997 resultados para 366.2487


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Rapid eye movement (REM) is one of the most characteristic features of REM sleep, but the mechanisms underlying its regulation remain unclear. The present study aims to investigate whether the frontal eye field (FEF) is involved in the regulation of the r


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The Effect of two freshwater green algae species Chlorella sp. & Scenedesmus obliquus enriched (from the beginning of culture and after 96 hours) with different dosages of B group vitamins (0, 0.5, 1, and 2 ml of enriching solution per each liter of algae medium) on fecundity of Daphnia magna and growth of Rutilus frisii kutum fry were investigated in a research from spring, 2008 to autumn, 2009. First, each of the green algae species were cultured purely and massively in the Zander (Z-8+N) medium and then the nutritional value (the amount of protein, lipid, and carbohydrate) of enriched algae were meausered. In this study, enriching of Chlorella sp. & S. obliquus with a suitable mix of B group vitamins significantly improved their nutritive value. So the highest amount of nutritional value of Chlorella sp. was obtained because of enriching with dosage 0.5 ml.l-1 (366.654Kcal) and for Scenedesmus obliquus with dosage of 1 ml.l-1 (376.95Kcal). The acquired amount from control group showed an increase of respectively 42% and 11%. According to the results, increased dosages of enriching solution caused Daphnia fecundity to increase (at both stages : enrichment from the beginning of culture and after 96 hours). So the highest average of D. magna reproduction rate was obtained through being fed with Chlorella sp. and S. obliquus enriched with dosage of 2 ml enriching solution per liter of algae medium. The average fecundity of D. magna fed with Chlorella sp. enriched with dosage of 2 ml.l-1 enriching solution from the beginning of culture and after 96 hours was obtained respectively 2.128 ± 0.375 and 2.1 ± 0.69 and the average fecundity of D. magna fed with S. obliquus enriched with dosage of 2 ml enriching solution from the beginning of culture and after 96 hours was obtained respectively 2.128 ± 0.375 and 2.1 ± 0.69 which showed respectively an increase of 61 ٪, 91٪, 77 ٪, and 83٪ in proportion to the acquired amount from control group. When enriching solution was added to either algae culture medium from the beginning of culture, showed statistically significant differences (P<0.05) between dosages of 0 and 2 ml.l-1, 1 and 2 ml.l-1, and 0.5 and 2 ml enriching solution per each liter of Chlorella sp. culture medium and between dosages of 0 and 1 ml.l-1, and 0 and 2 ml enriching solution per each liter of S. obliquus culture medium. The highest average of body weight gain percentage and specific growth rate of kutum fry was obtained respectively 21.19%, 26.63%, 1.92, and 2.34 from the beginning of culture and after 96 hours with dosage of 1 ml B group vitamins per each liter of Chlorella sp. culture medium, which showed respectively an increase of 50%, 70%, 46%, and 62% in proportion to the acquired amount from control group. In the cases which Chlorella sp. were grown in the medium containing vitamin, from point of view of the average percentage of weight and specific growth rate of kutum fry significant differences were observed on the basis of the result of One-way ANOVA between dosages of 0 and 1, 1 and 2 , 0.5 and 1 ml B group vitamins per each liter. The highest average of body weight gain percentage and specific growth rate of kutum fry was obtained respectively 32.02%, 29.42%, 2.78, and 2.34 from the beginning of culture and after 96 hours with dosage of 2 ml B group vitamins per each liter of S. obliquus culture medium, which showed respectively an increase of 32%, 19%, 28%, and 17% in proportion to the acquired amount from control group. In the cases which S. obliquus were grown in the medium containing vitamin, from point of view of the average percentage of weight and specific growth rate of kutum fry significant differences were observed on the basis of the result of One-way ANOVA between dosages of 0 and 1, 0 and 2. According to the results of the present research we can say that considerable enhancement in the quality of the food of D. magna can be made by manipulation of the nutritional value of fresh water unicellular green algae with suitable mixture of B group vitamins, so that both the fecundity of D. magna will increase and the nutritional requirements of the kutum fry will be filled in this way.


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白马蝠蛾雌性生殖系统与鳞翅目其他昆虫不同: 无粘液腺器官; 成虫产卵行为特殊, 卵散产, 产后有用尾和足扫土盖卵的习性; 成虫交配授精以精包方式进行。交配除提供雌蛾精子外, 还能刺激产卵。最适宜成虫交配与产卵的温度为12.5—19.0℃, 相对湿度75—90%。图2表3参5


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记述采自广西西江水系河池地区的条鳅亚科鱼类二新种。后鳍岭鳅。(Oreonetes retrodorsalis) sp. nov与同属种的区别主要表现在其背鳍起点的位置较后, 背鳍和臀鳍分枝鳍条数目较少、尾鳍后缘凹入、头较小和尾柄较短等方面; 南丹高原鳅(Triplophysa nandanensis) sp. nov.则以头较大、吻较短、眼间距较狭、尾柄较短且高、背鳍分枝鳍条较多、尾鳍深叉形等易于与相近种相区别。


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1996年11月至1997年6月, 于雅砻江下游干流及其支流鳡鱼河中采获一批白鱼属 Anabarilius 鱼类标本, 经鉴定为西昌白鱼1新亚种。 命名为西昌白鱼雅砻亚种 Anabariliusliuiyalongensissubsp. nov. 与其它3个亚种的主要鉴别特征是: 第1鳃弓外侧鳃耙为7~10, 其余3个亚种分别为: 西昌指名亚种 A. liuiliui 为12~14, 程海亚种 A. liuichenghaiensis 15~16, 宜良亚种 A. liuiyiliangensis 10~12. 种内亚种分化主要是受到同域生态隔离和地理隔离作用的影响。


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After analyzing the secondary structures of 68 exon-intron-exon and the corresponding exon-exon sequence segments, it is found that about 90% of 5' and 3' terminal bases G (splicing sites) of introns are situated in the loops of secondary structures or at the ends of stems near the loops, and most of "G" s in loops are closed to the ends of loops. Approximately 92% of the connecting sites of the adjoining exons also show the similar features. About 82% of the branch point "A" s are situated in loops or at the ends of stems near the loops. Splicing sites and branch points approach each other in space because of the folding.


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We analyzed n-mers (n=3-8) in the local environment of 8,249,446 human SNPs and compared their distribution with that in the genome reference sequences. The results revealed that the short sequences, which contained at least one CpG dinucleotide, occurred


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