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To address growing concern over the effects of fisheries non-target catch on elasmobranchs worldwide, the accurate reporting of elasmobranch catch is essential. This requires data on a combination of measures, including reported landings, retained and discarded non-target catch, and post-discard survival. Identification of the factors influencing discard vs. retention is needed to improve catch estimates and to determine wasteful fishing practices. To do this we compared retention rates of elasmobranch non-target catch in a broad subset of fisheries throughout the world by taxon, fishing country, and gear. A regression tree and random forest analysis indicated that taxon was the most important determinant of retention in this dataset, but all three factors together explained 59% of the variance. Estimates of total elasmobranch removals were calculated by dividing the FAO global elasmobranch landings by average retention rates and suggest that total elasmobranch removals may exceed FAO reported landings by as much as 400%. This analysis is the first effort to directly characterize global drivers of discards for elasmobranch non-target catch. Our results highlight the importance of accurate quantification of retention and discard rates to improve assessments of the potential impacts of fisheries on these species.
The interaction of seawater with basalts in DSDP Hole 501 and the upper part of Hole 504B (Costa Rica Rift) produced oxidative alteration and a zonation of clay minerals along cracks. From rock edges to interiors in many cracks the following succession occurs, based on microscopic observations and microprobe analysis: iron hydroxides (red), "protoceladonite" (green), iddingsite (orange), and saponite (yellow). Clay minerals replace olivines and fill vesicles and cracks. Other secondary minerals are phillipsite, aragonite, and unidentified carbonates. Some glass is transformed to Mg-rich palagonite. Bulk rock chemistry is related to the composition of the secondary minerals. The zonation can be interpreted as a succession of postburial nonoxidative and oxidative diagenesis similar to that described in the Leg 34 basalts.
Day/night variations in the size distribution of the particulate matter >0.15 mm (PM) were studied in May 1995 during the DYNAPROC time-series cruise in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Data on vertical distributions of PM (>0.15 mm) and zooplankton were collected with the Underwater Video Profiler (UVP). The comparisons of the UVP data with plankton net data and POC data from water bottles indicated that more than 97% of the particles detected by the UVP were non-living particles (0.15 mm) and that the PM contributed 4-34% of the total dry weight measured on GF/F filters. Comparison of seven pairs of day and night vertical profiles performed during the cruise showed that in the upper 800 m, the mean size and the volume of particles was higher at night than during the day. During the night, the integrated volume of the PM increased on average by 32±20%. This increase corresponded to a shift of smaller size classes (<0.5 mm) towards the larger ones (>0.5 mm). During the day, the pattern was reversed, and the quantity of PM >0.5 mm decreased. During the study period, the standing stock of PM (60-800 m) decreased from 7.5 to less than 2 g m?2 but the diel variations persisted, except for two short periods in the superficial layer following a wind event. The cyclic feeding activity induced by the diel vertical migration of zooplankton could be the best candidate to explain the observed diel fluctuations in the size classes of PM in the water column. However, our results also suggest that in the upper layer additional driving forces such as the increase of the level of turbulence after a wind event or the modification of the zoo- and phytoplankton community can influence the PM temporal evolution.