367 resultados para 1334
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Parallel title in Arabic script.
t. 1. 1334-1598 -- t. 2. 1598-1615 -- t. 3. 1613-1645 -- t. 4. 1645-1676 -- t. 5. 1676-1700.
Ed. dedicada a S.A.R. el Serenísimo Señor Príncipe de Astúrias.
v. 1. Historical notice of the English power in Acquitaine. The battle of Poitiers. Historical notice of Peter the Cruel. The Black prince in Spain.--v. 2. Biographical notice of Froissart. The court of Gaston de Foix. Historical notice of the Companions. Aymergot Marcel. Historical notice of the border-feuds between England and Scotland. The battle of Otterbourne.--v. 3. Historical notice of the reign of Bajazet I. The seige of Nicopolis. Historical notice of the (second) house of Burgundy. The last days of Charles the Bold.
Introductory vol. by the editor, published separately under title: La collation des bénéfices écclésiastiques sous les papes d'Avignon (1303-1378).
Appendix (p. 65-78) includes four shourt continuations of the Gesta in Lombardia.
In portfolio.
Prepared under the supervision of H.C. Maxwell Lyte. Text by R.F. Isaacson, vol. 1-15 (with G.J. Morris and H.E. Lawrence, vol. 1; C.B. Dawes, vol. 13-15); C.B. Dawes, vol. 16.
Atualmente, verifica-se um aumento de oferta e de procura de substâncias psicoativas, e observa-se um aumento de instituições de assistência a essa demanda. A presente pesquisa aborda as instituições de atendimento a toxicodependentes no Vale do Paraíba, São Paulo, Brasil e tem como objetivo descrever e discutir o método de atendimento adotado pelas instituições, a partir do enfoque dos dirigentes. Utiliza-se a entrevista semi-dirigida, o método usado é análise de conteúdo e são pesquisadas dez instituições. Predomina a presença de exdependentes na equipe e o regime de internação. É marcante a carência de profissionais da área de saúde e de profissionais com formação em dependência química e 60% das instituições são comunidades terapêuticas. Prevalece, como método de atendimento, o trabalho, a disciplina e a espiritualidade. Não há avaliação de resultados e a meta é a abstinência. Há pouco controle sistemático por meio dos órgãos competentes e as instituições não cumprem requisitos indicados para o seu funcionamento. Contudo, mesmo com as dificuldades financeiras, falta de recursos bem como de profissionais qualificados, essas instituições promovem cuidados asilares, alimentação, higiene e adaptação a uma rotina. Dada a complexidade no campo da drogadependência, sugere-se a diversidade de opções de intervenção e de tratamento
Raf kinase inhibitory protein (RKIP) is a physiologic inhibitor of c-RAF kinase and nuclear factor ?B signaling that represses tumor invasion and metastasis. Glycogen synthase kinase-3ß (GSK3ß) suppresses tumor progression by downregulating multiple oncogenic pathways including Wnt signaling and cyclin D1 activation. Here, we show that RKIP binds GSK3 proteins and maintains GSK3ß protein levels and its active form. Depletion of RKIP augments oxidative stress-mediated activation of the p38 mitogen activated protein kinase, which, in turn, inactivates GSK3ß by phosphorylating it at the inhibitory T390 residue. This pathway de-represses GSK3ß inhibition of oncogenic substrates causing stabilization of cyclin D, which induces cell-cycle progression and ß-catenin, SNAIL, and SLUG, which promote epithelial to mesenchymal transition. RKIP levels in human colorectal cancer positively correlate with GSK3ß expression. These findings reveal the RKIP/GSK3 axis as both a potential therapeutic target and a prognosis-based predictor of cancer progression.
Improving the performance of private sector small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in a cost effective manner is a major concern for government. Governments have saved costs by moving information online rather than through more expensive face-to-face exchanges between advisers and clients. Building on previous work that distinguished between types of advice, this article evaluates whether these changes to delivery mechanisms affect the type of advice received. Using a multinomial logit model of 1334 cases of business advice to small firms collected in England, the study found that advice to improve capabilities was taken by smaller firms who were less likely to have limited liability or undertake business planning. SMEs sought word-of-mouth referrals before taking internal, capability-enhancing advice. This is also the case when that advice was part of a wider package of assistance involving both internal and external aspects. Only when firms took advice that used extant capabilities did they rely on the Internet. Therefore, when the Internet is privileged over face-to-face advice the changes made by each recipient of advice are likely to diminish causing less impact from advice within the economy. It implies that fewer firms will adopt the sorts of management practices that would improve their productivity. © 2014 Taylor & Francis.