472 resultados para welcome
What a pleasure it is to have this opportunity to welcome you to campus today as we celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Earl G. Maxwell Arboretum. Henry Van Dyke once wrote that "He that planteth a tree ... provideth a kindness for many generations, and faces that he hath not seen shall bless him."
It is my pleasure to welcome you to East Campus this morning, and I thank you for inviting me to be here with you. I am pleased that we have this opportunity to come together to exchange information and ideas, to update on what's happening now, and to look to the future. It is important that we make and take advantage of such opportunities to communicate with each other, to learn each others' views, and to work with each other toward our common goals. I want to personally thank the people who have worked to organize this meeting and to put this morning's agenda together.
Good afternoon. Thank you for asking me to be with you today; I welcome this opportunity to talk with you, to hear what you're thinking, and to participate with you in an exchange of ideas. I've been asked to make some prepared remarks this afternoon, and when those are ended I welcome your ideas, your questions, and your comments. I look forward to more discussions with you at other times, as well. I do have open hours Friday afternoons, and encourage faculty and staff to stop by to visit, to share an idea, to ask a question, or to just visit. Sometimes duties call me away, as they will for the next few Fridays, but I try to be available as many Friday afternoons as possible for drop-in visitors. I hope you'll be among them. As a big believer in the land grant university, with our mission of teaching, research, and extension education, I also am a big believer that it takes all of us, working together, to fulfill that mission.
What a pleasure it is to have this opportunity to welcome you all to this thirteenth annual Agriculture at the Crossroads Conference sponsored by the Nebraska AgRelations Council and the Department of Agricultural Economics here in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln.
What a great pleasure to welcome you to the 95th annual meeting of the Association of American State Geologists. I truly hope you enjoy your stay the next few days here in Lincoln, our state's capitol and Nebraska's second-largest city. Mark mentioned that I'm from Texas. My family started there, our first family home in the United States, when my maternal great-grandfather immigrated to this country from Germany, to escape military conscription -- just as the Civil War broke out here. With remarkably bad timing, he landed at the port of Galveston just in time to be rounded up and sworn, under gunpoint, into the Confederacy.
It is both my privilege and pleasure to have the opportunity this morning to welcome you to the 2004 Nebraska Grazing Conference. I am sure you are looking forward to the next two days of great topics and excellent speakers. This is the fourth year this conference has brought people together to hear, to discuss, to exchange a wide variety of ideas. Reading through the list of conference sponsors and supporters, I think how fortunate we are in Nebraska to forge and foster such productive partnerships for the good of our state.
It's a great pleasure to welcome you to this very first recognition ceremony for the Omtvedt Innovation Awards. We are present here to honor innovation strengths of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and certainly the four faculty members receiving today's awards are greatly deserving of this recognition. Just hearing about their work is gratifying!
Good morning. It's my very great pleasure to welcome you to this third annual mini-symposium in Redox Biology.
Thank you for inviting us to share with you some information about the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and what we are doing for Nebraska. As a stakeholder in Nebraska's land-grant university, you and every other Nebraskan have every right at any time to ask us what we've done for you and your neighbors lately. We welcome the question. There is so much excellent work being accomplished on this campus and throughout Nebraska that I am delighted each time I have the opportunity to talk about it. The biggest problem I find is stopping - there's always so much more to say - than there is time to say it in!
It is my very great pleasure to welcome each of you to the 14th annual Urban Pest Management Conference. I want you to know that we in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources take seriously our role as partners with Nebraska. We are especially pleased for the partnerships we have with your industry.
Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to this 11th annual Nebraska Winery and Grape Growers Forum and Trade Show. I'm John Owens, University of Nebraska Vice President and Harlan Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. I'm delighted to be with you on this second day of a very fine and informative conference.
It is my very great pleasure to have this opportunity to welcome you to the 2008 Water Colloquium, hosted by our Water Center and the Water Resources Research Initiative here at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.
It is my very great pleasure to welcome each of you to this 16th Annual Nebraska Urban Pest Management Conference here in Lincoln. I'm John Owens, University of Nebraska Vice President and Harlan Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and I am so glad to be here with you this morning. As an entomologist, this conference certainly is one for which I have great affinity and much interest.
Good afternoon, everyone. Those of us representing the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources are pleased to be here with you today. We welcome you to IANR Shout It Out, the exciting Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources game that allows you to test your IANR and Nebraska knowledge, learn exciting new facts, and most importantly of all win prizes!
To open this Third Vertebrate Pest Conference is a real privilege. It is a pleasure to welcome all of you in attendance, and I know there are others who would like to be meeting with us, but, for one reason or another cannot be. However, we can serve them by taking back the results of discussion and by making available the printed transactions of what is said here. It has been the interest and demand for the proceedings of the two previous conferen- ces which, along with personal contacts many of you have with the sponsoring committee, have gauged the need for continuing these meetings. The National Pest Control Association officers who printed the 1962 proceedings still are supplying copies of that conference. Two reprintings of the 1964 conference have been necessary and repeat orders from several universities indicate that those proceedings have become textbooks for special classes. When Dr. Howard mentioned in opening the first Conference in 1962 that publication of those papers would make a valuable handbook of animal control, he was prophetic, indeed. We are pleased that this has happened, but not surprised, since to many of us in this specialized field, the conferences have provided a unique opportunity to meet colleagues with similar interests, to exchange information on control techniques and to be informed by research workers of problem solving investigations as well as to hear of promising basic research. The development of research is a two-way street and we think these conferences also identify areas of inadequate knowledge, thereby stimulating needed research. We have represented here a number of types of specialists—animal ecologists, public health and transmissible disease experts, control methods specialists, public agency administration and enforcement staffs, agricultural extension people, manufacturing and sale industry representatives, commercial pest control operators, and others—and in addition to improving communications among these professional groups an equally important purpose of these conferences is to improve understanding between them and the general public. Within the term general public are many individuals and also organizations dedicated to appreciation and protection of certain animal forms or animal life in general. Proper concepts of vertebrate pest control do not conflict with such views. It is worth repeating for the record the definition of "vertebrate pest" which has been stated at our previous conferences. "A vertebrate pest is any native or introduced, wild or feral, non-human spe- cies of vertebrate animal that is currently troublesome locally or over a wide area to one or more persons either by being a general nuisance, a health hazard or by destroying food or natural resources. In other words, vertebrate pest status is not an inherent quality or fixed classification but is a circumstantial relationship to man's interests." I believe progress has been made in reducing the misunderstanding and emotion with which vertebrate pest control was formerly treated whenever a necessity for control was stated. If this is true, I likewise believe it is deserved, because control methods and programs have progressed. Control no longer refers only to population reductions by lethal means. We have learned something of alternate control approaches and the necessity for studying the total environment; where reduction of pest animal numbers is the required solution to a problem situation we have a wider choice of more selective, safe and efficient materials. Although increased attention has been given to control methods, research when we take a close look at the severity of animal damage to so many facets of our economy, particularly to agricultural production and public health, we realize it still is pitifully small and slow. The tremendous acceleration of the world's food and health requirements seems to demand expediting vertebrate pest control to effectively neutralize the enormous impact of animal damage to vital resources. The efforts we are making here at problem delineation, idea communication and exchange of methodology could well serve as both nucleus and rough model for a broader application elsewhere. I know we all hope this Third Conference will advance these general objectives, and I think there is no doubt of its value in increasing our own scope of information.