865 resultados para stereoselective fungal transformation
Twenty four strains of the entomopathogenic fungi (Hyphomycetes) Beauveria bassiana, Metarrhizium anisopliae, Nomuraea rileyi, Paecilomyces farinosus, P. fumosoroseus and P. lilacinus, maintained in the culture collection of Embrapa-Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia (Cenargen) and preserved by lyophilization and in liquid nitrogen, had their conidial viability assessed. Germination rates of 16- to 84-month-old cultures stored in liquid nitrogen decreased, on average, less than 13.3%. For 29- to 49-month-old cultures preserved by lyophilization, the viability loss ranged, on average, from 28.6 to 94.5%. The results demonstrated the efficiency of the tested methods, especially liquid nitrogen, in preserving the viability of entomopathogenic fungi.
* Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are plant symbionts that improve floristic diversity and ecosystem productivity. Many AMF species are generalists with wide host ranges. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi individuals are heterokaryotic, and AMF populations are genetically diverse. Populations of AMF harbor two levels of genetic diversity on which selection can act, namely among individuals and within individuals. Whether environmental factors alter genetic diversity within populations is still unknown. * Here, we measured genetic changes and changes in fitness-related traits of genetically distinct AMF individuals from one field, grown with different concentrations of available phosphate or different host species. * We found significant genotype-by-environment interactions for AMF fitness traits in response to these treatments. Host identity had a strong effect on the fitness of different AMF, unearthing a specificity of response within Glomus intraradices. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi individuals grown in novel environments consistently showed a reduced presence of polymorphic genetic markers, providing some evidence for host or phosphate-induced genetic change in AMF. * Given that AMF individuals can form extensive hyphal networks colonizing different hosts simultaneously, contrasting habitats or soil properties may lead to evolution in the population. Local selection may alter the structure of AMF populations and maintain genetic diversity, potentially even within the hyphal network of one fungus.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses occur between fungi and the majority of plant species. They are important for plant nutrition, plant growth, protection from pathogens, plant diversity, nutrient cycling, and ecosystem processes. A key goal in research is to understand the molecular basis of the establishment, regulation, and functioning of the symbiosis. However, lack of knowledge on the genetics of the fungal side of this association has hindered progress. Here, we show how several key, recently discovered processes concerning the genetics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi could be essential for ultimately understanding the molecular genetics of this important symbiosis with plants.
Heusler alloy Mn50Ni40In10 was produced as preferentially textured ribbon flakes by melt spinning, finding the existence of martensitic-austenic transformation with both phases exhibiting ferromagnetic ordering. A microcrystalline three-layered microstructure of ordered columnar grains grown perpendicularly to ribbon plane was formed between two thin layers of smaller grains. The characteristic temperatures of the martensitic transformation were MS=213 K, Mf=173 K, AS=222 K, and Af=243 K. Austenite phase shows a cubic L21 structure (a=0.6013(3) nm at 298 K and a Curie point of 311 K), transforming into a modulated fourteen-layer modulation monoclinic martensite
The development and optimization of efficient transformation protocols is essential in new citrus breeding programs, not only for rootstock, but also for scion improvement. Transgenic 'Hamlin' sweet orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) plants were obtained by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of epicotyl segments collected from seedlings germinated in vitro. Factors influencing genetic transformation efficiency were evaluated including seedling incubation conditions, time of inoculation with Agrobacterium and co-culture conditions. Epicotyl segments were adequate explants for transformation, regenerating plants by direct organogenesis. Higher percentage of transformation was obtained with explants collected from seedlings germinated in darkness, transferred to 16 hours photoperiod for 2-3 weeks, and inoculated with Agrobacterium for 15-45 min. The best co-culture condition was the incubation of the explants in darkness, for three days in culture medium supplemented with 100 muM of acetosyringone. Genetic transformation was confirmed by performing beta-glucoronidase (GUS) assays and, subsequently, by PCR amplification for the nptII and GUS genes.
High-throughput prioritization of cancer-causing mutations (drivers) is a key challenge of cancer genome projects, due to the number of somatic variants detected in tumors. One important step in this task is to assess the functional impact of tumor somatic mutations. A number of computational methods have been employed for that purpose, although most were originally developed to distinguish disease-related nonsynonymous single nucleotide variants (nsSNVs) from polymorphisms. Our new method, transformed Functional Impact score for Cancer (transFIC), improves the assessment of the functional impact of tumor nsSNVs by taking into account the baseline tolerance of genes to functional variants.
1. Accumulating evidence indicates that plant resistance against above-ground herbivores can be affected by the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in association with the host plant. Little is known, however, about how AMF composition can influence herbivore choice to feed on a particular plant. 2. Unravelling the preference-performance hypothesis in a multitrophic context is needed to expand our knowledge of complex multitrophic interactions in natural systems. If given mycorrhizal fungal genotypes increase attractiveness for a herbivore (reduced plant resistance), then the benefits of increased unpalatability provided by the mycorrhizal fungi (increased plant resistance) might be outweighed by the increased herbivore recruitment. 3. This was addressed by designing three experiments to test the effects of different AMF genotypes, inoculated either alone or in combination, to measure intraspecific AMF effects on plant resistance and insect herbivore preference. Using strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) plants that were colonised by eight different combinations of Rhizophagus irregularis isolates, we measured effects on plant growth, insect growth and survival, as well as feeding preferences of a generalist herbivore caterpillar (Spodoptera littoralis Boisduval). 4. Overall, it was found that: (i) AMF influenced plant resistance in an AMF genotype-specific manner; (ii) some AMF inoculations decreased insect performance; (iii) insects preferentially chose to feed more on leaves originating from non-mycorrhizal plants; but also that (iv) in a whole plant bioassay, insects preferentially chose the biggest plant, regardless of their mycorrhizal status. 5. Therefore, AMF-mediated trade-offs between growth and resistance against herbivores have been shown. Such trade-offs, particularly driven by plant attractiveness to herbivores, buffer the positive effects of the mycorrhizal symbiosis on enhanced plant growth.
Fungi are divided in 3 groups in the field of medical mycology. The dermatophytes are filamentous fungi able to grow on keratinized tissues from human or animals. They are the main cause of superficial and cutaneous mycoses of the skin and its appendix (hair and nail). The yeasts, or dimorphic fungi, can be responsible of diverse types of infections (superficial to deep mycoses). The moulds include all Non-dermatophyte Filamentous Fungi (NDF). In medical mycology, the most representative moulds are Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp. and Mucor spp. Diagnosis of mycosis is currently based on direct mycological examination of biological samples, as well as macroscopic and microscopic identification of the infectious fungus in culture assay. However, culture assays were found to remain sterile in roughly 40% of cases otherwise positive by direct mycological examinations. Additionally, results from culture assays are often difficult to interpret as various NDF are sometimes isolated. This thesis work is composed of three projects focusing on the development of new assays for direct in situ identification of fungi from dermatological samples. Part 1. A Polymerase Chain Reaction - Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism assay (PCR-TRFLP) targeting the 28S rDNA was developed to identify dermatophytes and NDF in nails with suspected onychomycosis. This method is faster and more efficient than culture. It further enables the distinction of more than one agent in case of mixed infection. A fast and reliable assay for the identification of dermatophytes and NDF in onychomycosis was found to be highly relevant since onychomycosis with Fusarium spp. or other NDF are weakly responsive or unresponsive to standard onychomycosis treatments with oral terbinafine and itraconazole. Part 2. A nested PCR-sequencing assay targeting the 28S rDNA was developed to identify dermatophyte species in skin and hair samples. This method is especially suitable for tinea capitis where dermatophytes identification is critical for subsequently prescribing the adequate treatment. The challenge presented when performing direct PCR fungi identification in skin and hair differs from that seen in onychomycosis as small amount of material is generally collected, few fungal elements are present in the clinical sample and one dermatophyte among a dozen species must be identified. Part 3. Fusarium spp. is currently isolated from nails with a frequency of 15% of that of dermatophytes in the laboratory of Mycology of the CHUV (2005-2012). The aim of this work was to examine if the intensive use of terbinafine and itraconazole could be a cause of the high incidence of Fusarium nail infections. For that purpose, two different methods, specific PCR and TRFLP, were used to detect both Fusarium spp. and Trichophyton spp. in nails of previously treated or untreated patients. TRFLP assay was found to be less sensitive than classical PCR assays specifically detecting Fusarium spp. or Trichophyton spp. Independently of the detection method used, the prevalence of Fusarium spp. appears not to be higher in patients previously treated by oral standard treatment with terbinafine and azoles which are highly effective to fight Trichophyton spp. in nails. In many cases Fusarium sp. was detected in samples of patients not previously subjected to antifungal therapy. Therefore, these treatments do not appear to favor the establishment of Fusarium spp. after elimination of a dermatophyte in nail infection. - En mycologie médicale, les champignons sont classés en 3 groupes. Les dermatophytes sont des champignons filamenteux capables de se développer dans les tissus kératinisés des hommes et des animaux, ils représentent la principale cause des mycoses superficielles et cutanées de la peau et de ses appendices (ongles et cheveux). Les levures, ou champignons dimorphiques, peuvent être responsables de divers types d'infections (superficielles à profondes). Les moisissures incluent tous les champignons filamenteux non-dermatophytes (NDF), les Aspergillus spp., les Fusarium spp. et les Mucor spp. sont les principales espèces rencontrées. Le diagnostic d'une mycose est basé sur un examen mycologique direct des prélèvements biologiques ainsi que sur l'identification macroscopique et microscopique du champignon infectieux isolé en culture. Cependant, dans environ 40% des cas, l'identification de l'agent pathogène est impossible par cette méthode car la culture reste stérile, bien que l'examen direct soit positif. De plus, la croissance de moisissures et/ou autres contaminants peut rendre l'interprétation de l'examen difficile. Ce travail de thèse est composé de trois projets focalisés sur le développement de nouvelles méthodes d'identification des champignons directement à partir d'échantillons dermatologiques. Projet 1. Une méthode de Réaction en chaîne de polymérase couplée à du polymorphisme de longueur des fragments de restriction terminaux (PCR-TRFLP), en ciblant l'ADN ribosomal 28S, a été développée pour l'identification des dermatophytes et moisissures dans les ongles avec suspicion d'onychomycoses. Cette technique s'est avérée plus rapide et plus efficace que la culture, permettant l'identification de plusieurs champignons en même temps. Posséder une méthode d'identification rapide et fiable des dermatophytes et des NDF dans les onychomycoses a été jugée nécessaire du fait que les Fusarium et d'autres NDF sont peu ou pas sensibles aux traitements oraux standards à la terbinafine et à Γ itraconazole. Projet 2. Une PCR nichée couplée au séquençage d'un fragment de l'ADN ribosomal 28S a été développée afin de différencier les dermatophytes dans la peau et les cheveux. Cette méthode est particulièrement adaptée au cas de tinea capitis, où l'identification du dermatophyte est essentielle afin de prescrire le traitement adéquat. Le problème de l'identification du pathogène fongique dans les cheveux et la peau diffère des onychomycoses car de petites quantités sont prélevées chez les patients, peu d'éléments fongiques sont présents et il faut discriminer un dermatophyte parmi une douzaine d'espèces potentielles. Projet 3. Au laboratoire de Mycologie du CHUV, les Fusarium ont été isolé dans les ongles à une fréquence de 15% pour la période 2005-2012. Le but de ce travail était d'examiner si l'utilisation intensive de terbinafine et d'itraconazole pouvait être une des causes de la forte incidence des infections des ongles par Fusarium. A cet effet, deux méthodes ont été utilisées pour détecter à la fois Fusarium spp. et Trichophyton spp., la PCR spécifique et le TRFLP. Indépendamment de la méthode choisie, il en résulte que la prévalence des Fusarium η'apparaît pas liée à un traitement au préalable des patients avec de la terbinafine ou des azoles, thérapies très efficaces contre les Trichophyton spp. dans les ongles. De plus, il existe de nombreux cas où Fusarium était détecté chez des patients non traités.
We study the effects of the adoption of new agricultural technologies on structural transformation. To guide empirical work, we present a simple model where the effect of agriculturalproductivity on industrial development depends on the factor bias of technical change. We testthe predictions of the model by studying the introduction of genetically engineered soybeanseeds in Brazil, which had heterogeneous effects on agricultural productivity across areas withdifferent soil and weather characteristics. We find that technical change in soy production wasstrongly labor saving and lead to industrial growth, as predicted by the model.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the survival of two Trichoderma harzianum co-transformants, TE 10 and TE 41, carrying genes for green fluorescent protein (egfp) and for resistance to benomyl, during four weeks in a contained soil microcosm. Selective culture media were used to detect viable fungal material, whose identity was confirmed by the observation of the fluorescent phenotype by direct epifluorence microscopy. PCR using two nested primer pairs specific to the egfp gene was also used to detect the transformed fungi. Although it was not possible to reliably detect the egfp gene directly from soil extracts, an enrichment step involving selective culture of soil samples in liquid medium prior to DNA extraction enabled the consistent detection of the T. harzianum co-transformants by nested PCR for the duration of the incubation period.
The booklet tells the history of the construction of the Iowa Highway 376 Bridge within the context of significant modernization and expansion of the highway system in Iowa in the 1950s. Curvy, narrow highways were widened and straightened and narrow iron truss bridges were replaced with more modern concrete and steel structures, changing the landscape of rural Iowa. Bridge engineer Herbert A Arthur, who designed the Iowa Highway 376 Bridge, was a prolific bridge engineer in the 1950s. This booklet serves to inform the public of this significant aspect of Iowa transportation history.
Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of the enantiomers of citalopram (CIT), its N-demethylated metabolite demethylcitalopram (DCIT) and its deaminated metabolite citalopram propionic acid derivative (CIT-PROP) were measured in plasma and CSF in 22 depressed patients after a 4-week treatment with 40 mg/d citalopram, which was preceded by a 1-week washout period. CSF 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) and homovanillic acid (HVA) were measured at baseline and after the 4-week CIT medication period. Patients were assessed clinically, using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (21-item HAM-D): at baseline and then at weekly intervals. CSF concentrations of S-CIT and R-CIT were 10.6 +/- 4.3 and 20.9 +/- 6 ng/mL, respectively, and their CSF/plasma ratios were 52% +/- 9% and 48% +/- 6%, respectively. The CIT treatment resulted in a significant decrease (28%) of 5-HIAA (P < 0.0001) and a significant increase (41%) of HVA in the CSF. Multiple linear regression analyses were performed to identify the impact of plasma and CSF CIT enantiomers and its metabolites on CSF monoamine metabolites and clinical response. There were 10 responders as defined by a > or =50% decrease of the HAM-D score (DeltaHAM-D) after the 4-week treatment. DeltaHAM-D correlated (Spearman) significantly with CSF S-CIT (r = - 0.483, P < 0.05), CSF S-CIT-PROP (r = -0.543, P = 0.01) (a metabolite formed from CIT by monoamine oxidase [MAO]) and 5-HIAA decrease (Delta5-HIAA) (r = 0.572, P = 0.01). The demonstrated correlations between pharmacokinetic parameters and the clinical outcome as well as 5-HIAA changes indicate that monitoring of plasma S-CIT, CSF S-CIT and CSF S-CIT-PROP may be of clinical relevance.