321 resultados para socioekonomiska faktorer


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Anställningsotrygghet – en oro för att mot sin vilja förlora jobbet – är något som de flesta anställda idag upplever under sina yrkesliv. Den beteendevetenskapliga forskningen inom detta område har skjutit fart sedan millennieskiftet, vilket motiverar behovet av en uppdaterad litteraturöversikt. Översikten omfattar prediktorer och konsekvenser av anställningsotrygghet samt vilka faktorer som har identifierats som viktiga när det gäller att mildra anställningsotrygghetens konsekvenser.


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Purpose – The purpose with this study is to investigate which factors that needs to be considered for sourcing decisions to ensure an optimal long-term decision, and which of these factors that can be quantified in a product costing model. To fulfill this purpose two research questions have been proposed: Which factors needs to be considered for a sourcing decision? Which of these factors that needs to be considered can be quantified in a product costing model? Method – A case study was conducted to fulfill the purpose of this study. The case study produced empirical data through interviews and document studies. The empirical data was interpreted and analyzed on the basis of the theoretical framework, created through literature studies. This process produced the result of this study. Findings – Factors to be considered for a sourcing decision have been identified and categorized in four over-arching categories: unit cost, logistical factors, capability factors and risk factors. These factors have been quantified in a product costing model. A preparatory decision model was created to further integrate some risk factors that could not be quantified. Implications – Both the make or buy decision and the manufacturing location decision have been considered in the product costing model presented in this study. The product costing model visualize and take into account hidden costs, rarely considered in sourcing decisions. This further enables optimal long-term sourcing decisions. Limitations – Risk factors remain difficult to quantify. This makes it difficult to determine the cost of risk factors, and as a result of that, to include them in a product costing model. Companies with similar conditions suites the model since the case study was conducted at only one company. Whether the product costing model is true for business in other contexts remain uncertain.


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Purpose: The purpose of this work is to increase the possibilities of designing building components for specific demands to increase the building’s value, and to investigate how the possibilities can be affected by automating the production process. Method: The theoretical framework, which this study is based on, was collected using literature studies and was thereafter combined with the empirics, which were retrieved from qualitative methods as interviews and planned observations. A case study was made of the building Ormhuset in Jönköping. Findings: The objective of this work is to investigate the possibilities for designing roofs by using new automation methods for the production process of wooden roof structures. This study implies that parametric design can be used to generate new innovative shapes and designs that are optimised according to specific criteria. Furthermore, an increased use of automation in the production process of wooden roof trusses result in cheaper roof trusses, regardless of their shapes. The generated optimized designs are therefore cheaper and easier to produce using more automation in the production process. Implications: If parametric design is used, almost any kind of shapes can be generated and optimised. To ensure manufacturability of a design, an early connection between architect and manufacturer is important. Furthermore, increased use of automation can lead to easier and faster production of roof trusses and investing in more automation can be relevant for companies with large production volumes. Using digital files to control the manufacturing machines is time saving. There are alternative manufacturing methods for advanced roof structurers in wood, which are better suited for production, which cannot be rationalized as for roof trusses. Constraints for increased automation are often a high investment cost and limited space. Limitations: If the study is performed on another case than Ormhuset and with other respondents, the result might have differed but could be similar, why this study is not generally valid but only shows one possible outcome.


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Purpose: The aim with this study is to compare perceived productivity and job satisfaction between activity based offices and traditional offices. The goal is to investigate, through a quantitative comparison, productivity and job satisfaction between the office types, and if generations perceive this differently. Method: The method used in this study is a quantitative method, in form of a questionnaire. The questionnaire used was taken from a study made by Sahlström and Severin (2015) at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The same questionnaire was taken because it had already been quality assured and had good content for the survey. Four IT companies were included in the study. Two of them had activity based offices and two of them had traditional office type. Literature review has also been a method in order to get a deeper understanding of the subject. Findings: The results of the study show that there are differences between the two office types in perceived productivity and job satisfaction. The traditional office type showed the best results. However, this result can be discussed since the two traditional offices differed widely in their responses. The results also show that there are differences between the generations experiencing productivity and job satisfaction of the various offices. The elder generation, Baby boomers, shows better results on the traditional office type and the younger generation, Generation Y, shows better results on the activity based offices. Implications: One conclusion to be drawn from this is that employees at traditional offices are more satisfied with their working place and experience increased productivity than employees on activity based offices. However, these results may be due to other factors than how the office environment affects the employees. Therefore, these results will not be recommended. Another conclusion is that the Baby boomers are experiencing higher productivity and job satisfaction of traditional office and Generation Y experiences higher productivity and job satisfaction on activity based office. These results can be recommended. Limitations: The limitations of this study are to examine only IT companies in Sweden with a maximal amount of employees of 150 persons. The results are, apart from the scattered results in the first issue, generally valid and can be applied to other IT companies. To succeed fully applicable results, a survey with more companies involved had been better. Then, detections of anomaly would easier have been discovered and possible disregards of certain results could have been done. Keywords: Perceived productivity - Self-rated assessment of employees on their own productivity. Traditional offices - In this work traditional offices includes cell offices and shared rooms. Activity based offices - Office where employees have no fixed work place and there are often zones to support different types of working.


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Teknikutvecklingen går snabbt framåt, och idag finns det ett stort behov av att använda andra utvecklares kod för att hänga med i det höga tempot. De kallas samlat för ramverk eller bibliotek, och hjälper utvecklaren att på ett effektivare sätt ta sig från start till mål utan att behöva skriva all programmeringskod själv. Dessa tredjepartslösningar är nästintill alltid bundna till ett licensavtal, vars restriktioner och tillåtelser utvecklaren måste följa vid nyttjandet. I denna studie har vi undersökt hur medvetenheten ser ut kring de licenser som är bundna till dessa tredjepartslösningar. Då det framkom i vår förstudie att vårt fall hade en relativt låg medvetenhet har vi även valt att titta på hur medvetenheten kan ökas. För att genomföra detta har vi valt att intervjua utvecklare och projektledare på ett konsultföretag. Vi undersökte även vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att höja medvetenheten samt vilka konsekvenser som kunde uppkomma vid bristfällande licenshantering. Vi upptäckte att det var en bristfällig kunskap om tredjepartslicenser på det studerade företaget, och hur de följde de licensrestriktioner som fanns för respektive licens. För att höja medvetenheten föreslår vi hjälpmedel i form av en automatiserad centraliserad lösning, lathundar för en enklare överblick av licensavtalen och hur användning av redan färdiga programvaror kan hjälpa till att öka medvetenheten och hanteringen av licenser.


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Matematiken är en abstrakt vetenskap. Laborativt arbete med konkret material sägs kunna överbrygga glappet mellan abstrakt och konkret. Denna kvalitativa studie syftar utforska vilka möjligheter och begränsningar lågstadielärare erfar kring konkret material. Resultatet visar att en vanlig uppfattning bland lågstadielärare är att konkret material besitter den positiva egenskapen att stötta elever i alla åldrar och nivåer i arbetet med att utveckla matematisk förståelse. Detta genom att konstruera inre bilder av matematiken hos eleverna, vilka sedan kan stötta eleverna på vägen mot matematisk abstraktion och generalisering. Arbetssättet tycks också kunna väcka intresse, nyfikenhet och lust att lära matematik samt bjuda in till rikare möjligheter till kommunikation jämfört med läroboksfokuserad undervisning. Dock har valet av konkret material betydelse. Negativa faktorer som uppmärksammats är att leklust riskerar ta fokus från matematiken samt att duktiga elever särskiljer laborativ matematik med konkret material från "riktig" matematik i läroboken. Dokumentationen av arbetet kring det konkreta materialet är dessutom tidskrävande. En slutsats som dras är att laborativt arbete med konkret material inte ensamt kan stå som bas för elevers matematiska utveckling. Däremot kan arbetssättet kombineras med lärobokens färdighetsträning och matematikdiskussioner och tillsammans bidra till fördjupad förståelse genom att eleverna i ett varierat arbetssätt tillåts möta matematikens olika uttrycksformer.