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针对30°楔角的驻定斜爆轰特性,选择在临界爆轰马赫数附近6.8、7.0与7.5等3种不同马赫数来流状态进行数值分析. 在马赫数为6.8、7.0状态下,在斜激波(oblique shock wave,OSW)、斜爆轰波(oblique detonation wave,ODW)与爆燃波交汇处形成的三波点后形成一道激波,在楔面上反射,并透过接触间断面与爆轰波阵面产生的横波相互作用,使得下游流场发生扰动,形成不规则的胞格结构. 斜爆轰波阵面产生的横波呈现上游单向传播与下游双向传播同时并存的现象,对斜爆轰的稳定性产生了影响
采用80MeV/u 20Ne10+离子束贯穿处理豆科与禾本科牧草种子,从实验室种子萌发和根尖细胞的观测分析,随着贯穿剂量的增加,幼苗生长明显减弱,呈负相关性;而染色体总畸变率和微核率随剂量的增加而显著增加,呈正相关性。结果表明:禾本科牧草比豆科牧草对重离子辐射敏感性强,禾本科牧草适宜剂量为20Gy~30Gy,豆科牧草辐照剂量应高于150Gy。
述评低能重离子耗散碰撞激发函数中截面涨落现象的主要实验结果 :截面及其涨落的不可平滑性、不可重复性以及大角度之间的长程能量关联 ;述评与实验结果相应的理论研究进展 :用双核系统的衰变、相干转动以及相位无规化过程这样三种不同运动形态的相互复杂作用定量描述耗散反应随时间的演化
The effects of 960 MeV carbon ion beam and 8 MeV X-ray irradiation on adventitious shoots from in vitro leaf explants of two different Saintpaulia ionahta (Mauve and Indikon) cultivars were studied with regard to tissue increase, shoots differentiation and morphology changes in the shoots. The experimental results showed that the survival fraction of shoot formation for the Mauve and Indikon irradiated with the carbon ion beam at 20 Gy were 0.715 and 0.600, respectively, while those for both the cultivars exposed to the Xray irradiation at the same dose were 1.000. Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of Mauve with respect to X-ray was about two. Secondly, the percentage of regenerating explants with malformed shoots in all Mauve regenerating explants irradiated with carbon ion beam at 20 Gy accounted for 49.6%, while that irradiated with the same dose of X-ray irradiation was only 4.7%; as for Saintpatdia ionahta Indikon irradiated with 20 Gy carbon ion beam, the percentage was 43.3%, which was higher than that of X-ray irradiation. Last, many chlorophyll deficient and other varieties of mutants were obtained in this study. Based on the results above, it can be concluded that the effect of mutation induction by carbon ion beam irradiation on the leaf explants of Saintpaulia ionahta is better than that by X-ray irradiation; and the optimal mutagenic dose varies from 20 Gy to 25 Gy for carbon ion beam irradiation.
An attractive Fischer-Tropsch catalyst was prepared using an activated carbon as carrier to support cobalt based catalysts. Zr promoted Co/AC catalysts remarkably enhanced the activity and the selectivity toward diesel distillates and lower the methane selectivity. This modification may be attributed to specific behavior of activated carbon with high surface area and the weak interaction between metallic cobalt active sites and activated carbon. It was emphasized that the pore size of activated carbon played a very important role in restricting the growth of carbon chain to wax.
通过添加不同比例的粉煤灰对城市生活污泥进行钝化,系统的研究了粉煤灰对钝化污泥中金属元素Cd、Pb、Cu、Zn、Ni、Cr、Mn、Fe含量及其有效化的影响。结果表明:粉煤灰对污泥中有效态Cd、Pb、Ni、Cr、Mn、Fe具有钝化作用,其中对Cd和Fe的钝化效果最明显;但对Cu却有促进其向有效态转化的作用;总体上看钝化污泥人工土壤中重金属含量符合国家农用标准,而其中有效态Cd、Pb、Ni、C r的含量均远远低于对植物体造成毒害的临界水平。