983 resultados para semi-parabolic quantum well


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Low indium content InGaN/AlGaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs) have been grown on Si(111) substrate by metal-organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD). A new method of using an isoelectronic indium-doped AlGaN barrier has been found to be very effective in improving the crystalline quality and interfacial abruptness of InGaN quantum well layers. We grew five periods of In0.06Ga0.94N/Al0.20Ga0.80N:In MQWs with In-doped barrier layers and obtained strong near-ultraviolet (UV) emission (similar to 400 nm) at room temperature. An In-doped AlGaN barrier improves the room-temperature PL intensity of InGaN/AlGaN MQWs, making it a candidate barrier for a near-UV source on Si substrate.


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We calculate the electronic structures and binding energy of a hydrogenic impurity in a hierarchically self-assembled GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum dot (QD) in the framework of effective-mass envelope-function theory. The variation of the electronic structures and binding energy with the QD structure parameters and the position of the impurity are studied in detail. We find that (1) acceptor impurity energy levels depend more sensitively on the size of the QD than those of a donor impurity; (2) all impurity energy levels strongly depend on the GaAs quantum well (QW) width; (3) a donor impurity in the QD has only one binding energy level except when the GaAs QW is large; (4) an acceptor impurity in the QD has two binding energy levels, which correspond to heavy- and light-hole quantum states; (5) the binding energy has a maximum value when the impurity is located below the symmetry axis along the growth direction; and (6) the binding energy has a minimum value when the impurity is located at the top corner of the QD. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We investigate the effect of rapid thermal annealing on InGaNAs/GaAs quantum wells. At optimized annealing temperatures and times, the greatest enhancement of the photoluminescence intensity is obtained by a special two-step annealing process. To identify the mechanism affecting the material quality during the rapid thermal annealing, differential temperature analysis is applied, and temperature- and power-dependent photoluminescence is carried out on the samples annealed under different conditions. Our experiment reveals that some composition redistribution or other related ordering process may occur in the quantum-well layer during annealing. Annealing at a lower temperature for a long time primarily can remove defects and dislocations while annealing at a higher temperature for a short time primarily homogenizes the composition in the quantum wells.


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The effects of various InGaAs layers on the structural and optical properties of InAs self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) grown by molecular-beam epitaxy ( MBE) were investigated. The emission wavelength of 1317 nm was obtained by embedding InAs QDs in InGAs/GgAs quantum well. The temperature-dependent and timed-resolved photoluminescence (TDPL and TRPL) were used to study the dynamic characteristics of carriers. InGaAs cap layer may improve the quality of quantum dots for the strain relaxation around QDs, which results in a stronger PL intensity and an increase of PL peak lifetime up to 170 K. We found that InGaAs buffer layer may reduce the PL peak lifetime of InAs QDs, which is due to the buffer layer accelerating the carrier migration. The results also show that InGaAs cap layer can increase the temperature point when, the thermal reemission and nonradiative recombination contribute significantly to the carrier dynamics.


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GaAsN bulk and GaAsN/GaAs single quantum wells grown by molecular beam epitaxy are studied by selectively excited photoluminescence (PL) measurements. A significant difference is observed in the PL spectra when the excitation energy is set below or above the band gap of GaAs for the GaAsN/GaAs quantum well samples, while the spectral features of GaAsN bulk are not sensitive to the excitation energy. The observed difference in PL of the GaAsN/GaAs quantum well samples is attributed to the exciton localization effect at the GaAsN/GaAs interfaces, which is directly correlated with the transfer and trap processes of the photogenerated carriers from GaAs into GaAsN through the heterointerfaces. This interface-related exciton localization effect can be greatly reduced by a rapid thermal annealing process, making the PL be dominated by the intrinsic delocalized transition in GaAsN/GaAs. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Selectively photo-excited C-V spectroscopy has been measured in an In0.5Ga0.5As quantum dots (QDs)-embedded, three barrier-two well heterostructure. By comparing with a theoretical capacitance model, the pure capacitive contribution from In0.5Ga0.5As QDs, due to tunnelling coupling between In0.5Ga0.5As QDs and In0.18Ga0.82As quantum well, has been used to obtain the density of charges from photo-excited In0.5Ga0.5As QDs in a very straightforward manner.


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GaAsSb/GaAs single quantum wells (SQWs) grown by molecular beam epitaxy are studied by selectively-excited photoluminescence (SEPL) measurement. For the first time, we have simultaneously observed the PL, from both type I and type II transitions in GaAsSb/GaAs heterostructure in the SEPL. The two transitions exhibit different PL, behaviours under different excitation energy. As expected, the peak energy of type I emission remains constant in the whole excitation energy range we used, while type U transition shows a significant blue shift with increasing excitation energy. The observed blue shift is well explained in terms of electron-hole charge separation model at the interface. Time-resolved(TR) PL exhibits more type 11 characteristic of GaAsSb/GaAs QW. Moreover, the results of the excitation-power-dependent PL and TRPL provide more direct information on the type-II nature of the band alignment in GaAsSb/GaAs quantum-well structures. By combining the experimental results with some simple calculations, we have obtained the strained and unstrained valence band offsets of Q(v) = 1.145 and Q(v)(0) = 0. 76 in our samples, respectively.


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The structure and optical properties of In(Ga)As with the introduction of InGaAlAs or InAlAs seed dot layers are investigated. The area density and size homogeneity of the upper InGaAs dots are efficiently improved by the introduction of a buried layer of high-density dots. Our explanation for the realization of high density and size homogeneity dots is presented. When the GaAs spacer layer is too thin to cover the seed dots, the upper dots exhibit some optical properties like those of a quantum well. By analyzing the growth dynamics, we refer to this kind of dot as an empty-core dot. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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The structure and optical properties of In(Ga)As grown with the introduction of InGaAlAs or InAlAs seed dots layers are investigated. The area density and size homogeneity of the upper InGaAs dots are efficiently improved with the introduction of a layer of high-density buried dots. When the GaAs spacer layer is too thin to cover the seed dots, the upper dots exhibit the characterization of a quantum well. By analyzing the growth dynamics, we refer to it as an empty-core structure dot. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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GaAsSb/GaAs single quantum wells grown by molecular-beam epitaxy are studied by selectively excited photoluminescence measurements. We have simultaneously observed the photoluminescence (PL) from both type-I and type-II transitions in the samples. The two transitions exhibit different PL behavior under different excitation energies. As expected, the peak energy of the type-I emission remains constant in the entire excitation energy range we used, while the type-II transition shows a significant blueshift with increasing excitation energy. The observed blueshift can be well explained by an electron-hole charge separation model at interface. This result, along with the excitation-power-dependent PL and the measured longer carrier decay time, provides more direct information on the type-II nature of the band alignment in GaAsSb/GaAs quantum well structures. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Confirmation of quantum dot lasing have been given by photoluminescence and electro-luminescence spectra. Energy levels of QD laser are distinctively resolved due to band filling effect, and the lasing energy of quantum dot laser is much lower than quantum well laser. The energy barrier at InAs/GaAs interface due to the built-in strain in self-organized system has been determined experimentally by deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). Such barrier has been predicted by previous theories and can be explained by the apexes appeared in the interface between InAs and GaAs caused by strain.


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The magneto-Stark effect in a diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) coupled quantum well (CQW) induced by an in-plane magnetic field is investigate theoretically. Unlike the usual electro-Stark effects, in a DMS CQW the Lorenz force leads to a spatially separated exciton. The in-plane magnetic field can shift the ground state of the magnetoexciton from a zero in-plane center of mass (CM)/momentum to a finite CM momentum, and render the ground state of magnetoexciton stable against radiative recombination due to momentum conservation. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Using time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) measurements, we have studied the exciton localization effect in InGaAs/GaAs quantum wire (QWR) structures formed in corrugated narrow InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells (QWs) grown on (553)B GaAs substrate. The PL decay time in the QWR structure was found to be independent of the temperature for T < 70 K, showing a typical dynamical behavior of the localized excitons. This result is in striking contrast to the corresponding quantum well structures, where a linear increase of the PL decay time was observed. In addition, an increase of the exciton lifetime was observed at low temperature for the QWR structure as compared to a reference InGaAs/GaAs quantum well sample (1200 vs 400 ps). The observed longer decay time was attributed to the reduction in the spatial coherence of excitons in the QWR-like structure. In PL measurements, a significant polarization anisotropy was also found in our narrow InGaAs/GaAs QWs grown on (553)B GaAs. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Electron cyclotron resonance CR) measurements have been carried out in magnetic fields up to 32 T to study electron-phonon interaction in two heavily modulation-delta -doped GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As single-quantum-well samples. No measurable resonant magnetopolaron effects were observed in either sample in the region of the GaAs longitudinal optical (LO) phonons. However, when the CR frequency is above LO phonon frequency, omega (LO)=E-LO/(h) over bar, at high magnetic fields (B>27 T), electron CR exhibits a strong avoided-level-crossing splitting for both samples at frequencies close to (omega (LO)+ (E-2-E-1)1 (h) over bar, where E-2, and E-1 are the energies of the bottoms of the second and the first subbands, respectively. The energy separation between the two branches is large with the minimum separation of 40 cm(-1) occurring at around 30.5 T. A detailed theoretical analysis, which includes a self-consistent calculation of the band structure and the effects of electron-phonon interaction on the CR, shows that this type of splitting is due to a three-level resonance between the second Landau level of the first electron subband and the lowest Landau level of the second subband plus one GaAs LO phonon. The absence of occupation effects in the final states and weak screening or this three-level process yields large energy separation even in the presence of high electron densities. Excellent agreement between the theory and the experimental results is obtained.


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We have investigated the photo-excited capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics as well as the photoluminescence spectra under different biases of a wide quantum well (QW) embedded in an n(+)-i-n(+) double-barrier structure. The pronounced peak feature at zero bias in the C-V spectrum observed upon illumination is regarded as a kind of quantum capacitance related to the quantum confined Stark effect, originating from the spatial separation of the photo-generated electron and hole gas in the QW. This fact is further demonstrated through the comparison between the C-V curve with the PL intensity versus applied voltage relationship under the same excitation. The results may provide us with a more direct and sensitive means in the detection of the separation and accumulation of both types of free carriers-electrons and holes-in low-dimensional semiconductor structures, especially in a new type of optical memory cell.