1000 resultados para variação somaclonal


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O mercado de embalagens de poli(tereftalato de etileno) -PET- para acondicionamento de refrigerantes, água mineral, sucos concentrados e óleos comestíveis apresenta polímeros de diferentes tipos, que foram desenvolvidos para personalizar o atendimento a clientes desejosos de propriedades melhores e mais específicas, principalmente em termos de massa molar. No caso do PET, assim como na indústria da reciclagem do polímero, o ensaio de viscosidade intrínseca é muito usado para determinar a massa molar. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de viscosidade intrínseca de PET advindo de embalagens de várias marcas de refrigerantes, sucos e óleos de soja. Amostras de cada embalagem foram dissolvidas em solução de fenol-tetracloroetano (60:40 em peso) e o fluxo das mesmas em um viscosímetro Cannon-Fenske a 30 °C para medir a viscosidade relativa, que foi convertido para viscosidade intrínseca. Os resultados mostraram uma variação no valor da propriedade conforme se variava o volume, tipo e a marca do produto envasado. Para as 21 amostras analisadas, os resultados variaram de 0,70 a 0,79 dL/g. Portanto, uma melhor seleção das embalagens pode ajudar os recicladores na obtenção de produtos melhores, com menor variação na massa molar. Os valores de densidade obtidos apresentaram uma pequena variação, que torna-se maior quando transformados em cristalinidade.


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Foram examinados 198 exemplares de Gorgonocephalus chilensis das regiões antártica e subantartica, tendo-se em vista a variação de caracteres morfológicos externos. Foi constatada uma grande variação nas características morfológicas externas, que parece independer de localização geográfica.


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This work was carried out at FCAV-UNESP, Campus of Jaboticabal, Brazil, to study the effects of nitrogen fertilization (0 and 50 kg N/ha/cut), three sucessive periods of growth (December 21st 1987, January 25th 1988 and February 29th 1988)) and three cutting ages (28, 35 and 42 days) on composition in crude protein and in vitro dry matter digestibility of two cultivars of Panicum maximum Jacq. i.e., Coloniao and Tobiata. Plants were harvested in five vertical layers above soil level (0-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80 and over 80 cm). The samples were divided in: green leaves, green stems and dry material. Generally, values of in vitro dry matter digestibility and the levels of crude protein of both cultivars were greater in the higher layers of the vegetation, with a decrease, however, for the other layers and more advanced phases of plants development, mainly with no N fertilization.


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The air temperature is a climatic element of interest for several agricultural related studies. Hence, daily air temperature from two locations in Brazil (Botucatu and Petrolina, with different climate classification), hourly recorded from January 2004 to December 2005, were analysed to verify if 24 h long air temperature variation can be predicted with 6 h interval records. Three data set were selected, with different first time record of air temperature, and analyses performed using geoestatistics to confirm the temporal dependency of records. Then, ordinary krigging was used to model air temperature variation within 1 h interval, and spherical model presented the best approach, with range of 11.6 h for Botucatu and 12.7 for Petrolina. For both locations, the time of air temperature recording was the most importnat factor on accuracy of estimation of air temperature variation. Records at 2, 8, 14 and 20 h and at 4, 10, 16 and 22 h presented the best approaches, but for records at 9, 15 and 21 h, the approach was worst.


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The experiment had the aim of quantifying seasonal chlorophyll variation on leaves of Anadenanthera colubrina and Tabebuia avellanedae. The experiment used a randomized block design established as a 2 x 3 factorial (two species and three sampling seasons) with 5 replications. The concentrations of chlorophyll in leaves were performed at the end of winter, late spring, and summer. The content of chlorophyll a changed only for A. colubrina, bringing up from spring (117.52 mu g mL(-1)) to summer (151.13 mu g mL(-1)). For the two species, the proportion of chlorophyll b was higher between periods at the end of spring (average of 29.31 mu g mL(-1)) to the end of summer (average of 74.96 mu g mL(-1)) with close relationship with the decrease in global solar irradiance. The chlorophyll a/b relationship increased in late spring due to reduction of chlorophyll b content. A. colubrina showed greater adaptation to the studied environment.


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Identifying the biotic and abiotic factors that determine the variation in the distribution and abundance of populations has become a great challenge for the field of ecology in recent years. Thus, in this study we evaluated the effect of abiotic variables and the abundance of predators on the abundance of Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae, the variation in the average length of the individuals between lakes and periods, and the effect of the abiotic variables and abundance of predators on the structure in length of that species. Sixteen lakes of the Cuiaba river flood plain were sampled in June (drying period), September (dry period) and December (flooding period) 2005 and March (flood period) 2006. For M. sanctaefilomenae, the distribution is ampler and the abundance is greater at the end of the drying period, beginning of dry season, reducing gradually over the periods of dry, drying and flood season. Additionally, the period affects the structure in size of the populations that are spatially homogeneous. Smaller individuals were captured at the end of the drying period and the larger individuals at the start of flooding. During the end of the drying period and in the beginning of the dry season, the spatial variation in the abundance of the population was positively related with pH, dissolved oxygen and macrophyte cover and area of the lake, but not with the local abundance of predators in the littoral zone of the lakes.


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The effect of sodium bicarbonate jet (Profident System) on the gingival tissue was tested with comparison of application from 2 different angles: the angulation recommended by the manufacturer and ponted to the occlusal surface. The results showed a definite influence of the angulation on tissue trauma, with lesser degrees of injury when the modified angulation was applied.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of afterload on peak rate of tension rise (dT/dt) in the isolated muscle. METHODS: Left ventricular papillary muscles from Wistar rats were studied in isometric and isotonic afterloaded contractions. Muscles were analised in Krebs-Henseleit solution with calcium concentration of 2.52mM at 28 degrees C. The resting muscle length (preload) was maintained constant. The peak isometric developed tension (DT) and dT/dt were measured during increases of afterload (25, 50, 75 and 100% from DT). RESULTS: A rise in afterload corresponding to 50, 75 and 100% of DT, did not cause an increase in dT/dt values (p > 0.05). The dT/dt value decreased (p < 0.05) when afterload was changed from 75% to 25% of DT. CONCLUSION: The data suggest that an increase in the afterload from 50% of the DT did not promote changes in the dT/dt.


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It were analyzed Eucalyptus grandis trees of 8 years old in the forest group of Duraflora S/A, with different annual increments based on volume, to the related studies of specific gravity values based on productivity indexes. The methodology used in analysis of specific gravity was the gamma-ray attenuation technique of Americium-241. The Eucalyptus grandis showed a specific gravity decreasing with the increasing of parcel productivity. For a gain of 3,5 m3 in productivity there was a decreasing of 1% in specific gravity. Nevertheless, it was not observed correlation between specific gravity and basal area in a same parcel. The present work stands out too, some of the difficulties found with relation to wood specific gravity determinations and emphasize the importance of take samples in the form of full rounded plates in three or four relative positions in the tree.


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Three small rivers belonging to the Rio das Pedras basin, located in the mid-southern region of Paraná state, were studied in order to evaluate the seasonal variation pattern of some physical and chemical parameters. Monthly samplings were carried out from April 2004 to March 2005. The following limnological parameters were measured: water temperature, specific conductance, oxygen saturation, pH, turbidity, current velocity and depth. The waters of the Rio das Pedras basin presented very peculiar characteristics, showing typical seasonal patterns for some of the studied limnological variables. An Analysis of Variance (Anova) showed significant differences only for pH and depth among streams. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed a weak tendency to form groups based on seasons instead of sampling sites. The results, in general, indicate that temporal variations of the environmental parameters analyzed were not sufficient to draw a clear seasonal pattern in the Rio das Pedras basin. Most likely, the lack of an obvious seasonal pattern has been provoked by a particular regional precipitation regime, where rains are frequent and well-distributed throughout the year.


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The definition of models and base parameters for application of investigation tools in environment with high complexity are a basic premise to any sciences. The geophysics is a science with solid theoretical base and applications in diversified areas of the sciences geological, astronomical, meteorological, among many others. Its application in environmental studies is relatively recent and needs further research. To understand the behavior of resident contaminants in a dynamic and complex environment as the geological, it requests studies in scale laboratorial, under control of factors seasonality variable. This work simulates a leak of gasoline in soil, under conditions and in laboratory scale, with the objective of monitoring the temporary behavior of the hydrocarbon under the optics of variation of the parameter physical electric resistivity. The results indicate increase of the resistivity in recent periods the contamination, followed for stability in the values and finally fall and return tendency to the natural conditions.


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Brazil is one of the world's richest countries in forest biodiversity. This has a great importance for humanity for sheltering essential scientific potential for the improvement in the quality of living beings. It also contributes to the preservation of natural resources and the environment. Among Brazil's forest species, jenipapo (Genipa americana L.) is commonly found in riparian vegetation. The objective of this work was to quantify the genetic variability of biochemical traits of seeds, as a support for in situ and ex situ conservation of natural populations of G. americana L. Two populations of the species were studied: one from Ilha Solteira, SP region (ISA) and other from Mogi Guaçu, SP (MOG). In the ISA population, seeds were collected from 30 trees, and in the MOG population, from 22 trees. These seeds were analyzed for chemical composition: content of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and starch. The two populations of G. americana studied had a great genetic variation for these traits. The population ISA had an additive and phenotypic correlation, which was negative and high for starch with lipid; and positive and medium, for lipid with prolamine, as well as for globulin with prolamine. The population MOG presented additive and phenotypic correlations: positive and medium for gluteline with globulin. In these populations, narrow sense heritability estimates of progenies were moderate (0.69 for carbohydrates in the population ISA) to high (0.81 to 0.99 for the other traits in the two populations), indicating that much progress can be expected with selection strategies.


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In the present study were observed changes in morphology of the bed of the lower course of the river Ivaí, made by bathymetric surveys, granulometric analysis and measures the flow velocity. Changes made considerable changes in relation to flow and bad load. The study was conducted in the last 110 km of the river Ivaí, between the municipalities Tapira and Icaraíma - PR. In this section the channel flows with meandering pattern, embedded in sandstone Caiuá and sediment modern of its flood plain. This is the only major river in the state that so far has no modifications, making it an important site for studies of fluvial geomorphology.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic variation, the genotype × soil interaction and the selection among and within Corymbia citriodora progenies in three different kinds of soils (Red Latossol, Quartz Sand and Purple Latossol), which occur in the Luiz Antônio Experimental Station, São Paulo State, Brazil. The progeny test was established 1983, using 56 open-pollinated families of C. citriodora. Twenty fve years after planting the following traits were measured: height, diameter at breast height (Dbh), stem form and survival. Best growth occurred in Purple Latossol. Significant differences among progenies were detected for most traits in all sites, suggesting the possibility of improvement by selection. In the analysis with sites, Significant differences among locals, progenies and genotypes × soil interaction were detected, confiming that the tested material has sufficient genetic variation to be explored by selection in all sites. The analysis of genotype × soil interaction indicates that growth traits present single interaction and the same progenies can be selected in each site. On the order hand, genotype × soil interaction for stem form and survival was complex; and specifc progenies need to be selected for each kind of soil. The population, due to its high genetic variation and strong genetic control of traits, permits to obtain considerable genetic gains by selection among and within progenies.