1000 resultados para video indexing


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Only very few constructed facilities today have a complete record of as-built information. Despite the growing use of Building Information Modelling and the improvement in as-built records, several more years will be required before guidelines that require as-built data modelling will be implemented for the majority of constructed facilities, and this will still not address the stock of existing buildings. A technical solution for scanning buildings and compiling Building Information Models is needed. However, this is a multidisciplinary problem, requiring expertise in scanning, computer vision and videogrammetry, machine learning, and parametric object modelling. This paper outlines the technical approach proposed by a consortium of researchers that has gathered to tackle the ambitious goal of automating as-built modelling as far as possible. The top level framework of the proposed solution is presented, and each process, input and output is explained, along with the steps needed to validate them. Preliminary experiments on the earlier stages (i.e. processes) of the framework proposed are conducted and results are shown; the work toward implementation of the remainder is ongoing.


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The capability to automatically identify shapes, objects and materials from the image content through direct and indirect methodologies has enabled the development of several civil engineering related applications that assist in the design, construction and maintenance of construction projects. Examples include surface cracks detection, assessment of fire-damaged mortar, fatigue evaluation of asphalt mixes, aggregate shape measurements, velocimentry, vehicles detection, pore size distribution in geotextiles, damage detection and others. This capability is a product of the technological breakthroughs in the area of Image and Video Processing that has allowed for the development of a large number of digital imaging applications in all industries ranging from the well established medical diagnostic tools (magnetic resonance imaging, spectroscopy and nuclear medical imaging) to image searching mechanisms (image matching, content based image retrieval). Content based image retrieval techniques can also assist in the automated recognition of materials in construction site images and thus enable the development of reliable methods for image classification and retrieval. The amount of original imaging information produced yearly in the construction industry during the last decade has experienced a tremendous growth. Digital cameras and image databases are gradually replacing traditional photography while owners demand complete site photograph logs and engineers store thousands of images for each project to use in a number of construction management tasks. However, construction companies tend to store images without following any standardized indexing protocols, thus making the manual searching and retrieval a tedious and time-consuming effort. Alternatively, material and object identification techniques can be used for the development of automated, content based, construction site image retrieval methodology. These methods can utilize automatic material or object based indexing to remove the user from the time-consuming and tedious manual classification process. In this paper, a novel material identification methodology is presented. This method utilizes content based image retrieval concepts to match known material samples with material clusters within the image content. The results demonstrate the suitability of this methodology for construction site image retrieval purposes and reveal the capability of existing image processing technologies to accurately identify a wealth of materials from construction site images.


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The automated detection of structural elements (e.g. concrete columns) in visual data is useful in many construction and maintenance applications. The research in this area is under initial investigation. The authors previously presented a concrete column detection method that utilized boundary and color information as detection cues. However, the method is sensitive to parameter selection, which reduces its ability to robustly detect concrete columns in live videos. Compared against the previous method, the new method presented in this paper reduces the reliance of parameter settings mainly in three aspects. First, edges are located using color information. Secondly, the orientation information of edge points is considered in constructing column boundaries. Thirdly, an artificial neural network for concrete material classification is developed to replace concrete sample matching. The method is tested using live videos, and results are compared with the results obtained with the previous method to demonstrate the new method improvements.


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Automating the model generation process of infrastructure can substantially reduce the modeling time and cost. This paper presents a method to generate a sparse point cloud of an infrastructure scene using a single video camera under practical constraints. It is the first step towards establishing an automatic framework for object-oriented as-built modeling. Motion blur and key frame selection criteria are considered. Structure from motion and bundle adjustment are explored. The method is demonstrated in a case study where the scene of a reinforced concrete bridge is videotaped, reconstructed, and metrically validated. The result indicates the applicability, efficiency, and accuracy of the proposed method.


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Vision based tracking can provide the spatial location of construction entities such as equipment, workers, and materials in large scale, congested construction sites. It tracks entities in video streams by inferring their locations based on the entities’ visual features and motion histories. To initiate the process, it is necessary to determine the pixel areas corresponding to the construction entities to be tracked in the following consecutive video frames. In order to fully automate the process, an automated way of initialization is needed. This paper presents the method for construction worker detection which can automatically recognize and localize construction workers in video frames. The method first finds the foreground areas of moving objects using a background subtraction method. Within these foreground areas, construction workers are recognized based on the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) and histogram of the HSV colors. HOG’s have proved to work effectively for detection of people, and the histogram of HSV colors helps differentiate between pedestrians and construction workers wearing safety vests. Preliminary experiments show that the proposed method has the potential to automate the initialization process of vision based tracking.


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Vision-based object detection has been introduced in construction for recognizing and locating construction entities in on-site camera views. It can provide spatial locations of a large number of entities, which is beneficial in large-scale, congested construction sites. However, even a few false detections prevent its practical applications. In resolving this issue, this paper presents a novel hybrid method for locating construction equipment that fuses the function of detection and tracking algorithms. This method detects construction equipment in the video view by taking advantage of entities' motion, shape, and color distribution. Background subtraction, Haar-like features, and eigen-images are used for motion, shape, and color information, respectively. A tracking algorithm steps in the process to make up for the false detections. False detections are identified by catching drastic changes in object size and appearance. The identified false detections are replaced with tracking results. Preliminary experiments show that the combination with tracking has the potential to enhance the detection performance.


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Monitoring the location of resources on large scale, congested, outdoor sites can be performed more efficiently with vision tracking, as this approach does not require any pre-tagging of resources. However, the greatest impediment to the use of vision tracking in this case is the lack of detection methods that are needed to automatically mark the resources of interest and initiate the tracking. This paper presents such a novel method for construction worker detection that localizes construction workers in video frames. The proposed method exploits motion, shape, and color cues to narrow down the detection regions to moving objects, people, and finally construction workers, respectively. The three cues are characterized by using background subtraction, the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), and the HSV color histogram. The method has been tested on videos taken in various environments. The results demonstrate its suitability for automatic initialization of vision trackers.


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In spite of over two decades of intense research, illumination and pose invariance remain prohibitively challenging aspects of face recognition for most practical applications. The objective of this work is to recognize faces using video sequences both for training and recognition input, in a realistic, unconstrained setup in which lighting, pose and user motion pattern have a wide variability and face images are of low resolution. The central contribution is an illumination invariant, which we show to be suitable for recognition from video of loosely constrained head motion. In particular there are three contributions: (i) we show how a photometric model of image formation can be combined with a statistical model of generic face appearance variation to exploit the proposed invariant and generalize in the presence of extreme illumination changes; (ii) we introduce a video sequence re-illumination algorithm to achieve fine alignment of two video sequences; and (iii) we use the smoothness of geodesically local appearance manifold structure and a robust same-identity likelihood to achieve robustness to unseen head poses. We describe a fully automatic recognition system based on the proposed method and an extensive evaluation on 323 individuals and 1474 video sequences with extreme illumination, pose and head motion variation. Our system consistently achieved a nearly perfect recognition rate (over 99.7% on all four databases). © 2012 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.


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The visual system must learn to infer the presence of objects and features in the world from the images it encounters, and as such it must, either implicitly or explicitly, model the way these elements interact to create the image. Do the response properties of cells in the mammalian visual system reflect this constraint? To address this question, we constructed a probabilistic model in which the identity and attributes of simple visual elements were represented explicitly and learnt the parameters of this model from unparsed, natural video sequences. After learning, the behaviour and grouping of variables in the probabilistic model corresponded closely to functional and anatomical properties of simple and complex cells in the primary visual cortex (V1). In particular, feature identity variables were activated in a way that resembled the activity of complex cells, while feature attribute variables responded much like simple cells. Furthermore, the grouping of the attributes within the model closely parallelled the reported anatomical grouping of simple cells in cat V1. Thus, this generative model makes explicit an interpretation of complex and simple cells as elements in the segmentation of a visual scene into basic independent features, along with a parametrisation of their moment-by-moment appearances. We speculate that such a segmentation may form the initial stage of a hierarchical system that progressively separates the identity and appearance of more articulated visual elements, culminating in view-invariant object recognition.


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Due to its importance, video segmentation has regained interest recently. However, there is no common agreement about the necessary ingredients for best performance. This work contributes a thorough analysis of various within- and between-frame affinities suitable for video segmentation. Our results show that a frame-based superpixel segmentation combined with a few motion and appearance-based affinities are sufficient to obtain good video segmentation performance. A second contribution of the paper is the extension of [1] to include motion-cues, which makes the algorithm globally aware of motion, thus improving its performance for video sequences. Finally, we contribute an extension of an established image segmentation benchmark [1] to videos, allowing coarse-to-fine video segmentations and multiple human annotations. Our results are tested on BMDS [2], and compared to existing methods. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.