513 resultados para A. Polyaniline (PANI)


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Se ensaya aquí cómo construye su mirada el arquitecto Mario Pani Darqui (México, D.F., 1911-1993), cuya visión es la del jugador de ajedrez: estratégica, cenital y transversal, profunda y extraada, inci- siva y extensa, mimética y contrapuesta. Todo al mismo tiempo. Con base en esta reconstrucción de su forma de ver ―crucial para el entendimiento de la arquitectura y el urbanismo de México en el si- glo XX― se plantea una acción conceptual en el entorno del río Manzanares en Madrid. Un paisaje espiritual, silente, que a través de tres situaciones radicales obliga a quien lo contempla a un ejercicio instantáneo de meditación. Se ejecuta y se cartografía, dando como resultado una aproximación sen- sible sobre cómo intervenir en el paisaje y su registro.


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Graphene and carbon nanotubes are promising materials for supercapacitor electrodes because of their high specific surface area and excellent electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties. However, these materials suffer from a high manufacturing cost and some aggregation of graphene layers or the presence of toxic residual metallic impurities of carbon nanotubes.


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Se ensaya aquí cómo construye su mirada el arquitecto Mario Pani Darqui (México, D.F., 1911 - 1993), cuya visión es la del jugador de ajedrez: estratégica, cenital y transversal, profunda y extraada, inc i- siva y extensa, mimética y contrapuesta. Todo al mismo tiempo. Con base en esta reconstrucción de su forma de ver ―crucial para el entendimiento de la arquitectura y el urbanismo de México en el s i- glo XX― se plantea una acción conceptual en el entorno del río Manzanares en Madrid. U n paisaje espiritual, silente, que a través de tres situaciones radicales obliga a quien lo contempla a un ejercicio instantáneo de meditación. Se ejecuta y se cartografía, dando como resultado una aproximación se n- sible sobre cómo intervenir en el paisaje y su registro


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We present a disposable optical sensor for Ascorbic Acid (AA). It uses a polyaniline based electrochromic sensing film that undergoes a color change when exposed to solutions of ascorbic acid at pH 3.0. The color is monitored by a conventional digital camera working with the hue (H) color coordinate. The electrochromic film was deposited on an Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) electrode by cyclic voltammetry and then characterized by atomic force microscopy, electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques. An estimation of the initial rate of H, as ΔH/Δt, is used as the analytical parameter and resulted in the following logarithmic relationship: ΔH/Δt = 0.029 log[AA] + 0.14, with a limit of detection of 17 μM. The relative standard deviation when using the same membrane 5 times was 7.4% for the blank, and 2.6% (for n = 3) on exposure to ascorbic acid in 160 μM concentration. The sensor is disposable and its applicability to pharmaceutical analysis was demonstrated. This configuration can be extended for future handheld configurations.


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A series of activated carbons were prepared by carbonization of polyaniline at different temperatures, using KOH or K2CO3 as activating agent. Pure microporous or micro/mesoporous activated carbons were obtained depending on the preparation conditions. Carbonization temperature has been proven to be a key parameter to define the textural properties of the carbon when using KOH. Low carbonization temperatures (400–650 °C) yield materials with a highly developed micro- and mesoporous structure, whereas high temperatures (800 °C) yield microporous carbons. Some of the materials prepared using KOH exhibit a BET surface area superior to 4000 m2/g, with total pore volume exceeding 2.5 cm3/g, which are among the largest found for activated carbons. On the other hand, microporous materials are obtained when using K2CO3, independently of carbonization temperature. Some of the materials were tested for CO2 capture due to their high microporosity and N content. The adsorption capacity for CO2 at atmospheric pressure and 0 °C achieves a value of ∼7.6 mmol CO2/g, which is among the largest reported in the literature. This study provides guidelines for the design of activated carbons with a proper N/C ratio for CO2 capture at atmospheric pressure.


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Combining intrinsically conducting polymers with carbon nanotubes (CNT) helps in creating composites with superior electrical and thermal characteristics. These composites are capable of replacing metals and semiconductors as they possess unique combination of electrical conductivity, flexibility, stretchability, softness and bio-compatibility. Their potential for use in various organic devices such as super capacitors, printable conductors, optoelectronic devices, sensors, actuators, electrochemical devices, electromagnetic interference shielding, field effect transistors, LEDs, thermoelectrics etc. makes them excellent substitutes for present day semiconductors.However, many of these potential applications have not been fully exploited because of various open–ended challenges. Composites meant for use in organic devices require highly stable conductivity for the longevity of the devices. CNT when incorporated at specific proportions, and with special methods contributes quite positively to this end.The increasing demand for energy and depleting fossil fuel reserves has broadened the scope for research into alternative energy sources. A unique and efficient method for harnessing energy is thermoelectric energy conversion method. Here, heat is converted directly into electricity using a class of materials known as thermoelectric materials. Though polymers have low electrical conductivity and thermo power, their low thermal conductivity favours use as a thermoelectric material. The thermally disconnected, but electrically connected carrier pathways in CNT/Polymer composites can satisfy the so-called “phonon-glass/electron-crystal” property required for thermoelectric materials. Strain sensing is commonly used for monitoring in engineering, medicine, space or ocean research. Polymeric composites are ideal candidates for the manufacture of strain sensors. Conducting elastomeric composites containing CNT are widely used for this application. These CNT/Polymer composites offer resistance change over a large strain range due to the low Young‟s modulus and higher elasticity. They are also capable of covering surfaces with arbitrary curvatures.Due to the high operating frequency and bandwidth of electronic equipments electromagnetic interference (EMI) has attained the tag of an „environmental pollutant‟, affecting other electronic devices as well as living organisms. Among the EMI shielding materials, polymer composites based on carbon nanotubes show great promise. High strength and stiffness, extremely high aspect ratio, and good electrical conductivity of CNT make it a filler of choice for shielding applications. A method for better dispersion, orientation and connectivity of the CNT in polymer matrix is required to enhance conductivity and EMI shielding. This thesis presents a detailed study on the synthesis of functionalised multiwalled carbon nanotube/polyaniline composites and their application in electronic devices. The major areas focused include DC conductivity retention at high temperature, thermoelectric, strain sensing and electromagnetic interference shielding properties, thermogravimetric, dynamic mechanical and tensile analysis in addition to structural and morphological studies.


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[EN] Therefore the understanding and proper evaluation of the flow and mixing behaviour at microscale becomes a very important issue. In this study, the diffusion behaviour of two reacting solutions of HCI and NaOH were directly observed in a glass/polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic device using adaptive coatings based on the conductive polymer polyaniline that are covalently attached to the microchannel walls. The two liquid streams were combined at the junction of a Y-shaped microchannel, and allowed to diffuse into each other and react. The results showed excellent correlation between optical observation of the diffusion process and the numerical results. A numerical model which is based on finite volume method (FVM) discretisation of steady Navier-Stokes (fluid flow) equations and mass transport equations without reactions was used to calculate the flow variables at discrete points in the finite volume mesh element. The high correlation between theory and practical data indicates the potential of such coatings to monitor diffusion processes and mixing behaviour inside microfluidic channels in a dye free environment.


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A Gram-staining positive, non-motile, rod-shaped, catalase positive and oxidase negative bacterium, designated NCCP-1331(T), was isolated from a hot water spring soil collected from Tatta Pani, Kotli, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. The isolate grew at a temperature range of 18-40 °C (optimum 30 °C), pH 6.0-9.0 (optimum 7.0) and with 0-6 % NaCl (optimum 2 % NaCl (w/v)). The phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequence revealed that strain NCCP-1331(T) belonged to the genus Streptomyces and is closely related to Streptomyces brevispora BK160(T) with 97.9 % nucleotide similarity, followed by Streptomyces drosdowiczii NRRL B-24297(T) with 97.8 % nucleotide similarity. The DNA-DNA relatedness values of strain NCCP-1331(T) with S. brevispora KACC 21093(T) and S. drosdowiczii CBMAI 0498(T) were 42.7 and 34.7 %, respectively. LL-DAP was detected as diagnostic amino acid along with alanine, glycine, leucine and glutamic acid. The isolate contained MK-9(H8) as the predominant menaquinone. Major polar lipids detected in NCCP-1331(T) were phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol and unidentified phospholipids. Major fatty acids were iso-C16: 0, summed feature 8 (18:1 ω7c/18:1 ω6c), anteiso-C15:0 and C16:0. The genomic DNA G + C content was 69.8 mol %. On the basis of phylogenetic, phenotypic and chemotaxonomic analysis, it is concluded that strain NCCP-1331(T) represents a novel species of the genus Streptomyces, for which the name Streptomyces caldifontis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is NCCP-1331(T) (=KCTC 39537(T) = CPCC 204147(T)).


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We report the synthesis of new protic ionic liquids (PILs) based on aniline derivatives and the use of high-throughput (HT) techniques to screen possible candidates. In this work, a simple HT method was applied to rapidly screen different aniline derivatives against different acids in order to identify possible combinations that produce PILs. This was followed by repeating the HT process with Chemspeed robotic synthesis platform for more accurate results. One of the successful combinations were then chosen to be synthesised on full scale for further analysis. The new PILs are of interest to the fields of ionic liquids, energy storage and especially, conducting polymers as they serve as solvents, electrolytes and monomers in the same time for possible electropolymerisation (i.e. a self-contained polymer precursor).


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Tämän tutkielman tehtävänä on selvittää diakonian viralle esitettyjä teologisia perusteita kirkon viralliseen päätöksentekoon liittyvissä asiakirjoissa Suomen evankelis-luterilaisessa kirkossa vuosina 1997-2006. Diakonaatti tarkoittaa kirkon hengelliseen virkaan kuuluvaa papin virasta erillistä palveluvirkaa. Tässä tutkielmassa diakonaattia tarkastellaan kirkkolaissa ilmaistun karitatiivisen diakonian viran näkökulmasta suhteessa kirkon erityiseen virkaan. Systemaattisessa analyysissa on pyritty kuvaamaan aineistosta esiin nouseva diakonian viran keskeinen teologia ja keskeisimmät virkakeskustelussa esiin tulleet ongelmakohdat. Diakonian viran teologisia perusteita ei tässä tutkielmassa pidetä yhtenä kokonaisuutena, vaan siinä tapahtuvat muutokset on pyritty nostamaan esiin historiallisessa viitekehyksessä. Dispositio on tämän vuoksi rakennettu kronologisesti eteneväksi. Suomen evankelis-luterilaisessa kirkossa käytävä keskustelu diakonian viran uudistamisesta on käytännöllisten uudistamistarpeiden lisäksi lähtökohdiltaan yhteydessä kansainväliseen ja ekumeeniseen virkateologiseen kehitykseen, jossa kirkot ovat arvioineet omaa olemustaan ja tehtäväänsä. Virkarakenneuudistuksen pani vireille piispainkokouksen esitys 1/1994 diakonian viran kehittämisestä. Tutkielman keskiössä ovat siihen liittyen komiteamietinnöt Yhdessä kirkon virassa (1997) ja Palvelijoiksi vihityt (2002). Tarkasteltuna ajanjaksona lähdeaineistossa on havaittavissa kirkon viran ja diakonian viran määrittelyä koskeva terminologian ja ordinaatiokäsityksen muutos. Linjausten argumentoinnissa on havaittavissa joitakin epäselvyyksiä, koska esiin otettiin uusia käsitteitä. Kaikki analysoidut asiakirjat katsoivat kirkon viran perustuvan jumalalliseen asetukseen. Sekä kaksisäikeisessä että kolmisäikeisessä virkamallissa diakonian virka ymmärrettiin osaksi Jumalan asettamaa kirkon virkaa. Yksi ministerium ecclesiasticum aukeaa useampaan tehtävään. Kristus asetti kirkolle viran kutsuessaan ja lähettäessään apostolit. Viran muodot ja jakautuminen esimerkiksi piispan, papin ja diakonian virkoihin on nähty periaatteessa inhimillisenä järjestelykysymyksenä, sillä viran jumalallinen asetus ei koske viran muotoja. Asiakirjoissa tukeuduttiin kirkon viran määrittelyssä yhteisen pappeuden perustaan. Kristityt muodostavat uskon ja rakkauden yhteisön, jossa koko seurakunnalla on vastuu tietyistä tehtävistä. Kirkon erityinen palveluvirka rakentuu tälle pohjalle. Aineistosta vahvasti nouseva teema on Lutherin teologiaan perustuva näkemys uskon ja rakkauden sisäkkäisyydestä sekä uskossa läsnäolevasta Kristuksesta rakkauden perustana. Lutherin teologiaan liittyy myös diakonian viran argumentointi sakramentaalisen sanakäsityksen pohjalta. Sanakäsitys on nähty laajasti myös ekumeenisessa dialogissa. Diakonian virkaa tarkasteltiin aineistossa suhteessa seurakuntaan. Yhteisöllisyyden korostus diakonian viran edellytyksenä ja myös sen seurauksena nousi esiin. Yhteisöllisyyden ja siten myös diakonian lähteeksi hahmottui jumalanpalvelus ja ehtoollinen. Ajatus koinoniasta toi mukanaan myös vahvan pneumatologisen perustelun diakonian viralle. Voidaankin sanoa, että diakonian virka tulkittiin lähteissä ankkuroituneeksi Kristukseen. Kristuksen ja kristittyjen yhteyden vuoksi Kristus on sekä diakonian lähde että sen kohde. Aineiston pohjalta on hahmotettavissa diakonian viran teologisena lähtökohtana yhteinen pappeus sekä yhteys sanaan ja sakramentteihin. Viran edellytyksenä on erityinen kutsu, valtuutuksena ordinaatio ja palveluviran sisältönä apostolisen esikuvan mukainen palvelu. Palveluvirka kirkossa perustuu yleiseen pappeuteen siten, että vain yleisen pappeuden omaava kastettu ja uskova kirkon jäsen voi saada erityisen kutsun ja valtuutuksen erityiseen virkaan. Yleinen pappeus ei kuitenkaan yksin riitä virkaan eikä sitä ole mahdollista johtaa yleisestä pappeudesta. Erityinen kirkon virka edellyttää lisäksi erityisen Jumalan kutsun, jonka kirkko hyväksyy ja vahvistaa. Jumalan kutsun julkinen vahvistaminen ja tunnustaminen tapahtuu ordinaatiossa. Diakonian virkaa koskevassa suomalaisessa keskustelussa on oltu yksimielisiä siitä, että diakonian virkaan sisältyvät karitatiivinen, katekeettinen ja liturginen funktio. Käytännössä diakonian viralla on kuitenkin vahvasti karitatiivinen luonne Suomen evankelis-luterilaisessa kirkossa.


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Graft copolymerization of poly(aniline) (PANI) onto poly(propylene) (PP) fibre was carried out in aqueous acidic medium under nitrogen atmosphere by using peroxomonosulphate (PMS) as a lone initiator. The non-conducting fibre was now made into a conducting one through the chemical grafting of PANI units onto the PP fibre backbone. The content of PANI in the backbone was found to vary while varying the [ANI], [PMS] and amount of PP fibre. Various graft parameters were evaluated. The chemical grafting of PANI onto PP fibre was confirmed by conductivity measurements.


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Lightweight grids for lead-acid battery grids have been prepared from acrylonitrile. butadiene styrene (ABS) copolymer followed by coating with lead. Subsequently, the grids have been electrochemically coated with a conductive and corrosion-resistant layer of polyaniline. These grids are about 75% lighter than those employed in conventional lead-acid batteries. Commercial-grade 6V/3.5 Ah (C-20-rate) lead-acid batteries have been assembled and characterized employing positive and negative plates constituting these grids. The specific energy of such a lead-acid battery is about 50 Wh/kg. The batteries can withstand fast charge-discharge duty cycles.


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The coefficient of thermochromism of polyaniline solutions has been found to be solvent dependent and the solvent effect is not negligible. Hence, thermochromism of polyaniline solutions cannot be explained solely on the basis of conformational change induced by a change in temperature. Further, comparison of the solvatochromism of polyaniline and polytoluidine shows a higher solvatochromic shift for the former. It implies that the higher energy associated with the exciton peak of polytoluidine is not due to the higher ring torsional angle induced by the higher steric repulsion of the methyl group, as widely accepted, but is due to its less solvatochromic red-shift as compared to polyaniline.