortex and the entire striatum. We suggest that this activation reflects the integration of motor, cognitive and limbic systems during attentive wakefulness.


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It is common to see in any soybean plant that seeds reach maturity at different times. Thus the objective of the present study was to determine the magnitude of the seed moisture range at different stages of maturation in a soybean plant. The field study was conducted in a tropical region in the state of Mato Grosso - Brazil, established with foundation seeds of the MTBR-45 cultivar, and at flowering, 100 plants were marked at the same maturity stage. Harvesting began when seeds still were at high moisture content (MC). At each of eight harvesting times, during 16 days, all pods from two plants were harvested and the seeds from each pod were hand threshed individually and determined the moisture content . The results revealed that there is a great distribution of seed MC in a soybean plant, where at physiological maturity, the magnitude can reach more than 30 percentage points. Also, even with an average MC below 12%, there were more than 20 % of the seeds with MC above 13% and some seeds at this point had been waiting to be harvested for more than a week. The following conclusions and/or recommendations can be taken: 1- The great seed MC range in a soybean seed lot harvested at field maturity leads to the presence of seeds susceptible to mechanical damage and with MC unsafe for adequate storage; 2 - It is recommended that harvesting be accomplished when the seeds are in the 15-18% MC range, in order to minimize field deterioration and the percentage of seeds with high MC; 3- Drying is recommended, even when soybean seeds are in their average MC safe for storage.


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Matings systems using signals for sexual communication have been studied extensively and results commonly suggest that females use these signals for locating males, species-identification, and mate choice. Although numerous mating systems employ multiple signals, research has generally focused on long-range signals perhaps due to their prominence and ease of study. This study focused on the short-range acoustic courtship song of crickets. The results presented here suggest this signal is under selection by female choice. Females mated preferentially with males having shorter silences between the two types of ticks within the song. The length of these silences (Gap 1) was correlated with male condition such that males having long silences were significantly lower in mass with respect to body size when compared to males having short silences. Both Gap 1 length and male condition were significantly repeatable within males over time suggesting the possibility these traits have a genetic basis. This study is the first empirical study to test female preferences within the natural variation of the courtship song. It now appears, at least in crickets, that both the longand short-range signals of a multi-signal mating system may contribute to male mating success.


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Large carpenter bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Xylocopa) have traditionally been thought of as exhibiting solitary or occasionally communal colony social organization. However, studies have demonstrated more complex fonns of social behaviour in this genus. In this document, I examine elements ofbehaviour and life history in a North American species at the northern extreme of its range. Xylocopa virginica was found to be socially polymorphic with both solitary and meta-social or semi-social nests in the same population. In social nests, there is no apparent benefit from additional females which do not perfonn significant work or guarding. I found that the timing of life-history events varies between years, yet foraging effort only differed in the coldest and wettest year of2004 the study. Finally, I that male X virginica exhibit female defence polygyny, with resident and satellite males. Resident males maintain their territories through greater aggression relative to satellites.


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Light brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to medium in size. The clast shape ranges from sub-angular to sub-rounded. Lineations are abundant throughout the sample. Light folding structures can also be seen in this sample. There are minor amounts of grain crushing/stacking also present.


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This paper develops a model of short-range ballistic missile defense and uses it to study the performance of Israel’s Iron Dome system. The deterministic base model allows for inaccurate missiles, unsuccessful interceptions, and civil defense. Model enhancements consider the trade-offs in attacking the interception system, the difficulties faced by militants in assembling large salvos, and the effects of imperfect missile classification by the defender. A stochastic model is also developed. Analysis shows that system performance can be highly sensitive to the missile salvo size, and that systems with higher interception rates are more “fragile” when overloaded. The model is calibrated using publically available data about Iron Dome’s use during Operation Pillar of Defense in November 2012. If the systems performed as claimed, they saved Israel an estimated 1778 casualties and $80 million in property damage, and thereby made preemptive strikes on Gaza about 8 times less valuable to Israel. Gaza militants could have inflicted far more damage by grouping their rockets into large salvos, but this may have been difficult given Israel’s suppression efforts. Counter-battery fire by the militants is unlikely to be worthwhile unless they can obtain much more accurate missiles.


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Receipt from George Lloyd, dealer in stoves and ranges, St. Catharines for range and pipes, July 1, 1887.


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Compact-range radar backscatter measurements are taken of aircraft scale models. In addition, computer software is used to predict the RCS of the aircraft. Synthetic down-range profiles formed from the two sources of backscatter data are compared and visualized in an innovative manner. Similar discrimination rates between the two aircraft are obtained on data from both source