965 resultados para spray drift
The aim of this work was to encapsulate casein hydrolysate by spray drying with soybean protein isolate (SPI) as wall material to attenuate the bitter taste of that product. Two treatments were prepared: both with 12 g/100 g solids and containing either two proportions of SPI: hydrolysate (70:30 and 80:20), called M1 and M2, respectively. The samples were evaluated for morphological characteristics (SEM), particle size, hygroscopicity, solubility, hydrophobicity, thermal behavior and bitter taste with a trained sensory panel using a paired-comparison test (non-encapsulated samples vs. encapsulated samples). Microcapsules had a continuous wall, many concavities, and no porosity. Treatments M1 and M2 presented average particle sizes of 11.32 and 9.18 mu m, respectively. The wall material and/or the microencapsulation raised the hygroscopicity of the hydrolysate since the free hydrolysate had hygroscopicity of 53 g of water/100 g of solids and M1 and M2 had 106.99 and 102.19 g of water/100 g of solids, respectively. However, the hydrophobicity decreases, the absence of a peak in encapsulated hydrolysates, and the results of the panel sensory test considering the encapsulated samples less bitter (p < 0.05) than the non-encapsulated, showed that spray drying with SPI was an efficient method for microencapsulation and attenuation of the bitter taste of the casein hydrolysate. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P>In this study, physical characteristics of goat milk powder produced with the addition of soy lecithin at levels of 0 (control), 0.4, 0.8 and 1.0 g lecithin/100 g of total solids in concentrated milk before the spray drying process were investigated. Goat milk was pasteurised, concentrated at 40% of total solids, spray dried and packed in plastic bags under vaccum conditions. Lecithin addition decreased the wetting time of milk powders, although no influence was observed on dispersibility, water sorption, water activity and particle size distribution of the powders. Powders with higher levels of lecithin showed significantly lower brightness, with a greater intensity of yellow colour. It was concluded that lecithin addition before spray drying process at the minimal proportion in concentrated milk of 0.4 g lecithin/100 g of total solids in concentrated milk is useful for achieving more rapid wetting time of goat milk powder.
Electromagnetic induction (EMI) method results are shown for vertical magnetic dipole (VMD) configuration by using the EM38 equipment. Performance in the location of metallic pipes and electrical cables is compared as a function of instrumental drift correction by linear and quadratic adjusting under controlled conditions. Metallic pipes and electrical cables are buried at the IAG/USP shallow geophysical test site in Sao Paulo City. Brazil. Results show that apparent electrical conductivity and magnetic susceptibility data were affected by ambient temperature variation. In order to obtain better contrast between background and metallic targets it was necessary to correct the drift. This correction was accomplished by using linear and quadratic relation between conductivity/susceptibility and temperature intending comparative studies. The correction of temperature drift by using a quadratic relation was effective, showing that all metallic targets were located as well deeper targets were also improved. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Thermal analysis has been widely used for obtaining information about drug-polymer interactions and for pre-formulation studies of pharmaceutical dosage forms. In this work, biodegradable microparticles Of Poly (D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) containing triamcinolone (TR) in various drug:polymer ratios were produced by spray drying. The main purpose of this study was to study the effect of the spray-drying process not only on the drug-polymer interactions but also on the stability of microparticles using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry (TG) and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG), X-ray analysis (XRD), and infrared spectroscopy (IR). The evaluation of drug-polymer interactions and the pre-formulation studies were assessed using the DSC, TG and DTG, and IR. The quantitative analysis of drugs entrapped in PLGA microparticles was performed by the HPLC method. The results showed high levels of drug-loading efficiency for all used drug: polymer ratio, and the polymorph used for preparing the microparticles was the form B. The DSC and TG/DTG profiles for drug-loaded microparticles were very similar to those for the physical mixtures of the components. Therefore, a correlation between drug content and the structural and thermal properties of drug-loaded PLGA microparticles was established. These data indicate that the spray-drying technique does not affect the physico-chemical stability of the microparticle components. These results are in agreement with the IR analysis demonstrating that no significant chemical interaction occurs between TR and PLGA in both physical mixtures and microparticles. The results of the X-ray analysis are in agreement with the thermal analysis data showing that the amorphous form of TR prevails over a small fraction of crystalline phase of the drug also present in the TR-loaded microparticles. From the pre-formulation studies, we have found that the spray-drying methodology is an efficient process for obtaining TR-loaded PLGA microparticles. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Thermal analysis has been extensively used to obtain information about drug-polymer interactions and to perform pre-formulation studies of pharmaceutical dosage forms. In this work, biodegradable microparticles of poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) containing ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (CP) in various drug:polymer ratios were obtained by spray drying. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the spray drying process on the drug-polymer interactions and on the stability of microparticles using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry (TG) and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). The results showed that the high levels of encapsulation efficiency were dependant on drug:polymer ratio. DSC and TG/DTG analyses showed that for physical mixtures of the microparticles components the thermal profiles were different from those signals obtained with the pure substances. Thermal analysis data disclosed that physical interaction between CP and PLGA in high temperatures had occurred. The DSC and TG profiles for drug-loaded microparticles were very similar to the physical mixtures of components and it was possible to characterize the thermal properties of microparticles according to drug content. These data indicated that the spray dryer technique does not affect the physicochemical properties of the microparticles. In addition, the results are in agreement with IR data analysis demonstrating that no significant chemical interaction occurs between CP and PLGA in both physical mixtures and microparticles. In conclusion, we have found that the spray drying procedure used in this work can be a secure methodology to produce CP-loaded microparticles. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
För att kunna bygga en ny väg måste den först planeras och projekteras. Vägplanering innebär att man undersöker förutsättningarna för att bygga vägen t.ex. konsekvenser för miljö, samhälle, trafiksäkerhet, framkomlighet, tillgänglighet samt tekniska och ekonomiska förutsättningar. Vägprojektering innebär att man bestämmer vägens utformning på detaljnivå t.ex. vägsträckning, bredd, profil, vägutrustning, etc. Planering och projektering av vägar är en komplicerad process med tanke på alla komponenter som en väg består av samt alla aspekter som man måste ta hänsyn till under vägens livstid. Planerings- och projekteringsprocessen utgör en avvägning av många aspekter för att hitta den optimala lösningen. Drift- och underhållsåtgärder på vägnätet föranleds ofta av att problem uppstått på ett fåtal ställen. Kostnaden för att åtgärda dessa ställen kan uppgå till stora belopp under vägens livslängd. Med en lämpligare utformning av vägen hade dessa problem i en del fall sannolikt kunnat undvikas. Bland de aktörer, som är inblandade i planerings- och projekteringsprocessen, finns det olika åsikter om orsaken till att man inte tar tillräcklig hänsyn till drift- och underhållaspekten under planerings- och projekteringsskedet. Vissa aktörer tycker att det är projektörens kunskapsbrister som leder till att vägen får olämplig utformning avseende drift och underhåll. Andra tycker att det är en kombination av olika brister hos väghållaren. Dessa brister kan då finnas i såväl planerings- och projekteringsprocessen som i drift- och underhållsprocessen. Denna rapport presenterar resultatet för en förstudie som har utförts inom doktorandprojektet ”Vägprojektering för minskade drift- och underhållskostnader”. Syftet med förstudien var att identifiera brister och problem på övergripande nivå som leder till att man inte tar tillräcklig hänsyn till drift- och underhållsaspekten vid planerings- och projekteringsprocessen. Ett annat syfte med förstudien var att föreslå förändringsbehov inom planerings- och projekteringsprocessen genom att analysera de identifierade problemen, analysera verksamheten vid planering och projektering, analysera verksamhetens mål, formulera nya mål för verksamheten och fastställa de nödvändiga förändringsbehoven.
Este trabalho busca testar a eficiência do mercado de ações brasileiro através da identificação da existência de post-earnings announcement drift, fenômeno já bastante estudado e reproduzido no mercado norte-americano. Segundo a literatura existente a respeito do assunto, a informação contida na divulgação de resultados de uma firma é relevante para a formação de preço de suas ações. Além disso, os retornos anormais acumulados de ações de firmas que divulgam resultados com “surpresas positivas” possuem tendência positiva por algum tempo após a divulgação do resultado. Por outro lado, os retornos anormais acumulados de ações de empresas que divulgam resultados com “surpresas negativas” possuem tendência negativa por algum tempo após a divulgação do resultado. A identificação de post-earnings announcement drift no mercado acionário brasileiro pode ser de grande utilidade para a estruturação de estratégias de arbitragem e gestão de portfólios. Após uma revisão teórica, o resultado é apresentado e se mostra parcialmente consistente com a literatura existente.
Methotrexate (MTX) is a drug used in the chemotherapy of some kind of cancers, autoimmune diseases and non inflammatory resistant to corticosteroids uveits. However, the rapid plasmatic elimination limits its therapeutic success, which leads to administration of high doses to maintain the therapeutic levels in the target tissues, occurring potential side effects. The aim of this study was to obtain spray dried biodegradable poly-lactic acid co-glycolic acid (PLGA) microparticles containing MTX. Thus, suitable amounts of MTX and PLGA were dissolved in appropriate solvent system to obtain solutions at different ratios drug/polymer (10, 20, 30 and 50% m/m). The physicochemical characterizing included the quantitative analysis of the drug using a validate UV-VIS spectrophotometry method, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectrophotometry (IR), thermal analyses and X-ray diffraction analysis. The in vitro release studies were carried out in a thermostatized phosphate buffer pH 7.4 (0.05 M KH2PO4) medium at 37°C ± 0.2 °C. The in vitro release date was subjected to different kinetics release models. The MTX-loaded PLGA microparticles showed a spherical shape with smooth surface and high level of entrapped drug. The encapsulation efficiency was greater then 80%. IR spectroscopy showed that there was no chemical bond between the compounds, suggesting just the possible occurrence of hydrogen bound interactions. The thermal analyses and X-ray diffraction analysis shown that MTX is homogeneously dispersed inside polymeric matrix, with a prevalent amorphous state or in a stable molecular dispersion. The in vitro release studies confirmed the sustained release for distinct MTX-loaded PLGA microparticles. The involved drug release mechanism was non Fickian diffusion, which was confirmed by Kornmeyer-Peppas kinetic model. The experimental results demonstrated that the MTX-loaded PLGA microparticles were successfully obtained by spray drying and its potential as prolonged drug release system.
New drug delivery systems have been used to increase chemotherapy efficacy due the possible drug resistance of cancer cells. Poly (lactic acid) (PLA) microparticles are able to reduce toxicity and prolong methotrexate (MTX) release. In addition, the use of PLA/poloxamer polymer blends can improve drug release due to changes in the interaction of particles with biological surfaces. The aim of this study was developing spray dried biodegradable MTX-loaded microparticles and evaluate PLA interactions with different kinds of Pluronic® (PLUF127 and PLUF68) in order to modulate drug release. The variables included different drug:polymer (1:10, 1:4.5, 1:3) and polymer:copolymer ratios (25:75, 50:50, 75:25). The precision and accuracy of spray drying method was confirmed assessing drug loading into particles (75.0- 101.3%). The MTX/PLA microparticles showed spherical shape with an apparently smooth surface, which was dependent on the PLU ratio used into blends particles. XRD and thermal analysis demonstrated that the drug was homogeneously dispersed into polymer matrix, whereas the miscibility among components was dependent on the used polymer:copolymer ratio. No new drug- polymer bond was identified by FTIR analysis. The in vitro performance of MTX-loaded PLA microparticles demonstrated an extended-release profile fitted using Korsmeyer- Peppas kinetic model. The PLU accelerated drug release rate possible due PLU leached in the matrix. Nevertheless, drug release studies carried out in cell culture demonstrated the ability of PLU modulating drug release from blend microparticles. This effect was confirmed by cytotoxicity observed according to the amount of drug released as a function of time. Thus, studied PLU was able to improve the performance of spray dried MTX-loaded PLA microparticles, which can be successfully used as carries for modulated drug delivery with potential in vivo application
El conocimiento de las características de las diferentes boquillas de pulverización tiene una importancia imprescindible para la adecuada y correcta recomendación de su uso. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el espaciamiento máximo en la barra horizontal de pulverización, la simetría del chorro y el diámetro de gotas en boquillas de pulverización TF-VS2. El trabajo fue realizado en mesa de deposición, en donde fueron utilizadas las presiones de 100, 200 y 300 kPa en las alturas de trabajo de 40 y 50 cm. La simetría del chorro fue determinada en función de dos metodologías (empírica y trigonométrica). También se determinó el tamaño de las gotas, utilizando el método de difracción de rayos laser, en función de dos caldos de pulverización constituidos por agua y por agua con adyuvante en las tres presiones de trabajo ya descritas. Los espaciamientos máximos entre las boquillas en la barra de pulverización no pueden rebasar los 70 y 82 cm, admitiéndose el CV de un 10% para las alturas de 40 y de 50 cm respectivamente. La mayor presión proporcionó el menor diámetro mediano volumétrico (DMV) y la peor uniformidad de gotas, además del mayor porcentaje de gotas susceptibles a deriva, así como también aumentó la simetría entre los chorros.
Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a distribuição volumétrica e o espectro de gotas das pontas de pulverização de baixa deriva TTI110015, AI110015 e AVI11001 sob diferentes condições operacionais. A distribuição volumétrica foi determinada em bancada de ensaios padronizada analisando o coeficiente de variação (CV%) de uma barra simulada em computador, utilizando pressões de 200, 300 e 400 kPa, altura de 30, 40 e 50 cm em relação à bancada e espaçamento entre pontas de 40 a 100 cm. O espectro de gotas foi produzido utilizando-se apenas água como calda em um analisador de partículas em meio aquoso, nas pressões de 200, 300 e 400 kPa. Foram avaliados o DMV, a porcentagem de gotas com diâmetro inferior a 100 µm (%100 µm) e a amplitude relativa (AR). As pontas proporcionaram perfil descontínuo nas pressões de 300 e 400 kPa e uniforme a 200 kPa. Na pressão de 200 kPa, as pontas foram adequadas apenas para aplicação em faixa, e a 300 e 400 kPa, apenas para área total. Ocorreu menor CV (abaixo de 7%) com a maior pressão de trabalho e menor espaçamento entre pontas. À medida que se aumentou a pressão de trabalho, reduziu-se o DMV. As pontas TTI110015 e AI110015 em todas as pressões e a ponta AVI11001 na pressão de 200 kPa produziram gotas extremamente grossas e gotas grossas nas pressões de 300 e 400 kPa apenas para a ponta AVI11001. As pontas proporcionaram baixos valores de amplitude relativa (AR) e gotas de tamanho uniforme, bem como produziram baixa porcentagem de gotas menores que 100 µm, principalmente TTI110015 e AI110015, com menor risco de deriva.
It was aimed to evaluate the spectrum and uniformity of droplets in function of sprayers, spraying volumes and rates of chemical insecticide on the mortality of Pseudoplusia includens in laboratory. The work was carried out at UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. The following treatments were applied over the caterpillars: two equipments (atomizer and hydraulic nozzle); two spray volumes (17 and 50 L ha(-1) for the atomizer and 50 and 100 L ha(-1) for the hydraulic nozzle); and two dosages of the insecticide endosulfan (0.5 and 1.0 L pc ha(-1)), in fully randomized plots, in a factorial scheme 2x2x2 and 1 untreated check. The caterpillars mortality was evaluated until the 6(th) day after the application of treatments. The spectrum of the droplets was evaluated in a particle size analyzer in real time determining the diameter and spectrum of droplets sprayed through the laser beam of the analyser. It was verified that the spray volume can be reduced by 17 L ha(-1) without losses on the P. includens control. The doses of 0.5 L pc ha(-1) (recommended for Anticarsia gemmatalis) did not satisfactorily control the caterpillar soybean looper. The atomizer produces droplets of higher uniformity (SPAN: 0.52) and lower percentage of droplets susceptible to drift (3.3%) compared to hydraulic nozzle (SPAN: 1.34 e % droplets <= 100 mu m: 15.2).