780 resultados para Álgebras de Jordan comutativas
Binary operations on commutative Jordan algebras, CJA, can be used to study interactions between sets of factors belonging to a pair of models in which one nests the other. It should be noted that from two CJA we can, through these binary operations, build CJA. So when we nest the treatments from one model in each treatment of another model, we can study the interactions between sets of factors of the first and the second models.
The local fractional Burgers’ equation (LFBE) is investigated from the point of view of local fractional conservation laws envisaging a nonlinear local fractional transport equation with a linear non-differentiable diffusion term. The local fractional derivative transformations and the LFBE conversion to a linear local fractional diffusion equation are analyzed.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology
Double Degree Masters in Economics Program from Insper and NOVA School of Business and Economics
We intend to study the algebraic structure of the simple orthogonal models to use them, through binary operations as building blocks in the construction of more complex orthogonal models. We start by presenting some matrix results considering Commutative Jordan Algebras of symmetric matrices, CJAs. Next, we use these results to study the algebraic structure of orthogonal models, obtained by crossing and nesting simpler ones. Then, we study the normal models with OBS, which can also be orthogonal models. We intend to study normal models with OBS (Orthogonal Block Structure), NOBS (Normal Orthogonal Block Structure), obtaining condition for having complete and suffcient statistics, having UMVUE, is unbiased estimators with minimal covariance matrices whatever the variance components. Lastly, see ([Pereira et al. (2014)]), we study the algebraic structure of orthogonal models, mixed models whose variance covariance matrices are all positive semi definite, linear combinations of known orthogonal pairwise orthogonal projection matrices, OPOPM, and whose least square estimators, LSE, of estimable vectors are best linear unbiased estimator, BLUE, whatever the variance components, so they are uniformly BLUE, UBLUE. From the results of the algebraic structure we will get explicit expressions for the LSE of these models.
Granulomas are the hallmark of mycobacterial disease. Here, we demonstrate that both the cell recruitment and the increased glucose consumption in granulomatous infiltrates during Mycobacterium avium infection are highly dependent on interferon-y (IFN-y). Mycobacterium avium-infected mice lacking IFN-y signalling failed to developed significant inflammatory infiltrations and lacked the characteristic uptake of the glucose analogue fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). To assess the role of macrophages in glucose uptake we infected mice with a selective impairment of IFN-y signalling in the macrophage lineage (MIIG mice). Although only a partial reduction of the granulomatous areas was observed in infected MIIG mice, the insensitivity of macrophages to IFN-y reduced the accumulation of FDG. In vivo, ex vivo and in vitro assays showed that macrophage activated by IFN-y displayed increased rates of glucose uptake and in vitro studies showed also that they had increased lactate production and increased expression of key glycolytic enzymes. Overall, our results show that the activation of macrophages by IFN-y is responsible for the Warburg effect observed in organs infected with M. avium.
Pressures on the Brazilian Amazon forest have been accentuated by agricultural activities practiced by families encouraged to settle in this region in the 1970s by the colonization program of the government. The aims of this study were to analyze the temporal and spatial evolution of land cover and land use (LCLU) in the lower Tapajós region, in the state of Pará. We contrast 11 watersheds that are generally representative of the colonization dynamics in the region. For this purpose, Landsat satellite images from three different years, 1986, 2001, and 2009, were analyzed with Geographic Information Systems. Individual images were subject to an unsupervised classification using the Maximum Likelihood Classification algorithm available on GRASS. The classes retained for the representation of LCLU in this study were: (1) slightly altered old-growth forest, (2) succession forest, (3) crop land and pasture, and (4) bare soil. The analysis and observation of general trends in eleven watersheds shows that LCLU is changing very rapidly. The average deforestation of old-growth forest in all the watersheds was estimated at more than 30% for the period of 1986 to 2009. The local-scale analysis of watersheds reveals the complexity of LCLU, notably in relation to large changes in the temporal and spatial evolution of watersheds. Proximity to the sprawling city of Itaituba is related to the highest rate of deforestation in two watersheds. The opening of roads such as the Transamazonian highway is associated to the second highest rate of deforestation in three watersheds.
El proyecto consta de varios temas interrelacionados, siendo el área general, la teoría espectral del Laplaciano en variedades localmente simétricas y sus aplicaciones. Cada tema consta de varios subproyectos. * Distribución de sumas de Kloosterman, funciones de zeta. * Transformada T (y/psi) para grupos de rango 1. * M- invariantes en las álgebras simétrica y universal. * Series de Poincaré generalizadas. * Variedades compactas planas isospectrales. * Construcción de variedades de Hsntzsche-Wendt generalizadas. * Estructuras de Clifford de variedades localmente homogeneas. * Distribución de puntos reticulares en esp. Simétricos de curvatura no positiva. * Resolvente del laplaciano y sus residuos en espacios localmente simétricos de curvatura no positiva.
Objetivos generales y específicos: * "Large Deviations" no-comutativas. (...) * Propiedades (sobre todo extremales) de la entropía relativa. (...) * Estados fundamentales de sistemas (de spins) cuánticos. (...) Pero se espera sobre todo concentrar esfuerzos en los siguientes dos proyectos: 1. Termodinámica de equilibrio para modelos con desorden. Se pretende continuar con los estudios acerca de los aspectos termodinámicos y dinámicos de modelos importantes en el ámbito de los sistemas desordenados. (...) El principal interés concierne a la mecánica estadística de sistemas de spines cuyas constantes de interacción tienen componentes aleatorias. Estos modelos están relacionados con los modelos conocidos como vidrios de spin y el principal objetivo consiste en obtener información acerca de los diagramas de fases. (...) 2. Efectos no-adiabáticos en dinámica molecular. El proyecto tiene como objetivo general el estudio de aspectos conceptuales y computacionales de la dinámica de sistemas que involucran dos tipos de grados de libertad asociados usualmente con masas muy diferentes. Tal es el caso de los sistemas moleculares en los cuales las masas nucleares y electrónicas difieren en tres órdenes de magnitud. La investigación se centrará en situaciones en que falla la hipótesis (usual) de adiabaticidad. (...) Se estudiarán en un principio las bases matemáticas y conceptuales de los algoritmos de cálculo numérico conocido como "surface hopping methods". (...) Se reexaminará la base teórica de los métodos actuales para el estudio de fenómenos no adiabáticos. Se intentará el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos de cálculo basados en las expansiones asintóticas de Hagedorn.
Es mi intención centrar mis investigaciones en los próximos años en las álgebras de Lie tipo H. Es nuestro objetivo encontrar nuevas familias de álgebras regulares no de tipo H y verificar la existencia o no de irreducibles cumpliendo de estas propiedades. En particular es interesante plantear su cuantización, es decir encontrar estructuras de álgebras de Hopf que sean deformaciones del álgebra envolvente correspondiente al álgebra de Lie en estudio. En particular estudiaremos si existen cuantizaciones quasitriangulares lo que nos llevaría soluciones de la ecuación de Yang-Baxter cuántica. Hasta ahora hemos logrado la cuantización en ciertos casos particulares. Para comprender cómo deben ser hechas las cuantizaciones en forma más general es necesario realizar un estudio sistemático de las estructuras de la biálgebra de las álgebras de Lie de tipo H. En particular se tratarán de detectar estructuras de biálgebra quasitriangulares y por consiguientes soluciones de la ecuación de Yang-Baxter clásica. Es un resultado conocido que las funciones de theta se pueden expresar como coeficiente matricial de la representación de Stone-Von Neumann. De los teoremas de Stone-Von Neumann para álgebras de tipo H surgen entonces funciones que serían una generalización de las funciones theta; es nuestro objetivo encontrar propiedades de estas funciones que puedan ser de interés.
Sándor Vajna; André Jordan; Konstantin Kittel
Abundance and diversity of the fish fauna in the shallow infralittoral region of Atami Beach, Paraná, Brazil, were studied through monthly collections between July 1998 and June 1999. A total of 7553 fishes from 70 species and 26 families, mainly juvenile forms, was captured in the area. The mean captures in number of species, number of fish and biomass were larger from the end of spring to the middle of autumn; seasonal tendency in richness, diversity (number) and equitability indices were not observed. The largest mean dissimilarity in the composition of the ichthyofauna occurred between June and May in comparison to the period between July and October. The species that contributed most to this dissimilarity were Selene setapinnis (Mitchill, 1815), Conodon nobilis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Stellifer rastrifer (Jordan, 1889). Three great groups reflecting patterns of temporal occurrence of the most abundant species were identified.