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Die photodynamische Therapie (PDT) gehört zu den Standardverfahren in der Therapie aktinischer Keratosen (AK). Bei der Tageslicht-PDT (Daylight PDT, DL-PDT) mit MAL-Creme handelt es sich um eine neuere Entwicklung, bei der anstelle eines Belichtungssystems das Tageslicht zur Aktivierung des Photosensibilisators genutzt wird. Der vorliegende Review fasst die aktuelle Studienlage basierend auf einer selektiven Literaturrecherche zusammen, fokussiert auf praktische Aspekte in der Durchführung und reflektiert insbesondere auch die Expertenerfahrung der Autoren mit der DL-PDT. Studiendaten zeigen, dass die DL-PDT der konventionellen PDT in ihrer Wirksamkeit nicht unterlegen ist. Sie ist jedoch signifikant besser verträglich, da sie zu deutlich weniger Schmerzen während der Therapie führt. Sie kann in Mitteleuropa von März bis Oktober sowohl an bewölkten als auch an sonnigen Tagen durchgeführt werden. Hierbei ist auf UV-Schutz auch der nicht behandelten Körperareale zu achten. Die Außentemperatur sollte 10°C nicht unterschreiten. An heißen Tagen sollte ein Aufenthalt im Schatten, soweit erforderlich, eingeplant werden. Die DL-PDT mit MAL ist u. a. für Patienten mit Feldkanzerisierung und/oder negativer Schmerzerfahrung bei der cPDT geeignet und stellt eine sinnvolle Ergänzung der aktuellen Therapiemöglichkeiten dar.
BACKGROUND Data evaluating the chronological order of appearance of extraintestinal manifestations (EIMs) relative to the time of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) diagnosis is currently lacking. We aimed to assess the type, frequency, and chronological order of appearance of EIMs in patients with IBD. METHODS Data from the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study were analyzed. RESULTS The data on 1249 patients were analyzed (49.8% female, median age: 40 [interquartile range, 30-51 yr], 735 [58.8%] with Crohn's disease, 483 [38.7%] with ulcerative colitis, and 31 [2.5%] with indeterminate colitis). A total of 366 patients presented with EIMs (29.3%). Of those, 63.4% presented with 1, 26.5% with 2, 4.9% with 3, 2.5% with 4, and 2.7% with 5 EIMs during their lifetime. Patients presented with the following diseases as first EIMs: peripheral arthritis 70.0%, aphthous stomatitis 21.6%, axial arthropathy/ankylosing spondylitis 16.4%, uveitis 13.7%, erythema nodosum 12.6%, primary sclerosing cholangitis 6.6%, pyoderma gangrenosum 4.9%, and psoriasis 2.7%. In 25.8% of cases, patients presented with their first EIM before IBD was diagnosed (median time 5 mo before IBD diagnosis: range, 0-25 mo), and in 74.2% of cases, the first EIM manifested itself after IBD diagnosis (median: 92 mo; range, 29-183 mo). CONCLUSIONS In one quarter of patients with IBD, EIMs appeared before the time of IBD diagnosis. Occurrence of EIMs should prompt physicians to look for potential underlying IBD.
We examine the time-series relationship between housing prices in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Phoenix. First, temporal Granger causality tests reveal that Los Angeles housing prices cause housing prices in Las Vegas (directly) and Phoenix (indirectly). In addition, Las Vegas housing prices cause housing prices in Phoenix. Los Angeles housing prices prove exogenous in a temporal sense and Phoenix housing prices do not cause prices in the other two markets. Second, we calculate out-of-sample forecasts in each market, using various vector autoregessive (VAR) and vector error-correction (VEC) models, as well as Bayesian, spatial, and causality versions of these models with various priors. Different specifications provide superior forecasts in the different cities. Finally, we consider the ability of theses time-series models to provide accurate out-of-sample predictions of turning points in housing prices that occurred in 2006:Q4. Recursive forecasts, where the sample is updated each quarter, provide reasonably good forecasts of turning points.
The presentation of MHC class I (MHC-I)/peptide complexes by dendritic cells (DCs) is critical for the maintenance of central tolerance to self and for the regulation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)-mediated adaptive immune responses against pathogens and cancer cells. Interestingly, several findings have suggested that the cytoplasmic tail of MHC class I plays a functional role in the regulation of CTL immune responses. For example, our previous studies demonstrated that exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules not only showed extended DC cell surface half-lives but also induced significantly increased CTL responses to viral challange invivo. Although exon 7-deleted variant of MHC-I does not occur naturally in humans, the animal studies prompted us to examine whether exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules could generate augmented CTL responses in a therapeutic DC-based vaccine setting. To examine the stimulatory capacity of exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules, we generated a lentivirus-mediated gene transfer system to induce the expression of different MHC-I cytoplasmic tail isoforms in both mouse and human DCs. These DCs were then used as vaccines in a melanoma mouse tumor model and in a human invitro co-culture system. In this thesis, we show that DCs expressing exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules, stimulated remarkably higher levels of T-cell cytokine production and significantly increased the proliferation of meanoma-specific (Pmel-1) T cells compared with DCs expressing wild type MHC-I. We also demonstrate that, in combination with adoptive transfer of Pmel-1 T-cell, DCs expressing exon 7-deleted Db molecules induced greater anti-tumor responses against established B16 melanoma tumors, significantly extending mouse survival as compared to DCs expressing wild-type Db molecules. Moreover, we also observed that human DCs expressing exon 7-deleted HLA-A2 molecules showed similarly augmented CTL stimulatory ability. Mechanistic studies suggest that exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules showed impaired lateral membrane movement and extended cell surface half-lives within the DC/T-cell interface, leading to increased spatial availability of MHC-I/peptide complexes for recognition by CD8+ T cells. Collectively, these results suggesr that targeting exon 7 within the cytoplasmic tail of MHC-I molecules in DC vaccines has the potential to enhance CD8+ T cell stimulatory capacity and improve clinical outcomes in patients with cancer or viral infections.
The study compiles the controlling factors for organic matter sedimentation patterns from a suite of organogeochemical parameters in surface sediments off Spitsbergen and direct seabed observations using a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). In addition we assess its storage rates as well as the potential of carbon sinks on the northwestern margin of the Barents Sea with short sediment cores from a selected fjord environment (Storfjord). While sedimentation in the fjords is mainly controlled by river/meltwater discharge and coastal erosion by sea ice/glaciers resulting in high supply of terrigenous organic matter, Atlantic water inflow, and thus enhanced marine organic matter supply, characterizes the environment on the outer shelf and slope. Local deviations from this pattern, particularly on the shelf, are due to erosion and out washing of fine-grained material by bottom currents. Spots dominated by marine productivity close to the island have been found at the outer Isfjord and west off Prins Karls Forland as well as off the Kongsfjord/Krossfjord area and probably reflect local upwelling of nutrient-rich Atlantic water-derived water masses. Accumulation rates of marine organic carbon as well as reconstructed primary productivities decreased since the middle of the last century. Negative correlation of the Isfjord temperature record with reconstructed productivities in the Storfjord could be explained by a reduced annual duration of the marginal ice zone in the area due to global warming. Extremely high accumulation rates of marine organic carbon between 5.4 and 17.2 g/m**2/yr mark the Storfjord area, and probably high-latitude fjord environments in general, as a sink for carbon dioxide.
We examined the relative abundance of various components in the coarse fraction (> 150 µm) from a selected portion of the DSDP Site 480 piston core. The components consist mainly of diatoms, radiolarians, benthic and planktonic foraminifers with minor amounts of sponge spicules, terrigenous material, volcanic glass(?), dehydrated gypsum crystals, and spines of unknown biological origin. The examination shows that the siliceous organisms abound in the laminated sediments and that the calcareous organisms are more abundant in the nonlaminated sediments. Seasonal upwelling is responsible for the deposition of laminated sediments. The upwelling creates a strong oxygen-minimum zone, restricting the occurrence of burrowing benthic organisms and benthic foraminifers.
El documental fue producido en la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, financiado por el Proyecto PROSAP (Programa de Servicios Agrícolas Provinciales) con el fin de difundir los beneficios y resultados de las obras que se realizaron en la provincia de Mendoza mediante la puesta en marcha de dicho proyecto. La primera gran obra que emprendió fue el revestimiento del Canal Montecaseros el cual presentaba graves problemas de infliltraciones. Con esta implementación se logró aprovechar, proteger y efectivizar la distribución de agua hasta un 95%. La otra gran obra es el Proyecto Canal Constitución, al cual, por ser más nuevo, se le pudo implementar otra tecnología llamada "módulos de máscara", que permitió más control aún en la entrega del agua.