970 resultados para Álgebra do quase sempre
A primeira fase da Copa do Mundo no Brasil encerrou-se na última quinta-feira (26), tendo atraído grande atenção internacional. Até ontem, foram registradas cerca de 17 milhões de menções relacionadas ao torneio no Twitter no mundo inteiro, com média de mais de 1 milhão de "tuítes" por dia. Os principais destaques até o momento foram Neymar, astro da Seleção Brasileira e um dos artilheiros do Mundial com quatro gols, e Luis Suárez, artilheiro uruguaio que praticamente monopolizou as redes desde a terça-feira (25), após morder o italiano Giorgio Chiellini em partida válida pela terceira rodada da primeira fase.
La Coppa del Mondo è diventata l'evento sportivo in diretta streaming più seguito di sempre negli Stati Uniti. Quest'anno per la prima volta numerosi cittadini statunitensi sono entrati in sintonia con l'evento sportivo e la diffusione dei dispositivi mobili ha sicuramente contribuito a questo risultato: soprattutto i più giovani hanno seguito per la prima volta le partite proprio tramite smartphone, tablet e computer, generando numeri da record.
A primeira fase da Copa do Mundo no Brasil encerrou-se na última quinta-feira (26), tendo atraído grande atenção internacional. Até ontem, foram registradas cerca de 17 milhões de menções relacionadas ao torneio no Twitter no mundo inteiro, com média de mais de 1 milhão de "tuítes" por dia. Os principais destaques até o momento foram Neymar, astro da Seleção Brasileira e um dos artilheiros do Mundial com quatro gols, e Luis Suárez, artilheiro uruguaio que praticamente monopolizou as redes desde a terça-feira (25), após morder o italiano Giorgio Chiellini em partida válida pela terceira rodada da primeira fase. Os números são do Mundial na Rede, ferramenta da Diretoria de Análise de Políticas Públicas da Fundação Getulio Vargas em parceria com a empresa britânica Brandwatch, que monitora menções à Copa do Mundo no Twitter. A ferramenta, que pode ser acessada no site da FGV/DAPP, monitora os "tuítes" em inglês no mundo inteiro e também em português, oferecendo insights em tempo real sobre cada um dos países participantes do Mundial.
Na primeira parte deste meu Relatório de Estágio, referente ao desenvolvimento científico subjacente aos desenvolvimentos pedagógico-didácticos empreendidos, verifiquei que o principal objectivo partilhado pelos movimentos feministas, baseado na conquista de uma mudança capaz de alcançar a plena igualdade de direitos, encontra-se hoje falsamente conseguido. Apesar das importantes conquistas femininas que ocorreram essencialmente a partir dos anos 60 e 70 do século XX, a mulher continua a ser alvo de estereótipos profundamente enraizados e limitadores. É certo que usufrui agora de uma maior visibilidade na esfera social, mas terá sido esta arduamente conquistada ou intencionalmente cedida? Não abandonando o papel social a si destinado, a mulher tem acumulado diversos novos papéis e funções prescindindo muitas vezes das suas “vontades próprias”, dos seus sonhos. O estudo destas questões tem permitido manter estes assuntos em debate e reflexão, de modo a que não pertençam apenas à História do século XX. A Arte tem, assim, desempenhado um papel crucial ao nível da comunicação e exploração destas problemáticas que se mantém actuais, porém sempre camufladas. Privilegiando uma arte feita por “Grandes Mestres” e ignorando de certo modo as criações femininas, a sua importância e contributo para o estudo dos processos sociais, apenas a partir das décadas de 60 e 70, com o desenvolvimento das ideologias feministas, os horizontes da História da Arte começam a abrir-se, quase que forçadamente, ao universo feminino, aumentando esta, a sua riqueza e abrangência, ao contemplar diferentes visões e ideias. A exploração destas questões permite alcançar uma melhor compreensão da sociedade em que vivemos. Deste modo, a educação artística deverá contemplar como um dos seus objectivos principais, a sensibilização dos alunos para questões sociais passadas, presentes e suas projecções futuras, para que estes (os alunos) consigam compreender, nas suas múltiplas concepções, a realidade em que vivem. É essencial que desenvolvam capacidades de reflexão e análise crítica de forma a participarem construtivamente na sociedade que ajudarão a edificar. Foi neste sentido que direccionei toda a base científica da minha prática pedagógica desenvolvida durante o período de estágio, para uma análise e reflexão, por parte dos alunos, relativamente a questões que englobam o papel social da mulher, assim como o seu lugar na arte. Os entendimentos explorados neste Relatório de Estágio constituem um ponto de partida para uma reflexão mais ampla, no que respeita a todas as grandes questões do Humano e ao desenvolvimento dos conteúdos programáticos das Disciplinas em que, com o grupoturma, procedi às minhas intervenções enquanto professora estagiária.
Esta dissertação é fruto de um processo de reflexão sobre a minha experiência pro fissional de nove anos de serviço, como docente de matemática, bem como do interesse pela análise do processo de aprendizagem que os alunos do sétimo ano de escolaridade fazem das noções elementares da álgebra. Para realizar esta investigação, foi selecionada uma turma de sétimo ano, em que a maioria dos alunos é interessada pelo seu percurso escolar, embora, por vezes, não sejam constantes na sua prestação em sala de aula, bem como na realização do estudo correto em casa. Neste estudo, optou-se por uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa, de caráter interpretativo. O estudo das noções elementares da álgebra no sétimo ano de escolaridade é um marco de suma importância no percurso escolar dos alunos. É no sétimo ano de escolaridade que estes têm o primeiro contacto com noções elementares da álgebra. Por isso as experiências iniciais tornam-se fulcrais para uma aprendizagem significativa da álgebra. Assim, neste estudo, pretende-se estudar o impacte das várias tarefas aplicadas em sala de aula, quer individualmente, quer aos pares, ou em turma, a fim de se perceber o que, efetivamente, o aluno aprendeu das noções elementares da álgebra, mais concretamen te das equações. Com estas tarefas foi possível identificar algumas das dificuldades sentidas pelos alunos, neste ramo da matemática.
Individual lifestyle includes health and risk behaviors that can altar health status. Excess weight is a public health problem of modern civilization and there is an estimated mean prevalence of 45% in European countries. In Spain, the Murcia Region is an area of high morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disorders. In this study we assess the differences in health and risk behaviors in ove/weight and normal weight undergraduates at the Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM). Methods: Transversal design of parallel groups (overweight - cases and normal weight - control) , formed using the anthropometric technique. A questionnaire applied to a sample of 471 undergraduates of either sex, between the ages of 18 and 29 years, enrolled in 4 bachelor degree courses (ADE, CA, PER, PUB) at UCAM. We performed a standardized measurement of body mass (weight in kg), height (in meters) using a Seca® scale with calibrated stadiometer, waist and hip circumferences (in cm) with an inelastic tape and skinfolds thickness (triceps and subscapular in mm) with a Holtain® caliper, to calculate body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and the sum of skinfolds (SSF). We applied a lifestyle questionnaire about alcohol and tobacco consumption, knowledge and behaviors related to health indicators (arterial pressure and cholesterol), diet and physical activity. The information was collected in April and May, 2001 at the UCAM laboratory of Applied Nutrition. Statistical analysis: analysis of independent groups, contingency tables that reveal which qualitativa variables show differences and associations between the groups, Pearson's chi-square,and a significance levei of p < 0.05 followed by a residual analysis (1.96). Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) were used to establish the two groups: case and contrai with 65 men and 26 women each who had BMI < 25 kg/m2. Results: A total of 65 of the men assessed (14%) and 26 (6%) of the women were overweight. Mean body mass index of the case group was 27. 78 ±: 2.83 kg/m2 in the men and 26.26 ± 1.37 kg/m2 in the women, while contrai group men had mean BMI of 22.36 ± 1.72 kg/m2, while for the women it was 20.76 ±: 2.13 kg/m2. The self-declared values of weight and height were underestimated, but with high accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. Thus, these can be used to calculate the BMI of overweight Spanish undergraduates. Regular vigorous physical activity was observed only in normal weight men. The analysis showed the following significant differences for the qualitativa variables of the two groups. The contrai group was interested in arterial hypertension, believed that they were not overweight, that they had no abdominal fat, and had not considered controlling 'fatty food consumption. Those who thought of controlling it sometimes, did so without professional help. However, part of the overweight group believed that they were overweight and had abdominal fat between average and considerable, had often or always considered controlling fatty foods and had often or always tried to control consumption with the help of professionals. They had always thought of engaging in physical activities, unlike the normal weight individuals. Nearly all (95%) of the overweight undergraduates and most (75%) of the normal weight group reported that they sometimes or always controlled fatty food ingestion. Mean physical activity was nearly twice as high in the summer than in the winter. Conclusions: The overweight undergraduates in this sample displayed a lifestyle with a greater number of healthy behaviors when compared to normal weight individuals
This thesis is a result of a research on Natal/RN as a tourist destination. We understand that cities are chosen as tourist destinations beyond its cartographic localization, from other dimensions of meanings that, in its set, constitute images. These images are, probably, very different of the images constructed by native and resident populations, who possess relations of identity with the place. The knowledge of the meanings that others attribute to this city as tourist destination, bring us near to the symbolic bonds established by individuals or social groups on the act of their choices, as well as bring us near to the interaction process city-tourists where the expectations are confirmed or not. The images divulgated by the media also participate of the complex formation of the tourist image that is being constructed and available for the different public, in different social contexts. The tourism constitutes a symbolic asset of the modern society, being considered by the studious, as one of the most expressive phenomena of the modernity, for involving each year displacement and the interaction of thousand of people of different cultures in the entire world. All this people s mobilization points to practical social related to personal motivations, to the entailed desired to the idea to travel and to exceed borders. It is already consensus that tourism is a phenomenon of economic growth, generating jobs, income, professional, qualification, bringing improvements for the host cities. Since 1995, in Brazil, the tourism as a sector of the economy, passed to be considered one of the national priorities, and in this perspective, the national politics of the tourism invested in infrastructure of Brazilian cities with high tourist potential, objecting to increase the flows of Brazilian and foreign tourists. Owing to this fact, the country still invests in programs of tourist marketing, mainly divulging the images of the natural beauties of Brazil abroad. And for Brazilians, the campaigns appeal to rescue the feeling to be Brazilian, associating the idea to travel and know its country. Natal city possesses an excellent positioning in the tourist marketing, being predominantly divulgated in national and international level, for its naturalistic singularity, where the images of its natural enchantments as warm water beaches, white dunes, warm weather, constant breeze and an always blue sky are shown as the favorite scene on this city. From what was viewed above that the choice of a tourist destination articulates from a determined imaginary of a place, already constructed or in process of construction, we consider the knowledge of this imaginary a basic learning for the population of the city and especially, for educators, in the formation of professionals in this area and for tourism managers, elaborators of public politics. Based on this estimative, we developed this research that had as a general objective to identify the images that illustrate Natal city as a tourist destination - our objective of study, particularly the meanings and senses attributed by the tourist marketing (hotel s folders) and by the tourists that visited the city during this study. The discussions and reflections that had guided this research had been given from the theoretical link between imaginary and social representation, also considering some interfaces between the fields of communication and symbol. From the studied authors, Baczko (1985) clarifies that the study of social imaginary is directed for the mechanisms and structures of the social life, especially for the intervention accomplishes and efficient of the representations and symbols in the practical collectives, as well as in its direction and orientation . Following this same thought, Moscovici (1978) says that the social representation are produced in communicational and symbolic contexts, and these representations once that already constituted circulate socially as almost tangible entities. Based on this fundament and on the analyze of Barthes (1990), particularly in the approach given to the reading of photographic image, we could observe on hotel s folders that each page evidences senses and meanings of functionality of internal and external spaces, pointing to the way of leisure offered by the keepers of city which is the hotels. About, the leisure that they offer, it is directed to young public, giving meaning to the young myth of personalized leisure tourism on children, young and adults images. The image about security that hotels offer and the singular image of Natal city as a paradise place, provide an idealization of pleasure through the sun, dunes, and beaches and also due to the hospitability of the natives who are assigned as educated . For the tourist that participated on this research, Natal city is tied only by the imaginary of leisure and nature which constitute the emotional link of the relation media-city-tourist. And with such force and fullness of directions the city discloses without tensions and contradictions as a place protected by a mythical and sacred aura. The study also demonstrates us that the potiguar culture remains (almost) forgotten, due to the silenced in this imaginary. In this perspective, we highlight that this culture silence is very close related to the disvalue of education in its general meaning. We defend that the imaginary apprehended constitutes a new reading and a new looking and understanding the tourist reality that comes historically consolidating in this city. In this direction, we glimpse that this study and its future dismemberments can collaborate with the process of rescue the cultural values of the potiguar people, in the way that the meaning of tourist may be redefined, and the tourist image of the city can be also disclosed for its identities particularities of its culture
The thesis investigated how social networks online that allows anonymous postings can be used by teachers and students to promote the meeting between the sexual education and the needs and expectations of young people face a crosscutting theme, remarkably a taboo. It needs teaching strategies more efficient than those traditionally defended. With this experience, found in a short course about sexuality and health, we sought to go beyond the use of social networks for social entertainment, showing they can be an field that favors the process of teaching and learning. The research was based on the convergence of the communication concepts from Paulo Frere and another from Jürgen Habermas, as well as the philosophical concepts of utopia, ideology and dialectic are interrelated not only among themselves, but also inside an education field. Methodologically in this thesis, we adopted the category of qualitative research; the method is a combination of case study with action research. The technique was the use of questionnaires, data collection was in attendance and the types of data were primary. Finally, we present, then, the idea the communication is not in the middle, but in the trusty relationship established between the interlocutors. In this way, we can think when a student has met their need to be able answer his questions about sex with their teacher through an online social network that allows anonymity and through which the student knows who responds is their teacher, but the teacher can not distinguish the identity of his students, this dialogic relationship serves to get claims of the validity that are characterized as potential communicative action
The characteristic properties of the fractal geometry have shown to be very useful for the construction of filters, frequency selective surfaces, synchronized circuits and antennas, enabling optimized solutions in many different commercial uses at microwaves frequency band. The fractal geometry is included in the technology of the microwave communication systems due to some interesting properties to the fabrication of compact devices, with higher performance in terms of bandwidth, as well as multiband behavior. This work describes the design, fabrication and measurement procedures for the Koch quasi-fractal monopoles, with 1 and 2 iteration levels, in order to investigate the bandwidth behavior of planar antennas, from the use of quasi-fractal elements printed on their rectangular patches. The electromagnetic effect produced by the variation of the fractal iterations and the miniaturization of the structures is analyzed. Moreover, a parametric study is performed to verify the bandwidth behavior, not only at the return loss but also in terms of SWR. Experimental results were obtained through the accomplishment of measurements with the aid of a vetorial network analyzer and compared to simulations performed using the Ansoft HFSS software. Finally, some proposals for future works are presented
The microstrip antennas are in constant evidence in current researches due to several advantages that it presents. Fractal geometry coupled with good performance and convenience of the planar structures are an excellent combination for design and analysis of structures with ever smaller features and multi-resonant and broadband. This geometry has been applied in such patch microstrip antennas to reduce its size and highlight its multi-band behavior. Compared with the conventional microstrip antennas, the quasifractal patch antennas have lower frequencies of resonance, enabling the manufacture of more compact antennas. The aim of this work is the design of quasi-fractal patch antennas through the use of Koch and Minkowski fractal curves applied to radiating and nonradiating antenna s edges of conventional rectangular patch fed by microstrip inset-fed line, initially designed for the frequency of 2.45 GHz. The inset-fed technique is investigated for the impedance matching of fractal antennas, which are fed through lines of microstrip. The efficiency of this technique is investigated experimentally and compared with simulations carried out by commercial software Ansoft Designer used for precise analysis of the electromagnetic behavior of antennas by the method of moments and the neural model proposed. In this dissertation a study of literature on theory of microstrip antennas is done, the same study is performed on the fractal geometry, giving more emphasis to its various forms, techniques for generation of fractals and its applicability. This work also presents a study on artificial neural networks, showing the types/architecture of networks used and their characteristics as well as the training algorithms that were used for their implementation. The equations of settings of the parameters for networks used in this study were derived from the gradient method. It will also be carried out research with emphasis on miniaturization of the proposed new structures, showing how an antenna designed with contours fractals is capable of a miniaturized antenna conventional rectangular patch. The study also consists of a modeling through artificial neural networks of the various parameters of the electromagnetic near-fractal antennas. The presented results demonstrate the excellent capacity of modeling techniques for neural microstrip antennas and all algorithms used in this work in achieving the proposed models were implemented in commercial software simulation of Matlab 7. In order to validate the results, several prototypes of antennas were built, measured on a vector network analyzer and simulated in software for comparison
This work is the analysis of a structure of the microstrip antenna designed for application in ultra wide band systems (Ultra Wideband - UWB). This is a prospective analytical study where they tested the changes in the geometry of the antenna, observing their suitability to the proposed objectives. It is known that the UWB antenna must operate in a range of at least 500 MHz, and answer a fractional bandwidth greater than or equal to 25%. It is also desirable that the antenna meets the specifications of track determined by FCC - Federal Communication Commission, which regulates the system in 2002 designating the UWB bandwidth of 7.5 GHz, a range that varies from 3.1 GHz to 10, 6 GHz. by setting the maximum power spectral density of operation in -41.3 dB / MHz, and defining the fractional bandwidth by 20%. The study starts of a structure of geometry in the form of stylized @, which evolves through changes in its form, in simulated commercial software CST MICROWAVE STUDIO, version 5.3.1, and then tested using the ANSOFT HFSS, version 9. These variations, based on observations of publications available from literature referring to the microstrip monopole planar antennas. As a result it is proposed an antenna, called Monopole Antenna Planar Spiral Almost Rectangular for applications in UWB systems - AMQEUWB, which presents simulated and measured results satisfactory, consistent with the objectives of the study. Some proposals for future work are mentioned