738 resultados para single mode fiber


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We present an analysis, based on the metaplectic group Mp(2), of the recently introduced single-mode inverse creation and annihilation operators and of the associated eigenstates of different two-photon annihilation operators. We motivate and obtain a quantum operator form of the classical Mobius or fractional linear transformation. The subtle relation to the two unitary irreducible representations of Mp(2) is brought out. For problems involving inverse operators the usefulness of the Bargmann analytic function representation of quantum mechanics is demonstrated. Squeezing, bunching, and photon-number distributions of the four families of states that arise in this context are studied both analytically and numerically


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Nonclassicality in the sense of quantum optics is a prerequisite for entanglement in multimode radiation states. In this work we bring out the possibilities of passing from the former to the latter, via action of classicality preserving systems like beam splitters, in a transparent manner. For single-mode states, a complete description of nonclassicality is available via the classical theory of moments, as a set of necessary and sufficient conditions on the photon number distribution. We show that when the mode is coupled to an ancilla in any coherent state, and the system is then acted upon by a beam splitter, these conditions turn exactly into signatures of negativity under partial transpose (NPT) entanglement of the output state. Since the classical moment problem does not generalize to two or more modes, we turn in these cases to other familiar sufficient but not necessary conditions for nonclassicality, namely the Mandel parameter criterion and its extensions. We generalize the Mandel matrix from one-mode states to the two-mode situation, leading to a natural classification of states with varying levels of nonclassicality. For two-mode states we present a single test that can, if successful, simultaneously show nonclassicality as well as NPT entanglement. We also develop a test for NPT entanglement after beam-splitter action on a nonclassical state, tracing carefully the way in which it goes beyond the Mandel nonclassicality test. The result of three-mode beam-splitter action after coupling to an ancilla in the ground state is treated in the same spirit. The concept of genuine tripartite entanglement, and scalar measures of nonclassicality at the Mandel level for two-mode systems, are discussed. Numerous examples illustrating all these concepts are presented.


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Attempts in the past to model the irregularities of the solar cycle (such as the Maunder minimum) were based on studies of the nonlinear feedback of magnetic fields on the dynamo source terms. Since the alpha-coefficient is obtained by averaging over the turbulence, it is expected to have stochastic fluctuations, and we show that these fluctuations can explain the irregularities of the solar cycle in a more satisfactory way. We solve the dynamo equations in a slab with a single mode, taking the alpha-coefficient to be constant in space but fluctuating stochastically in time with some given amplitude and given correlation time. The same level of percentile fluctuations (about 10 %) produces no effect on an alpha-omega dynamo, but makes an alpha-2 dynamo completely chaotic. The level of irregularities in an alpha-2-omega dynamo qualitatively agrees with the solar behavior, reinforcing the conclusion of Choudhuri (1990a) that the solar dynamo is of the alpha-2-omega-type. The irregularities are found to increase on increasing either the amplitude or the correlation time of the stochastic fluctuations. The alpha-quenching mechanism tends to make the system stable against the irregularities and hence it is inferred that the alpha-quenching should not be too strong so that the irregularities are not completely suppressed. We also present a simple-minded analysis to understand why the stochastic fluctuations in the alpha-omega, alpha-2-omega and alpha-2 regimes have such different outcomes.


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Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) technology, by which multiple optical channels can be simultaneously transmitted at different wavelengths through a single optical fiber, is a useful means of making full use of the low-loss characteristics of optical fibers over a wide-wavelength region. The present day multifunction RADARs with multiple transmit receive modules requires various kinds of signal distribution for real time operation. If the signal distribution can be achieved through optical networks by using Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) methods, it results in a distribution scheme with less hardware complexity and leads to the reduction in the weight of the antenna arrays In addition, being an Optical network it is free from Electromagnetic interference which is a crucial requirement in an array environment. This paper discusses about the analysis performed on various WDM components of distribution optical network for radar applications. The analysis is performed by considering the feasible constant gain regions of Erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) in Matlab environment. This will help the user in the selection of suitable components for WDM based optical distribution networks.


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We report here, a finite difference thermal diffusion (FDTD) model for controlling the cross-section and the guiding nature of the buried channel waveguides fabricated on GeGaS bulk glasses using the direct laser writing technique. Optimization of the laser parameters for guiding at wavelength 1550 nm is done experimentally and compared with the theoretical values estimated by FDTD model. The mode field diameter (MFD) between 5.294 mu m and 24.706 mu m were attained by suitable selection of writing speed (1mm/s to 4 mm/s) and pulse energy (623 nJ to 806 nJ) of the laser at a fixed repletion rate of 100 kHz. Transition from single-mode to multi-mode waveguide is observed at pulse energy 806nJ as a consequence of heat accumulation. The thermal diffusion model fits well for single-mode waveguides with the exception of multi-mode waveguides.


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This paper considers the design of a power-controlled reverse channel training (RCT) scheme for spatial multiplexing (SM)-based data transmission along the dominant modes of the channel in a time-division duplex (TDD) multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) system, when channel knowledge is available at the receiver. A channel-dependent power-controlled RCT scheme is proposed, using which the transmitter estimates the beamforming (BF) vectors required for the forward-link SM data transmission. Tight approximate expressions for 1) the mean square error (MSE) in the estimate of the BF vectors, and 2) a capacity lower bound (CLB) for an SM system, are derived and used to optimize the parameters of the training sequence. Moreover, an extension of the channel-dependent training scheme and the data rate analysis to a multiuser scenario with M user terminals is presented. For the single-mode BF system, a closed-form expression for an upper bound on the average sum data rate is derived, which is shown to scale as ((L-c - L-B,L- tau)/L-c) log logM asymptotically in M, where L-c and L-B,L- tau are the channel coherence time and training duration, respectively. The significant performance gain offered by the proposed training sequence over the conventional constant-power orthogonal RCT sequence is demonstrated using Monte Carlo simulations.


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Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) techniques overfibrelinks helps to exploit the high bandwidth capacity of single mode fibres. A typical WDM link consisting of laser source, multiplexer/demultiplexer, amplifier and detectoris considered for obtaining the open loop gain model of the link. The methodology used here is to obtain individual component models using mathematical and different curve fitting techniques. These individual models are then combined to obtain the WDM link model. The objective is to deduce a single variable model for the WDM link in terms of input current to system. Thus it provides a black box solution for a link. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) associated with each of the approximated models is given for comparison. This will help the designer to select the suitable WDM link model during a complex link design.


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We report on spatial pattern formation, and appearances of 'optical bullet holes' in single-mode microcavities that are filled with liquid-crystals, when pumped above the cavity resonance frequency. These phenomena only occur beyond the bistability threshold. ©2002 Optical Society of America.


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The nonlinear free surface amplitude equation, which has been derived from the inviscid fluid by solving the potential equation of water waves with a singular perturbation theory in a vertically oscillating rigid circular cylinder, is investigated successively in the fourth-order Runge-Kutta approach with an equivalent time-step. Computational results include the evolution of the amplitude with time, the characteristics of phase plane determined by the real and imaginary parts of the amplitude, the single-mode selection rules of the surface waves in different forced frequencies, contours of free surface displacement and corresponding three-dimensional evolution of surface waves, etc. In addition, the comparison of the surface wave modes is made between theoretical calculations and experimental measurements, and the results are reasonable although there are some differences in the forced frequency.


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A new oxygen-iodine medium gain model is developed to include pumping and deactivation of the upper laser levels of the iodine atoms, hyperfine and translation relaxation, as well as the flowing effect. The rate equations for gain of a supersonic flowing cw oxygen-iodine laser (COIL) are described when the medium is stimulated by a single-mode field. The general solution of the self-consistency integral equation is obtained. The result shows that the saturation behaviour in low pressure of the COIL differs from both the inhomogeneous and homogeneous broadening, and exhibits an 'anomalous' saturation phenomenon.


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When the atomic force microscopy (AFM) in tapping mode is in intermittent contact with a soft substrate, the contact time can be a significant portion of a cycle, resulting in invalidity of the impact oscillator model, where the contact time is assumed to be infinitely small. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the AFM intermittent contact with soft substrate can induce the motion of higher modes in the AFM dynamic response. Traditional ways of modeling AFM (one degree of freedom (DOF) system or single mode analysis) are shown to have serious mistakes when applied to this kind of problem. A more reasonable displacement criterion on contact is proposed, where the contact time is a function of the mechanical properties of AFM and substrate, driving frequencies/amplitude, initial conditions, etc. Multi-modal analysis is presented and mode coupling is also shown. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Free surface waves in a cylinder of liquid under vertical excitation with slowly modulated amplitude are investigated in the current paper. It is shown by both theoretical analysis and numerical simulation that chaos may occur even for a single mode with modulation which can be used to explain Gollub and Meyer's experiment. The implied resonant mechanism accounting for this phenomenon is further elucidated.


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The ordinary differential magnetic field line equations are solved numerically; the tokamak magnetic structure is studied on Hefei Tokamak-7 Upgrade (HT-7U) when the equilibrium field with a monotonic q-profile is perturbed by a helical magnetic field. We find that a single mode (m, n) helical perturbation can cause the formation of islands on rational surfaces with q = m/n and q = (m +/- 1, +/- 2, +/- 3,...)/n due to the toroidicity and plasma shape (i.e. elongation and triangularity), while there are many undestroyed magnetic surfaces called Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM) barriers on irrational surfaces. The islands on the same rational surface do not have the same size. When the ratio between the perturbing magnetic field B-r(r) and the toroidal magnetic field amplitude B(phi)0 is large enough, the magnetic island chains on different rational surfaces will overlap and chaotic orbits appear in the overlapping area, and the magnetic field becomes stochastic. It is remarkable that the stochastic layer appears first in the plasma edge region.


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Uncovering the demographics of extrasolar planets is crucial to understanding the processes of their formation and evolution. In this thesis, we present four studies that contribute to this end, three of which relate to NASA's Kepler mission, which has revolutionized the field of exoplanets in the last few years.

In the pre-Kepler study, we investigate a sample of exoplanet spin-orbit measurements---measurements of the inclination of a planet's orbit relative to the spin axis of its host star---to determine whether a dominant planet migration channel can be identified, and at what confidence. Applying methods of Bayesian model comparison to distinguish between the predictions of several different migration models, we find that the data strongly favor a two-mode migration scenario combining planet-planet scattering and disk migration over a single-mode Kozai migration scenario. While we test only the predictions of particular Kozai and scattering migration models in this work, these methods may be used to test the predictions of any other spin-orbit misaligning mechanism.

We then present two studies addressing astrophysical false positives in Kepler data. The Kepler mission has identified thousands of transiting planet candidates, and only relatively few have yet been dynamically confirmed as bona fide planets, with only a handful more even conceivably amenable to future dynamical confirmation. As a result, the ability to draw detailed conclusions about the diversity of exoplanet systems from Kepler detections relies critically on understanding the probability that any individual candidate might be a false positive. We show that a typical a priori false positive probability for a well-vetted Kepler candidate is only about 5-10%, enabling confidence in demographic studies that treat candidates as true planets. We also present a detailed procedure that can be used to securely and efficiently validate any individual transit candidate using detailed information of the signal's shape as well as follow-up observations, if available.

Finally, we calculate an empirical, non-parametric estimate of the shape of the radius distribution of small planets with periods less than 90 days orbiting cool (less than 4000K) dwarf stars in the Kepler catalog. This effort reveals several notable features of the distribution, in particular a maximum in the radius function around 1-1.25 Earth radii and a steep drop-off in the distribution larger than 2 Earth radii. Even more importantly, the methods presented in this work can be applied to a broader subsample of Kepler targets to understand how the radius function of planets changes across different types of host stars.


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We describe the fabrication of microfluidic channel structures on the surface of a borosilicate glass slide by femtosecond laser direct writing for optical waveguide application. Liquid with a variable refractive index is fed into the microchannel, serving as the core of the waveguide. We demonstrate that either a multimode or a single-mode waveguide can be achieved by controlling the refractive index of the liquid. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America