978 resultados para tecnologie web rest restful database


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Although a vast amount of life sciences data is generated in the form of images, most scientists still store images on extremely diverse and often incompatible storage media, without any type of metadata structure, and thus with no standard facility with which to conduct searches or analyses. Here we present a solution to unlock the value of scientific images. The Global Image Database (GID) is a web-based (http://www.g wer.ch/qv/gid/gid.htm) structured central repository for scientific annotated images. The GID was designed to manage images from a wide spectrum of imaging domains ranging from microscopy to automated screening. The annotations in the GID define the source experiment of the images by describing who the authors of the experiment are, when the images were created, the biological origin of the experimental sample and how the sample was processed for visualization. A collection of experimental imaging protocols provides details of the sample preparation, and labeling, or visualization procedures. In addition, the entries in the GID reference these imaging protocols with the probe sequences or antibody names used in labeling experiments. The GID annotations are searchable by field or globally. The query results are first shown as image thumbnail previews, enabling quick browsing prior to original-sized annotated image retrieval. The development of the GID continues, aiming at facilitating the management and exchange of image data in the scientific community, and at creating new query tools for mining image data.


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A new thermodynamic database for normal and modified nucleic acids has been developed. This Thermodynamic Database for Nucleic Acids (NTDB) includes sequence, structure and thermodynamic information as well as experimental methods and conditions. In this release, there are 1851 sequences containing both normal and modified nucleic acids. A user-friendly web-based interface has been developed to allow data searching under different conditions. Useful thermodynamic tools for the study of nucleic acids have been collected and linked for easy usage. NTDB is available at http://ntdb.chem.cuhk.edu.hk.


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rSNP_Guide is a novel curated database system for analysis of transcription factor (TF) binding to target sequences in regulatory gene regions altered by mutations. It accumulates experimental data on naturally occurring site variants in regulatory gene regions and site-directed mutations. This database system also contains the web tools for SNP analysis, i.e., active applet applying weight matrices to predict the regulatory site candidates altered by a mutation. The current version of the rSNP_Guide is supplemented by six sub-databases: (i) rSNP_DB, on DNA–protein interaction caused by mutation; (ii) SYSTEM, on experimental systems; (iii) rSNP_BIB, on citations to original publications; (iv) SAMPLES, on experimentally identified sequences of known regulatory sites; (v) MATRIX, on weight matrices of known TF sites; (vi) rSNP_Report, on characteristic examples of successful rSNP_Tools implementation. These databases are useful for the analysis of natural SNPs and site-directed mutations. The databases are available through the Web, http://wwwmgs.bionet.nsc.ru/mgs/systems/rsnp/.


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The Mendel database contains names for plant-wide families of sequenced plant genes. The names have either been approved by the Commission on Plant Gene Nomenclature (CPGN), an organization of the International Society for Plant Molecular Biology (ISPMB), or are identified as provisional or temporary names. Mendel also identifies the corresponding genes in individual species of plants. Mendel can be searched through the mirror sites at Cornell (http://genome.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/WebAce/webace?db=mendel) and Stanford (http://genome-www.stanford.edu/Mendel/). In addition, parts of Mendel can be downloaded from the CPGN Web site (http://mbclserver.rutgers.edu/CPGN/).


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The Molecular Biology Database Collection is an online resource listing key databases of value to the biological community. This Collection is intended to bring fellow scientists’ attention to high-quality databases that are available throughout the world, rather than just be a lengthy listing of all available databases. As such, this up-to-date listing is intended to serve as the initial point from which to find specialized databases that may be of use in biological research. The databases included in this Collection provide new value to the underlying data by virtue of curation, new data connections or other innovative approaches. Short, searchable summaries of each of the databases included in the Collection are available through the Nucleic Acids Research Web site, at http://www.nar.oupjournals.org.


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MEDLINEplus is a Web-based consumer health information resource, made available by the National Library of Medicine (NLM). MEDLINEplus has been designed to provide consumers with a well-organized, selective Web site facilitating access to reliable full-text health information. In addition to full-text resources, MEDLINEplus directs consumers to dictionaries, organizations, directories, libraries, and clearinghouses for answers to health questions. For each health topic, MEDLINEplus includes a preformulated MEDLINE search created by librarians. The site has been designed to match consumer language to medical terminology. NLM has used advances in database and Web technologies to build and maintain MEDLINEplus, allowing health sciences librarians to contribute remotely to the resource. This article describes the development and implementation of MEDLINEplus, its supporting technology, and plans for future development.


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Conceptual Modelling approaches for the web need extensions to specify dynamic personalization properties in order to design more powerful web applications. Current approaches provide techniques to support dynamic personalization, usually focused on implementation details. This article presents an extension of the OO-H conceptual modeling approach to address the particulars associated with the design and specification of dynamic personalization. The main benefit is that this specification can be modified without recompile the rest of the application modules. We describe how conventional navigation and presentation diagrams are influenced by personalization properties. In order to model the variable part of the interface logic OO-H has a personalization architecture that leans on a rule engine. Rules are defined based on a User Model and a Reference Model.


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This brief note announces the publication of a nonmetric cranial trait database as a freely available resource on the Internet at: http://library.queensu.ca/web- doc/ssdc/cntd. The files were constructed in the program Excel, and are available also in comma-delimited format. These one-observer data on 38 traits were recorded in 1963–2003 in skeletal collections curated at many muse- ums. The 8,016 crania represent individuals from a broad geographic and temporal range of recent human popula- tions, with regions best represented being the Arctic and northwestern North America. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:551–553, 2013.


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Parametro indispensabile di valutazione di un qualsiasi prodotto o servizio, ai giorni nostri, è la web reputation. Sono sempre più numerose le aziende che monitorano la propria "reputazione online". Quest'ultima può esser definita come l'insieme dei messaggi, commenti e feedbacks, positivi, neutri o negativi che siano, di utenti che esprimono la loro opinione tramite il web su un determinato servizio o prodotto rivolto al pubblico. L’applicazione sviluppata, si pone l’obiettivo di analizzare in tempo reale tramite l’utilizzo di Apache Storm, dati provenienti da fonti eterogenee, classificarli tramite KNIME utilizzando tecniche di classificazione quali SVM, alberi decisionali e Naive Bayesian, renderli persistenti mediante l’utilizzo del database NoSQL HBASE e di visualizzarli in tempo reale attraverso dei grafici utilizzando delle servlet, al fine di costituire un valido strumento di supporto per i processi decisionali.


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Mentre navighiamo siamo veramente certi che i nostri dati e la nostra privacy siano al sicuro? I browser e le tecnologie di cui fanno uso possono rivelare una miriade di informazioni. Al crescere delle informazioni reperibili, si inizia a superare una massa critica che può permettere l'identificazione. Il device fingerprinting è proprio il rilevamento di questa tipologia di dati. HTML5 e le nuove API che esso mette a disposizione aumentano a dismisura le modalità per fare fingerprinting. Durante lo sviluppo della presente tesi è stato realizzato un framework molto potente che verrà mostrato nel dettaglio. Come a seguito di un disastro aereo, l'ingegneria aeronautica si mette all'opera per scovare i punti deboli allo scopo di rendere più robusti gli aerei di nuova generazione, noi con la presente tesi vogliamo dare il nostro contributo al miglioramento del web del futuro. Affinchè la nostra privacy sia veramente nelle nostre mani e possiamo essere artefici del nostro domani.


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Narcolepsy with cataplexy is a rare disease with an estimated prevalence of 0.02% in European populations. Narcolepsy shares many features of rare disorders, in particular the lack of awareness of the disease with serious consequences for healthcare supply. Similar to other rare diseases, only a few European countries have registered narcolepsy cases in databases of the International Classification of Diseases or in registries of the European health authorities. A promising approach to identify disease-specific adverse health effects and needs in healthcare delivery in the field of rare diseases is to establish a distributed expert network. A first and important step is to create a database that allows collection, storage and dissemination of data on narcolepsy in a comprehensive and systematic way. Here, the first prospective web-based European narcolepsy database hosted by the European Narcolepsy Network is introduced. The database structure, standardization of data acquisition and quality control procedures are described, and an overview provided of the first 1079 patients from 18 European specialized centres. Due to its standardization this continuously increasing data pool is most promising to provide a better insight into many unsolved aspects of narcolepsy and related disorders, including clear phenotype characterization of subtypes of narcolepsy, more precise epidemiological data and knowledge on the natural history of narcolepsy, expectations about treatment effects, identification of post-marketing medication side-effects, and will contribute to improve clinical trial designs and provide facilities to further develop phase III trials.


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Alternative splicing is widespread in mammalian gene expression, and variant splice patterns are often specific to different stages of development, particular tissues or a disease state. There is a need to systematically collect data on alternatively spliced exons, introns and splice isoforms, and to annotate this data. The Alternative Splicing Database consortium has been addressing this need, and is committed to maintaining and developing a value-added database of alternative splice events, and of experimentally verified regulatory mechanisms that mediate splice variants. In this paper we present two of the products from this project: namely, a database of computationally delineated alternative splice events as seen in alignments of EST/cDNA sequences with genome sequences, and a database of alternatively spliced exons collected from literature. The reported splice events are from nine different organisms and are annotated for various biological features including expression states and cross-species conservation. The data are presented on our ASD web pages (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/asd).


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Spatial data has now been used extensively in the Web environment, providing online customized maps and supporting map-based applications. The full potential of Web-based spatial applications, however, has yet to be achieved due to performance issues related to the large sizes and high complexity of spatial data. In this paper, we introduce a multiresolution approach to spatial data management and query processing such that the database server can choose spatial data at the right resolution level for different Web applications. One highly desirable property of the proposed approach is that the server-side processing cost and network traffic can be reduced when the level of resolution required by applications are low. Another advantage is that our approach pushes complex multiresolution structures and algorithms into the spatial database engine. That is, the developer of spatial Web applications needs not to be concerned with such complexity. This paper explains the basic idea, technical feasibility and applications of multiresolution spatial databases.


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Many queries sent to search engines refer to specific locations in the world. Location-based queries try to find local services and facilities around the user’s environment or in a particular area. This paper reviews the specifications of geospatial queries and discusses the similarities and differences between location-based queries and other queries. We introduce nine patterns for location-based queries containing either a service name alone or a service name accompanied by a location name. Our survey indicates that at least 22% of the Web queries have a geospatial dimension and most of these can be considered as location-based queries. We propose that location-based queries should be treated different from general queries to produce more relevant results.