966 resultados para 12930-045
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En la cub.: Consejo Escolar del Estado
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El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo es realizar un análisis detallado de la situación de las bibliotecas escolares en España así como los principales déficits que presentan estas bibliotecas respecto a sus recursos y actividades. De esta forma el estudio aportará una visión completa del sistema bibliotecario español. La unidad básica de encuesta ha sido las bibliotecas centrales pertenecientes a centros de enseñanza de titularidad pública de educación primaria y secundaria en todo el territorio español. La selección de los centros a encuestar se realizó sobre la base del Directorio de centros escolares del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia del curso 1994-1995, con ello se realizó la encuesta a 14.708 centros, diferenciándose los centros de enseñanza primaria (11.663 centros) y secundaria (3.045 centros). De ellos se terminó encuestando a los centros con más de 100 alumnos, con o sin biblioteca; y a los centros que tienen entre 80 y 100 alumnos con biblioteca escolar central. El tamaño de la muestra necesario para obtener datos representativos es de 387 centros de primaria y 353 de secundaria. El estudio se plantea en dos fases: en la primera fase, objeto de este informe, y dada la total deficiencia de los datos estadísticos se procede a elaborar la información base, esto es, elaborar el diseño de la encuesta y la muestra, realización del trabajo de campo e informatización de los datos. Y la segunda fase, que será objeto de otro informe, consistirá en la explotación estadística de la información y en el análisis detallado de los resultados obtenidos. Los instrumentos utilizados son: encuesta y listado de centros de enseñanza primaria y secundaria. La información recogida de la encuesta se ha grabado en las Base de Datos Dbase IV y se reparten en cuatro bases de datos: BIBLIO.DBF, BIB-C.DBF, TEXTO.DBF y OBSERVA.DBF. El presente informe no recoge resultados pues esto serán objeto de otro trabajo correspondiéndose a la segunda fase del estudio. Aunque las conclusiones también formarán parte de la segunda fase del estudio se puede avanzar como conclusión que la biblioteca de los centros de enseñanza primaria y secundaria es uno de los recursos pedagógicos básicos que debe ofrecer todo sistema de enseñanza pública, en tanto que constituye un instrumento eficaz para el desarrollo de las políticas de fomento de la lectura.
Conocer, analizar, describir y valorar las cinco dimensiones del autoconcepto de los Enfermeros Internos Residentes (EIR) de todas las Unidades Docentes de España. Población: todos los enfermeros internos residentes que cursan estudios de matrona en la convocatoria de 2002 para acceso en 2003 (Orden PRE 2719 2002, de 29 de octubre) N: 229 (población diana); N: 183 (población de estudio). Se enviaron los cuestionarios a todas las Unidades Docentes de Matrona de España (excepto la de la Virgen de Candelaria de Tenerife). Las aplicaciones fueron responsabilidad de las coordinadoras o jefes de estudios de las Unidadesa Docentes quienes recibieron, junto a los cuestionarios, unas instrucciones para su aplicación. La investigación aborda la relación existente entre las dimensiones familiar, social, emocional, física y académico-laboral que presenta el autoconcepto. El modelo teórico con más influencia y que sintetiza los aspectos del autoconcepto es el multidimensional y jerárquico de Shavelson, Hubner y Staton (1976), Marsh y Shavelson (1985), Byrne y Shavelson (1985), revisado posteriormente por Marsh (1990). Los datos se trabajan desde un enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal- observacional. Cuestionario de Autoconcepto Forma 5 (García y Musitu, 2001) para evaluar las dimensiones del autoconcepto académico- profesional, social, emocional, familiar y físico de los enfermeros. Entre los resultados: 1. El análisis de la Escala de Autoconcepto muestra que los residentes de la especialidad obstétrico-ginecológica obtienen la puntuación más alta en el autoconcepto académico- laboral: 8, 045 (en una escala de 0 a 10) y la más baja en el emocional: 5,864. Que la dimensión emocional sea la más baja de las dimensiones del autoconcepto en los enfermeros internos puede ser debido a la percepción general sobre la responsabilidad del desempeño del rol de matrona, por el alto grado de exigencia de la especialidad y la vulnerabilidad de los usuarios atendidos. Por el contrario, la dimensión académico-laboral hace referencia a la percepción que el efermero interno tiene de la calidad del desempeño de su rol profesional como estudiante universitario.
As atitudes dos professores face à inclusão de alunos com deficiência : o contacto com a deficiência
RESUMO: Actualmente as práticas de exclusão evoluíram para uma perspectiva de inclusão, assim como para a consciencialização dos direitos e deveres de cada um, como forma de dar resposta à sociedade heterogénea existente. A visão baseada nos sistemas de identificação e classificação dos sujeitos em várias categorias de deficiências era algo muito usual, mas que foi abolida, dando assim lugar ao conceito de Necessidades Educativas Especiais, com uma óptica mais abrangente, tendo em conta o contexto em que o sujeito está envolvido (Nunes, 2000). As atitudes dos professores face aos alunos com deficiência têm melhorado significativamente (Ribeiro, 1999), no entanto o processo de inclusão destas crianças no ensino regular não está isento de problemas. Neste sentido, e para que este desafio seja ultrapassado com sucesso, torna-se essencial que os professores modifiquem as suas atitudes e passem a desempenhar um papel mais activo nas suas funções, devendo para isso, começar por adaptar o currículo, e posteriormente repensar as suas estratégias e métodos de trabalho, como forma a responder às necessidades de todos os alunos (Ainscow, 1997). O objectivo principal deste estudo é verificar se o contacto com a deficiência (a nível da experiência no ensino, formação inicial e contacto na infância/juventude), por parte dos professores, influencia as suas atitudes em relação à formação necessária para a inclusão de alunos com deficiência, bem como às vantagens que esta representa para esses mesmos alunos. A amostra foi constituída por 672 professores do ensino regular, todos estão actualmente no activo e leccionam níveis de ensino do Pré-Escolar ao Ensino Secundário, de Norte a Sul do país. (N = 482 do género feminino e N =190 do género masculino). O instrumento de avaliação aplicado foi o questionário APIAD – Atitude dos Professores face à Inclusão de Alunos com Deficiência (Leitão, 2011). Concluiu-se que a experiência no ensino de alunos com deficiência influencia significativamente a atitude dos professores face à formação necessária (deficiência motora: p<0,001; deficiência auditiva: p<0,001; deficiência visual: p<0,001; deficiência mental: p=0,004) e face às vantagens da inclusão para os alunos com deficiência (deficiência motora: p=0,005; deficiência auditiva: p<0,001; deficiência visual: p<0,001; deficiência mental: p=0,022). No que se refere ao contacto com pessoas com deficiência durante a formação inicial, concluiu-se que existem diferenças significativas na atitude dos professores face às vantagens da inclusão para os alunos com deficiência (deficiência motora: p<0,001; deficiência auditiva: p<0,001; deficiência visual: p<0,001; deficiência mental: p<0,001). No entanto, no que respeita à formação, a atitude dos professores não difere, independentemente de terem tido esse contacto (deficiência motora: p=0,393; deficiência auditiva: p=0,456; deficiência visual: p=0,055; deficiência mental: p=0,342). Relativamente ao contacto com pessoas com deficiência durante a infância/juventude conclui-se que não existem diferenças na atitude dos professores em relação à formação necessária (deficiência motora: p=0,893; deficiência auditiva: p=0,667; deficiência visual: p=0,459; deficiência mental: p=0,918). Por sua vez, no que respeita às vantagens da inclusão para os alunos com deficiência, esta variável só influencia significativamente a atitude dos professores no caso da deficiência visual (deficiência motora: p=0,154; deficiência auditiva: p=0,100; deficiência visual: p=0,045; deficiência mental: p=0,149). ABSTRACT: Currently the exclusionary practices evolved to an inclusion perspective, as well as the awareness of rights and duties of each one as a way to reply to the existing heterogeneous society. The vision-based systems for identification and classification of subjects into various categories of disabilities was very unusual, but it was abolished, giving way to the concept of Special Educational Needs, with a broader perspective, considering the context in which the subject is involved (Nunes, 2000). The teachers attitude face to the students with disabilities have improved significantly (Ribeiro, 1999), however the process of inclusion of these children in regular education isn't exempt of problems. In this direction and so this challenge is exceeded successfully, it is essential that teachers change their attitudes and start to perform a more active role in their functions, and to do so, start by adapting the curriculum and then rethink their strategies and working methods, in order to meet the needs of all students (Ainscow, 1997). The main purpose of this study is to verify that the contact with the disability (educational level of experience, initial formation and contact in childhood/youth), among teachers, influences their attitudes towards the needed formation for the inclusion of students with disabilities as well as the benefits that this represents for them. The sample consisted by 672 regular educational teachers, all currently in employment and teaching from Preschool to High school, from North to South. (N = 482 females and N = 190 males). The evaluation instrument used was the survey APIAD - Teachers attitude towards the inclusion of students with disabilities (Leitão, 2011). It was concluded that the experience in teaching students with disabilities influences significantly the teachers attitude faced to the necessary formation (motor disability: p<0,001; hearing impairment: p<0,001; visual impairment: p<0,001; mental disability: p=0,004) and faced to the inclusion benefits for students with disabilities (motor disability: p=0,005; hearing impairment: p<0,001; visual impairment: p<0,001; mental disability: p=0,022).Concerning to the contact with people with disabilities during the initial formation, it was concluded that there are significant differences in the teachers attitude face to the inclusion benefits for students with disabilities (motor disability: p<0,001; hearing impairment: p<0,001; visual impairment: p<0,001; mental disability: p<0,001). In relation to the formation, the teachers attitude is the same, regardless of whether or not they have had such contact (motor disability: p=0,393; hearing impairment: p=0,456; visual impairment: p=0,055; mental disability: p=0,342). Regarding to the contact with people with disabilities during childhood/youth, it was concluded that there is no difference in the teachers attitude in relation to the formation needed (motor disability: p=0,893; hearing impairment: p=0,667; visual impairment: p=0,459; mental disability: p=0,918). On the other way, regarding to the inclusion benefits for students with disabilities, this influences significantly the teachers attitude just in the visual impairment. (motor disability: p=0,154; hearing impairment: p=0,100; visual impairment: p=0,045; mental disability: p=0,149).
Esta investigación se llevó a cabo con el objetivo de develar los mecanismos que utilizan los periodistas y medios de comunicación para construir las noticias de todos los días. ¿De qué o de quiénes depende el enfoque o puntos de vista implícitos en la información? ¿Sobre la base de qué se seleccionan a los temas que se publican? ¿Cuál es el modelo dominante que se presenta en las noticias? Estas son algunas de las interrogantes que este libro busca contestar. Para abordar el vasto tema de la corrupción pública la autora realiza una investigación sobre el “Caso piponazgo” producido a partir de la denuncia de una diputada contra un ex presidente del Congreso Nacional, quien, por esta denuncia, se convirtió, además, en el primer ex presidente de la república que ha ido a prisión. La autora analiza –utilizando métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos– cómo el tema fue cubierto por un medio de comunicación escrito, en un período de cuatro años (agosto de 1997 – mayo de 2000), y realiza un análisis periodístico que toma en cuenta el espacio otorgado a la información, la ubicación de la noticia, el titular, el recurso gráfico y las relaciones existentes con casos o hechos paralelos. Para el estudio cualitativo, la investigación incluyó entrevistas con el fin de conocer las motivaciones de los comunicadores sociales que construyeron estas informaciones, la política del diario y de su director, y cómo esto incidió en el enfoque que prevaleció en la mayoría de las noticias sobre este tema.La investigación revela que el periódico tenía una línea o política para el tratamiento de este caso, así como la predisposición de los periodistas para favorecer o desfavorecer a los implicados.
The flavonoid class of plant secondary metabolites play a multifunctional role in below-ground plant-microbe interactions with their best known function as signals in the nitrogen fixing legume-rhizobia symbiosis. Flavonoids enter rhizosphere soil as a result of root exudation and senescence but little is known about their subsequent fate or impacts on microbial activity. Therefore, the present study examined the sorptive behaviour, biodegradation and impact on dehydrogenase activity (as determined by iodonitrotetrazolium chloride reduction) of the flavonoids naringenin and formononetin in soil. Organic carbon normalised partition coefficients, log K-oc, of 3.12 (formononetin) and 3.19 (naringenin) were estimated from sorption isotherms and, after comparison with literature log K-oc values for compounds whose soil behaviour is better characterised, the test flavonoids were deemed to be moderately sorbed. Naringenin (spiked at 50 mu g g(-1)) was biodegraded without a detectable lag phase with concentrations reduced to 0.13 +/- 0.01 mu g g(-1) at the end of the 96 h time course. Biodegradation of formononetin proceeded after a lag phase of similar to 24 with concentrations reduced to 4.5 +/- 1% of the sterile control after 72 h. Most probable number (MPN) analysis revealed that prior to the addition of flavonoids, the soil contained 5.4 x 10(6) MPNg(-1) (naringenin) and 7.9 x 10(5) MPNg(-1) (formononetin) catabolic microbes. Formononetin concentration had no significant (p > 0.05) effect on soil dehydrogenase activity, whereas naringenin concentration had an overall but non-systematic impact (p = 0.045). These results are discussed with reference to likely total and bioavailable concentrations of flavonoids experienced by microbes in the rhizosphere. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) enables investigation of the intrinsic functional organization of the brain. Fractal parameters such as the Hurst exponent, H, describe the complexity of endogenous low-frequency fMRI time series on a continuum from random (H = .5) to ordered (H = 1). Shifts in fractal scaling of physiological time series have been associated with neurological and cardiac conditions. METHODS: Resting-state fMRI time series were recorded in 30 male adults with an autism spectrum condition (ASC) and 33 age- and IQ-matched male volunteers. The Hurst exponent was estimated in the wavelet domain and between-group differences were investigated at global and voxel level and in regions known to be involved in autism. RESULTS: Complex fractal scaling of fMRI time series was found in both groups but globally there was a significant shift to randomness in the ASC (mean H = .758, SD = .045) compared with neurotypical volunteers (mean H = .788, SD = .047). Between-group differences in H, which was always reduced in the ASC group, were seen in most regions previously reported to be involved in autism, including cortical midline structures, medial temporal structures, lateral temporal and parietal structures, insula, amygdala, basal ganglia, thalamus, and inferior frontal gyrus. Severity of autistic symptoms was negatively correlated with H in retrosplenial and right anterior insular cortex. CONCLUSIONS: Autism is associated with a small but significant shift to randomness of endogenous brain oscillations. Complexity measures may provide physiological indicators for autism as they have done for other medical conditions.
The paper explores the low uptake of livestock vaccination among poor farming communities in Bolivia utilising core elements of the original innovation diffusion theory. Contrary to the recent literature, we found that vaccination behaviour was strongly Linked to social and cultural, rather than economic, drivers. While membership in a group increased uptake, the 'hot' and 'cold' distinctions which dictate health versus illness within Andean cosmology also played a role, with vaccination viewed as a means of addressing underlying imbalances. We concluded that uptake of livestock vaccination was unlikely to improve without knowledge transfer that acknowledges local. epistemologies for Livestock disease. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A 2-year longitudinal survey was carried out to investigate factors affecting reproduction in crossbred cows on smallholder farms in and around an urban centre. Sixty farms were visited at approximately 2-week intervals and details of reproductive traits and body condition score (BCS) were collected. Fifteen farms were within the town (U), 23 farms were approximately 5 km from town (SU), and 22 farms approximately 10 km from town (PU). Sources of variation in reproductive traits were investigated using a general linear model (GLM) by a stepwise forward selection and backward elimination approach to judge important independent variables. Factors considered for the first step of formulation of the model included location (PU, SU and U), type of insemination, calving season, BCS at calving, at 3 months postpartum and at 6 months postpartum, calving year, herd size category, source of labour (hired and family labour), calf rearing method (bucket and partial suckling) and parity number of the cow. The effects of the independent variables identified were then investigated using a non-parametric survival technique. The number of days to first oestrus was increased on the U site (p = 0.045) and when family labour was used (p = 0.02). The non-parametric test confirmed the effect of site (p = 0.059), but effect of labour was not significant. The number of days from calving to conception was reduced by hiring labour (p = 0.003) and using natural service (p = 0.028). The non-parametric test confirmed the effects of type of insemination (p = 0.0001) while also identifying extended calving intervals on U and SU sites (p = 0.014). Labour source was again non-significant. Calving interval was prolonged on U and SU sites (p = 0.021), by the use of AI (p = 0.031) and by the use of family labour (p = 0.001). The non-parametric test confirmed the effect of site (p = 0.008) and insemination type (p > 0.0001) but not of labour source. It was concluded that under favourable conditions (PU site, hired labour and natural service) calving intervals of around 440 days could be achieved.
This paper considers the problem of estimation when one of a number of populations, assumed normal with known common variance, is selected on the basis of it having the largest observed mean. Conditional on selection of the population, the observed mean is a biased estimate of the true mean. This problem arises in the analysis of clinical trials in which selection is made between a number of experimental treatments that are compared with each other either with or without an additional control treatment. Attempts to obtain approximately unbiased estimates in this setting have been proposed by Shen [2001. An improved method of evaluating drug effect in a multiple dose clinical trial. Statist. Medicine 20, 1913–1929] and Stallard and Todd [2005. Point estimates and confidence regions for sequential trials involving selection. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 135, 402–419]. This paper explores the problem in the simple setting in which two experimental treatments are compared in a single analysis. It is shown that in this case the estimate of Stallard and Todd is the maximum-likelihood estimate (m.l.e.), and this is compared with the estimate proposed by Shen. In particular, it is shown that the m.l.e. has infinite expectation whatever the true value of the mean being estimated. We show that there is no conditionally unbiased estimator, and propose a new family of approximately conditionally unbiased estimators, comparing these with the estimators suggested by Shen.