995 resultados para 678.30268


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Includes bibliography


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Asistencia y organización de los trabajos .-- Temario .-- Desarrollo de la reunión.-- Resoluciones aprobadas por la CEPAL en su Trigésimo Quinto Período de Sesiones. 676(XXXV) Calendario de conferencias de la CEPAL para el período 2015-2016 .-- 677(XXXV) Conferencia Regional sobre la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe .-- 678(XXXV) Conferencia Estadística de las Américas de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe .-- 679(XXXV) Respaldo a la labor del Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES) .-- 680(XXXV) Comité de Desarrollo y Cooperación del Caribe .-- 681(XXXV) Conferencia Regional sobre Población y Desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe .-- 682(XXXV) Establecimiento de la Conferencia Regional sobre Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe .-- 683(XXXV) Admisión de San Martín como miembro asociado de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe .-- 684(XXXV) Prioridades y Programa de Trabajo de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe para el bienio 2016-2017 .-- 685(XXXV) Actividades de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe en relación con el seguimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio y la aplicación de los resultados de las grandes conferencias y cumbres de las Naciones Unidas en las esferas económica y social y esferas conexas .-- 686(XXXV) Aplicación del Principio 10 de la Declaración de Río sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe .-- 687(XXXV) Dimensión regional de la agenda para el desarrollo después de 2015 .-- 688(XXXV) Comité de Cooperación Sur-Sur .-- 689(XXXV) Lugar del próximo período de sesiones.


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Attendance and organization of work .-- Agenda .-- Summary of proceedings .-- Resolutions adopted at the Thirty-Fifth Session of the Commission: 676(XXXV) ECLAC calendar of conferences for the period 2015-2016 .-- 677(XXXV) Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean .-- 678(XXXV) Statistical Conference of the Americas of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean .-- 679(XXXV) Support for the work of the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning .-- 680(XXXV) Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee .-- 681(XXXV) Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean .-- 682(XXXV) Establishment of the Regional Conference on Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean .-- 683(XXXV) Admission of Sint Maarten as an associate member of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean .-- 684(XXXV) Programme of Work and priorities of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean for the 2016-2017 biennium .-- 685(XXXV) Activities of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean in relation to follow-up to the Millennium Development Goals and implementation of the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields .-- 686(XXXV) Application of Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean .-- 687(XXXV) The regional dimension of the post-2015 development agenda .-- 688(XXXV) South-South Cooperation .-- 689(XXXV) Place of the next session .-- 690(XXXV) Lima Resolution .-- 691(XXXV) Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean.


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Includes resolutions adopted at the thirty-fifth session of the Commission, held in 2014.


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Este informe de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe consta de tres secciones. La primera de ellas está dedicada a los asuntos que requieren la adopción de medidas del Consejo Económico y Social o que se señalan a su atención; la segunda corresponde al informe de actividades de la Comisión desde enero de 2012 a diciembre de 2013, y la tercera contiene el informe del trigésimo quinto período de sesiones de la Comisión, celebrado en Lima, del 5 al 9 de mayo de 2014.


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Procymidone, a potentially carcinogenic and mutagenic pesticide, can contribute to environmental and human contamination when applied to apple crops. In this work, we propose a reliable and sensitive method to determine procymidone in Brazilian apples. The method involves differential pulse (DPV) and square-wave voltammetry (SWV) techniques on a glassy carbon electrode. In a supporting electrolyte solution of 0.5 mol L−1 NaOH, procymidone undergoes an irreversible one-electron oxidation at +1.42 V by cyclic voltammetric vs. Ag|AgCl, KCl 3 M reference electrode. The proposed DPV and SWV methods have a good linear response in the 8.00–20.0 mg L−1 range, with limits of detection (LOD) of 0.678 and 0.228 mg L−1, respectively, in the absence of the matrix. We obtained improved LOD (0.097 mg L−1) in the presence of apple matrix and the supporting electrolyte solution. We used three commercial apple samples to evaluate recovery, and we achieved recovery percentages ranging from 94.6 to 110 % for procymidone determinations. We also tested the proposed voltammetric method for reproducibility, repeatability, and potential interferents, and the results were satisfactory for electroanalytical purposes.


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El documento tiene como objetivo analizar los avances realizados por países de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) en el fortalecimiento de la institucionalidad vinculada a la agricultura, el cambio climático y la seguridad alimentaria. El documento destaca iniciativas innovadoras, en ámbitos como la formulación de políticas, el desarrollo de marcos legales, el fomento de la investigación y la innovación, el desarrollo de mecanismos de financiamiento, y la gestión de riesgos climáticos, entre otros. La revisión está enfocada en las políticas nacionales.


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ABSTRACT: The present study intended to characterize the phenotypic and genetic diversity of Brazilian isolates of Chromobacterium violaceum from aquatic environments within the Amazon region. Nineteen isolates showed morphological properties of C. violaceum and the majority grew at 44°C. Low temperatures, in contrast, showed to be inhibitory to their growth, as eleven isolates did not grow at 10ºC and nine did not produce pigmentation, clearly indicating an inhibition of their metabolism. The largest variation among isolates was observed in the citrate test (Simmons), in which 12 isolates were positive, and in the oxidation/fermentation of sucrose, with six positives isolates. Chloramphenicol, gentamicin and sulfonamides efficiently inhibited bacterial growth. Amplified products of the recA gene were digested with HindII or PstI, which produced three or four restriction fragments patterns, respectively. The combined analysis arranged the isolates into six genospecies. The higher diversity observed in Belém (genotypes C, D, E and F) may be a consequence of intense human occupation, pollution of the aquatic environment or due to the higher diversity of the environments sampled in that region. In conclusion, a high level of genetic and phenotypic diversity was observed, and four new genospecies were described.


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PURPOSE: To describe the vascular and tissue histopathological changes in seven sequential experimental liver transplantations in pigs. METHODS: Fourteen female pigs, Sus domesticus species, with body mass between 5 and 8 kg were utilized. After the end of all anastomoses of the graft implantation in the receptor, the animal was monitored for 30 minutes, and at its end one of the biopsies was collected for histological analysis. The histological criteria utilized were: lytic hepatocyte necrosis, density of septal and portal inflammatory infiltrated, sinusoidal congestion and hemorrhage. The analysis was performed separately for the portal region in zone 1, 2 and 3. RESULTS: Among the structural changes undergone by the graft, those with greater frequency and intensity were vascular congestion and steatosis, which stood out in transplantations 5, 6 and 7. CONCLUSIONS: The technique demonstrated vascular alterations represented by vasocongestion, edema and minimum inflammatory reaction. In relation to the parenchyma, was observed macrovacuolar pan-acinar steatosis, focal lytic and occasional hemorrhages, beyond the accumulation of hemosiderin in Kuppfer's cells.


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O histórico de prospecção de hidrocarbonetos da Bacia Paleozoica do Parnaíba, situada no norte-nordeste do Brasil, sempre foi considerado desfavorável quando comparado aos super-reservatórios estimados do Pré-Sal das bacias da Margem Atlântica e até mesmo interiores, como a Bacia do Solimões. No entanto, a descoberta de gás natural em depósitos da superseqüência mesodevoniana-eocarbonífera do Grupo Canindé, que incluem as formações Pimenteiras, Cabeças e Longá, impulsionou novas pesquisas no intuito de refinar a caracterização paleoambiental, paleogeográfica, bem como, entender o sistema petrolífero, os possíveis plays e a potencialidade do reservatório Cabeças. A avaliação faciológica e estratigráfica com ênfase no registro da tectônica glacial, em combinação com a geocronologia de zircão detrítico permitiu interpretar o paleoambiente e a proveniência do reservatório Cabeças. Seis associações de fácies agrupadas em sucessões aflorantes, com espessura máxima de até 60m registram a evolução de um sistema deltaico Devoniano influenciado por processos glaciais principalmente no topo da unidade. 1) frente deltaica distal, composta por argilito maciço, conglomerado maciço, arenito com acamamento maciço, laminação plana e estratificação cruzada sigmoidal 2) frente deltaica proximal, representada pelas fácies arenito maciço, arenito com laminação plana, arenito com estratificação cruzada sigmoidal e conglomerado maciço; 3) planície deltaica, representada pelas fácies argilito laminado, arenito maciço, arenito com estratificação cruzada acanalada e conglomerado maciço; 4) shoreface glacial, composta pelas fácies arenito com marcas onduladas e arenito com estratificação cruzada hummocky; 5) depósitos subglaciais, que englobam as fácies diamictito maciço, diamictito com pods de arenito e brecha intraformacional; e 6) frente deltaica de degelo, constituída pelas fácies arenito maciço, arenito deformado, arenito com laminação plana, arenito com laminação cruzada cavalgante e arenito com estratificação cruzada sigmoidal. Durante o Fammeniano (374-359 Ma) uma frente deltaica dominada por processos fluviais progradava para NW (borda leste) e para NE (borda oeste) sobre uma plataforma influenciada por ondas de tempestade (Formação Pimenteiras). Na borda leste da bacia, o padrão de paleocorrente e o espectro de idades U-Pb em zircão detrítico indicam que o delta Cabeças foi alimentado por áreas fonte situadas a sudeste da Bacia do Parnaíba, provavelmente da Província Borborema. Grãos de zircão com idade mesoproterozóica (~ 1.039 – 1.009 Ma) e neoproterozóica (~ 654 Ma) são os mais populosos ao contrário dos grãos com idade arqueana (~ 2.508 – 2.678 Ma) e paleoproterozóica (~ 2.054 – 1.992 Ma). O grão de zircão concordante mais novo forneceu idade 206Pb/238U de 501,20 ± 6,35 Ma (95% concordante) indicando idades de áreas-fonte cambrianas. As principais fontes de sedimentos do delta Cabeças na borda leste são produto de rochas do Domínio Zona Transversal e de plútons Brasilianos encontrados no embasamento a sudeste da Bacia do Parnaíba, com pequena contribuição de sedimentos oriundos de rochas do Domínio Ceará Central e da porção ocidental do Domínio Rio Grande do Norte. No Famenniano, a movimentação do supercontinente Gondwana para o polo sul culminou na implantação de condições glaciais concomitantemente com o rebaixamento do nível do mar e exposição da região costeira. O avanço das geleiras sobre o embasamento e depósitos deltaicos gerou erosão, deposição de diamictons com clastos exóticos e facetados, além de estruturas glaciotectônicas tais como plano de descolamento, foliação, boudins, dobras, duplex, falhas e fraturas que refletem um cisalhamento tangencial em regime rúptil-dúctil. O substrato apresentava-se inconsolidado e saturados em água com temperatura levemente abaixo do ponto de fusão do gelo (permafrost quente). Corpos podiformes de arenito imersos em corpos lenticulares de diamicton foram formados pela ruptura de camadas pelo cisalhamento subglacial. Lentes de conglomerados esporádicas (dump structures) nos depósitos de shoreface sugere queda de detritos ligados a icebergs em fases de recuo da geleira. A elevação da temperatura no final do Famenniano reflete a rotação destral do Gondwana e migração do polo sul da porção ocidental da América do Sul e para o oeste da África. Esta nova configuração paleogeográfica posicionou a Bacia do Parnaíba em regiões subtropicais iniciando o recuo de geleiras e a influência do rebound isostático. O alívio de pressão é indicado pela geração de sills e diques clásticos, estruturas ball-and-pillow, rompimento de camadas e brechas. Falhas de cavalgamento associadas à diamictitos com foliação na borda oeste da bacia sugerem que as geleiras migravam para NNE. O contínuo aumento do nível do mar relativo propiciou a instalação de sedimentação deltaica durante o degelo e posteriormente a implantação de uma plataforma transgressiva (Formação Longá). Diamictitos interdigitados com depósitos de frente deltaica na porção superior da Formação Cabeças correspondem a intervalos com baixo volume de poros e podem representar trapas estratigráficas secundárias no reservatório. As anisotropias primárias subglaciais do topo da sucessão Cabeças, em ambas as bordas da Bacia do Parnaíba, estende a influência glacial e abre uma nova perspectiva sobre a potencialidade efetiva do reservatório Cabeças do sistema petrolífero Mesodevoniano-Eocarbonífero da referida bacia.


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OBJECTIVE: After acute myocardial infarction, during the cardiac repair phase, periostin is released into the infarct and activates signaling pathways that are essential for the reparative process. However, the role of periostin in chronic cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction remains to be elucidated. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between tissue periostin and cardiac variables in the chronic cardiac remodeling induced by myocardial infarction. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were assigned to 2 groups: a simulated surgery group (SHAM; n = 8) and a myocardial infarction group (myocardial infarction; n = 13). After 3 months, morphological, functional and biochemical analyses were performed. The data are expressed as means±SD or medians (including the lower and upper quartiles). RESULTS: Myocardial infarctions induced increased left ventricular diastolic and systolic areas associated with a decreased fractional area change and a posterior wall shortening velocity. With regard to the extracellular matrix variables, the myocardial infarction group presented with higher values of periostin and types I and III collagen and higher interstitial collagen volume fractions and myocardial hydroxyproline concentrations. In addition, periostin was positively correlated with type III collagen levels (r = 0.673, p = 0.029) and diastolic (r = 0.678, p = 0.036) and systolic (r = 0.795, p = 0.006) left ventricular areas. Considering the relationship between periostin and the cardiac function variables, periostin was inversely correlated with both the fractional area change (r = -0.783, p = 0.008) and the posterior wall shortening velocity (r = -0.767, p = 0.012). CONCLUSIONS: Periostin might be a modulator of deleterious cardiac remodeling in the chronic phase after myocardial infarction in rats.


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This trial aimed to evaluate the effect of sequential applications of different plant regulators over growth and flower rachis emission of 'Meyer' zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica). The study was conducted on 15-month old green turfgrass under a randomized complete block design with four replications. The following plant regulator and doses were tested: trinexapac-ethyl (113+113, 226+113, 226+226, 452+113, 452+226, 452+452, 678+339 e 904+452 g a.i./ha-1), prohexadione-calcium (100+100 e 200+200 g a.i. ha-1) and bispyribac-sodium (40+40 e 60+60 g a.i. ha-1), as well as an untreated control. The turfgrass was mowed again at 3.0 cm aboveground and the second plant regulator was applied when 'Meyer' zoysiagrass was between 5.0 and 6.0 cm high. The effect of the treatments was visually rated for visual injury, plant height, height and number of flower rachis, and total dry mass production of clippings. Only bispyribac-sodium had visual symptoms of injury on 'Meyer' zoysiagrass, and no intoxication was observed at 28 days after the second application (DAAB). The sequential applications of trinexapac-ethyl, prohexadione-calcium and bispyribac-sodium reduced by more than 80% the total clipping dry mass produced by 'Meyer' zoysiagrass. All the plant regulators tested also showed promising results in reducing the height and emission of rachis, especially when trinexapac-ethyl was applied at the doses 452+452, 678+339 and 904+452 g a.i. ha-1. 'Meyer' zoysiagrass turfgrass can be handled with the sequential application of a plant regulator, which reduces the need for mowing over a period up to 110 days after the application of the second plant regulator, and it also avoids deleterious visual effects over turfgrass.


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The present research was undertaken to explore the influence of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) on the functional and thermal properties of sour cassava starch and the quality characteristics of gluten-free (GF) cheese bread. Fructooligosaccharides were used to replace sour cassava starch at substitution level of 9% (SF1), 17% (SF2), and 29% (SF3). The functional and thermal properties of the starch-FOS mixtures were determined by the water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI), pasting profile analysis, thermal transition temperatures and enthalpy of gelatinization. Moreover, the GF cheese breads with starch-FOS mixtures were analyzed for height, diameter, weight, specific volume and dough moisture content. The sample with the highest FOS content (SF3) presented the lowest WAI (1.44), peak (62.4 rapid visco units (RVU), breakdown (53.4 RVU), final (13.8 RVU), and setback (4.9 RVU) viscosities, dough moisture content (31.7%), and enthalpy of gelatinization (9.5 J/g) and the highest WSI (29.4%) and pasting temperature (69.1 degrees C). The height, diameter and specific volume of GF cheese bread samples made from sour cassava starch were 3.14 cm, 6.35 cm, and 1.49 cm(3)/g, respectively. The SF1 mixture samples resulted in a 3.01 cm height, 6.34 cm diameter, and 1.55 cm(3)/g specific volume. According to Brazilian food labeling regulations, the latter product cannot be categorized as a good source of fiber because the minimum level of fiber per portion was not reached.