882 resultados para twentieth century migrant built heritage
Doctorat réalisé en cotutelle avec l'Université Paris Sorbonne. La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).
Depuis la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle et le tournant du millénaire, pourquoi se multiplient des figures de la folie et du féminin dans le paysage littéraire haïtien ? En remarquant les grandes tendances qui font coïncider l’expression de la catastrophe, de la défaite du sens et l’apparition de personnages et de figures féminins majeurs dans des œuvres de tous genres, mon interrogation porte sur la folie, la marge et le féminin dans la littérature haïtienne contemporaine en tant qu’expressions concourantes de la dissemblance. Je me penche ainsi, dans des œuvres marquantes, sur le jeu rhétorique des postures de la dissemblance et la manière dont elles pointent depuis le texte vers un au-delà de l’œuvre, soit ce qui en elle indique l’ «espace ménagé» de sa propre faillite ainsi que le travail de la lecture et de la création. Pour cela, il a fallu, à partir des limites (de l’œuvre, de la norme), construire une réflexion capable d’aménager aussi l’espace de sa propre contestation. Dans le premier chapitre, à partir du récit fondateur « Folie », de Marie Chauvet, je pose le problème de la folie en me penchant sur les configurations inaugurales qui me semblent mettre la scène du littéraire contemporain haïtien. J’en profite pour préciser l’approche rhétorique qui me permettra d’aborder les textes littéraires, tout en réfléchissant sur les enjeux théoriques posés par une lecture de la folie comme absence d’œuvre. En m’appuyant sur Chauvet et sur les travaux de Felman, je définis les modalités d’une lecture impliquée. Dans le second chapitre, je brosse un portrait complexe du contemporain haïtien, tel qu’il est médié et rendu à travers les « anthologies » essentielles de Davertige et de Frankétienne. Ces deux œuvres sont l’occasion de poursuivre une interrogation sur les limites en remarquant les formes et les enjeux mobilisés dans le littéraire par les élaborations de la marge, de la mémoire traumatique et de la folie. Une telle approche est aussi l’occasion d’une réflexion de fond sur le contemporain haïtien, abordé d’emblée comme panorama et comme problème façonné et façonnant des sujets d’écriture. Enfin, dans le troisième chapitre, je me penche sur les filiations larvées qui permettent aux configurations précédemment décrites de persister, alors que le féminin, comme dissemblance, négocie sa place du côté de la marge ou de la folie, dans les textes plus récents de Jan Dominique et de Lyonel Trouillot. Les réflexions que je propose sur les destinations, sur l’œuvre impossible ou absente (Foucault) me permettent de distinguer les processus de différenciation spécifiques de la marge et de la folie, mais surtout d’apercevoir, au cœur du texte littéraire, la folie comme l’absence essentielle où se risque et se joue la création. Le dissemblable devient alors cet objet fuyant d’une lecture impliquée dans laquelle, le regard critique s’adossant à une écriture littéraire chargée d’en interrompre systématiquement le flux, constitue en effet ce « moment insolite de la théorie» (Felman), qui, dévoilant son propre jeu rhétorique, maintient la théorie en échec tout en la faisant parler.
La conformación de la la élite del poder político en Colombia está centrada en la formación y estructuración de la misma, basada en la herencia hispánica, arraigada desde la Colonia, y cuyas divergencias y convergencias de los linajes presidenciales tienen como cenit el siglo XX.
Este trabajo pretendió retomar la idea del consumo de productos culturales al preguntarse específicamente por el consumo de cine de Hollywood en Bogotá entre 1925 y 1946. Se trata de mirar cómo fue el consumo del cine de Hollywood de los bogotanos de las primeras décadas del siglo XX y se centra en todas aquellas películas producidas en Estados Unidos de carácter comercial. Para mostrar cómo ese consumo de cine no es pasivo, este trabajo se enfocó en cómo entendieron y vieron cine de Hollywood dos grupos de personas, teniendo en cuenta una tipología que establece Ricardo Arias, en las cuales se divide a parte de la población bogotana en individuos católicos radicales e individuos de tendencia laica liberal. Lo que se propone mostrar es que a pesar de las diferencias existentes entre los dos grupos, la visión que construyeron con respecto a estas películas no fue tan diferente, pues ambos grupos descalificaron al cine por ser una tecnología degradante que estaba supeditada a los intereses de una industria.
A general conclusion of the history of the Canadian press demonstrates that state was built after true journalism had been consolidating. Press development went along with economic progress and this was achievable, in great measure, because of the manner colonization took place in North America. This aided the de facto nationalization of press freedom in Canada. In Colombia, on the contrary, wealth concentration and the Spanish failure to build an economic market, resulted in a constant political instability from the time the Independence War. Legal and the de facto nationalization would be attained only at the end of the twentieth century, though journalism was already part of the institutional arrangement.-----Una conclusión general de la historia de la prensa canadiense demuestra que el estado actual se construyó después de haberse consolidado el verdadero periodismo. El desarrollo de la prensa fue paralelo al progreso económico y se pudo lograr en gran medida por la forma en que se colonizó Norteamérica. Esto ayudó a la nacionalización de facto de la libertad de prensa en Canadá. En Colombia, por el contrario, la concentración de la riqueza y el hecho de que los españoles no construyeran un mercado económico produjeron una inestabilidad política constante desde la época de la Guerra por la Independencia. La nacionalización legal y de hecho solamente se logró a finales del siglo XX, aunque el periodismo ya era parte de la organización institucional.
Este documento describe el desarrollo de la educación técnica en Inglaterra, Alemania y Francia durante el siglo XIX, contrastando sus similaridades y diferencias. También analiza el papel del Estado en la provisión de educación técnica en estos países. El artículo sugiere que el alto estándar científico y técnico en la enseñanza, contribuyó significativamente para que el país se convirtiera en una potencia económica. Por ejemplo, la creciente superioridad técnica de los alemanes sobre los británicos en actividades como producción química, tinturas, hierro y acero, ha sido atribuida al hecho de que los británicos persistieron en el uso de métodos empíricos que representaban una barrera para alcanzar mejoras y adaptación, mientras que los alemanes desarrollaron un sistema de educación universitario y politécnico con fuertes lazos industriales que le permitían convertirse en la potencia industrial mas grande de Europa al inicio del Siglo XX.
This paper probes the public dimensions of the work of the twentieth-century Scottish poet W. S. Graham. It draws upon the public contacts and contexts that Graham's lyrics structure and reconfigure, in texts that have appeared to critics to demonstrate the poet's textual aloneness, his intellectual and geographical banishment. Repeatedly addressing his St Ives community of artists and writers, lovers and companions, Graham's work sets up strategic routes through a succession of publicly-minded verbal engagements. Refusing to allow one passively to listen in to the poet's isolation, the lyrics invite, rebuff, tease, avoid, dally with, and proposition audiences and interlocutors. Graham's poetry speaks from within and without tradition, location and heritage, subtly attuning readers to the politics of its handling of national allegiance, identity, class and patronage.
In this short intervention, we introduce the display and walking tour that formed our contribution to the ‘civic geographies’ exhibition and session at the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Annual Conference in July 2012. We then move on to explore the notion of ‘civic geographies’ in relation to the architectural enthusiasm, specifically a strong emotional attachment to buildings, exhibited by members of The Twentieth Century Society. In doing so, we suggest that a more critical account of the role of enthusiasm in the civic realm is required for two important reasons: first, because such groups can be understood to be doing geography beyond the academy in the civic realm; and second, because enthusiast knowledges and practices are active in the (re)constitution of civic landscapes of various kinds. Enthusiasts participate in caring for buildings, preserving heritage, making community spaces, as well as creating and curating local histories. An understanding of who is participating in making these civic geographies, why, how, and with what consequences, is therefore crucial.
Esta dissertação analisa a influência das instituições militares, particularmente a Escola Militar, no período de 1912 a 1944, na configuração urbana de Realengo, bairro localizado no subúrbio do município do Rio de Janeiro. Tendo como principal corpus documental os relatórios do Ministério da Guerra e a legislação pertinente, são estabelecidos marcos históricos para análise do processo de transformação da antiga zona rural do município em uma área militar, enfatizando os impactos que incidiram sobre a região em decorrência da transferência da sede da Escola Militar do Brazil, da Praia Vermelha para o Realengo. Preliminarmente, são identificadas as primeiras unidades militares que ocuparam a região, estabelecendo conexões entre o funcionamento dessas organizações, a constituição do seu patrimônio e o desenvolvimento urbano de Realengo. Para contextualização, também são apresentadas as sedes ocupadas pela Escola Militar ao longo do século XIX e as circunstâncias que motivaram sua saída da Praia Vermelha no início do século XX. O recorte temporal se inicia no período compreendido entre o início do século XIX, quando as chamadas terras realengas foram doadas à Câmara da cidade do Rio de Janeiro por D. João VI; atravessa o século XX, quando se consolidaram o patrimônio da Escola Militar em Realengo e a urbanização do bairro; e chega aos dias atuais, quando, após a extinção da escola, a decadência e o abandono são as marcas das antigas edificações militares do bairro. Também são assinalados o funcionamento da Fábrica de Cartuchos e a criação de duas grandes áreas militares, a Vila Militar de Deodoro e o Campo dos Afonsos. Por fim, são levantadas as perspectivas e ações do Exército Brasileiro e de outros órgãos da sociedade na preservação do patrimônio e da memória da antiga escola.
This work has as its theme the social function of terrenos de marinha. Theresearch universe is the terrenos de marinha of Natal coastline, focusing on thefulfillment of its social function. Prescribed by law since the colonial period with thepurpose of protecting the coast and free movement of people and goods, theywere swathes of land not available to private use by individuals. With the transitionfrom the allotments system to the purchase and sale, regard to land access,crystallized with the creation of the Land Law in the nineteenth century, the land isheld as merchandise and terrenos de marinha, following this logic, also acquireexchange value and become capable of enjoyment by private individuals, with thecondition of tax payments to the state. This is seen until the twentieth century,when in 1988, primarily because of the Federal Constitution promulgation, begins anew cycle when is possible to use on terrenos de marinha the principle of thesocial function of property. From this perspective this study aims to identify thesocial function of terrenos de marinha in Natal, focusing on the public destinationand the use value of the city coastline. To this end, it was made a data collection inthe on-line information system of the Federal Heritage Department of Rio Grandedo Norte (SPU / RN) and in the terrenos de marinha areas, in order to find out ifthey had public or private use, or if they were empty lots, as well as if thepopulation access to the shore exist. Interviews with managers of the SPU weremade. The empirical study showed that the social function of terrenos de marinhain the city of Natal still didn´t happen, considering the constant existence of vacantlots in their areas, the lack of access in significant portions of the coastline and thereduced areas directed to common use along the coastline, minimizing its potentialof enjoyment by the population. It concludes by pointing to the existence of a newtransition phase on the terrenos de marinha, in witch, gradually, come up lawprovisions in the legal system and public policies to expand the purely taxcollection function attributed to this land for two centuries. In this direction, thesocial function of terrenos de marinha is embodied in concomitant adjustment ofthe tax collection function and the rescue of coastline use value, national heritageand a place for sociability and social relations development
The career of civil engineer Henrique de Novaes, a remarkable figure in the academic, technical and political fields, demonstrates its extensive and relevant work across Brazil in the first half of the twentieth century. It covered from the design of water supply and sewage works, road and rail transport networks, works against drought in the Northeast, hydroelectric and harbor facilities to the urbanization planning and architectural projects, which displays a systematic and multiple production. City and territory conformed to his fields of verification, practical and above all, transformation. The search for understanding of the inclusion of a social actor in this process thus contributes to the specific analysis of the doings of Henrique de Novaes, who graduated at Polytechnic School of Rio de Janeiro in 1906. From a polymorphic activity in different scales, one tries to figure how, through academic education or professional practice, urban history in Brazil can be told or built. The introduction of technological innovations matched the purposes of planning and urban sprawl, as well as met the specifications of regulation and institutionalization of public infrastructure services at the time. The overall plans proposed by the engineer thought of the city as a whole, interconnected to the structural networks. At the same time, the knowledge of a larger physical scale the territory bounces back in the urban in a relationship of reciprocity and completeness. The objective research, therefore, tries to understand the roles played by Henrique de Novaes s works and academic education in the accomplishment of systematic modernization of Brazilian urban space and territory, recovering a little known historical figure by current historiography. It is proposed, as methodological axis, that the study of this professional career configures itself as an essential element for understanding the idea of progress embodied in the technical studies and proposals for improvements and sanitation nationwide in the first half of the twentieth century . The primary sources for the construction of this analysis were technical articles in journals of the period ( Clube de Engenharia , Viação e Revista Brasileira de Engenharia ), and technical reports, government messages, newspaper articles published at the time, autobiographical reports and the engineer s verbal communications with relatives. The work is structured in three chapters: "Biographical traces, academic education and 'technical and political' activities" illustrates the initiation into the technical, public and political environment; Chapter 2, "Technique and territory" outlines his network understanding through sanitation and transport services; Chapter 3 "Technique and City" describes the influence of polytechnics knowledge on the propositions of modernization of cities; Finally, "Final Thoughts: An Evaluation," presents an overview of the affiliations and practice of an engineer in the different scales, and its contribution to the modernization of Brazilian urban and territorial space
This thesis is a translation of work of the Brazilian doctor, Pedro da Silva Nava (1903-1984), in particular, his memoirs and chronicles, articulated with the writings of medicine history, aiming to defend that the autobiographical narratives are sources of research capable of promoting discussions on the expansion of the present at the confluence of complex and unequal society in constant changing process as the Brazilian. The theoretical and methodological support circulates around studies, proposals and thesis by Boaventura Santos about empowering past, destabilizing subjectivity, sociology of absences, cosmopolitan reason and translation work. The empirical support drawn from the literature produced by Nava were analyzed with reference this reasoning and studies that have facilitated the flow of translation among others, the studies of Antonio Candido, Arrigucci Jr., Boris Cyrulnik, Beatriz Sarlo, Ecléa Bosi, Ítalo Calvino, José Willington Germano, José Maria Cançado, Lev Vygotsky, Marilena Chauí, Paul Ricöeur and Walter Benjamim, without neglecting what we consider indispensable to scientific research, the production of relevant knowledge and prudent, in view of a decent life. The initial inflections reflect the subject of the Memoirs and its education/training, to then place the Memoir subject in the literary context, scientific, historical and Brazilian poetic (1972-2010), bringing great interpreters and discussing the rationale used by the Narrator that we defend stand closer to the cosmopolitan, showing the formation of narratives whose presence insert itself beforehand to modernist verve, linked to the discursive array against the literature as domination space, disseminated in Brazil in the early twentieth century. So, it articulate with those in which the concerns adjust the construction of the social formation of Brazil as a national heritage through literary narrative that focuses on a historical principle that becomes the past empowering, allowing his rereading, whose converge to memory, the lifestyles, the plurality of language and Brazilian culture, formed by several people, converging into a design not of culture but multiculturalism in Brazil. The memory issue was addressed in the space-time of experiences of being that narrates, shaped by a destabilizing subjectivity that sought to order the testimony of a time, a history and society, retelling them by creative imagination, almost fictional, to make circulate his knowledge about Brazil attached to his medical knowledge, as well as other subjects in his living group and other groups with whom they maintained contact. Thus, he portrayed both tangible and intangible cultural assets of the country as a form of preservation, giving them meanings and sense. It approaches, therefore, from the perspective of sociology of absences, the expansion of the present and by the logic inherent in his narratives of self and Brazil
Lima Barreto has built an educational conception of women in his fictional productions despite nuances inciting scholars to debate his writings and label him as misogynist and philogynist. Thus, the objective of this study is to comprehend, through signs present in his literary works, how women used to be educated in early twentieth century to accomplish the historical differences in gender relations. The main reason for this extract is the periodicity of his publications that started in 1900 by means of chronicles in newspapers and ended in 1922 after his death. For this, we identified codes and rules forged in the social processes to be assimilated by children through diverse institutions, aiming to incite the production of behaviors and social practices represented by the existence men and women in an ever changing society. Gender relations are analyzed within a society for their configuration concept by Nobert Elias (1970) as interdependence bonds among individuals. An investigative method proposed by Ginzburg (1989) was the most adequate to conduct the research on the work of Lima Barreto because it enables us to reconstruct the education concept for women. The dramas and novels analyzed point out the construction of categories such as women education, family, love and seduction revealing the engagement of Lima Barreto with the social problems of the period investigated. It was concluded that gender differentiation has come from family education which kept men and women in opposing sides giving them a marriage perspective that, after consummated, would bring frustration to women causing them to adopt confronting practices against domination strategies through celibacy or adultery. This research constitutes a reflection based on determined representations like justice, respect and duties that were the ideas defended by Lima Barreto in his writings, concerning both broader situations in social life and particular gender relations
The purpose of this work is to bring forward cultural identities of the city of Natal that are built upon representations contained in the work of Twentieth-Century Potiguar1 poets. We started out with the premise that the urban tissue owes its formation to the effect of the feelings produced and to the individuals that give shape to them, thus causing the city to abound with feelings and meanings that are relevant for both society and the individual. As cities and their identities may be studied and interpreted from different viewpoints, we have used in this study poetic discourse that functions as a memory to the city and takes shape out of a set of historically established social practices. Our research is situated within the area of Applied Linguistics, an area of knowledge focused mainly in language that is increasingly expanding its investigation limits in an interdisciplinary way. Therefore, this study is based on a social and historical model of language, with language construed as a discourse practice (Bakhtin and Circle), and presents an interface with cultural studies (Hall, Canclini), taking into account the fact that culture builds up values and brings forth differences in respect of the conditions under which such values and differences are produced. In this sense, we have tried to ―listen‖ to what the poets say, by understanding and interpreting the meanings produced by their discourse, in order to identify the formation of the identities of the city that arise out of distinct points of view and diverse stylistic marks. Analysis of these poetic utterances lead to multifold cultural identities of the city, ranging from a naive and multicolored Natal to a city that builds itself on its characters and on to an insurgent, usurped Natal
This work treats about the speeches that produced the crisis of symbols of Ceará, researching on matters and ways of expression of space between 1950s and 1970s. Therefore, we search discursive practices that since the end of nineteenth century built the identity of Ceará and in the middle of twentieth century produced the crisis of modes of seeing and telling the space in front of enunciations of the national modernization, especially with the emergence of politics by SUDENE to the Northeast, the progressive actions by Catholic Church, the defense of tradition by regional literature of union of Ceará Clã. The contradictions between the glorification and fear the modernization of Brazil produced on the space speeches that his identity would be fractured, that the old symbols of drought, cangaço, mysticism and colonels declined. Among analyzed speeches, we centered the analysis of Trilogia da Maldição formed of novels O Dragão, of 1964, Os Verdes Abutres da Colina and João Pinto de Maria: a biografia de um louco by José Alcides Pinto. In this novel, the enunciation of the crisis of symbologies about the space produced another aesthetic, the allegory, which, mixed with the mystical and melancholy, in search of ways to restore the language of the old themes Ceará, drop of Ceará the same stigma of anti-modern space, where the images of delay changed icons of a fractured identity in front of the modern streams, where the word was transformed in the dimension precarious and redeemer of the tradition, of old, of nature, of the plenitude of senses. In Jose Alcides, the colonel returns as the origin of the lost space, the drought is the revolt of God against the devil place, the apocalypse, the end imminent threat to the village, signs that fantastic, however, are in dialogue with the settings space and time in which they were produced