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Total serum IgE, and Strongyloides - specific IgG and IgA antibodies were studied in 27 patients with parasitologically proven strongyloidiasis. Clinical manifestations in this case series were investigated by a restrospective study of the patient's records. Total serum IgE levels were elevated (greater than 250 IU/ml) in 59% of the patients (mean concentration = 1364 IU/ml). Parasite - specific IgG and IgA antibodies were detected by ELISA in the serum of 23 (85.2%) and 21 (77.8%) patients, respectively. Elevated serum IgE and clinical manifestations were not useful indexes of the presence of strongyloidiasis. On the other hand, our results support the view that serologic tests, particularly ELISA for detecting Strongyloides - specific IgG antibodies, can be usefully exploited for diagnostic purposes in strongyloidiasis.


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Comunicação apresentada no 38º Congresso Mundial do Instituto Internacional de Sociologia, em Budapeste, Hungria, de 26 a 30 de Junho de 2008.


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Epidemiologic studies have reported an inverse association between dairy product consumption and cardiometabolic risk factors in adults, but this relation is relatively unexplored in adolescents. We hypothesized that a higher dairy product intake is associated with lower cardiometabolic risk factor clustering in adolescents. To test this hypothesis, a cross-sectional study was conducted with 494 adolescents aged 15 to 18 years from the Azorean Archipelago, Portugal. We measured fasting glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, systolic blood pressure, body fat, and cardiorespiratory fitness. We also calculated homeostatic model assessment and total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio. For each one of these variables, a z score was computed using age and sex. A cardiometabolic risk score (CMRS) was constructed by summing up the z scores of all individual risk factors. High risk was considered to exist when an individual had at least 1 SD from this score. Diet was evaluated using a food frequency questionnaire, and the intake of total dairy (included milk, yogurt, and cheese), milk, yogurt, and cheese was categorized as low (equal to or below the median of the total sample) or “appropriate” (above the median of the total sample).The association between dairy product intake and CMRS was evaluated using separate logistic regression, and the results were adjusted for confounders. Adolescents with high milk intake had lower CMRS, compared with those with low intake (10.6% vs 18.1%, P = .018). Adolescents with appropriate milk intake were less likely to have high CMRS than those with low milk intake (odds ratio, 0.531; 95% confidence interval, 0.302-0.931). No association was found between CMRS and total dairy, yogurt, and cheese intake. Only milk intake seems to be inversely related to CMRS in adolescents.


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Neurocysticercosis (NC), the presence of Taenia solium metacestodes in tissues, is the most frequent and severe parasitic infection of the central nervous system. We investigated the presence of total IgE by an automated chemiluminescence assay in 53 paired cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum samples from patients with NC (P) and in 40 CSF samples from individuals with other neurological disorders as the control group (C). Total IgE concentration ranged from 1.2 to 6.6 IU/ml (mean = 1.4 IU/ml, standard deviation-sd = 1.1 IU/ml) in 28.3% of CSF samples from the P group, a value significantly higher than for the C group (£1.0 IU/ml). The serum samples from the P group showed concentrations ranging from 1.0 to 2330.0 IU/ml (mean = 224.1 IU/ml, sd = 452.1 IU/ml), which were higher than the normal value cited by the manufacturer (<100.0 IU/ml) in 32.1% of the samples. A significant difference was observed in CSF samples from the P and C groups (p = 0.005) and in serum samples from the P group compared to the normal value (p = 0.005), with sera showing more frequent abnormal results.


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Despite the absence of current official reports showing the number of cattle infected by rabies, it is estimated that nearly 30,000 bovines are lost each year in Brazil. In order to minimize the important economic losses, control of the disease is achieved by eliminating bat colonies and by herd vaccination. In this study, we compare the antibody response in cattle elicited by vaccination with an attenuated ERA vaccine (AEvac) and an inactivated-adjuvanted PV (IPVvac) vaccine. The antibody titers were appraised by cell-culture neutralization test and ELISA, and the percentage of seropositivity was ascertained for a period of 180 days. IPVvac elicited complete seropositivity rates from day 30 to day 150, and even on day 180, 87% of the sera showed virus-neutralizing antibody titers (VNA) higher than 0.5IU/ml. There were no significant differences between the VNA titers and seropositivity rates obtained with IPVvac in the two methods tested. AEvac, however, elicited significantly lower titers than those observed in the group receiving inactivated vaccine. In addition, the profiles of antirabies IgG antibodies, evaluated by ELISA, and VNA, appraised by cell-culture neutralization test, were slightly different, when both vaccines were compared.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial


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This work measures and tries to compare the Antioxidant Capacity (AC) of 50 commercial beverages of different kinds: 6 wines, 12 beers, 18 soft drinks and 14 flavoured waters. Because there is no reference procedure established for this purpose, three different optical methods were used to analyse these samples: Total Radical trapping Antioxidant Parameter (TRAP), Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC) and Ferric ion Reducing Antioxidant Parameter (FRAP). These methods differ on the chemical background and nature of redox system. The TRAP method involves the transfer of hydrogen atoms while TEAC and FRAP involves electron transfer reactions. The AC was also assessed against three antioxidants of reference, Ascorbic acid (AA), Gallic acid (GA) and 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl- 2-carboxylic acid (Trolox). The results obtained were analyzed statistically. Anova one-way tests were applied to all results and suggested that methods and standards exhibited significant statistical differences. The possible effect of sample features in the AC, such as gas, flavours, food colouring, sweeteners, acidity regulators, preservatives, stabilizers, vitamins, juice percentage, alcohol percentage, antioxidants and the colour was also investigated. The AC levels seemed to change with brand, kind of antioxidants added, and kind of flavour, depending on the sample. In general, higher ACs were obtained for FRAP as method, and beer for kind of sample, and the standard expressing the smaller AC values was GA.


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The total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of 28 flavoured water samples was assessed by ferric reducing antioxidant potential (FRAP), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) and total reactive antioxidant potential (TRAP) methods. It was observed that flavoured waters had higher antioxidant activity than the corresponding natural ones. The observed differences were attributed to flavours, juice and vitamins. Generally, higher TAC contents were obtained on lemon waters and lower values on guava and raspberry flavoured waters. Lower and higher TACs were obtained by TRAP and ORAC method, respectively. Statistical analysis suggested that vitamins and flavours increased the antioxidant content of the commercial waters.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is an important public health issue worldwide. It is estimated that over 170 million people are infected with the virus. The present study reports six cases in which patients did not respond to combination therapy with pegylated interferon and ribavirin. However, after the addition of thalidomide to the therapy, the patients presented negative RNA PCR. The use of thalidomide combined with pegylated interferon and ribavirin for the treatment of hepatitis C is described here for the first time in the related literature.


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A eficácia ventilatória, avaliada por prova de esforço cardiorrespiratória (PECR), tem um importante valor prognóstico em doentes (dts) com insuficiência cardíaca crónica (ICC) por disfunção sistólica ventricular esquerda (DSVE). Os seus determinantes mantêm-se, contudo, controversos. Objectivo: Investigar a eventual correlação entre parâmetros de eficácia ventilatória, obtidos por PECR, e o valor do fluido torácico total (FTT), avaliado por bioimpedância eléctrica torácica (BET), em dts com ICC por DSVE. Métodos: Estudámos 120 dts com ICC por DSVE, referenciados ao nosso laboratório para PECR — 76% do sexo masculino, idade 52,1 ± 12,1 anos, 37% de etiologia isquémica, fracção de ejecção ventricular esquerda 27,6 ± 7,9%, 83% em ritmo sinusal, 96% sob iECA e/ou ARAII, 79% sob beta-bloqueante e 20% tratados com dispositivo de ressincronização cardíaca. Os dts efectuaram PECR, em tapete rolante, protocolo de Bruce modificado,sendo considerados para análise, como parâmetro de capacidade funcional, o consumo de oxigénio de pico (VO2p) e, como parâmetros de eficácia ventilatória, o declive (d) da relação entre ventilação minuto(VE) e produção de CO2 (VCO2) e o valor do VE/VCO2 no limiar anaeróbico (LANA). Os estudos por BET, média de 20 minutos de aquisição, foram efectuados após 15 minutos de repouso, em posição supina, imediatamente antes das PECR, sendo analisado o valor do FTT. Resultados: O valor do FTT variou entre 20,6 e 45,8 kOhm−1, média = 32,2, DP = 5,7, mediana = 32,7, o de VO2p entre 8,9 e 40,6 ml/kg/min, média = 21,0, DP = 6,2, mediana = 20,2, o do dVE/VCO2 entre 19,8 e 60,7, média = 30,7, DP = 7,9, mediana = 29,1 e o do VE/VCO2 no LANA entre 21 e 62,média = 33,1, DP = 7,5, mediana = 31,5. Por regressão linear, o FTT não se correlacionou com o VO2p — r = 0,05, p = 0,58 — mas apresentou correlação com os parâmetros de eficácia ventilatória analisados: r = 0,20, p = 0,032, r² = 0,04 com dVE/VCO2 e r = 0,25, p = 0,009, r² = 0.06 com VE/VCO2 no LANA. Conclusão: O FTT correlaciona-se com os parâmetros de eficácia ventilatória, avaliados por PECR, em dts com ICC por DSVE, o que indica que poderá ser um dos seus determinantes.


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Dissertação de doutoramento em Filosofia Contemporânea


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A Artroplastia Total do Joelho (ATJ) tem vindo a assumir-se como a opção cirúrgica mais frequente no tratamento de doentes com alterações degenerativas da articulação do joelho devido aos ótimos resultados funcionais e melhoria da dor. No entanto, a percentagem de doentes com sintomas dolorosos após a realização deste procedimento atinge em algumas estatísticas publicadas valores significativos que oscilam entre os 10 e os 20%. Em alguns casos a dor não é facilmente explicável, representando um desafio para o cirurgião. Os autores relatam o caso de uma doente de 71 anos submetida a ATJ primária, no contexto de patologia degenerativa idiopática associado a desvio axial em varum. A dor localizava-se na face anteroexterna do joelho ao nível da interlinha articular e tiveram início no pós-operatório de forma gradual, associadas ao aumento da mobilidade. Devido à presença de um sintoma associado a atividade mecânica, foram colocadas várias hipóteses, entre as quais a possibilidade de conflito com resquício intra-articulares do compartimento externo do joelho. A doente foi submetida a artroscopia da articulação do joelho que revelou a existência de um fragmento meniscal que provocava conflito entre o côndilo externo do componente artroplástico femoral e o polietileno no movimento de extensão máxima do joelho. Procedeu-se a remoção artroscópica do fragmento com melhoria sintomática completa. Os autores pretendem com este caso evidenciar a importância da investigação diagnóstica para o tratamento da dor inexplicável na ATJ, e o valor terapêutico da artroscopia nos casos de provável conflito.


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São apresentados três casos de endocardite por Cândida Parapsilosis que surgiram em crianças com idade entre os sete e os nove anos, após terem sido submetidas a correcção total de Tetralogia de Fallot. As três crianças foram reoperadas, tendo recebido previamente uma delas terapêutica médica com anfotericina B e duas exclusivamente com Ketoconazol oral. Após negativação das hemoculturas foi efectuada remoção cirúrgica das vegetações com substituição do patch septal de dacron. A terapêutica com Ketoconazol prosseguiu durante 24 meses, com follow-up de 30 a 42 meses, não se tendo verificado nem reinfecção nem efeitos secundários da terapêutica. A ecocardiografia bidimensional revelou-se um método eficaz no diagnóstico e seguimento a longo prazo. A terapêutica médico-cirúrgica combinada, com timing cirúrgico baseado em dados clínicos e laboratoriais foi fundamental para os bons resultados, estando as crianças actualmente curadas.