946 resultados para volumetric microleakage
A mamoplastia de aumento está associada a alto grau de satisfação e significativa melhora da qualidade de vida das pacientes. Apesar disso, uma das principais causas de reoperação após esse procedimento se refere a deformidades de contorno e questões volumétricas. Ainda existem poucos dados objetivos para análise volumétrica pós-operatória da mamoplastia de aumento. O parênquima mamário sofre alterações microvasculares quando sob compressão mecânica, porém o tecido muscular é mais suscetível à lesão quando submetido a pressão do que outros tecidos, tendo pouca tolerância à compressão mecânica. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar e comparar as alterações no parênquima mamário na mamoplastia de aumento subglandular e submuscular, além de avaliar as alterações volumétricas e funcionais da musculatura peitoral após a inserção de implantes no plano submuscular. Cinquenta e oito pacientes do sexo feminino foram randomizadas em dois grupos de estudo, com 24 pacientes cada, e um grupo controle com dez pacientes, de acordo com critérios de inclusão e não inclusão. Das pacientes do grupo de estudo, 24 foram submetidas à mamoplastia de aumento com inserção de implantes no plano suglandular e 24 foram submetidas ao procedimento no plano submuscular. As pacientes do grupo subglandular realizaram análise volumétrica da glândula mamária e as pacientes dos grupos submuscular e controle, além da volumetria mamária, também realizaram volumetria do músculo peitoral maior. A avaliação volumétrica foi realizada no pré-operatório e no pós-operatório, aos seis e 12 meses, por meio de ressonância magnética. Apenas as pacientes do grupo submuscular foram submetidas à avaliação da força muscular, com a utilização de teste isocinético, no pré-operatório e no pós-operatório, aos três, seis e 12 meses. Todas as pacientes estavam sob uso de anticoncepcional oral de baixa dosagem e as pacientes do grupo submuscular permaneceram afastadas de atividades físicas por um período de dois meses no pós-operatório. O grupo subglandular apresentou 22,8% de atrofia da glândula mamária ao final dos 12 meses, enquanto que o grupo submuscular não apresentou atrofia glandular ao final de um ano. O grupo submuscular apresentou atrofia muscular de 49,80% e redução da força muscular em adução após um ano de estudo. Não se observou correlação da forca muscular com a perda volumétrica, assim como não se observou alteração de forca em abdução. Concluímos que a mamoplastia de aumento suglandular causa atrofia do parênquima mamário, enquanto que o procedimento submuscular não causa esta alteração no parênquima mamário após o período de 12 meses pós-operatórios. Em contrapartida, a mamoplastia de aumento submuscular causa atrofia do músculo peitoral maior com diminuição da força muscular em adução após 12 meses de pós-operatório, sem correlação com a alteração de volume muscular.
This paper presents a compact integrated power electronic module (IPEM) which seeks to overcome the volumetric power density limitations of conventional packaging technologies. A key innovation has been the development of a substrate sandwich structure which permits double side cooling of the embedded dies whilst controlling the mechanical stresses both within the module and at the heat exchanger interface. A 3-phase inverter module has been developed, integrating the sandwich structures with high efficiency impingement coolers, delink capacitance and gate drive units. Full details of the IPEM construction and electrical evaluation are given in the paper. © 2007 IEEE.
We describe a novel constitutive model of lung parenchyma, which can be used for continuum mechanics based predictive simulations. To develop this model, we experimentally determined the nonlinear material behavior of rat lung parenchyma. This was achieved via uni-axial tension tests on living precision-cut rat lung slices. The resulting force-displacement curves were then used as inputs for an inverse analysis. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was utilized to optimize the material parameters of combinations and recombinations of established strain-energy density functions (SEFs). Comparing the best-fits of the tested SEFs we found Wpar = 4.1 kPa(I1-3)2 + 20.7 kPa(I1 - 3)3 + 4.1 kPa(-2 ln J + J2 - 1) to be the optimal constitutive model. This SEF consists of three summands: the first can be interpreted as the contribution of the elastin fibers and the ground substance, the second as the contribution of the collagen fibers while the third controls the volumetric change. The presented approach will help to model the behavior of the pulmonary parenchyma and to quantify the strains and stresses during ventilation.
We examined the diets and habitat shift of juvenile red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) in the northeast Gulf of Mexico. Fish were collected from open sand-mud habitat (little to no relief), and artificial reef habitat (1-m3 concrete or PVC blocks), from June 1993 through December 1994. In 1994, fish settled over open habitat from June to September, as shown by trawl collections, then began shifting to reef habitat — a shift that was almost completed by December as observed by SCUBA visual surveys. Stomachs were examined from 1639 red snapper that ranged in size from 18.0 to 280.0 mm SL. Of these, 850 fish had empty stomachs, and 346 fish from open habitat and 443 fish from reef habitat contained prey. Prey were identified to the lowest possible taxon and quantified by volumetric measurement. Specific volume of particular prey taxa were calculated by dividing prey volume by individual fish weight. Red snapper shifted diets with increasing size. Small red snapper (<60 mm SL) fed mostly on chaetognaths, copepods, shrimp, and squid. Large red snapper (60–280 mm SL) shifted feeding to fish prey, greater amounts of squid and crabs, and continued feeding on shrimp. We compared red snapper diets for overlapping size classes (70–160 mm SL) of fish that were collected from both habitats (Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index and multidimensional scaling analysis). Red snapper diets separated by habitat type rather than fish size for the size ranges that overlapped habitats. These diet shifts were attributed to feeding more on reef prey than on open-water prey. Thus, the shift in habitat shown by juvenile red snapper was reflected in their diet and suggested differential habitat values based not just on predation refuge but food resources as well.
High-resolution computation of isotopic processes in northern California using a local climate model
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): We describe a coupled local climate/isotope model that can calculate Rayleigh-type processes of distillation and fractionation of hydrogen isotopes along individual air mass flowlines in the western United States.This climate model is an extension of that detailed earlier by Craig and Stamm (1990). ... Volumetric effects of evapotranspiration (ET) are included. The model allows sensitivity studies of the influence of ET recycling.
State and regional policies, such as low carbon fuel standards (LCFSs), increasingly mandate that transportation fuels be examined according to their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We investigate whether such policies benefit from determining fuel carbon intensities (FCIs) locally to account for variations in fuel production and to stimulate improvements in FCI. In this study, we examine the FCI of transportation fuels on a lifecycle basis within a specific state, Minnesota, and compare the results to FCIs using national averages. Using data compiled from 18 refineries over an 11-year period, we find that ethanol production is highly variable, resulting in a 42% difference between carbon intensities. Historical data suggests that lower FCIs are possible through incremental improvements in refining efficiency and the use of biomass for processing heat. Stochastic modeling of the corn ethanol FCI shows that gains in certainty due to knowledge of specific refinery inputs are overwhelmed by uncertainty in parameters external to the refiner, including impacts of fertilization and land use change. The LCA results are incorporated into multiple policy scenarios to demonstrate the effect of policy configurations on the use of alternative fuels. These results provide a contrast between volumetric mandates and LCFSs. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
Most quasi-static ultrasound elastography methods image only the axial strain, derived from displacements measured in the direction of ultrasound propagation. In other directions, the beam lacks high resolution phase information and displacement estimation is therefore less precise. However, these estimates can be improved by steering the ultrasound beam through multiple angles and combining displacements measured along the different beam directions. Previously, beamsteering has only considered the 2D case to improve the lateral displacement estimates. In this paper, we extend this to 3D using a simulated 2D array to steer both laterally and elevationally in order to estimate the full 3D displacement vector over a volume. The method is tested on simulated and phantom data using a simulated 6-10MHz array, and the precision of displacement estimation is measured with and without beamsteering. In simulations, we found a statistically significant improvement in the precision of lateral and elevational displacement estimates: lateral precision 35.69μm unsteered, 3.70μm steered; elevational precision 38.67μm unsteered, 3.64μm steered. Similar results were found in the phantom data: lateral precision 26.51μm unsteered, 5.78μm steered; elevational precision 28.92μm unsteered, 11.87μm steered. We conclude that volumetric 3D beamsteering improves the precision of lateral and elevational displacement estimates.
Most quasi-static ultrasound elastography methods image only the axial strain, derived from displacements measured in the direction of ultrasound propagation. In other directions, the beam lacks high resolution phase information and displacement estimation is therefore less precise. However, these estimates can be improved by steering the ultrasound beam through multiple angles and combining displacements measured along the different beam directions. Previously, beamsteering has only considered the 2D case to improve the lateral displacement estimates. In this paper, we extend this to 3D using a simulated 2D array to steer both laterally and elevationally in order to estimate the full 3D displacement vector over a volume. The method is tested on simulated and phantom data using a simulated 6-10 MHz array, and the precision of displacement estimation is measured with and without beamsteering. In simulations, we found a statistically significant improvement in the precision of lateral and elevational displacement estimates: lateral precision 35.69 μm unsteered, 3.70 μm steered; elevational precision 38.67 μm unsteered, 3.64 μm steered. Similar results were found in the phantom data: lateral precision 26.51 μm unsteered, 5.78 μm steered; elevational precision 28.92 μm unsteered, 11.87 μm steered. We conclude that volumetric 3D beamsteering improves the precision of lateral and elevational displacement estimates. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We propose a new approach for quantifying regions of interest (ROIs) in medical image data. Rotationally invariant shape descriptors (ISDs) were applied to 3D brain regions extracted from MRI scans of 5 Parkinson's patients and 10 control subjects. We concentrated on the thalamus and the caudate nucleus since prior studies have suggested they are affected in Parkinson's disease (PD). In the caudate, both the ISD and volumetric analyses found significant differences between control and PD subjects. The ISD analysis however revealed additional differences between the left and right caudate nuclei in both control and PD subjects. In the thalamus, the volumetric analysis showed significant differences between PD and control subjects, while ISD analysis found significant differences between the left and right thalami in control subjects but not in PD patients, implying disease-induced shape changes. These results suggest that employing ISDs for ROI characterization both complements and extends traditional volumetric analyses. © 2006 IEEE.
We examine the fluid mechanics of night purging in a two-storey naturally ventilated atrium building. We develop a mathematical model of a simplified atrium building and focus on the rate at which warm air purges from each storey and the atrium by displacement ventilation into a still cool night environment of a constant temperature. To develop a first insight into how the geometry of the building influences the rate at which warm air purges from each storey via the atrium we neglect heat exchange with the fabric (so there is no thermal buffering) and furthermore assume that the warm air layers in each storey and the atrium are of uniform temperature. The plumes of warm air that rise from the storeys into the atrium, causing the atrium to fill with warm air, have a very strong influence on the night purge. Modelling these as axisymmetric turbulent plumes, we identify three forms of purging behaviour. Each purge is characterised by five key times identified in the progression of the night purge and physical rationale for these differing behaviours is given. An interface velocity deficit and volumetric purge deficit are introduced as measures of the efficiency of a night purge. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
The tomographic reconstruction of OH* chemiluminescence was performed on two interacting turbulent premixed bluff-body stabilized flames under steady flow conditions and acoustic excitation. These measurements elucidate the complex three-dimensional (3D) vortex-flame interactions which have previously not been accessible. The experiment was performed using a single camera and intensifier, with multiple views acquired by repositioning the camera, permitting calculation of the mean and phase-averaged volumetric OH* distributions. The reconstructed flame structure and phase-averaged dynamics are compared with OH planar laser-induced fluorescence and flame surface density measurements for the first time. The volumetric data revealed that the large-scale vortex-flame structures formed along the shear layers of each flame collide when the two flames meet, resulting in complex 3D flame structures in between the two flames. With a fairly simple experimental setup, it is shown that the tomographic reconstruction of OH* chemiluminescence in forced flames is a powerful tool that can yield important physical insights into large-scale 3D flame dynamics that are important in combustion instability. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Bioethanol is the world's largest-produced alternative to petroleum-derived transportation fuels due to its compatibility within existing spark-ignition engines and its relatively mature production technology. Despite its success, questions remain over the greenhouse gas (GHG) implications of fuel ethanol use with many studies showing significant impacts of differences in land use, feedstock, and refinery operation. While most efforts to quantify life-cycle GHG impacts have focused on the production stage, a few recent studies have acknowledged the effect of ethanol on engine performance and incorporated these effects into the fuel life cycle. These studies have broadly asserted that vehicle efficiency increases with ethanol use to justify reducing the GHG impact of ethanol. These results seem to conflict with the general notion that ethanol decreases the fuel efficiency (or increases the fuel consumption) of vehicles due to the lower volumetric energy content of ethanol when compared to gasoline. Here we argue that due to the increased emphasis on alternative fuels with drastically differing energy densities, vehicle efficiency should be evaluated based on energy rather than volume. When done so, we show that efficiency of existing vehicles can be affected by ethanol content, but these impacts can serve to have both positive and negative effects and are highly uncertain (ranging from -15% to +24%). As a result, uncertainties in the net GHG effect of ethanol, particularly when used in a low-level blend with gasoline, are considerably larger than previously estimated (standard deviations increase by >10% and >200% when used in high and low blends, respectively). Technical options exist to improve vehicle efficiency through smarter use of ethanol though changes to the vehicle fleets and fuel infrastructure would be required. Future biofuel policies should promote synergies between the vehicle and fuel industries in order to maximize the society-wise benefits or minimize the risks of adverse impacts of ethanol.
Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite sandwich panels with hybrid foam filled CFRP pyramidal lattice cores have been assembled from a carbon fiber braided net, 3D woven face sheets and various polymeric foams, and infused with an epoxy resin using a vacuum assisted resin transfer process. Sandwich panels with a fixed CFRP truss mass have been fabricated using a variety of closed cell polymer and syntactic foams, resulting in core densities ranging from 44-482kgm-3. The through thickness and in-plane shear modulus and strength of the cores increased with increasing foam density. The use of low compressive strength foams within the core was found to result in a significant reduction in the compressive strength contributed by the CFRP trusses. X-ray tomography led to the discovery that the trusses develop an elliptical cross-section shape during pressure assisted resin transfer. The ellipticity of the truss cross-sections increased, and the lattice contribution to the core strength decreased as the foam density was reduced. Micromechanical modeling was used to investigate the relationships between the mechanical properties and volume fractions of the core materials and truss topology of the hybrid core. The specific strength and moduli of the hybrid cores lay between those of the CFRP lattices and foams used to fabricate them. However, their volumetric and gravimetric energy absorptions significantly exceeded those of the materials from which they were fabricated. They compare favorably with other lightweight energy absorbing materials and structures. © 2013.
This work was aimed at the study of some physical properties of two current light-cured dental resin composites, Rok (hybrid) and Ice (nanohydrid). As filler they both contain strontium aluminosilicate particles, however, with different size distribution, 40 nm-2.5 mum for Rok and 10 nm-1 mum for Ice. The resin matrix of Rok consists of UDMA, that of Ice of UDMA, Bis-EMA and TEGDMA. Degree of conversion was determined by FT-IR analysis. The flexural strength and modulus were measured using a three-point bending set-up according to the ISO-4049 specification. Sorption, solubility and volumetric change were measured after storage of composites in water or ethanol/water (75 vol%) for 1 day, 7 or 30 days. Thermogravimetric analysis was performed in air and nitrogen atmosphere from 30 to 700 degrees C. Surface roughness and morphology of the composites was studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The degree of conversion was found to be 56.9% for Rok and 61.0% for Ice. The flexural strength of Rok does not significantly differ from that of Ice, while the flexural modulus of Rok is higher than that of Ice. The flexural strengths of Rok and Ice did not show any significant change after immersion in water or ethanol solution for 30 days. The flexural modulus of Rok and Ice did not show any significant change either after immersion in water for 30 days, while it decreased significantly, even after 1 day immersion, in ethanol solution. Ice sorbed a higher amount of water and ethanol solution than Rok and showed a higher volume increase. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that Rok contains about 80 wt% inorganic filler and Ice about 75 wt%.
This paper presents new experimental results on cryogenic jet flames formed by a coaxial injector at a pressure of 70 bar, which approaches the pressures found in rocket engines. This element, fed with liquid oxygen and gaseous hydrogen, is placed in a square combustion chamber equipped with quartz windows. The flame is examined via spectroscopy, OH* emission, and backlighting, the aim being to provide basic information on the flame structure. It is found that some of the OH* emission is absorbed by the OH radicals present in the flame. A detailed examination of this effect is presented, in which it is shown that, for this turbulent flame, the Abel transform gives the position of the intense reaction region, whether or not absorption is signficant. The flame is attached to the oxygen injector, as at low pressure. At high pressure, flame expansion is reduced compared with low pressure and is also less dependent on the momentum flux ratio between the hydrogen and the oxygen streams. An analysis of the relevant Damköhler numbers suggests that this is because the rate of combustion is mainly controlled by large-scale turbulent mixing at high pressure, and it is dominated by jet break-up, atomization, and vaporization at low pressures. Jet break-up is particularly dependent on the momentum flux ratio. Finally, the mean volumetric heat release rates and flame surface density in the experimental facility are estimated.