683 resultados para 13200-077


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Natural killer T (NKT) cells are a heterogeneous population of lymphocytes that recognize antigens presented by CD1d and have attracted attention because of their potential role linking innate and adaptive immune responses. Peripheral NKT cells display a memory-activated phenotype and can rapidly secrete large amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines upon antigenic activation. In this study, we evaluated NKT cells in the context of patients co-infected with HIV-1 and Mycobacterium leprae. The volunteers were enrolled into four groups: 22 healthy controls, 23 HIV-1-infected patients, 20 patients with leprosy and 17 patients with leprosy and HIV-1-infection. Flow cytometry and ELISPOT assays were performed on peripheral blood mononuclear cells. We demonstrated that patients co-infected with HIV-1 and M.leprae have significantly lower NKT cell frequencies [median 0.022%, interquartile range (IQR): 0.0070.051] in the peripheral blood when compared with healthy subjects (median 0.077%, IQR: 0.0320.405, P < 0.01) or HIV-1 mono-infected patients (median 0.072%, IQR: 0.0300.160, P < 0.05). Also, more NKT cells from co-infected patients secreted interferon-? after stimulation with DimerX, when compared with leprosy mono-infected patients (P = 0.05). These results suggest that NKT cells are decreased in frequency in HIV-1 and M.leprae co-infected patients compared with HIV-1 mono-infected patients alone, but are at a more activated state. Innate immunity in human subjects is strongly influenced by their spectrum of chronic infections, and in HIV-1-infected subjects, a concurrent mycobacterial infection probably hyper-activates and lowers circulating NKT cell numbers.


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OBJETIVOS: Comparar os parâmetros metabólicos, a composição corporal e a força muscular de mulheres com Síndrome dos Ovários Policísticos (SOP) em relação a mulheres com ciclos menstruais ovulatórios. MÉTODOS: Estudo caso-controle com 27 mulheres com SOP e 28 mulheres controles com ciclos ovulatórios, com idade entre 18 e 37 anos, índice de massa corpórea entre 18 e 39,9 kg/m², que não praticassem atividade física regular. Níveis séricos de testosterona, androstenediona, prolactina, globulina carreadora dos hormônios sexuais (SHBG), insulina e glicemia foram avaliados. Índice de andrógeno livre (FAI) e resistência insulina (por HOMA) foram calculados. As voluntárias submetidas avaliação de composição corporal por dobras cutâneas e absorciometria de raio X de dupla energia (DEXA) e testes de força muscular máxima de 1-RM em três exercícios após procedimento de familiarização e de força isométrica de preensão manual. RESULTADOS: Os níveis de testosterona foram mais elevados no grupo SOP em relação ao CO (68,0±20,2 versus 58,2±12,8 ng/dL; p=0,02), assim como o FAI (282,5±223,8 versus 127,0±77,2; p=0,01), a insulina (8,4±7,0 versus 4,0±2,7 uIU/mL; p=0,01), e o HOMA (2,3±2,3 versus1,0±0,8; p=0,01). O SBHG foi inferior no grupo SOP comparado ao controle (52,5±43,3 versus 65,1±27,4 nmol/L; p=0,04). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na composição corporal com os métodos propostos entre os grupos. O grupo SOP apresentou maior força muscular no teste de 1-RM nos exercícios supino reto (31,2±4,75 versus 27,8±3,6 kg; p=0,04) e cadeira extensora (27,9±6,2 versus 23,4±4,2 kg; p=0,01), assim como nos testes de força isométrica de preensão manual (5079,6±1035,7 versus 4477,3±69,6 kgf/m²; p=0,04). Ser portadora de SOP foi um preditor independente de aumento de força muscular nos exercícios supino reto (estimativa (E)=2,7) (p=0,04) e cadeira extensora (E=3,5) (p=0,04). Assim como o IMC no exercício de força isométrica de preensão manual do membro dominante (E=72,2) (p<0,01), supino reto (E=0,2) (p=0,02) e rosca direta (E=0,3) (p<0,01). Nenhuma associação foi encontrada entre HOMA-IR e força muscular. CONCLUSÕES: Mulheres com SOP apresentam maior força muscular, sem diferença na composição corporal. A RI não esteve associada ao desempenho da força muscular. Possivelmente, a força muscular pode estar relacionada aos níveis elevados de androgênios nessas mulheres.


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Fluorcalciomicrolite, (Ca,Na,□)2Ta2O6F, is a new microlite-group, pyrochlore supergroup mineral approved by the CNMNC (IMA 2012-036). It occurs as an accessory mineral in the Volta Grande pegmatite, Nazareno, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Associated minerals include: microcline, albite, quartz, muscovite, spodumene, "lepidolite", cassiterite, tantalite-(Mn), monazite-(Ce), fluorite, "apatite", beryl, "garnet", epidote, magnetite, gahnite, zircon, "tourmaline", bityite, hydrokenomicrolite, and other microlite-group minerals under study. Fluorcalciomicrolite occurs as euhedral, untwinned, octahedral crystals 0.1-1.5 mm in size, occasionally modified by rhombododecahedral faces. The crystals are colourless and translucent; the streak is white, and the lustre is adamantine to resinous. It does not fluoresce under ultraviolet light. Mohs' hardness is 4½- 5, tenacity is brittle. Cleavage is not observed; fracture is conchoidal. The calculated density is 6.160 g/cm3. The mineral is isotropic, ncalc. = 1.992. The Raman spectrum is dominated by bands of B-X octahedral bond stretching and X-B-X bending modes.The chemical composition (n = 6) is (by wavelength dispersive spectroscopy, H2O calculated to obtain charge balance, wt.%): Na2O 4.68, CaO 11.24, MnO 0.01, SrO 0.04, BaO 0.02, SnO2 0.63, UO2 0.02, Nb2O5 3.47, Ta2O5 76.02, F 2.80, H2O 0.48, O=F -1.18, total 98.23. The empirical formula, based on 2 cations at the B site, is (Ca1.07Na0.81□0.12)∑2.00(Ta1.84Nb0.14Sn0.02)∑2.00 [O5.93(OH)0.07]6.00[F0.79(OH)0.21]. The strongest eight X-ray powder-diffraction lines [d in Å(I)(hkl)] are: 5.997(59)(111), 3.138(83)(311), 3.005(100)(222), 2.602(29)(400), 2.004(23)(511), 1.841(23)(440), 1.589(25)(533), and 1.504(24)(444). The crystal structure refinement (R1 = 0.0132) gave the following data: cubic, Fd3m, a = 10.4191(6) Å, V = 1131.07(11) Å3, Z = 8.


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Compliance lebertransplantierter Patienten mit der immunsuppressiven Therapie ist unerlässlich für den lang-fristigen Erfolg der Lebertransplantation. Aus Non-Compliance mit der immunsuppressiven Therapie können Abstoßungsreaktionen, Organverlust oder sogar Tod resultieren. Hauptziel der vorliegenden Studie war die erstmalige Evaluation der Compliance bei Einnahme von Prograf® (zweimal tägliche Einnahme von Tacrolimus) im Vergleich zur Einnahme von Advagraf® (einmal tägliche Einnahme von Tacrolimus). Von Interesse war außerdem die Fragestellung, ob sich die Compliance bezüglich der immunsuppressiven Therapie mit dem Zeitabstand zur Transplantation verändert. rnDie Compliancemessung wurde offen mittels MEMS® (Aardex Ltd., Schweiz) durchgeführt, der Patient war also über die Compliancekontrolle informiert. Mittels MEMS® konnten Datum und Uhrzeit der Dosisentnahme dokumentiert und damit zuverlässig das gesamte Compliancemuster über im Durchschnitt 176 Tage mit der zweimal täglichen Einnahme und 188 Tage mit der einmal täglichen Einnahme pro Patient erfasst werden. 65 Patienten mit dem Basisimmunsuppressivum Prograf® wurden in die prospektive, nicht-interventionelle Studie eingeschlossen und nach Per Protokoll-Analyse konnten die Daten von 63 in Mainz lebertransplantierten Patienten ausgewertet werden (Prograf®: Gruppe 1: 15 Patienten (Pat.), Gruppe 2: 23 Pat., Gruppe 3: 22 Pat., Drop-outs: 3 Pat.; Advagraf®: Gruppe 1: 16 Pat., Gruppe 2: 23 Pat., Gruppe 3: 23 Pat., Drop-outs: 1 Pat.). Die Dosing Compliance (DC), definiert als Prozent der Tage, an denen der MEMS®-Behälter korrekt geöffnet und die Dosis höchstwahrscheinlich korrekt eingenommen wurde, war der primäre Zielparameter. Weitere Methoden der Compliancemessung, wie der Pill Count, mehrere Fragebögen (Selbsteinschätzung, Patientenwissen-, Morisky-, MESI-, HADS-, SF-36- und Patientenzufriedenheit-Fragebogen) sowie die Blutspiegelmessung wurden eingesetzt, um die Compliance der Patienten umfassend charakterisieren zu können. rnDer Median der DC mit der zweimal täglichen Einnahme betrug 97% bei Pat. > 6 m.p.t. < 2 y.p.t., 97% bei Pat. > 2 y.p.t. < 5 y.p.t. und 98% bei Pat. > 5 y.p.t. (p=0,931; Kruskal-Wallis-Test). Der Median der DC von Tacroli-mus bei einmal täglicher Einnahme (Advagraf®) betrug 99% bei Pat. > 6 m.p.t. < 2 y.p.t., 98% bei Pat. > 2 y.p.t. < 5 y.p.t. und 97% bei Pat. > 5 y.p.t. (p=0,158; Kruskal-Wallis-Test). Insgesamt zeigten die Patienten während des gesamten Beobachtungszeitraums von 12 Monaten eine gute Compliance für die Einnahme ihres Immun-suppressivums. Die Timing Compliance (TiC)-raten lagen auf einem niedrigeren Niveau als die Dosing- und Taking Compliance (TC)-raten. Die Complianceraten der drei Subgruppen unterschieden sich nicht signifikant. Die Patienten mit dem geringsten Abstand zur Transplantation zeigten bei beinahe allen Messmethoden die höchste Compliance im Gegensatz zur etwas geringeren Compliance der Patienten mit größerem Abstand zur Transplantation. Die während der Advagraf®-Phase mittels MEMS® gemessenen DC-, TC- und TiC-raten fielen höher aus als bei Einnahme von Prograf® (p(DC)=0,003; p(TC)=0,077; p(TiC)=0,003; Wilcoxon Vorzeichen-Rang-Test). Dieses Ergebnis untermauert die in anderen Indikationen gefundene Complianceverbesserung durch die einmal tägliche Arzneimittelgabe im Vergleich zur zweimal täglichen Gabe. Die Auswertung der Drug Holidays ergab für die Advagraf®-Phase hingegen niedrigere Complianceraten als für die Prograf®-Phase. Dieses Ergebnis ist auf die Definition des Drug Holidays (keine Arzneimitteleinnahme über 48 h) zurück zu führen. Die Chance Advagraf® einmal pro Tag zu vergessen ist doppelt so hoch, als Prograf® dreimal aufeinander fol-gend zu vergessen. Mit einer verhältnismäßigeren Definition von Drug Holidays (Einnahmepause von 72 Stun-den bei einmal täglicher Einnahme von Advagraf® entsprechend drei ausgelassenen Dosen von Prograf®) ist die Compliancerate 81%. Die Ergebnisse des Pill Counts waren sowohl bei Einnahme von Prograf® als auch von Advagraf® mit der jeweils gemessenen TC vergleichbar, was die Zuverlässigkeit der Messergebnisse bes-tätigt. rnDie zusätzlich eingesetzten Methoden verifizierten das Ergebnis der höheren Compliance mit der einmal tägli-chen Einnahme. Die während der Advagraf®-Phase beantworteten Fragebögen zeigten einen Trend zu besserer Compliance und Lebensqualität. Lediglich die Ergebnisse des MESI-Fragebogens und der Blutspiegelmessungen wichen sowohl während der Prograf®- als auch während der Advagraf®-Phase stark von den Ergebnis-sen der anderen Methoden ab. rnUnter Einbeziehung aller mittels MEMS® und Pill Count objektiv gemessenen Complianceparameter konnten während der Prograf®-Einnahme 54 von 60 Pat. (90%) und während der Advagraf®-Phase 59 von 62 Pat. (95%) als compliant eingestuft werden. Aufgrund subjektiver Compliancemessungen waren 49 von 58 Pat. (84%) während der Prograf®- und 54 von 59 Pat. (92%) während der Advagraf®-Phase als compliant einzustufen. Es wurde beobachtet, dass die zeitlich korrekte Einnahme der Morgendosis einfacher und bei Einmalgabe zu bevorzugen ist. Die wochentagsbezogene Auswertung ergab erwartungsgemäß, dass am Wochenende (Samstag und Sonntag) am häufigsten Dosen ausgelassen wurden. rnDie Umstellung von Prograf® auf Advagraf® stellte kein Problem dar. Beinahe alle Patienten waren dankbar und zufrieden mit der Reduzierung der Dosierungsfrequenz und der größeren Unabhängigkeit durch die entfallene abendliche Einnahme. Der positive Einfluss der geringeren Dosierungshäufigkeit auf die Langzeitcompliance der Patienten, ist ein hinreichender Grund die Entwicklung von Formulierungen zur einmal täglichen Ein-nahme für weitere Immunsuppressiva zu fordern. Insbesondere bei den häufig eingesetzten Kombinationstherapien von Immunsuppressiva würde der Effekt der Complianceverbesserung noch verstärkt werden, wenn alle eingesetzten Immunsuppressiva zur einmal täglichen Gabe geeignet wären.


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The aim of the thesis is to propose a Bayesian estimation through Markov chain Monte Carlo of multidimensional item response theory models for graded responses with complex structures and correlated traits. In particular, this work focuses on the multiunidimensional and the additive underlying latent structures, considering that the first one is widely used and represents a classical approach in multidimensional item response analysis, while the second one is able to reflect the complexity of real interactions between items and respondents. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the parameter recovery for the proposed models under different conditions (sample size, test and subtest length, number of response categories, and correlation structure). The results show that the parameter recovery is particularly sensitive to the sample size, due to the model complexity and the high number of parameters to be estimated. For a sufficiently large sample size the parameters of the multiunidimensional and additive graded response models are well reproduced. The results are also affected by the trade-off between the number of items constituting the test and the number of item categories. An application of the proposed models on response data collected to investigate Romagna and San Marino residents' perceptions and attitudes towards the tourism industry is also presented.


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BACKGROUND: In humans, it is not known whether physical endurance exercise training promotes coronary collateral growth. The following hypotheses were tested: the expected collateral flow reduction after percutaneous coronary intervention of a stenotic lesion is prevented by endurance exercise training; collateral flow supplied to an angiographically normal coronary artery improves in response to exercise training; there is a direct relationship between the change of fitness after training and the coronary collateral flow change. METHODS AND RESULTS: Forty patients (age 61+/-8 years) underwent a 3-month endurance exercise training program with baseline and follow-up assessments of coronary collateral flow. Patients were divided into an exercise training group (n=24) and a sedentary group (n=16) according to the fact whether they adhered or not to the prescribed exercise program, and whether or not they showed increased endurance (VO2max in ml/min per kg) and performance (W/kg) during follow-up versus baseline bicycle spiroergometry. Collateral flow index (no unit) was obtained using pressure sensor guidewires positioned in the coronary artery undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and in a normal vessel. In the vessel initially undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention, there was an increase in collateral flow index among exercising but not sedentary patients from 0.155+/-0.081 to 0.204+/-0.056 (P=0.03) and from 0.189+/-0.084 to 0.212+/-0.077 (NS), respectively. In the normal vessel, collateral flow index changes were from 0.176+/-0.075 to 0.227+/-0.070 in the exercise group (P=0.0002), and from 0.219+/-0.103 to 0.238+/-0.086 in the sedentary group (NS). A direct correlation existed between the change in collateral flow index from baseline to follow-up and the respective alteration of VO2max (P=0.007) and Watt (P=0.03). CONCLUSION: A 3-month endurance exercise training program augments coronary collateral supply to normal vessels, and even to previously stenotic arteries having undergone percutaneous coronary intervention before initiating the program. There appears to be a dose-response relation between coronary collateral flow augmentation and exercise capacity gained.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: While several risk factors for the histological progression of chronic hepatitis C have been identified, the contribution of HCV genotypes to liver fibrosis evolution remains controversial. The aim of this study was to assess independent predictors for fibrosis progression. METHODS: We identified 1189 patients from the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort database with at least one biopsy prior to antiviral treatment and assessable date of infection. Stage-constant fibrosis progression rate was assessed using the ratio of fibrosis Metavir score to duration of infection. Stage-specific fibrosis progression rates were obtained using a Markov model. Risk factors were assessed by univariate and multivariate regression models. RESULTS: Independent risk factors for accelerated stage-constant fibrosis progression (>0.083 fibrosis units/year) included male sex (OR=1.60, [95% CI 1.21-2.12], P<0.001), age at infection (OR=1.08, [1.06-1.09], P<0.001), histological activity (OR=2.03, [1.54-2.68], P<0.001) and genotype 3 (OR=1.89, [1.37-2.61], P<0.001). Slower progression rates were observed in patients infected by blood transfusion (P=0.02) and invasive procedures or needle stick (P=0.03), compared to those infected by intravenous drug use. Maximum likelihood estimates (95% CI) of stage-specific progression rates (fibrosis units/year) for genotype 3 versus the other genotypes were: F0-->F1: 0.126 (0.106-0.145) versus 0.091 (0.083-0.100), F1-->F2: 0.099 (0.080-0.117) versus 0.065 (0.058-0.073), F2-->F3: 0.077 (0.058-0.096) versus 0.068 (0.057-0.080) and F3-->F4: 0.171 (0.106-0.236) versus 0.112 (0.083-0.142, overall P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study shows a significant association of genotype 3 with accelerated fibrosis using both stage-constant and stage-specific estimates of fibrosis progression rates. This observation may have important consequences for the management of patients infected with this genotype.


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BACKGROUND Chronic kidney disease is associated with an increased risk of cancer, but whether reduced kidney function also leads to increased cancer mortality is uncertain. The aim of our study was to assess the independent effects of reduced kidney function on the risk of cancer deaths. STUDY DESIGN Prospective population-based cohort study. SETTING & PARTICIPANTS Participants of the Blue Mountains Eye Study (n=4,077; aged 49-97 years). PREDICTOR Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). OUTCOMES Overall and site-specific cancer mortality. RESULTS During a median follow-up of 12.8 (IQR, 8.6-15.8) years, 370 cancer deaths were observed in our study cohort. For every 10-mL/min/1.73 m(2) reduction in eGFR, there was an increase in cancer-specific mortality of 18% in the fully adjusted model (P<0.001). Compared with participants with eGFR ≥ 60 mL/min/1.73 m(2), the adjusted HR for cancer-specific mortality for those with eGFR<60 mL/min/1.73 m(2) was 1.27 (95% CI, 1.00-1.60; P=0.05). This excess cancer mortality varied with site, with the greatest risk for breast and urinary tract cancer deaths (adjusted HRs of 1.99 [95% CI, 1.05-3.85; P=0.01] and 2.54 [95% CI, 1.02-6.44; P=0.04], respectively). LIMITATIONS Residual confounding, such as from unmeasured socioeconomic factors and the potential effects of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents on cancer deaths, may have occurred. CONCLUSIONS eGFR<60 mL/min/1.73m(2) appears to be a significant risk factor for death from cancer. These effects appear to be site specific, with breast and urinary tract cancers incurring the greatest risk of death among those with reduced kidney function.