907 resultados para small-scale hydropower


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Given the significant impact that cultural events may have in local communities and the inherent organization complexity, it is important to understand their specificities. Most of the times cultural events disregard marketing and often marketing is distant from art. Thus an analysis of an inside perspective might bring significant returns to the organization of such an event. This paper considers the three editions (2011, 2012 and 2013) of a cultural event – Noc Noc – organized by a local association in the city of Guimarães, Portugal. Its format is based in analogous events, as Noc Noc intends to convert everyday spaces (homes, commercial outlets and a number of other buildings) into cultural spaces, processed and transformed by artists, hosts and audiences. By interviewing a sample of people (20) who have hosted this cultural event, sometimes doubling as artists, and by experiencing the three editions of the event, this paper illustrates how the internal public understands this particular cultural event, analyzing specifically their motivations, ways of acting and participating, as well as their relationship with the public, with the organization of the event and with art in general. Results support that artists and hosts motivations must be identified in a timely and appropriate moment, as well as their views of this particular cultural event, in order to keep them participating, since low budget cultural events such as this one may have a key role in small scale cities.


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A detailed knowledge of the 3-D arrangement and lateral facies relationships of the stacking patterns in coastal deposits is essential to approach many geological problems such as precise tracing of sea level changes, particularly during small scale fluctuations. These are useful data regarding the geodynamic evolution of basin margins and yield profit in oil exploration. Sediment supply, wave-and tidal processes, coastal morphology, and accommodation space generated by eustasy and tectonics govern the highly variable architecture of sedimentary bodies deposited in coastal settings. But these parameters change with time, and erosional surfaces may play a prominent role in areas located towards land. Besides, lateral shift of erosional or even depositional loci very often results in destruction of large parts of the sediment record. Several case studies illustrate some commonly found arrangements of facies and their distinguishing features. The final aim is to get the best results from the sedimentological analysis of coastal units.


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The existence of satellite images ofthe West Iberian Margin allowed comparative study of images as a tool applied to structural geology. Interpretation of LANDSAT images of the Lusitanian Basin domain showed the existence of a not previously described WNW-ESE trending set oflineaments. These lineaments are persistent and only observable on small scale images (e.g. approx. 11200000 and 11500 000) with various radiometric characteristics. They are approximately 20 km long, trend l200±15° and cross cut any other families oflineaments. The fact that these lineaments are perpendicular to the Quaternary thrusts of the Lower Tagus Valley and also because they show no off-set across them, suggests that they resulted from intersection oflarge tensile fractures on the earth's surface. It is proposed in this work that these lineaments formed on a crustal flexure of tens ofkm long, associated with the Quaternary WNW-ESE oriented maximum compressive stress on the West Iberian Margin. The maximum compressive stress rotated anticlockwise from a NW -SE orientation to approximately WNW-ESE, from Late Miocene to Quaternary times (RIBEIRO et aI., 1996). Field inspection of the lineaments revealed zones of norm~1.J. faulting and cataclasis, which are coincident with the lineaments and affect sediments of upper Miocene up to Quaternary age. These deformation structures show localized extension perpendicular to the lineaments, i.e. perpendicular to the maximum compressive direction, after recent stress data along the West Portuguese Margin (CABRAL & RIBEIRO, 1989; RIBEIRO et at., 1996). Also, on a first approach, the geographical distribution of these lineaments correlates well with earthquake epicenters and areas of largest Quaternary Vertical Movements within the inverted Lusitanian Basin (CABRAL, 1995).


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The smart grid concept is a key issue in the future power systems, namely at the distribution level, with deep concerns in the operation and planning of these systems. Several advantages and benefits for both technical and economic operation of the power system and of the electricity markets are recognized. The increasing integration of demand response and distributed generation resources, all of them mostly with small scale distributed characteristics, leads to the need of aggregating entities such as Virtual Power Players. The operation business models become more complex in the context of smart grid operation. Computational intelligence methods can be used to give a suitable solution for the resources scheduling problem considering the time constraints. This paper proposes a methodology for a joint dispatch of demand response and distributed generation to provide energy and reserve by a virtual power player that operates a distribution network. The optimal schedule minimizes the operation costs and it is obtained using a particle swarm optimization approach, which is compared with a deterministic approach used as reference methodology. The proposed method is applied to a 33-bus distribution network with 32 medium voltage consumers and 66 distributed generation units.


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Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Engenharia Civil


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Rehabilitation is becoming more and more usual in the construction sector in Portugal. The introduction of newer construction materials and technical know-how of integrating different materials for achieving desired engineering goals is an important step to the development of the sector. Wood industry is also getting more and more adapted to composite technologies with the introduction of the so called “highly engineered wood products” and with the use of modification treatments. This work is an attempt to explain the viability of using stainless steel and glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) as reinforcements in wood beams. This thesis specifically focuses on the flexural behaviour of Portuguese Pine unmodified and modified wood beams. Two types of modification were used: 1,3-dimethylol-4,5- dihydroxyethyleneurea (DMDHEU) resin and amid wax. The behaviour of the material was analysed with a nonlinear model. The latter model simulates the behaviour of the reinforced wood beams under flexural loading. Small-scale beams (1:15) were experimented in flexural bending and the experimental results obtained were compared with the analytical model results. The experiments confirm the viability of the reinforcing schemes and the working procedures. Experimental results showed fair agreement with the nonlinear model. A strength increase between 15% and 80% was achieved. Stiffness increased by 40% to 50% in beams reinforced with steel but no significant increase was achieved with the glass fibre reinforcement.


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Atualmente a vantagem competitiva de uma empresa passa pela sua rápida adaptação às variações de procura do mercado, sendo necessário garantir elevados níveis de produtividade e, simultaneamente, grande flexibilidade, indispensável ao fabrico de pequenos lotes. A necessidade de ajuste do processo e a diminuição da média de vida do produto levam a paragens cada vez mais frequentes da célula de fabrico para programação e afinação, com consequentes perdas de produtividade. De forma a dar resposta a estes problemas, neste trabalho é testada a viabilidade da utilização da programação e simulação offline de tarefas de lixamento na Grohe Portugal, complementando a solução com o desenvolvimento de um novo método de afinação do programa, permitindo uma adaptação às flutuações do processo produtivo. Para isso foi necessário analisar o estado da arte dos robôs industriais na área de acabamento superficial e respetivos métodos de programação. Em seguida, após um trabalho prévio rigoroso de preparação e modelação da célula de trabalho, é possível fazer a programação offline das várias rotinas e trajetórias complexas que compõem um ciclo de lixamento de um produto, contribuindo para o aumento da qualidade do produto final sem comprometer os níveis de produtividade. Nesta dissertação são descritos e detalhados alguns dos procedimentos fulcrais no sucesso da aplicação deste método de programação. Por último é feita uma nova abordagem ao método de ajuste ponto-a-ponto convencional, desenvolvendo-se para isso um sistema de ajuste automático do programa, dotando o robô da capacidade de se adaptar às variações do processo, assegurando a consistência do mesmo. Foram realizados testes em pequena escala, extrapolando-se os resultados para a aplicação deste novo método no processo produtivo da Grohe Portugal, como forma de complemento ao método convencional de ajuste ponto-a-ponto do programa, reduzindo o tempo de paragem da célula de trabalho.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Materiais


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The occurrence of leprosy has decreased in the world but the perspective of its elimination has been questioned. A proposed control measure is the use of post-exposure chemoprophylaxis (PEP) among contacts, but there are still questions about its operational aspects. In this text we discuss the evidence available in literature, explain some concepts in epidemiology commonly used in the research on this topic, analyze the appropriateness of implementing PEP in the context of Brazil, and answer a set of key questions. We argue some points: (1) the number of contacts that need to receive PEP in order to prevent one additional case of disease is not easy to be generalized from the studies; (2) areas covered by the family health program are the priority settings where PEP could be implemented; (3) there is no need for a second dose; (4) risk for drug resistance seems to be very small; (5) the usefulness of a serological test to identify a higher risk group of individuals among contacts is questionable. Given that, we recommend that, if it is decided to start PEP in Brazil, it should start on a small scale and, as new evidence can be generated in terms of feasibility, sustainability and impact, it could move up a scale, or not, for a wider intervention.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Informática


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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RESUMO: Este é o relatório de um estágio realizado na Autoridade de Saúde Local de Bolonha com o objectivo de desenvolver capacidades e competências na área de projectos orientados para a avaliação com base epidemiológica. As prescrições de anti-depressivos aumentaram consideravelmente em todo o mundo durante as últimas décadas. O uso cada vez maior dos agentes mais dispendiosos desempenha um papel na subida do custo dos tratamentos. A Autoridade de Saúde Local de Bolonha implementou um processo de auditoria com o objectivo de melhorar a adequação das prescrições de pacientes externos, centrando-se em dois anti-depressivos de marca ainda protegidos por patente, Escitalopram e Duloxetine. Os Departamentos de Cuidados de Saúde Primários e de Cuidados de Saúde Mental, assim como o Departamento Farmacêutico e a Unidade de Gestão Clínica, estiveram envolvidos na fase de planeamento da auditoria. O grupo da auditoria, maioritariamente composto por médicos de clínica geral e psiquiatras, reuniu e analisou provas da eficácia e segurança dos anti-depressivos. Os dados sobre as prescrições das Unidades de Cuidados de Saúde Primários e dos Centros de Saúde Mental Comunitários da Autoridade de Saúde Local (866.294 habitantes) foram comparados, em particular as taxas de consumo de Escitalopram e Duloxetine. O grupo da auditoria definiu os standards a serem abordados, os indicadores a serem avaliados e as medidas a empreender para atingir os objectivos definidos. As directrizes do NICE sobre a depressão foram escolhidas como referência. O objectivo da auditoria foi definido como evitar o Escitalopram e Duloxetine como medicamentos de primeira escolha num tratamento anti-depressivo. De modo a verificar a eficácia das medidas empreendidas foi seleccionado um indicador, consistindo numa redução de 25% das prescrições de ambos os anti-depressivos na prática clínica de pacientes externos e numa redução de 20% da variabilidade nas Unidades de Cuidados de Saúde Primários. O relatório retrospectivo pré-auditoria (Janeiro a Abril de 2012) revelou que os tratamentos com anti-depressivos para pacientes externos eram prescritos pelos médicos de clínica geral em mais de90% dos casos. As medidas da auditoria foram implementadas entre Novembro de 2012 e Maio de 2013. Algumas medidas relevantes foram integradas com a revisão da auditoria, tais como reuniões educacionais de pequena escala com os médicos de clínica geral e psiquiatras, visitas de apoio do assessor de prescrições da Autoridade de Saúde Local aos médicos de clínica geral e Centros de Saúde Mental Comunitários, panfletos para profissionais com informação retirada das directrizes clínicas do NICE, implementação de um serviço de consulta na Web para médicos de clínica geral sobre provas relativas a anti-depressivos. O relatório de feedback é aguardado em Novembro de 2013 depois de se verificar nos standards atingidos a eficácia das medidas implementadas. Foi realizada uma análise SWOT para comprovar as forças e fraquezas, as oportunidades e ameaças do processo. Como identificação de fraquezas poderá ser útil identificar estratégias relevantes para melhoria interna, para que o conhecimento das ameaças possa amortizar factores que possam ter impactos adversos que fujam ao controlo do Departamento de Saúde Mental. Uma melhor compreensão das forças e das oportunidades facilita a consecução dos objectivos estabelecidos no projecto. O primeiro, mas não o último, resultado deste processo consistiu numa maior integração entre os Cuidados de Saúde Primários e de Saúde Mental, permitindo assim que a Autoridade de Saúde Local coloque as alterações em prática.------------ABSTRACT: This is the report of a traineeship held in the Local Health Authority of Bologna with the aim to develop skills and competencies in the field of epidemiogically based evaluation oriented projects. Antidepressants prescriptions have considerably increased all over the world in the last decades. The increasing use of the most expensive agents plays a part in the rising cost of treatments. The Local Health Authority of Bologna has implemented an audit process aimed at improving the appropriateness of outpatient prescriptions focusing on the two branded antidepressants still protected by patent, Escitalopram and Duloxetine. The Primary Care and the Mental Health Care Departments, as well as the Pharmaceutical Department and the Clinical Governance Unit, were involved in the planning phase of the audit. The audit group, mainly composed of general practitioners and psychiatrists, collected and analyzed scientific evidence on effectiveness and safety of antidepressants. Data on prescriptions of Primary Care Units and Community Mental Health Centers of the Local Health Authority (866.294 inhabitants) were compared, in particular consumption rates of Escitalopram and Duloxetine. The audit group defined the standards to be addressed, the indicators to be evaluated and the actions aimed at reaching the defined goals. NICE guidelines on depression were chosen as reference. The aim of the audit was settled as avoiding Escitalopram and Duloxetine as first choice drugs starting an AD treatment. In order to check the efficacy of the actions undertaken an indicator was selected, consisting in a reduction of 25% of prescriptions of both ADs in outpatient practice and in a 20% reduction of To develop skills and competencies across Primary Care Units. The pre-audit retrospective report (January-April 2012) showed that outpatient antidepressant treatments were prescribed by GPs in over 90% of cases. Audit actions were implemented between November 2012 and May 2013. Some relevant actions have been integrated with the audit review, such as small-scale educational meetings with GPs and psychiatrists, outreach visits of the LHA prescribing adviser to GPs and CMHCs,leaflets for professionals with information extracted from NICE clinical guidelines, implementation of a web consultation service for GPs about evidence on antidepressants. The feedback report is expected in November 2013 after checking through the standards attained the effectiveness of actions implemented. A SWOT Analysis was carried out to evidence the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the process. As identification of weaknesses may be useful to identify relevant strategies for internal improvement, so the knowledge of threats can amortize factors that may have adverse impacts beyond the control of the Mental Health Department. Better understanding of the strengths and the opportunities facilitates the achievement of the goals set in the project. The first and not least upshot of this process has consisted in further integration between Primary and Mental Health Care, thus enabling the LHA to put the change into practice.


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This study identifies a measure of the cultural importance of an area within a city. It does so by making use of origindestination trip data and the bike stations of the bike share system in New York City as a proxy to study the city. Rarely is movement in the city studied at such a small scale. The change in strength of the similarity of movement between each station is studied. It is the first study to provide this measure of importance for every point in the system. This measure is then related to the characteristics which make for vibrant city communities, namely highly mixed land use types. It reveals that the spatial pattern of important areas remains constant over differing time periods. Communities are then characterised by the land uses surrounding these stations with high measures of importance. Finally it identifies the areas of global cultural importance alongside the areas of local importance to the city.


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Simulated moving bed (SMB) chromatography is attracting more and more attention since it is a powerful technique for complex separation tasks. Nowadays, more than 60% of preparative SMB units are installed in the pharmaceutical and in the food in- dustry [SDI, Preparative and Process Liquid Chromatography: The Future of Process Separations, International Strategic Directions, Los Angeles, USA, 2002. http://www. strategicdirections.com]. Chromatography is the method of choice in these ¯elds, be- cause often pharmaceuticals and ¯ne-chemicals have physico-chemical properties which di®er little from those of the by-products, and they may be thermally instable. In these cases, standard separation techniques as distillation and extraction are not applicable. The noteworthiness of preparative chromatography, particulary SMB process, as a sep- aration and puri¯cation process in the above mentioned industries has been increasing, due to its °exibility, energy e±ciency and higher product purity performance. Consequently, a new SMB paradigm is requested by the large number of potential small- scale applications of the SMB technology, which exploits the °exibility and versatility of the technology. In this new SMB paradigm, a number of possibilities for improving SMB performance through variation of parameters during a switching interval, are pushing the trend toward the use of units with smaller number of columns because less stationary phase is used and the setup is more economical. This is especially important for the phar- maceutical industry, where SMBs are seen as multipurpose units that can be applied to di®erent separations in all stages of the drug-development cycle. In order to reduce the experimental e®ort and accordingly the coast associated with the development of separation processes, simulation models are intensively used. One impor- tant aspect in this context refers to the determination of the adsorption isotherms in SMB chromatography, where separations are usually carried out under strongly nonlinear conditions in order to achieve higher productivities. The accurate determination of the competitive adsorption equilibrium of the enantiomeric species is thus of fundamental importance to allow computer-assisted optimization or process scale-up. Two major SMB operating problems are apparent at production scale: the assessment of product quality and the maintenance of long-term stable and controlled operation. Constraints regarding product purity, dictated by pharmaceutical and food regulatory organizations, have drastically increased the demand for product quality control. The strict imposed regulations are increasing the need for developing optically pure drugs.(...)