988 resultados para veia umbilical
PURPOSE: To evaluate different protocols to isolate stem cells from ovine umbilical cord blood and adipose tissue. METHODS: There were used 5 samples of umbilical blood and 5 samples of perirenal adipose tissue from 10 female sheep. All the samples were obtained through surgery, to harvest aseptic samples. There were used 3 protocols for obtainment and culture of umbilical cord blood stem cells and 4 protocols for ovine adipose tissue stem cells. RESULTS: It was possible to observe only one successful protocol for the obtainment of umbilical cord blood stem cells. When analyzing the techniques used to obtain adipose tissue stem cells, only one of the methods was effective as well. Through colony forming unit assay, there were obtained 58 colonies of cells after seven days in culture. Flow citometry tests revealed the cells were positive to CD44 and exhibited negative reaction to CD38, CD45, CD41/61. These cells showed a growth curve with very well defined phases LOG, LAG and PLATEAU. This phases are typically seem in mesenchymal stem cells growth curves. CONCLUSIONS: The isolation and culture of mesenchymal stem cells from ovine umbilical cord blood are complex and request more detailed assays. Stem cells from fat tissue sheep showed mesenchymal characteristics, according to their cell growth curve, ability to origin colonies of fibroblastoid cells and positive reactivity with the antibody CD44 by flow citometry.
A utilização de aloenxerto de nervo conservado em glicerol é uma alternativa a auto-enxertia em casos de lesões de nervos periféricos com perda de substância que diminui a morbidade cirúrgica e provem material suficiente para a reparação neural. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o grau de reparação nervosa, utilizando análises histológica e funcional, através da interposição de enxerto autógeno (grupo A), de tubo de veia conservada em glicerol (grupo B) e de interposição de nervo alógeno conservado em glicerol (grupo C) em defeitos de 5 mm no nervo fibular de ratos Wistar. A análise histológica foi feita após o sacrifício dos animais( 6 semanas) , usando o corante azul de toluidina a 1%. No grupo A (auto-enxerto) verificou-se reação tecidual perineural e escape de fibras axonais mielinizadas para fora dos limites do epineuro que foi maior se comparada ao verificado no Grupo B (Veia autógena + glicerol) e Grupo C (aloenxerto de nervo).A avaliação funcional foi feita através da análise dos padrões das pegadas das patas posteriores dos ratos ("Walking Track Analysis"), nos períodos: pré-operatório, pós-operatório imediato, na terceira e sexta semanas. Na recuperação funcional, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os três grupos em nenhum dos períodos avaliados.
A distribuição intraparenquimal das veias porta-hepáticas foi estudada em 30 gansos domésticos. Latex Neoprene corado foi injetado pela veia isquiática e os animais forma fixados por imersão e injeção intramuscular com formol a 10% e dissecados. O fígado esteve composto por um grande lobo hepático direito e por um lobo hepático esquerdo menor, os quais estiveram conectados por uma ponte de parênquima. O lobo direito do fígado teve exclusivamente vasos do sistema porta-hepático formados pela distribuição intraparenquimal da veia porta-hepática direita, enquanto que no lobo esquerdo estes originaram-se da veia porta-hepática direita e de pequenas veias porta-hepáticas esquerdas. A veia porta-hepática direita emitiu o ramo caudal direito, que emitiu um pequeno ramo caudolateral direito e um grande ramo caudomedial direito. Cranialmente esta veia emitiu os ramos craniais direito e ramos lateral direito. A porção transversa da veia porta-hepática direita cruzou para o lobo hepático esquerdo, emitindo de 1 a 6 pequenos ramos craniais e caudais para a região média do fígado. No lobo esquerdo, o ramo esquerdo da veia porta-hepática direita emitiu o ramo cranial esquerdo, o ramo lateral esquerdo e o ramo medial. De 1 a 6 veias porta-hepáticas esquerdas foram identificadas desembocando ou no ramo esquerdo da veia porta-hepática direita ou em sua porção transversa, oriundos do ventrículo gástrico e do pró-ventrículo. Em 40% dos gansos uma veia porta-hepática própria oriunda da confluência de vasos venosos da face esquerda do ventrículo distribuiu-se na extremidade caudal do lobo esquerdo isoladamente.
Purpose: Use of lipid nanoemulsions as carriers of drugs for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes has been increasingly studied. Here, it was tested whether modifications of core particle constitution could affect the characteristics and biologic properties of lipid nanoemulsions. Methods: Three nanoemulsions were prepared using cholesteryl oleate, cholesteryl stearate, or cholesteryl linoleate as main core constituents. Particle size, stability, pH, peroxidation of the nanoemulsions, and cell survival and uptake by different cell lines were evaluated. Results: It was shown that cholesteryl stearate nanoemulsions had the greatest particle size and all three nanoemulsions were stable during the 237-day observation period. The pH of the three nanoemulsion preparations tended to decrease over time, but the decrease in pH of cholesteryl stearate was smaller than that of cholesteryl oleate and cholesteryl linoleate. Lipoperoxidation was greater in cholesteryl linoleate than in cholesteryl oleate and cholesteryl stearate. After four hours' incubation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) with nanoemulsions, peroxidation was minimal in the presence of cholesteryl oleate and more pronounced with cholesteryl linoleate and cholesteryl stearate. In contrast, macrophage incubates showed the highest peroxidation rates with cholesteryl oleate. Cholesteryl linoleate induced the highest cell peroxidation rates, except in macrophages. Uptake of cholesteryl oleate nanoemulsion by HUVEC and fibroblasts was greater than that of cholesteryl linoleate and cholesteryl stearate. Uptake of the three nanoemulsions by monocytes was equal. Uptake of cholesteryl oleate and cholesteryl linoleate by macrophages was negligible, but macrophage uptake of cholesteryl stearate was higher. In H292 tumor cells, cholesteryl oleate showed the highest uptakes. HUVEC showed higher survival rates when incubated with cholesteryl stearate and smaller survival with cholesteryl linoleate. H292 survival was greater with cholesteryl stearate. Conclusion: Although all three nanoemulsion types were stable for a long period, considerable differences were observed in size, oxidation status, and cell survival and nanoemulsion uptake in all tested cell lines. Those differences may be helpful in protocol planning and interpretation of data from experiments with lipid nanoemulsions.
Background: Leukotriene B(4) (LTB(4)) is a potent inflammatory mediator that also stimulates the immune response. In addition, it promotes polymorphonuclear leukocyte phagocytosis, chemotaxis, chemokinesis and modulates cytokines release. Regarding chemical instability of the leukotriene molecule, in the present study we assessed the immunomodulatory activities conferred by LTB(4) released from microspheres (MS). A previous oil-in-water emulsion solvent extraction-evaporation method was chosen to prepare LTB(4)-loaded MS. Results: In the mice cremasteric microcirculation, intraescrotal injection of 0.1 ml of LTB(4)-loaded MS provoked significant increases in leukocyte rolling flux, adhesion and emigration besides significant decreases in the leukocyte rolling velocity. LTB(4)-loaded MS also increase peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPAR alpha) expression by murine peritoneal macrophages and stimulate them to generate nitrite levels. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-I (MCP-I) and nitric oxide (NO) productions were also increased when human umbilical vein and artery endothelial cells (HUVECs and HUAECs, respectively) were stimulated with LTB(4)-loaded MS. Conclusion: LTB(4)-loaded MS preserve the biological activity of the encapsulated mediator indicating their use as a new strategy to modulate cell activation, especially in the innate immune response.
The aim of the present work is the presentation of a quantification methodology for the control of the amount of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) administered in biological materials by means of the ferromagnetic resonance technique (FMR) applied to studies both in vivo and in vitro. The in vivo study consisted in the analysis of the elimination and biodistribution kinetics of SPIONs after intravenous administration in Wistar rats. The results were corroborated by X-ray fluorescence. For the in vitro study, a quantitative analysis of the concentration of SPIONs bound to the specific AC133 monoclonal antibodies was carried out in order to detect the expression of the antigenic epitopes (CD133) in stem cells from human umbilical cord blood. In both studies FMR has proven to be an efficient technique for the SPIONs quantification per volume unit (in vivo) or per labeled cell (in vitro).
Transanal endorectal pull-through (TAEPT) surgery is primarily performed for rectosigmoid aganglionosis, generally with excellent results. There is evidence that overstretching the anus and tension traction in the sigmoid during the procedure could impair the final continence of the patient. Many researchers suggest the use of small umbilical or laparoscopic access to aid in colon mobilization, thus preventing excessive handling within the anal canal. We assumed that transabdominal mobilization of the sigmoid could be prevented by utilizing the NOTES (natural orifices transluminal endoscopic surgery) technique. We performed a TAEPT with NOTES access of the sigmoid vascular pedicle, keeping the surgery exclusively transanal, which prevented scars in the abdomen and minimized the stretching of perineal structures.
Introduction: The successful integration of stem cells in adult brain has become a central issue in modern neuroscience. In this study we sought to test the hypothesis that survival and neurodifferentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) may be dependent upon microenvironmental conditions according to the site of implant in the brain. Methods: MSCs were isolated from adult rats and labeled with enhanced-green fluorescent protein (eGFP) lentivirus. A cell suspension was implanted stereotactically into the brain of 50 young rats, into one neurogenic area (hippocampus), and into another nonneurogenic area (striatum). Animals were sacrificed 6 or 12 weeks after surgery, and brains were stained for mature neuronal markers. Cells coexpressing NeuN (neuronal specific nuclear protein) and GFP (green fluorescent protein) were counted stereologically at both targets. Results: The isolated cell population was able to generate neurons positive for microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2), neuronal-specific nuclear protein (NeuN), and neurofilament 200 (NF200) in vitro. Electrophysiology confirmed expression of voltage-gated ionic channels. Once implanted into the hippocampus, cells survived for up to 12 weeks, migrated away from the graft, and gave rise to mature neurons able to synthesize neurotransmitters. By contrast, massive cell degeneration was seen in the striatum, with no significant migration. Induction of neuronal differentiation with increased cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the culture medium before implantation favored differentiation in vivo. Conclusions: Our data demonstrated that survival and differentiation of MSCs is strongly dependent upon a permissive microenvironment. Identification of the pro-neurogenic factors present in the hippocampus could subsequently allow for the integration of stem cells into nonpermissive areas of the central nervous system.
As previously shown, higher levels of NOTCH1 and increased NF-kappa B signaling is a distinctive feature of the more primitive umbilical cord blood (UCB) CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), as compared to bone marrow ( BM). Differences between BM and UCB cell composition also account for this finding. The CD133 marker defines a more primitive cell subset among CD34+ HSC with a proposed hemangioblast potential. To further evaluate the molecular basis related to the more primitive characteristics of UCB and CD133+ HSC, immunomagnetically purified human CD34+ and CD133+ cells from BM and UCB were used on gene expression microarrays studies. UCB CD34+ cells contained a significantly higher proportion of CD133+ cells than BM (70% and 40%, respectively). Cluster analysis showed that BM CD133+ cells grouped with the UCB cells ( CD133+ and CD34+) rather than to BM CD34+ cells. Compared with CD34+ cells, CD133+ had a higher expression of many transcription factors (TFs). Promoter analysis on all these TF genes revealed a significantly higher frequency ( than expected by chance) of NF-kappa B-binding sites (BS), including potentially novel NF-kappa B targets such as RUNX1, GATA3, and USF1. Selected transcripts of TF related to primitive hematopoiesis and self-renewal, such as RUNX1, GATA3, USF1, TAL1, HOXA9, HOXB4, NOTCH1, RELB, and NFKB2 were evaluated by real-time PCR and were all significantly positively correlated. Taken together, our data indicate the existence of an interconnected transcriptional network characterized by higher levels of NOTCH1, NF-kappa B, and other important TFs on more primitive HSC sets.
This study was designed to evaluate the degree of environmental contamination and possible exposure of pregnant women to toxic elements in seven selected areas of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The overall median concentration of Mo in maternal blood was 0.53 mu g L(-1), highly significant differences found between sites (p < 0.0001). Cd was found to be low overall - 0.09 mu g L(-1) (0.01-0.58 mu g L(-1)) - with mothers from the Coastal and Rural 1 sites having the highest levels (p < 0.016). Median Hg concentration was 0.60 mu g L (1) (0.06 mu g L (1)-4.35 mu g L (1)); median Pb level was 16.2 mu g L (1) (3.5-57.7 mu g L(-1)) and no differences between sites were observed for both metals. Median Mn level was 16.7 mu g L(-1) (7.0-39.7 mu g L(-1)), being highest in Urban 2 site (p < 0.016). Concentrations of maternal Co were found to range between 0.06 mu g L(-1) and 1.1 mu g L(-1) (median 0.25 mu g L(-1)) and As level was 0.60 mu g L(-1) (0.10-3.8 mu g L(-1)) overall, with no statistical significance between sites for Co and As. Median Se concentrations were found to be 64 mg L(-1) (36-233 mu g L(-1)), with the highest median levels found in Urban 3 site; site differences were statistically significant (p < 0.0001). Correlation for each element (between paired maternal and cord blood) was measured only in Rural site 1; significant correlation was shown for Hg, Pb, Mn and Co (p < 0.05). These findings may be interpreted as indicating low environmental contamination in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. These findings could also indicate that pregnant women have little or no contact with pollutants, possibly due to awareness campaigns carried out by public health practitioners.
Background: The possibility of using stem cells for regenerative medicine has opened a new field of investigation. The search for sources to obtain multipotent stem cells from discarded tissues or through non-invasive procedures is of great interest. It has been shown that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) obtained from umbilical cords, dental pulp and adipose tissue, which are all biological discards, are able to differentiate into muscle, fat, bone and cartilage cell lineages. The aim of this study was to isolate, expand, characterize and assess the differentiation potential of MSCs from human fallopian tubes (hFTs). Methods: Lineages of hFTs were expanded, had their karyotype analyzed, were characterized by flow cytometry and underwent in vitro adipogenic, chondrogenic, osteogenic, and myogenic differentiation. Results: Here we show for the first time that hFTs, which are discarded after some gynecological procedures, are a rich additional source of MSCs, which we designated as human tube MSCs (htMSCs). Conclusion: Human tube MSCs can be easily isolated, expanded in vitro, present a mesenchymal profile and are able to differentiate into muscle, fat, cartilage and bone in vitro.
Preeclampsia, a pregnancy-specific syndrome characterized by hypertension, proteinuria and edema, is a major cause of fetal and maternal morbidity and mortality especially in developing countries. Bj-PRO-10c, a proline-rich peptide isolated from Bothrops jararaca venom, has been attributed with potent anti-hypertensive effects. Recently, we have shown that Bj-PRO-10c-induced anti-hypertensive actions involved NO production in spontaneous hypertensive rats. Using in vitro studies we now show that Bj-PRO-10c was able to increase NO production in human umbilical vein endothelial cells from hypertensive pregnant women (HUVEC-PE) to levels observed in HUVEC of normotensive women. Moreover, in the presence of the peptide, eNOS expression as well as argininosuccinate synthase activity, the key rate-limiting enzyme of the citrulline-NO cycle, were enhanced. In addition, excessive superoxide production due to NO deficiency, one of the major deleterious effects of the disease, was inhibited by Bj-PRO-10c. Bj-PRO-10c induced intracellular calcium fluxes in both, HUVEC-PE and HUVEC, which, however, led to activation of eNOS expression only in HUVEC-PE. Since Bj-PRO-10c promoted biological effects in HUVEC from patients suffering from the disorder and not in normotensive pregnant women, we hypothesize that Bj-PRO-10c induces its anti-hypertensive effect in mothers with preeclampsia. Such properties may initiate the development of novel therapeutics for treating preeclampsia.
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMDs) are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle caused by the absence of or defective muscular proteins. The murine model for limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 2B (LGMD2B), the SJL mice, carries a deletion in the dysferlin gene that causes a reduction in the protein levels to 15% of normal. The mice show muscle weakness that begins at 4-6 weeks and is nearly complete by 8 months of age. The possibility of restoring the defective muscle protein and improving muscular performance by cell therapy is a promising approach for the treatment of LGMDs or other forms of progressive muscular dystrophies. Here we have injected human adipose stromal cells (hASCs) into the SJL mice, without immunosuppression, aiming to assess their ability to engraft into recipient dystrophic muscle after systemic delivery; form chimeric human/mouse muscle fibers; express human muscle proteins in the dystrophic host and improve muscular performance. We show for the first time that hASCs are not rejected after systemic injection even without immunosuppression, are able to fuse with the host muscle, express a significant amount of human muscle proteins, and improve motor ability of injected animals. These results may have important applications for future therapy in patients with different forms of muscular dystrophies.
BACKGROUND: Guidelines for red blood cell (RBC) transfusions exist; however, transfusion practices vary among centers. This study aimed to analyze transfusion practices and the impact of patients and institutional characteristics on the indications of RBC transfusions in preterm infants. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: RBC transfusion practices were investigated in a multicenter prospective cohort of preterm infants with a birth weight of less than 1500 g born at eight public university neonatal intensive care units of the Brazilian Network on Neonatal Research. Variables associated with any RBC transfusions were analyzed by logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Of 952 very-low-birth-weight infants, 532 (55.9%) received at least one RBC transfusion. The percentages of transfused neonates were 48.9, 54.5, 56.0, 61.2, 56.3, 47.8, 75.4, and 44.7%, respectively, for Centers 1 through 8. The number of transfusions during the first 28 days of life was higher in Center 4 and 7 than in other centers. After 28 days, the number of transfusions decreased, except for Center 7. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed higher likelihood of transfusion in infants with late onset sepsis (odds ratio [OR], 2.8; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.8-4.4), intraventricular hemorrhage (OR, 9.4; 95% CI, 3.3-26.8), intubation at birth (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.0-2.8), need for umbilical catheter (OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.3-4.4), days on mechanical ventilation (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 1.0-1.2), oxygen therapy (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 1.0-1.1), parenteral nutrition (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 1.0-1.1), and birth center (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The need of RBC transfusions in very-low-birth-weight preterm infants was associated with clinical conditions and birth center. The distribution of the number of transfusions during hospital stay may be used as a measure of neonatal care quality.
The investigation of the factors that interfere in the well-being of the elderly and their QoL can provide theoretical and methodological subsidies in structuring actions and policies in the health area, in order to fulfill the needs of that population. In this descriptive transversal study, body composition and QoL of elderly women at the UTA program in Piracicaba (Sao Paulo, Brazil) were verified. The participants were 81 women from UTA, and the general levels of physical activity were evaluated, as well as body weight (BW), height, and bodymass index (BMI). The waist circumference (WC) was measured at the level of the umbilical scar and the body composition by impedance (BIA 310e). QoL was verified by means of WHOQOL-Bref and statistical analysis developed with the SAS program. The decrease of weight, height, BMI, and fat-free mass (FFM) was observed among the several age groups, although with no significant difference. The average levels of the general QoL scores and physical, psychological and environmental domains decreased in higher age groups, but social domains showed the opposite result. This fact can be a particular characteristic of the UTA group, and factors the influence such behavior are yet to be studied. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.