991 resultados para <0.5 cm
We study the stellar and star formation properties of the host galaxies of 58 X-ray-selected AGNs in the GOODS portion of the Chandra Deep Field South (CDF-S) region at z ~ 0.5-1.4. The AGNs are selected such that their rest-frame UV to near-infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs) are dominated by stellar emission; i.e., they show a prominent 1.6 μm bump, thus minimizing the AGN emission "contamination." This AGN population comprises approximately 50% of the X-ray-selected AGNs at these redshifts. We find that AGNs reside in the most massive galaxies at the redshifts probed here. Their characteristic stellar masses (M_* ~ 7.8 × 10^10 and M_* ~ 1.2 × 10^11 M_☉ at median redshifts of 0.67 and 1.07, respectively) appear to be representative of the X-ray-selected AGN population at these redshifts and are intermediate between those of local type 2 AGNs and high-redshift (z ~ 2) AGNs. The inferred black hole masses (M_BH ~ 2 × 10^8 M_☉) of typical AGNs are similar to those of optically identified quasars at similar redshifts. Since the AGNs in our sample are much less luminous (L_2–10 keV < 10^44 erg s^−1) than quasars, typical AGNs have low Eddington ratios (η ~ 0.01-0.001). This suggests that, at least at intermediate redshifts, the cosmic AGN "downsizing" is due to both a decrease in the characteristic stellar mass of typical host galaxies and less efficient accretion. Finally, there is no strong evidence in AGN host galaxies for either highly suppressed star formation (expected if AGNs played a role in quenching star formation) or elevated star formation when compared to mass-selected (i.e., IRAC-selected) galaxies of similar stellar masses and redshifts.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
The sediments within Toolik Lake in arctic Alaska are characterized by extremely low rates of organic matter sedimentation and unusually high concentrations of iron and manganese. Pore water and solid phase measurements of iron, manganese, trace metals, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur are consistent with the hypothesis that the reduction of organic matter by iron and manganese is the most important biogeochemical reaction within the sediment. Very low rates of dissolved oxygen consumption by the sediments result in an oxidizing environment at the sediment-water interface. This results in high retention of upwardly-diffusing iron and manganese and the formation of metal-enriched sediment. Phosphate in sediment pore waters is strongly adsorbed by the metal-enriched phases. Consequently, fluxes of phosphorus from the sediments to overlying waters are very small and contribute to the oligotrophic nature of the Toolik Lake aquatic system. Toolik Lake contains an unusual type of lacustrine sediment, and in many ways the sediments are similar to those found in oligotrophic oceanic environments.
Sub-ice shelf circulation and freezing/melting rates in ocean general circulation models depend critically on an accurate and consistent representation of cavity geometry. Existing global or pan-Antarctic data sets have turned out to contain various inconsistencies and inaccuracies. The goal of this work is to compile independent regional fields into a global data set. We use the S-2004 global 1-minute bathymetry as the backbone and add an improved version of the BEDMAP topography for an area that roughly coincides with the Antarctic continental shelf. Locations of the merging line have been carefully adjusted in order to get the best out of each data set. High-resolution gridded data for upper and lower ice surface topography and cavity geometry of the Amery, Fimbul, Filchner-Ronne, Larsen C and George VI Ice Shelves, and for Pine Island Glacier have been carefully merged into the ambient ice and ocean topographies. Multibeam survey data for bathymetry in the former Larsen B cavity and the southeastern Bellingshausen Sea have been obtained from the data centers of Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), gridded, and again carefully merged into the existing bathymetry map. The global 1-minute dataset (RTopo-1 Version 1.0.5) has been split into two netCDF files. The first contains digital maps for global bedrock topography, ice bottom topography, and surface elevation. The second contains the auxiliary maps for data sources and the surface type mask. A regional subset that covers all variables for the region south of 50 deg S is also available in netCDF format. Datasets for the locations of grounding and coast lines are provided in ASCII format.
Sea ice leads play an essential role in ocean-ice-atmosphere exchange, in ocean circulation, geochemistry, and in ice dynamics. Their precise detection is crucial for altimetric estimations of sea ice thickness and volume. This study evaluates the performance of the SARAL/AltiKa (Satellite with ARgos and ALtiKa) altimeter to detect leads and to monitor their spatio-temporal dynamics. We show that a pulse peakiness parameter (PP) used to detect leads by Envisat RA-2 and ERS-1,-2 altimeters is not suitable because of saturation of AltiKa return echoes over the leads. The signal saturation results in loss of 6-10% of PP data over sea ice. We propose a different parameter-maximal power of waveform-and define the threshold to discriminate the leads. Our algorithm can be applied from December until May. It detects well the leads of small and medium size from 200 m to 3-4 km. So the combination of the high-resolution altimetric estimates with low-resolution thermal infra-red or radiometric lead fraction products could enhance the capability of remote sensing to monitor sea ice fracturing.
Objetivo: cuantificar duración de bloqueo sensitivo, bloqueo motor, pulso, presión sanguínea, efectos secundarios y complicaciones de la anestesia de plexo braquial por vía axilar con L-Bupivacaína. Materiales y método. Con un diseño descriptivo longitudinal se incluyeron 101 pacientes ASA I-II, a quienes se administró 150 mg de L-Bupivacaína al 0,5% (30 ml) por vía axilar luego de identificar el plexo con neuroestimulador. Resultados: el 92,1% (n = 92) de bloqueos fueron exitosos. El 65,6% (n = 61) de los intervenidos fueron varones. En un rango de 18 a 79 años la mediana de edad fue de 39 años. La mitad de la muestra tuvo entre 25 y 48 años (P25 y P75). Según índice de masa corporal (IMC) el 43% de los pacientes tuvo sobrepeso. Obreros (32,3%) y oficinistas (29%) fueron las principales ocupaciones. Los casados fueron el 57%. Las constantes basales fueron: pulso 75,1 ± 12,2 latidos/min, PAS 145,8 ± 22,7 mm Hg, PAD 79,6 ± 9,8 mm Hg y SpO2 94,1 ± 2,3%. La presión sanguínea trans y postoperatoria varió entre un 0,6 y 4.7% con respecto del promedio basal. La SpO2 se modificó no más del 2,5% y las variaciones del pulso tampoco fueron importantes. Hubo analgesia por 578,9 ± 114,4 min (rango 360 a 840 min) y bloqueo motor por 154, 5 ± 116,5 min (rango 30 a 460 min) para un tiempo promedio de cirugía de 61,5 ± 25,7 min (rango 25 a 140 min). No se registraron complicaciones ni efectos secundarios. Discusión: como señala la literatura médica especializada, la estabilidad hemodinámica y la ausencia de complicaciones convierten a la anestesia de plexo braquial por vía axilar en un método de elección para cirugía del miembro superior porque evita los trastornos fisiológicos y la respuesta del estrés quirúrgico asociados al uso de la anestesia general
La estimulaci?n es un tema que tiene gran importancia no solo por los beneficios que de ella obtienen los ni?os y ni?as que han tenido la oportunidad de acceder a ella, sino por el v?nculo afectivo que se desarrolla entre padres e hijos cuando son los padres quienes se involucran en ella. Para los docentes la estimulaci?n temprana significa una serie de oportunidades con las cuales lograr aprendizajes en mejor y mayor grado. Argumentamos mediante el apoyo de biograf?as sobre el tema, como el juego y la estimulaci?n temprana influyen en el desarrollo motor y de aprendizaje en ni?os de temprana edad (de 0 a 5 a?os), mostrando todos sus aspectos y sus diferencias.
Se realiza un estudio clínico cuasi experimental en 80 embarazadas entre 20 y 29 años de edad sometidas a intervención cesárea en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso, en 1997. Previo a su consentimiento recibieron 0.2 mg/kg. peso de una solución de bupivacaína al 0.5 por ciento isobárica e hiperbárica. El propósito de este estudio fue comparar los cambios cardiovasculares, el nivel de analgesia, la duración de la cirugía, la duración de la anestesia y las complicaciones después de adminstrar una u otra solución. Las pacientes fueron divididas en 2 grupos: El grupo 1 que recibió bupivacaína isobárica y el grupo 2 al que se le administró bupivacaína hiperbárica [8-25 por ciento glucosa]. El nivel más alto de bloqueo sensorial fue encontrado a nive de T7 en el grupo 1 y T4 en en grupo 2, siendo la diferencia estadísticamente significatica [p<0.01]. Un bloqueo motor completo se obtuvo en todos los pacientes. La caída de la presión arterial fue más frecuente con la solución hiperbárica, siendo la diferencia estadísticamte significativa. No se encontró diferencias significativas en lo referente a la bradicardia, comparando los 2 grupos. La duración de la anestesia con solución isobárica fue mayor [p<0.05]. La mayor parte de los cambios cariovasculares en el bloqueo espinal con bupivacaína isobárica sucedieron dentro de los 20-30 minutos. Otras complicaciones fueron la nausea, el vómito y la cefalea postpunción en los 2 grupos, siendo menores en el grupo 1. En ambos grupos no hubo modificaciones en el grupo de vitalidad fetal
Study design: This is cross-sectional study. Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the cardiac structure and function of subjects with spinal cord injury (SCI) and the impact of metabolic, hemodynamic and inflammatory factors on these parameters. Setting: Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Sixty-five nondiabetic, nonhypertensive, sedentary, nonsmoker men (34 with SCI and 31 healthy subjects) were evaluated by medical history, anthropometry, laboratory tests, analysis of hemodynamic and inflammatory parameters and echocardiography. Results: Subjects with SCI had lower systolic blood pressure and higher levels of C-reactive protein and tumor necrosis factor receptors than the healthy ones. Echocardiography data showed that the SCI group presented similar left ventricular (LV) structural and systolic parameters, but lower initial diastolic velocity (Em) (9.2 +/- 0.5 vs 12.3 +/- 0.5 cm s(-1); P<0.001) and higher peak early inflow velocity (E)/Em ratio (7.7 +/- 0.5 vs 6.1 +/- 0.3; P = 0.009) compared with the able-bodied group, even after adjustment for systolic blood pressure and C-reactive protein levels. Furthermore, injured subjects with E/Em >8 had lower peak spectral longitudinal contraction (Sm) (9.0 +/- 0.7 vs 11.6 +/- 0.4cm s(-1); P<0.001) and cardiac output (4.2 +/- 0.2 vs 5.0 +/- 0.21 min(-1); P = 0.029), as well as higher relative wall thickness (0.38 +/- 0.01 vs 0.35 +/- 0.01; P = 0.005), than individuals with SCI with E/Em<8, but similar age, body mass index, blood pressure, injury level, metabolic parameters and inflammatory marker levels. Conclusion: Subjects with SCI presented impaired LV diastolic function in comparison with able-bodied ones. Moreover, worse LV diastolic function was associated with a pattern of LV concentric remodeling and subclinical decreases in systolic function among injured subjects. Overall, these findings might contribute to explain the increased cardiovascular risk reported for individuals with SCI. Spinal Cord (2011) 49, 65-69; doi: 10.1038/sc.2010.88; published online 27 July 2010
Safe application of the anaerobic sequencing biofilm batch reactor (ASBBR) still depends on deeper insight into its behavior when faced with common operational problems in wastewater treatments such as tolerance to abrupt variations in influent concentration, so called shock loads. To this end the current work shows the effect of organic shock loads on the performance of an ASBBR, with a useful volume of 5 L, containing 0.5-cm polyurethane cubes and operating at 30 degrees C with mechanical stirring of 500 rpm. In the assays 2 L of two types of synthetic wastewater were treated in 8-h cycles. Synthetic wastewater I was based on sucrose-amide-cellulose with concentration of 500 mg COD/L and synthetic wastewater II was based on volatile acids with concentration ranging from 500 to 2000 mg COD/L. Organic shock loads of 2-4 times the operation concentration were applied during one and two cycles. System efficiency was monitored before and after application of the perturbation. When operating with concentrations from 500 to 1000 mg COD/L and shock loads of 2-4 times the influent concentration during one or two cycles the system was able to regain stability after one cycle and the values of organic matter, total and intermediate volatile acids, bicarbonate alkalinity and pH were similar to those prior to the perturbations. At a concentration of 2000 mg COD/L the reactor appeared to be robust, regaining removal efficiencies similar to those prior to perturbation at shock loads twice the operation concentration lasting one cycle and stability was recovered after two cycles. However, for shock loads twice the operation concentration during two cycles and shock loads four times the operation concentration during one or two cycles filtered sample removal efficiency decreased to levels different from those prior to perturbation, on an average of 90-80%, approximately, yet the system managed to attain stability within two cycles after shock application. Therefore, this investigation envisions the potential of full scale application of this type of bioreactor which showed robustness to organic shock loads, despite discontinuous operation and the short times available for treating total wastewater volume. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We measured CO(2) efflux from wood for Eucalyptus in Hawaii for 7 years and compared these measurements with those on three-and four-and-a-half-year-old Eucalyptus in Brazil. In Hawaii, CO(2) efflux from wood per unit biomass declined similar to 10x from age two to age five, twice as much as the decline in tree growth. The CO(2) efflux from wood in Brazil was 8-10x lower than that for comparable Hawaii trees with similar growth rates. Growth and maintenance respiration coefficients calculated from Hawaii wood CO(2) efflux declined with tree age and size (the growth coefficient declined from 0.4 mol C efflux mol C(-1) wood growth at age one to 0.1 mol C efflux mol C(-1) wood growth at age six; the maintenance coefficient from 0.006 to 0.001 mu mol C (mol C biomass)(-1) s(-1) at 20 degrees C over the same time period). These results suggest interference with CO(2) efflux through bark that decouples CO(2) efflux from respiration. We also compared the biomass fractions and wood CO(2) efflux for the aboveground woody parts for 3- and 7-year-old trees in Hawaii to estimate how focusing measurements near the ground might bias the stand-level estimates of wood CO(2) efflux. Three-year-old Eucalyptus in Hawaii had a higher proportion of branches < 0.5 cm in diameter and a lower proportion of stem biomass than did 7-year-old trees. Biomass-specific CO(2) efflux measured at 1.4 m extrapolated to the tree could bias tree level estimates by similar to 50%, assuming no refixation from bark photosynthesis. However, the bias did not differ for the two tree sizes. Foliar respiration was identical per unit nitrogen for comparable treatments in Brazil and Hawaii (4.2 mu mol C mol N(-1) s(-1) at 20 degrees C).