397 resultados para spindle


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While astral microtubules are believed to be primarily responsible for the stimulation of cytokinesis in Echinoderm embryos, it has been suggested that a signal emanating from the chromosomal region and mediated by the interzonal microtubules stimulates cytokinesis in cultured mammalian cells. To test this hypothesis, we examined cytokinesis in normal rat kidney cells treated with an inhibitor of topoisomerase II, (+)-1,2-bis(3,5-dioxopiperaz-inyl-1-yl)propane, which prevents the separation of sister chromatids and the formation of a spindle interzone. The majority of treated cells showed various degrees of abnormality in cytokinesis. Furrows frequently deviated from the equatorial plane, twisting daughter cells into irregular shapes. Some cells developed furrows in regions outside the equator or far away from the spindle. In addition, F-actin and myosin II accumulated at the lateral ingressing margins but did not form a continuous band along the equator as in control cells. Imaging of microinjected 5- (and 6-) carboxymtetramethylrhodamine-tubulin revealed that a unique set of microtubules projected out from the chromosomal vicinity upon anaphase onset. These microtubules emanated toward the lateral cortex, where they delineated sites of microtubule bundle formation, cortical ingression, and F-actin and myosin II accumulation. As centrosome integrity and astral microtubules appeared unperturbed by (+)-1,2-bis(3,5-dioxopiperaz-inyl-1-yl)propane treatment, the present observations cannot be easily explained by the conventional model involving astral microtubules. We suggest that in cultured epithelial cells the organization of the chromosomes dictates the organization of midzone microtubules, which in turn determines and maintains the cleavage activity.


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The spindle pole body (SPB) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae functions as the microtubule-organizing center. Spc110p is an essential structural component of the SPB and spans between the central and inner plaques of this multilamellar organelle. The amino terminus of Spc110p faces the inner plaque, the substructure from which spindle microtubules radiate. We have undertaken a synthetic lethal screen to identify mutations that enhance the phenotype of the temperature-sensitive spc110–221 allele, which encodes mutations in the amino terminus. The screen identified mutations in SPC97 and SPC98, two genes encoding components of the Tub4p complex in yeast. The spc98–63 allele is synthetic lethal only with spc110 alleles that encode mutations in the N terminus of Spc110p. In contrast, the spc97 alleles are synthetic lethal with spc110 alleles that encode mutations in either the N terminus or the C terminus. Using the two-hybrid assay, we show that the interactions of Spc110p with Spc97p and Spc98p are not equivalent. The N terminus of Spc110p displays a robust interaction with Spc98p in two different two-hybrid assays, while the interaction between Spc97p and Spc110p is not detectable in one strain and gives a weak signal in the other. Extra copies of SPC98 enhance the interaction between Spc97p and Spc110p, while extra copies of SPC97 interfere with the interaction between Spc98p and Spc110p. By testing the interactions between mutant proteins, we show that the lethal phenotype in spc98–63 spc110–221 cells is caused by the failure of Spc98–63p to interact with Spc110–221p. In contrast, the lethal phenotype in spc97–62 spc110–221 cells can be attributed to a decreased interaction between Spc97–62p and Spc98p. Together, these studies provide evidence that Spc110p directly links the Tub4p complex to the SPB. Moreover, an interaction between Spc98p and the amino-terminal region of Spc110p is a critical component of the linkage, whereas the interaction between Spc97p and Spc110p is dependent on Spc98p.


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To explore the role of nonmuscle myosin II isoforms during mouse gametogenesis, fertilization, and early development, localization and microinjection studies were performed using monospecific antibodies to myosin IIA and IIB isotypes. Each myosin II antibody recognizes a 205-kDa protein in oocytes, but not mature sperm. Myosin IIA and IIB demonstrate differential expression during meiotic maturation and following fertilization: only the IIA isoform detects metaphase spindles or accumulates in the mitotic cleavage furrow. In the unfertilized oocyte, both myosin isoforms are polarized in the cortex directly overlying the metaphase-arrested second meiotic spindle. Cortical polarization is altered after spindle disassembly with Colcemid: the scattered meiotic chromosomes initiate myosin IIA and microfilament assemble in the vicinity of each chromosome mass. During sperm incorporation, both myosin II isotypes concentrate in the second polar body cleavage furrow and the sperm incorporation cone. In functional experiments, the microinjection of myosin IIA antibody disrupts meiotic maturation to metaphase II arrest, probably through depletion of spindle-associated myosin IIA protein and antibody binding to chromosome surfaces. Conversely, the microinjection of myosin IIB antibody blocks microfilament-directed chromosome scattering in Colcemid-treated mature oocytes, suggesting a role in mediating chromosome–cortical actomyosin interactions. Neither myosin II antibody, alone or coinjected, blocks second polar body formation, in vitro fertilization, or cytokinesis. Finally, microinjection of a nonphosphorylatable 20-kDa regulatory myosin light chain specifically blocks sperm incorporation cone disassembly and impedes cell cycle progression, suggesting that interference with myosin II phosphorylation influences fertilization. Thus, conventional myosins break cortical symmetry in oocytes by participating in eccentric meiotic spindle positioning, sperm incorporation cone dynamics, and cytokinesis. Although murine sperm do not express myosin II, different myosin II isotypes may have distinct roles during early embryonic development.


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Topoisomerase II is able to break and rejoin double-strand DNA. It controls the topological state and forms and resolves knots and catenanes. Not much is known about the relation between the chromosome segregation and condensation defects as found in yeast top2 mutants and the role of topoisomerase II in meiosis. We studied meiosis in a heat-sensitive top2 mutant of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Topoisomerase II is not required until shortly before meiosis I. The enzyme is necessary for condensation shortly before the first meiotic division but not for early meiotic prophase condensation. DNA replication, prophase morphology, and dynamics of the linear elements are normal in the top2 mutant. The top2 cells are not able to perform meiosis I. Arrested cells have four spindle pole bodies and two spindles but only one nucleus, suggesting that the arrest is nonregulatory. Finally, we show that the arrest is partly solved in a top2 rec7 double mutant, indicating that topoisomerase II functions in the segregation of recombined chromosomes. We suggest that the inability to decatenate the replicated DNA is the primary defect in top2. This leads to a loss of chromatin condensation shortly before meiosis I, failure of sister chromatid separation, and a nonregulatory arrest.


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The number of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) in individual nuclei of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was determined by computer-aided reconstruction of entire nuclei from electron micrographs of serially sectioned cells. Nuclei of 32 haploid cells at various points in the cell cycle were modeled and found to contain between 65 and 182 NPCs. Morphological markers, such as cell shape and nuclear shape, were used to determine the cell cycle stage of the cell being examined. NPC number was correlated with cell cycle stage to reveal that the number of NPCs increases steadily, beginning in G1-phase, suggesting that NPC assembly occurs continuously throughout the cell cycle. However, the accumulation of nuclear envelope observed during the cell cycle, indicated by nuclear surface area, is not continuous at the same rate, such that the density of NPCs per unit area of nuclear envelope peaks in apparent S-phase cells. Analysis of the nuclear envelope reconstructions also revealed no preferred NPC-to-NPC distance. However, NPCs were found in large clusters over regions of the nuclear envelope. Interestingly, clusters of NPCs were most pronounced in early mitotic nuclei and were found to be associated with the spindle pole bodies, but the functional significance of this association is unknown.


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A previously uncharacterized yeast gene (YER016w) that we have named BIM1 (binding to microtubules) was obtained from a two-hybrid screen of a yeast cDNA library using as bait the entire coding sequence of TUB1 (encoding α-tubulin). Deletion of BIM1 results in a strong bilateral karyogamy defect, hypersensitivity to benomyl, and aberrant spindle behavior, all phenotypes associated with mutations affecting microtubules in yeast, and inviability at extreme temperatures (i.e., ≥37°C or ≤14°C). Overexpression of BIM1 in wild-type cells is lethal. A fusion of Bim1p with green fluorescent protein that complements the bim1Δ phenotypes allows visualization in vivo of both intranuclear spindles and extranuclear microtubules in otherwise wild-type cells. A bim1 deletion displays synthetic lethality with deletion alleles of bik1, num1, and bub3 as well as a limited subset of tub1 conditional-lethal alleles. A systematic study of 51 tub1 alleles suggests a correlation between specific failure to interact with Bim1p in the two-hybrid assay and synthetic lethality with the bim1Δ allele. The sequence of BIM1 shows substantial similarity to sequences from organisms across the evolutionary spectrum. One of the human homologues, EB1, has been reported previously as binding APC, itself a microtubule-binding protein and the product of a gene implicated in the etiology of human colon cancer.


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We describe a method for identifying genes encoding proteins with stereospecific intracellular localizations in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Yeast are transformed with a gene library in which S. pombe genomic sequences are fused to the gene encoding the Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein (GFP), and intracellular localizations are subsequently identified by rapid fluorescence screening in vivo. In a model application of these methods to the fission yeast nucleus, we have identified several novel genes whose products are found in specific nuclear regions, including chromatin, the nucleolus, and the mitotic spindle, and sequence similarities between some of these genes and previously identified genes encoding nuclear proteins have validated the approach. These methods will be useful in identifying additional components of the S. pombe nucleus, and further extensions of this approach should also be applicable to a more comprehensive identification of the elements of intracellular architecture in fission yeast.


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Oral squamous cell carcinomas are characterized by complex, often near-triploid karyotypes with structural and numerical variations superimposed on the initial clonal chromosomal alterations. We used immunohistochemistry combined with classical cytogenetic analysis and spectral karyotyping to investigate the chromosomal segregation defects in cultured oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. During division, these cells frequently exhibit lagging chromosomes at both metaphase and anaphase, suggesting defects in the mitotic apparatus or kinetochore. Dicentric anaphase chromatin bridges and structurally altered chromosomes with consistent long arms and variable short arms, as well as the presence of gene amplification, suggested the occurrence of breakage–fusion–bridge cycles. Some anaphase bridges were observed to persist into telophase, resulting in chromosomal exclusion from the reforming nucleus and micronucleus formation. Multipolar spindles were found to various degrees in the oral squamous cell carcinoma lines. In the multipolar spindles, the poles demonstrated different levels of chromosomal capture and alignment, indicating functional differences between the poles. Some spindle poles showed premature splitting of centrosomal material, a precursor to full separation of the microtubule organizing centers. These results indicate that some of the chromosomal instability observed within these cancer cells might be the result of cytoskeletal defects and breakage–fusion–bridge cycles.


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Computational methods can frequently identify protein-interaction motifs in otherwise uncharacterized open reading frames. However, the identification of candidate ligands for these motifs (e.g., so that partnering can be determined experimentally in a directed manner) is often beyond the scope of current computational capabilities. One exception is provided by the coiled-coil interaction motif, which consists of two or more α helices that wrap around each other: the ligands for coiled-coil sequences are generally other coiled-coil sequences, thereby greatly simplifying the motif/ligand recognition problem. Here, we describe a two-step approach to identifying protein–protein interactions mediated by two-stranded coiled coils that occur in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Coiled coils from the yeast genome are first predicted computationally, by using the multicoil program, and associations between coiled coils are then determined experimentally by using the yeast two-hybrid assay. We report 213 unique interactions between 162 putative coiled-coil sequences. We evaluate the resulting interactions, focusing on associations identified between components of the spindle pole body (the yeast centrosome).


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A number of cycling mammalian cells, such as NIH 3T3, contain abundant subsets of cold-stable microtubules. The origin of such microtubule stabilization in nonneuronal cells is unknown. We have previously described a neuronal protein, stable tubule-only polypeptide (STOP), that binds to microtubules and induces cold stability. We find that NIH 3T3 fibroblasts contain a major 42-kDa isoform of STOP (fibroblastic STOP, F-STOP). F-STOP contains the central repeats characteristic of brain STOP but shows extensive deletions of N- and C-terminal protein domains that are present in brain STOP. These deletions arise from differences in STOP RNA splicing. Despite such deletions, F-STOP has full microtubule stabilizing activity. F-STOP accumulates on cold-stable microtubules of interphase arrays and is present on stable microtubules within the mitotic spindle of NIH 3T3 cells. STOP inhibition by microinjection of affinity-purified STOP central repeat antibodies into NIH 3T3 cells abolishes both interphase and spindle microtubule cold stability. Similar results were obtained with Rat2 cells. These results show that STOP proteins have nonneuronal isoforms that are responsible for the microtubule cold stability observed in mammalian fibroblasts.


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Loss of genomic integrity is a defining feature of many human malignancies, including human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated preinvasive and invasive genital squamous lesions. Here we show that aberrant mitotic spindle pole formation caused by abnormal centrosome numbers represents an important mechanism in accounting for numeric chromosomal alterations in HPV-associated carcinogenesis. Similar to what we found in histopathological specimens, HPV-16 E6 and E7 oncoproteins cooperate to induce abnormal centrosome numbers, aberrant mitotic spindle pole formation, and genomic instability. The low-risk HPV-6 E6 and E7 proteins did not induce such abnormalities. Whereas the HPV-16 E6 oncoprotein has no immediate effects on centrosome numbers, HPV-16 E7 rapidly induces abnormal centrosome duplication. Thus our results suggest a model whereby HPV-16 E7 induces centrosome-related mitotic disturbances that are potentiated by HPV-16 E6.


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The Schizosaccharomyces pombe dhp1+ gene is an ortholog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAT1 gene, which encodes a nuclear 5′→3′ exoribonuclease, and is essential for cell viability. To clarify the cellular functions of the nuclear 5′→3′ exoribonuclease, we isolated and characterized a temperature-sensitive mutant of dhp1 (dhp1-1 mutant). The dhp1-1 mutant showed nuclear accumulation of poly(A)+ RNA at the restrictive temperature, as was already reported for the rat1 mutant. Interestingly, the dhp1-1 mutant exhibited aberrant chromosome segregation at the restrictive temperature. The dhp1-1 cells frequently contained condensed chromosomes, most of whose sister chromatids failed to separate during mitosis despite normal mitotic spindle elongation. Finally, chromosomes were displaced or unequally segregated. As similar mitotic defects were also observed in Dhp1p-depleted cells, we concluded that dhp1+ is required for proper chromosome segregation as well as for poly(A)+ RNA metabolism in fission yeast. Furthermore, we isolated a multicopy suppressor of the dhp1-1 mutant, referred to as din1+. We found that the gene product of dhp1-1 was unstable at high temperatures, but that reduced levels of Dhp1-1p could be suppressed by overexpressing Din1p at the restrictive temperature. Thus, Din1p may physically interact with Dhp1p and stabilize Dhp1p and/or restore its activity.


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Oncoprotein18/stathmin (Op18) is a microtubule (MT) destabilizing protein that is inactivated during mitosis by phosphorylation at four Ser-residues. Op18 has at least two functions; the N-terminal region is required for catastrophe-promotion (i.e., transition from elongation to shortening), while the C-terminal region is required to inhibit MT-polymerization rate in vitro. We show here that a “pseudophosphorylation” derivative of Op18 (i.e., four Ser- to Glu-substitutions at phosphorylation sites) exhibits a selective loss of catastrophe-promoting activity. This is contrasted to authentic phosphorylation, which efficiently attenuates all activities except tubulin binding. In intact cells, overexpression of pseudophosphorylated Op18, which is not phosphorylated by endogenous kinases, is shown to destabilize interphase MTs but to leave spindle formation untouched. To test if the mitotic spindle is sensitive only to the catastrophe-promoting activity of Op18 and resistant to C-terminally associated activities, N- and C-terminal truncations with defined activity-profiles were employed. The cell-cycle phenotypes of nonphosphorylatable mutants (i.e., four Ser- to Ala-substitutions) of these truncation derivatives demonstrated that catastrophe promotion is required for interference with the mitotic spindle, while the C-terminally associated activities are sufficient to destabilize interphase MTs. These results demonstrate that specific Op18 derivatives with defined activity-profiles can be used as probes to distinguish interphase and mitotic MTs.


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Protein–protein interactions play crucial roles in the execution of various biological functions. Accordingly, their comprehensive description would contribute considerably to the functional interpretation of fully sequenced genomes, which are flooded with novel genes of unpredictable functions. We previously developed a system to examine two-hybrid interactions in all possible combinations between the ≈6,000 proteins of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we have completed the comprehensive analysis using this system to identify 4,549 two-hybrid interactions among 3,278 proteins. Unexpectedly, these data do not largely overlap with those obtained by the other project [Uetz, P., et al. (2000) Nature (London) 403, 623–627] and hence have substantially expanded our knowledge on the protein interaction space or interactome of the yeast. Cumulative connection of these binary interactions generates a single huge network linking the vast majority of the proteins. Bioinformatics-aided selection of biologically relevant interactions highlights various intriguing subnetworks. They include, for instance, the one that had successfully foreseen the involvement of a novel protein in spindle pole body function as well as the one that may uncover a hitherto unidentified multiprotein complex potentially participating in the process of vesicular transport. Our data would thus significantly expand and improve the protein interaction map for the exploration of genome functions that eventually leads to thorough understanding of the cell as a molecular system.


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The organization of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in the cortex of Xenopus oocytes was investigated during maturation and activation using a green fluorescent protein chimera, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy. Dense clusters of ER developed on the vegetal side (the side opposite the meiotic spindle) during maturation. Small clusters appeared transiently at the time of nuclear envelope breakdown, disappeared at the time of first polar body formation, and then reappeared as larger clusters in mature eggs. The appearance of the large ER clusters was correlated with an increase in releaseability of Ca2+ by IP3. The clusters dispersed during the Ca2+ wave at activation. Possible relationships of ER structure and Ca2+ regulation are discussed.