973 resultados para subset consistency


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 62M10, 62J02, 62F12, 62M05, 62P05, 62P10; secondary: 60G46, 60F15.


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Background aims: The cost-effective production of human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs) for off-the-shelf and patient specific therapies will require an increasing focus on improving product yield and driving manufacturing consistency. Methods: Bone marrow-derived hMSCs (BM-hMSCs) from two donors were expanded for 36 days in monolayer with medium supplemented with either fetal bovine serum (FBS) or PRIME-XV serum-free medium (SFM). Cells were assessed throughout culture for proliferation, mean cell diameter, colony-forming potential, osteogenic potential, gene expression and metabolites. Results: Expansion of BM-hMSCs in PRIME-XV SFM resulted in a significantly higher growth rate (P < 0.001) and increased consistency between donors compared with FBS-based culture. FBS-based culture showed an inter-batch production range of 0.9 and 5 days per dose compared with 0.5 and 0.6 days in SFM for each BM-hMSC donor line. The consistency between donors was also improved by the use of PRIME-XV SFM, with a production range of 0.9 days compared with 19.4 days in FBS-based culture. Mean cell diameter has also been demonstrated as a process metric for BM-hMSC growth rate and senescence through a correlation (R2 = 0.8705) across all conditions. PRIME-XV SFM has also shown increased consistency in BM-hMSC characteristics such as per cell metabolite utilization, in vitro colony-forming potential and osteogenic potential despite the higher number of population doublings. Conclusions: We have increased the yield and consistency of BM-hMSC expansion between donors, demonstrating a level of control over the product, which has the potential to increase the cost-effectiveness and reduce the risk in these manufacturing processes.


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Background: Monocytes are implicated in the initiation and progression of theatherosclerotic plaque contributing to plaque instability and rupture. Little is knownof the role played by the 3 phenotypically and functionally different monocytesubpopulations in determining ventricular remodeling following ST elevation my-ocardial infarction (STEMI). Mon1 are "classical" inflammatory monocytes, whilstMon3 are considered reparative with fibroblast deposition ability. The function ofthe newly described Mon2 is yet to be elucidated. Method: STEMI patients (n=196, mean age 62±13 years; 72% male) treatedwith percutaneous revascularization were recruited within the first 24 hours. Pe-ripheral blood monocyte subpopulations were enumerated and characterizedusing flow cytometry after staining for CD14, CD16 and CCR2. Phenotypi-cally, monocyte subpopulations are defined as: CD14+CD16-CCR2+ (Mon1),CD14+CD16+CCR+ (Mon2) and CD14lowCD16+CCR2- (Mon3) cells. Transtho-racic 2D echocardiography was performed within 7 days and 6 months post infarctto assess ventricular volumes, mass, systolic, and diastolic functions. Results: Using linear regression analysis higher counts for Mon1, and lowercounts for Mon2 and Mon3 were significantly associated with the baseline leftventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) within seven days post infarction. At 6 monthspost STEMI lower counts of Mon2 remained positively associated with decreasedLVEF (p value= 0.002).Monocyte subsets correlation with LVEFMonocytes mean florescence Baseline left ventricular Left ventricular ejectionintensity (cells/μl) ejection fraction (%) fraction (%) at 6 months post infarctβ-value P-valueβ-value P-valueTotal Mon0.31 P<0.001 0.360.009Mon 10.019 2−0.28 0.001 −0.420.002Mon 3−0.27 0.001 −0.180.21 Conclusion: Peripheral monocytes of all three subsets correlate with LVEF af-ter a myocardial infarction. High counts of the inflammatory Mon1 are associatedwith reduction in the baseline LVEF. Post remodelling, the convalescent EF wasindependently predicted by monocyte subpopulation 2. As lower counts depictednegative ventricular remodeling, this suggests a reparative role for the newly de-scribed Mon2, possibly via myofibroblast deposition and angiogenesis, in contrastto an anticipated inflammatory role.


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Most authors assume that the natural behaviour of the decision-maker is being inconsistent. This paper investigates the main sources of inconsistency and analyses methods for reducing or eliminating inconsistency. Decision support systems can contain interactive modules for that purpose. In a system with consistency control, there are three stages. First, consistency should be checked: a consistency measure is needed. Secondly, approval or rejection has to be decided: a threshold value of inconsistency measure is needed. Finally, if inconsistency is ‘high’, corrections have to be made: an inconsistency reducing method is needed. This paper reviews the difficulties in all stages. An entirely different approach is to elaborate a decision support system in order to force the decision-maker to give consistent values in each step of answering pair-wise comparison questions. An interactive questioning procedure resulting in consistent (sub) matrices has been demonstrated.


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A cikk a páros összehasonlításokon alapuló pontozási eljárásokat tárgyalja axiomatikus megközelítésben. A szakirodalomban számos értékelő függvényt javasoltak erre a célra, néhány karakterizációs eredmény is ismert. Ennek ellenére a megfelelő módszer kiválasztása nem egy-szerű feladat, a különböző tulajdonságok bevezetése elsősorban ebben nyújthat segítséget. Itt az összehasonlított objektumok teljesítményén érvényesülő monotonitást tárgyaljuk az önkonzisztencia és önkonzisztens monotonitás axiómákból kiindulva. Bemutatásra kerülnek lehetséges gyengítéseik és kiterjesztéseik, illetve egy, az irreleváns összehasonlításoktól való függetlenséggel kapcsolatos lehetetlenségi tétel is. A tulajdonságok teljesülését három eljárásra, a klasszikus pontszám eljárásra, az ezt továbbfejlesztő általánosított sorösszegre és a legkisebb négyzetek módszerére vizsgáljuk meg, melyek mindegyike egy lineáris egyenletrendszer megoldásaként számítható. A kapott eredmények új szempontokkal gazdagítják a pontozási eljárás megválasztásának kérdését. _____ The paper provides an axiomatic analysis of some scoring procedures based on paired comparisons. Several methods have been proposed for these generalized tournaments, some of them have been also characterized by a set of properties. The choice of an appropriate method is supported by a discussion of their theoretical properties. In the paper we focus on the connections of self-consistency and self-consistent-monotonicity, two axioms based on the comparisons of object's performance. The contradiction of self-consistency and independence of irrel-evant matches is revealed, as well as some possible reductions and extensions of these properties. Their satisfiability is examined through three scoring procedures, the score, generalised row sum and least squares methods, each of them is calculated as a solution of a system of linear equations. Our results contribute to the problem of finding a proper paired comparison based scoring method.


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This study examined the effect of schemas on consistency and accuracy of memory across interviews, providing theoretical hypotheses explaining why inconsistencies may occur. The design manipulated schema-typicality of items (schema-typical and atypical), question format (free-recall, cued-recall and recognition) and retention interval (immediate/2 week and 2 week/4 week). Consistency, accuracy and experiential quality of memory were measured. ^ All independent variables affected accuracy and experiential quality of memory while question format was the only variable affecting consistency. These results challenge the commonly held notion in the legal arena that consistency is a proxy for accuracy. The study also demonstrates that other variables, such as item-typicality and retention interval have different effects on consistency and accuracy in memory. ^


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Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank the crews, fishermen and scientists who conducted the various surveys from which data were obtained, and Mark Belchier and Simeon Hill for their contributions. This work was supported by the Government of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands. Additional logistical support provided by The South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute with thanks to Paul Brickle. Thanks to Stephen Smith of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) for help in constructing bootstrap confidence limits. Paul Fernandes receives funding from the MASTS pooling initiative (The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland), and their support is gratefully acknowledged. MASTS is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (grant reference HR09011) and contributing institutions. We also wish to thank two anonymous referees for their helpful suggestions on earlier versions of this manuscript.


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High-grade Brainstem Glioma (BSG), also known as Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), is an incurable pediatric brain cancer. Increasing evidence supports the existence of regional differences in gliomagenesis such that BSG is considered a distinct disease from glioma of the cerebral cortex (CG). In an effort to elucidate unique characteristics of BSG, we conducted expression analysis of mouse PDGF-B-driven BSG and CG initiated in Nestin progenitor cells and identified a short list of expression changes specific to the brainstem gliomagenesis process, including abnormal upregulation of paired box 3 (Pax3). In the neonatal mouse brain, Pax3 expression marks a subset of brainstem progenitor cells, while it is absent from the cerebral cortex, mirroring its regional expression in glioma. Ectopic expression of Pax3 in normal brainstem progenitors in vitro shows that Pax3 inhibits apoptosis. Pax3-induced inhibition of apoptosis is p53-dependent, however, and in the absence of p53, Pax3 promotes proliferation of brainstem progenitors. In vivo, Pax3 enhances PDGF-B-driven gliomagenesis by shortening tumor latency and increasing tumor penetrance and grade, in a region-specific manner, while loss of Pax3 function extends survival of PDGF-B-driven;p53-deficient BSG-bearing mice by 33%. Importantly, Pax3 is regionally expressed in human glioma as well, with high PAX3 mRNA characterizing 40% of human BSG, revealing a subset of tumors that significantly associates with PDGFRA alterations, amplifications of cell cycle regulatory genes, and is exclusive of ACVR1 mutations. Collectively, these data suggest that regional Pax3 expression not only marks a novel subset of BSG but also contributes to PDGF-B-induced brainstem gliomagenesis.


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The mechanisms responsible for increased cardiovascular risk associated with HIV-1 infection are incompletely defined. Using flow cytometry, in the present study, we examined activation phenotypes of monocyte subpopulations in patients with HIV-1 infection or acute coronary syndrome to find common cellular profiles. Nonclassic (CD14(+)CD16(++)) and intermediate (CD14(++)CD16(+)) monocytes are proportionally increased and express high levels of tissue factor and CD62P in HIV-1 infection. These proportions are related to viremia, T-cell activation, and plasma levels of IL-6. In vitro exposure of whole blood samples from uninfected control donors to lipopolysaccharide increased surface tissue factor expression on all monocyte subsets, but exposure to HIV-1 resulted in activation only of nonclassic monocytes. Remarkably, the profile of monocyte activation in uncontrolled HIV-1 disease mirrors that of acute coronary syndrome in uninfected persons. Therefore, drivers of immune activation and inflammation in HIV-1 disease may alter monocyte subpopulations and activation phenotype, contributing to a pro-atherothrombotic state that may drive cardiovascular risk in HIV-1 infection.


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Translocations in myeloma are thought to occur solely in mature B cells in the germinal center through class switch recombination (CSR). We used a targeted captured technique followed by massively parallel sequencing to determine the exact breakpoints in both the immunoglobulin heavy chain (IGH) locus and the partner chromosome in 61 presentation multiple myeloma samples. The majority of samples (62%) have a breakpoint within the switch regions upstream of the IGH constant genes and are generated through CSR in a mature B cell. However, the proportion of CSR translocations is not consistent between cytogenetic subgroups. We find that 100% of t(4;14) are CSR-mediated; however, 21% of t(11;14) and 25% of t(14;20) are generated through DH-JH recombination activation gene-mediated mechanisms, indicating they occur earlier in B-cell development at the pro-B-cell stage in the bone marrow. These 2 groups also generate translocations through receptor revision, as determined by the breakpoints and mutation status of the segments used in 10% and 50% of t(11;14) and t(14;20) samples, respectively. The study indicates that in a significant number of cases the translocation-based etiological events underlying myeloma may arise at the pro-B-cell hematological progenitor cell level, much earlier in B-cell development than was previously thought.


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Bis-(3´-5´)-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate, or cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP) is a ubiquitous bacterial second messenger that regulates processes such biofilm formation, motility, and virulence. C-di-GMP is synthesized by diguanylate cyclases (DGCs), while phosphodiesterases (PDE-As) end signaling by linearizing c-di-GMP to 5ʹ-phosphoguanylyl-(3ʹ,5ʹ)-guanosine (pGpG), which is then hydrolyzed to two GMPs by previously unidentified enzymes termed PDE-Bs. To identify the PDE-B responsible for pGpG turnover, a screen for pGpG binding proteins in a Vibrio cholerae open reading frame library was conducted to identify potential pGpG binding proteins. This screen led to identification of oligoribonuclease (Orn). Purified Orn binds to pGpG and can cleave pGpG to GMP in vitro. A deletion mutant of orn in Pseudomonas aeruginosa was highly defective in pGpG turnover and accumulated pGpG. Deletion of orn also resulted in accumulation c-di-GMP, likely through pGpG-mediated inhibition of the PDE-As, causing an increase in c-di-GMP-governed auto-aggregation and biofilm. Thus, we found that Orn serves as the primary PDE-B enzyme in P. aeruginosa that removes pGpG, which is necessary to complete the final step in the c-di-GMP degradation pathway. However, not all bacteria that utilize c-di-GMP signaling also have an ortholog of orn, suggesting that other PDE-Bs must be present. Therefore, we asked whether RNases that cleave small oligoribonucleotides in other species could also act as PDE-Bs. NrnA, NrnB, and NrnC can rapidly degrade pGpG to GMP. Furthermore, they can reduce the elevated aggregation and biofilm formation in P. aeruginosa ∆orn. Together, these results indicate that rather than having a single dedicated PDE-B, different bacteria utilize distinct RNases to cleave pGpG and complete c-di-GMP signaling. The ∆orn strain also has a growth defect, indicating changes in other regulatory processes that could be due to pGpG accumulation, c-di-GMP accumulation, or another effect due to loss of Orn. We sought to investigate the genetic pathways responsible for these growth defect phenotypes by use of a transposon suppressor screen, and also investigated transcriptional changes using RNA-Seq. This work identifies that c-di-GMP degradation intersects with RNA degradation at the point of the Orn and the functionally related RNases.


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This paper explores the effect of using regional data for livestock attributes on estimation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the northern beef industry in Australia, compared with using state/territory-wide values, as currently used in Australia’s national GHG inventory report. Regional GHG emissions associated with beef production are reported for 21 defined agricultural statistical regions within state/territory jurisdictions. A management scenario for reduced emissions that could qualify as an Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) project was used to illustrate the effect of regional level model parameters on estimated abatement levels. Using regional parameters, instead of state level parameters, for liveweight (LW), LW gain and proportion of cows lactating and an expanded number of livestock classes, gives a 5.2% reduction in estimated emissions (range +12% to –34% across regions). Estimated GHG emissions intensity (emissions per kilogram of LW sold) varied across the regions by up to 2.5-fold, ranging from 10.5 kg CO2-e kg–1 LW sold for Darling Downs, Queensland, through to 25.8 kg CO2-e kg–1 LW sold for the Pindan and North Kimberley, Western Australia. This range was driven by differences in production efficiency, reproduction rate, growth rate and survival. This suggests that some regions in northern Australia are likely to have substantial opportunities for GHG abatement and higher livestock income. However, this must be coupled with the availability of management activities that can be implemented to improve production efficiency; wet season phosphorus (P) supplementation being one such practice. An ERF case study comparison showed that P supplementation of a typical-sized herd produced an estimated reduction of 622 t CO2-e year–1, or 7%, compared with a non-P supplemented herd. However, the different model parameters used by the National Inventory Report and ERF project means that there was an anomaly between the herd emissions for project cattle excised from the national accounts (13 479 t CO2-e year–1) and the baseline herd emissions estimated for the ERF project (8 896 t CO2-e year–1) before P supplementation was implemented. Regionalising livestock model parameters in both ERF projects and the national accounts offers the attraction of being able to more easily and accurately reflect emissions savings from this type of emissions reduction project in Australia’s national GHG accounts.


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This dissertation research points out major challenging problems with current Knowledge Organization (KO) systems, such as subject gateways or web directories: (1) the current systems use traditional knowledge organization systems based on controlled vocabulary which is not very well suited to web resources, and (2) information is organized by professionals not by users, which means it does not reflect intuitively and instantaneously expressed users’ current needs. In order to explore users’ needs, I examined social tags which are user-generated uncontrolled vocabulary. As investment in professionally-developed subject gateways and web directories diminishes (support for both BUBL and Intute, examined in this study, is being discontinued), understanding characteristics of social tagging becomes even more critical. Several researchers have discussed social tagging behavior and its usefulness for classification or retrieval; however, further research is needed to qualitatively and quantitatively investigate social tagging in order to verify its quality and benefit. This research particularly examined the indexing consistency of social tagging in comparison to professional indexing to examine the quality and efficacy of tagging. The data analysis was divided into three phases: analysis of indexing consistency, analysis of tagging effectiveness, and analysis of tag attributes. Most indexing consistency studies have been conducted with a small number of professional indexers, and they tended to exclude users. Furthermore, the studies mainly have focused on physical library collections. This dissertation research bridged these gaps by (1) extending the scope of resources to various web documents indexed by users and (2) employing the Information Retrieval (IR) Vector Space Model (VSM) - based indexing consistency method since it is suitable for dealing with a large number of indexers. As a second phase, an analysis of tagging effectiveness with tagging exhaustivity and tag specificity was conducted to ameliorate the drawbacks of consistency analysis based on only the quantitative measures of vocabulary matching. Finally, to investigate tagging pattern and behaviors, a content analysis on tag attributes was conducted based on the FRBR model. The findings revealed that there was greater consistency over all subjects among taggers compared to that for two groups of professionals. The analysis of tagging exhaustivity and tag specificity in relation to tagging effectiveness was conducted to ameliorate difficulties associated with limitations in the analysis of indexing consistency based on only the quantitative measures of vocabulary matching. Examination of exhaustivity and specificity of social tags provided insights into particular characteristics of tagging behavior and its variation across subjects. To further investigate the quality of tags, a Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) was conducted to determine to what extent tags are conceptually related to professionals’ keywords and it was found that tags of higher specificity tended to have a higher semantic relatedness to professionals’ keywords. This leads to the conclusion that the term’s power as a differentiator is related to its semantic relatedness to documents. The findings on tag attributes identified the important bibliographic attributes of tags beyond describing subjects or topics of a document. The findings also showed that tags have essential attributes matching those defined in FRBR. Furthermore, in terms of specific subject areas, the findings originally identified that taggers exhibited different tagging behaviors representing distinctive features and tendencies on web documents characterizing digital heterogeneous media resources. These results have led to the conclusion that there should be an increased awareness of diverse user needs by subject in order to improve metadata in practical applications. This dissertation research is the first necessary step to utilize social tagging in digital information organization by verifying the quality and efficacy of social tagging. This dissertation research combined both quantitative (statistics) and qualitative (content analysis using FRBR) approaches to vocabulary analysis of tags which provided a more complete examination of the quality of tags. Through the detailed analysis of tag properties undertaken in this dissertation, we have a clearer understanding of the extent to which social tagging can be used to replace (and in some cases to improve upon) professional indexing.