973 resultados para (Drop-) stones


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This study forms part of a larger anthropological investigation of the Ngaraangbal Aboriginal Tribe's ancestral burial ground at Broadbeach, Australia. It examines the dentition, records the associated pathology in a noninvasive manner, and relates this to the likely subsistence diet of the tribe. The Broadbeach osteological collection was returned for reburial in 1985; however, radiographic and photographic records of 36 adult males were available. These form the basis of our study. The pathology noted in the study sample was compared with a representative sample (n = 38) of pre-European Aboriginal remains from throughout Queensland for verification purposes only. Rates of dental pathology and injury were calculated from the radiographic and photographic records. There was a significant rate of tooth-wear related intra-bony pathology (4.0%), moderate to severe alveolar bone loss, and heavy dental attrition, of which the mandibular posterior teeth were the most severely affected. Caries prevalence (0.8%) was low for hunter-gatherer populations. A large number of molar pulp chambers had a distinctive cruciate morphology resulting from the formation of secondary dentine and pulp stones. Injuries and abnormalities included upper central incisor avulsion (58.3%) and taurodontism. These results support the proposal that the Ngaraangbal tribe was a hunter-gatherer population subsisting on an abrasive diet that included marine foods. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The oxidized form of purple acid phosphatase from pig allantoic fluid has been crystallized in the presence of phosphate using the hanging-drop technique. The crystals belong to the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) and have unit-cell parameters a = 66.8, b = 70.3, c = 78.7 Angstrom. Diffraction data collected from a cryocooled crystal using a conventional X-ray source extend to 1.55 Angstrom resolution. A knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of mammalian purple acid phosphatase will aid in understanding the substrate specificity of the enzyme and will be important in the rational design of inhibitors, with potential in the treatment of bone diseases.


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Confocal scanning laser microscopic observations were made on live chloroplasts in intact cells and on mechanically isolated, intact chloroplasts. Chlorophyll fluorescence was imaged to observe thylakoid membrane architecture. C-3 plant species studied included Spinacia oleracea L., Spathiphyllum sp. Schott, cv. 'Mauna Loa', and Pisum sativum L. C-4 plants were also investigated: Saccharum officinarum L., Sorghum bicolor L. Moench, Zea mays L. and Panicum miliaceum L. Some Spinacia chloroplasts were treated with 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) to enhance or sodium dithionite (SD) to reduce the photosystem II fluorescence signal. Confocal microscopy images of C-3 chloroplasts differed from electron microscopy pictures because they showed discrete spots of bright fluorescence with black regions between them. There was no evidence of fluorescence from stroma thylakoids. The thylakoid membrane system at times appeared to be string-like, with brightly fluorescing grana lined up like beads. C-4 bundle sheath chloroplasts were imaged from three different types of C-4 plants. Saccharum and Sorghum bundle sheath chloroplasts showed homogeneous fluorescence and were much dimmer than mesophyll chloroplasts. Zea had rudimentary grana, and dim, homogeneous intergrana fluorescence was visualised. Panicum contained thylakoids similar in appearance and string-like arrangement to mesophyll chloroplasts. Isolated Pisum chloroplasts, treated with a drop of 5 mM MgCl2 showed a thylakoid membrane system which appeared to be unravelling. Spongy mesophyll chloroplasts of Spinacia treated with 5 mM sodium dithionite showed a granal thylakoid system with distinct regions of no fluorescence. A time-series experiment provided evidence of dynamic membrane rearrangements over a period of half an hour.


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We investigate the internal dynamics of two cellular automaton models with heterogeneous strength fields and differing nearest neighbour laws. One model is a crack-like automaton, transferring ail stress from a rupture zone to the surroundings. The other automaton is a partial stress drop automaton, transferring only a fraction of the stress within a rupture zone to the surroundings. To study evolution of stress, the mean spectral density. f(k(r)) of a stress deficit held is: examined prior to, and immediately following ruptures in both models. Both models display a power-law relationship between f(k(r)) and spatial wavenumber (k(r)) of the form f(k(r)) similar tok(r)(-beta). In the crack model, the evolution of stress deficit is consistent with cyclic approach to, and retreat from a critical state in which large events occur. The approach to criticality is driven by tectonic loading. Short-range stress transfer in the model does not affect the approach to criticality of broad regions in the model. The evolution of stress deficit in the partial stress drop model is consistent with small fluctuations about a mean state of high stress, behaviour indicative of a self-organised critical system. Despite statistics similar to natural earthquakes these simplified models lack a physical basis. physically motivated models of earthquakes also display dynamical complexity similar to that of a critical point system. Studies of dynamical complexity in physical models of earthquakes may lead to advancement towards a physical theory for earthquakes.


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in Escherichia coli, the DnaG primase is the RNA polymerase that synthesizes RNA primers at replication forks. It is composed of three domains, a small N-terminal zinc-binding domain, a larger central domain responsible for RNA synthesis, and a C-terminal domain comprising residues 434-581 [DnaG(434-581)] that interact with the hexameric DnaB helicase. Presumably because of this interaction, it had not been possible previously to express the C-terminal domain in a stably transformed E coli strain. This problem was overcome by expression of DnaG(434-581) under control of tandem bacteriophage gimel-promoters, and the protein was purified in yields of 4-6 mg/L of culture and studied by NMR. A TOCSY spectrum of a 2 mM solution of the protein at pH 7.0, indicated that its structured core comprises residues 444-579. This was consistent with sequence conservation among most-closely related primases. Linewidths in a NOESY spectrum of a 0.5 mM sample in 10 mM phosphate, pH 6.05, 0.1 M NaCl, recorded at 36 degreesC, indicated the protein to be monomeric. Crystals of selenomethionine-substituted DnaG(434-581) obtained by the hanging-drop vapor-diffusion method were body-centered tetragonal, space group I4(1)22, with unit cell parameters a = b 142.2 Angstrom, c = 192.1 Angstrom, and diffracted beyond 2.7 Angstrom resolution with synchrotron radiation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Cyrtopodium includes similar to 42 species, among which is Cyrtopodium polyphyllum (Vell.) Pabst ex F. Barros that occurs in a rainforest in south-eastern Brazil. Its non-rewarding flowers, which attract Centridini bees by deceit, are rain-assisted self-pollinated, a phenomenon rarely found in orchids and other plant families. In addition, self-pollination has never been reported in Cyrtopodiinae and data on the pollination of South American orchids are scarce. Flowers were observed at different times of the day, on both sunny and rainy days, to record floral morphology, visitors and the effects of rainfall on flowers. On rainy days, water accumulates on the stigma and dissolves the adhesive substance of the stigmatic surface. A viscous drop thus forms, which contacts the pollinarium. When evaporation makes the viscous drop shrink, the drop moves the pollinarium with the anther onto the stigmatic surface and promotes self-pollination. Fruit set in natural habitat was low, with 2.4% at one study site, where a similar value (2.2%) was recorded in flowers self-pollinated by rain. In C. polyphyllum, facultative self-pollination assisted by rain is thus an important strategy that guarantees fruit set when pollinator`s visits are scarce, which is common in species pollinated by deceit.


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In this work we report the interaction effects of the local anesthetic dibucaine (DBC) with lipid patches in model membranes by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Supported lipid bilayers (egg phosphatidylcholine, EPC and dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine, DMPQ were prepared by fusion of unilamellar vesicles on mica and imaged in aqueous media. The AFM images show irregularly distributed and sized EPC patches on mica. On the other hand DMPC formation presents extensive bilayer regions on top of which multibilayer patches are formed. In the presence of DBC we observed a progressive disruption of these patches, but for DMPC bilayers this process occurred more slowly than for EPC. In both cases, phase images show the formation of small structures on the bilayer surface suggesting an effect on the elastic properties of the bilayers when DBC is present. Dynamic surface tension and dilatational surface elasticity measurements of EPC and DMPC monolayers in the presence of DBC by the pendant drop technique were also performed, in order to elucidate these results. The curve of lipid monolayer elasticity versus DBC concentration, for both EPC and DMPC cases, shows a maximum for the surface elasticity modulus at the same concentration where we observed the disruption of the bilayer by AFM. Our results suggest that changes in the local curvature of the bilayer induced by DBC could explain the anesthetic action in membranes. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Bovine testicular hyalurphidase (BT-HAase), a tetrameric enzyme responsible for randomly hyaluronic acid, catalytic hydrolysis, was successfully immobilized on Langmuir- Blodgett films prepared with the sodium salt of dihexadacylphosphoric acid, (DHP-Zn(II)) ending with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, DPPC. Data of protein, adsorption at the air-liquid interface by means of pendant drop shipe analysis and interaction of the protein with Langmuir monolayers of DPPC, using a Langmuir trough, have provided information. about the conditions to be used in the protein immobilization. The dynamic surface pressure curves obtained from pendant drop experiments for the enzyme in buffer solutions indicate that, within the range of concentration investigated in this study, the enzyme exhibits the largest induction time at 5 mu g L(-1) attributed to diffusion processes. Nevertheless, it seems that, at this concentration, the most probable conformation should be the one which occupies the smallest area at pi -> 0. The surface pressure (pi) area curves obtained for BT-HAase and mixed DPPC- BT-HAase monolayers reveal the presence of the enzyme at the air-lipid interface up to 45 mN m(-1). Tests of enzymatic activity, using hyaluronic acid, HA, as the substrate, showed an increase of activity compared to the homogeneous medium. A simplified model of protein insertion into the lipid matrix is used to explain the obtained results.


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This study aimed to elucidate electrophysiological and cortical mechanisms involved in anticipatory actions when 23 healthy right-handed subjects had to catch a free falling object by qEEG gamma-band (30-100 Hz). It is involved in cognitive processes, memory, spatial/temporal and proprioceptive factors. Our hypothesis is that an increase in gamma coherence in frontal areas will be observed during moment preceding ball drop, due to their involvement in attention, planning, selection of movements, preparation and voluntary control of action and in central areas during moment after ball drop, due to their involvement in motor preparation, perception and execution of movement. However, through a paired t-test, we found an increase in gamma coherence for F3-F4 electrode pair during moment preceding ball drop and confirmed our hypothesis for C3-C4 electrode pair. We conclude that gamma plays an important role in reflecting binding of several brain areas in a complex motor task as observed in our results. Moreover, for selection of movements, preparation and voluntary control of action, motor preparation, perception and execution of movement, the integration of somatosensory and visual information is mandatory. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: We evaluated the somatic and autonomic innervation of the pelvic floor and rhabdosphincter before and after nerve sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy using neurophysiological tests and correlated findings with clinical parameters and urinary continence. Materials and Methods: From February 2003 to October 2005, 46 patients with prostate cancer were enrolled in a controlled, prospective study. Patients were evaluated before and 6 months after nerve sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy using the UCLA-PCI urinary function domain and neurophysiological tests, including somatosensory evoked potential, and the pudendo-urethral, pudendo-anal and urethro-anal reflexes. Clinical parameters and urinary continence were correlated with afferent and efferent innervation of the membranous urethra and pelvic floor. We used strict criteria to define urinary continence as complete dryness with no leakage at all, not requiring any pads or diapers and with a UCLA-PCI score of 500. Patients with a sporadic drop of leakage, requiring up to 1 pad daily, were defined as having occasional urinary leakage. Results: Two patients were excluded from study due to urethral stricture postoperatively. We evaluated 44 patients within 6 months after surgery. The pudendo-anal and pudendo-urethral reflexes were unchanged postoperatively (p = 0.93 and 0.09, respectively), demonstrating that afferent and efferent pudendal innervation to this pelvic region was not affected by the surgery. Autonomic afferent denervation of the membranous urethral mucosa was found in 34 patients (77.3%), as demonstrated by a postoperative increase in the urethro-anal reflex sensory threshold and urethro-anal reflex latency (p<0.001 and 0.0007, respectively). Six of the 44 patients used pads. One patient with more severe leakage required 3 pads daily and 23 showed urinary leakage, including 5 who needed 1 pad per day and 18 who did not wear pads. Afferent autonomic denervation at the membranous urethral mucosa was found in 91.7% of patients with urinary leakage. Of 10 patients with preserved urethro-anal reflex latency 80% were continent. Conclusions: Sensory and motor pudendal innervation to this specific pelvic region did not change after nerve sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy. Significant autonomic afferent denervation of the membranous urethral mucosa was present in most patients postoperatively. Impaired membranous urethral sensitivity seemed to be associated with urinary incontinence, particularly in patients with occasional urinary leakage. Damage to the afferent autonomic innervation may have a role in the continence mechanism after nerve sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy.


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High-pressure homogenization is a key unit operation used to disrupt cells containing intracellular bioproducts. Modeling and optimization of this unit are restrained by a lack of information on the flow conditions within a homogenizer value. A numerical investigation of the impinging radial jet within a homogenizer value is presented. Results for a laminar and turbulent (k-epsilon turbulent model) jet are obtained using the PHOENICS finite-volume code. Experimental measurement of the stagnation region width and correlation of the cell disruption efficiency with jet stagnation pressure both indicate that the impinging jet in the homogenizer system examined is likely to be laminar under normal operating conditions. Correlation of disruption data with laminar stagnation pressure provides a better description of experimental variability than existing correlations using total pressure drop or the grouping 1/Y(2)h(2).


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There is concern that Pacific island economies dependent on remittances of migrants will endure foreign exchange shortages and declining Living standards as remittance levels drop due to lower migration rates and the belief that migrants' willingness to remit decreases over time. The empirical validity of the remittance-decay hypothesis has never been tested. From survey data on Tongan and Western Samoan migrants in Sydney, this paper estimates remittance functions using Tobit regression analysis. It is found that the remittance-decay hypothesis has no empirical validity and migrants are motivated by factors other than altruistic family support, including asset accumulation and investment back home. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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In this paper we suggest a model of sequential auctions with endogenous participation where each bidder conjectures about the number of participants at each round. Then, after learning his value, each bidder decides whether or not to participate in the auction. In the calculation of his expected value, each bidder uses his conjectures about the number of participants for each possible subgroup. In equilibrium, the conjectured probability is compatible with the probability of staying in the auction. In our model, players face participation costs, bidders may buy as many objects as they wish and they are allowed to drop out at any round. Bidders can drop out at any time, but they cannot come back to the auction. In particular we can determine the number of participants and expected prices in equilibrium. We show that for any bidding strategy, there exists such a probability of staying in the auction. For the case of stochastically independent objects, we show that in equilibrium every bidder who decides to continue submits a bid that is equal to his value at each round. When objects are stochastically identical, we are able to show that expected prices are decreasing.


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Background: EUS is being increasingly utilized for the diagnosis of choledocholithiasis and microlithiasis, especially in patients with biliary colic. Simultaneously, there is also a rising interest in the use of EUS for therapeutic interventions. Objectives: Our goal was to assess the effectiveness of EUS-directed common bile duct (CBD) stone removal to compare its safety and effectiveness with ERCP-directed intervention. Design: interim results of a prospective, randomized, single-center blinded clinical trial. Setting: A single tertiary care referral center. Patients: Fifty-two patients with uncomplicated CBD stones were prospectively randomized to CBD cannulation and stone removal under EUS or ERCP guidance. Main Outcome Measurements and Interventions: Primary outcome measure was the rate of successful cannulation of the CBD. Secondary Outcome measures included Successful removal of stones and overall complication rates. Results: CBD cannulation followed by stone extraction was successful in 23 of 26 patients (88.5%) in the EUS group (1) versus 25 of 26 patients (96.2%) in the ERCP group (11) (95% CI, -27.65%, 9.88%). Overall, there were 3 complications in the EUS group and 4 complications in the ERCP group. Limitation: The current study is an interim report from a single center report and performed by a single operator. Conclusions: Our preliminary analysis indicates that Outcomes following EUS-guided CBD stone retrieval are equivalent to those following ERCP EUS-related adverse events are similar to those following ERCP. ERCP and EUS-guided stone retrieval appears to be equally effective for therapeutic interventions of the bile duct. Additional studies are required to validate these preliminary results and to determine predictors of success of EUS-guided stone removal. (Gastrointest Endosc 2009;69:238-43.)


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Background Liver resection is the definitive treatment for unilateral hepatolithiasis [1]. Recently, laparoscopic major hepatectomias have become more common and are being performed in highly specialized centers [2-4]. However, few laparoscopic liver resections for hepatolithiasis have been reported. Chen et al. [5] reported two cases of laparoscopic left lobectomy for hepatolithiasis, but to our knowledge, right hepatectomy has never been reported to date. This video demonstrates technical aspects of a totally laparoscopic right hepatectomy in a patient with hepatolithiasis. Methods A 21-year-old woman with right-sided nonoriental primary intrahepatic stones [1] was referred for surgical treatment. The operation followed four distinct phases: liver mobilization, dissection of the right portal vein and right hepatic artery, extrahepatic dissection of the right hepatic vein, and parenchymal transection with harmonic shears and linear staplers for division of segment 5 and 8 branches of the middle hepatic vein. No Pringles` maneuver was used. In contrast to liver resection for other indications, the right bile duct was enlarged and filled with stones. It was divided during parenchymal transection and left open. After removal of the surgical specimen, the biliary tree was flushed with saline until stone clearance, under radioscopic surveillance, was complete. The right hepatic duct then was closed with running suture. Results The operative time was 240 min, and the estimated blood loss was 120 ml, with no blood transfusion. The hospital stay was 5 days. At this writing, the patient is well and asymptomatic 7 months after the procedure. Conclusion Laparoscopic liver resection is safe and feasible for patients with hepatolithiasis and should be considered for those suffering from intrahepatic stones.