982 resultados para saturation


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Stations on Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines ordinarily control line capacity because they act as bottlenecks. At stations with passing lanes, congestion may occur when buses maneuvering into and out of the platform stopping lane interfere with bus flow, or when a queue of buses forms upstream of the station blocking inflow. We contend that, as bus inflow to the station area approaches capacity, queuing will become excessive in a manner similar to operation of a minor movement on an unsignalized intersection. This analogy was used to treat BRT station operation and to analyze the relationship between station queuing and capacity. We conducted microscopic simulation to study and analyze operating characteristics of the station under near steady state conditions through output variables of capacity, degree of saturation and queuing. In the first of two stages, a mathematical model was developed for all stopping buses potential capacity with bus to bus interference and the model was validated. Secondly, a mathematical model was developed to estimate the relationship between average queue and degree of saturation and calibrated for a specified range of controlled scenarios of mean and coefficient of variation of dwell time.


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Pebble matrix filtration (PMF) is a water treatment technology that can remove suspended solids in highly turbid surface water during heavy storms. PMF typically uses sand and natural pebbles as filter media. Hand-made clay pebbles (balls) can be used as alternatives to natural pebbles in PMF treatment plants, where natural pebbles are not readily available. Since the high turbidity is a seasonal problem that occurs during heavy rains, the use of newly developed composite clay balls instead of pure clay balls have the advantage of removing other pollutants such as natural organic matter (NOM) during other times. Only the strength properties of composite clay balls are described here as the pollutant removal is beyond the scope of this paper. These new composite clay balls must be able to withstand dead and live loads under dry and saturated conditions in a filter assembly. Absence of a standard ball preparation process and expected strength properties of composite clay balls were the main reasons behind the present study. Five different raw materials from industry wastes: Red Mud (RM), Water Treatment Alum Sludge (S), Shredded Paper (SP), Saw Dust (SD), and Sugar Mulch (SM) were added to common clay brick mix (BM) in different proportions. In an effort to minimize costs, in this study clay balls were fired to 1100 0C at a local brick factory together with their bricks. A comprehensive experimental program was performed to evaluate crushing strength of composite hand-made clay balls, using uniaxial compression test to establish the best material combination on the basis of strength properties for designing sustainable filter media for water treatment plants. Performance at both construction and operating stages were considered by analyzing both strength properties under fully dry conditions and strength degradation after saturation in a water bath. The BM-75% as the main component produced optimum combination in terms of workability and strength. With the material combination of BM-75% and additives-25%, the use of Red Mud and water treatment sludge as additives produced the highest and lowest strength of composite clay balls, with a failure load of 5.4 kN and 1.4 kN respectively. However, this lower value of 1.4 kN is much higher than the effective load on each clay ball of 0.04 kN in a typical filter assembly (safety factor of 35), therefore, can still be used as a suitable filter material for enhanced pollutant removal.


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In this study, a non-linear excitation controller using inverse filtering is proposed to damp inter-area oscillations. The proposed controller is based on determining generator flux value for the next sampling time which is obtained by maximising reduction rate of kinetic energy of the system after the fault. The desired flux for the next time interval is obtained using wide-area measurements and the equivalent area rotor angles and velocities are predicted using a non-linear Kalman filter. A supplementary control input for the excitation system, using inverse filtering approach, to track the desired flux is implemented. The inverse filtering approach ensures that the non-linearity introduced because of saturation is well compensated. The efficacy of the proposed controller with and without communication time delay is evaluated on different IEEE benchmark systems including Kundur's two area, Western System Coordinating Council three-area and 16-machine, 68-bus test systems.


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Many consumer markets are now characterized by a high degree of market saturation and an increasing level of competition, in particular from retailer brands. Furthermore, consumers face an ever increasing level of product variety. For instance, about 30,000 new products in the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) market have been launched in Germany in a single year representing about 600 products per week. The increasing number of consumer brands thus has led to a form of “brand inflation” in FMCG markets. In addition, the role of consumers in the marketplace has changed as well. Consumers are more price sensitive, they have higher expectations with regard to product quality and customer service, and they rely rather on word-of-mouth communication than on traditional advertising. In addition, it appears that consumers have become more critical with regard to the perception of brands. High levels of price competition have led to a decreasing level of brand awareness and increased switching intentions of brands. As a consequence, the role of customer loyalty has become an increasingly important topic for businesses in consumer markets.


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In this work we discuss the development of a mathematical model to predict the shift in gas composition observed over time from a producing CSG (coal seam gas) well, and investigate the effect that physical properties of the coal seam have on gas production. A detailed (local) one-dimensional, two-scale mathematical model of a coal seam has been developed. The model describes the competitive adsorption and desorption of three gas species (CH4, CO2 and N2) within a microscopic, porous coal matrix structure. The (diffusive) flux of these gases between the coal matrices (microscale) and a cleat network (macroscale) is accounted for in the model. The cleat network is modelled as a one-dimensional, volume averaged, porous domain that extends radially from a central well. Diffusive and advective transport of the gases occurs within the cleat network, which also contains liquid water that can be advectively transported. The water and gas phases are assumed to be immiscible. The driving force for the advection in the gas and liquid phases is taken to be a pressure gradient with capillarity also accounted for. In addition, the relative permeabilities of the water and gas phases are considered as functions of the degree of water saturation.


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Critical illness, acute renal failure and continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) are associated with changes in pharmacokinetics. Initial antibiotic dose should be based on published volume of distribution and generally be at least the standard dose, as volume of distribution is usually unchanged or increased. Subsequent doses should be based on total clearance. Total clearance varies with the CRRT clearance which mainly depends on effluent flow rate, sieving coefficient/saturation coefficient. As antibiotic clearance by healthy kidneys is usually higher than clearance by CRRT, except for colistin, subsequent doses should generally be lower than given to patients without renal dysfunction. In the future therapeutic drug monitoring, together with sophisticated pharmacokinetic models taking into account the pharmacokinetic variability, may enable more appropriate individualized dosing.


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This thesis improves our insight towards the effects of using biodiesels on the particulate matter emission of diesel engines and contributes to our understanding of their potential adverse health effects. The novelty of this project is the use of biodiesel fuel with controlled chemical composition that enables us to relate changes of physiochemical properties of particles to specific properties of the biodiesel. For the first time, the possibility of a correlation of the volatility and the Reactive Oxygen Species concentration of the particles is investigated versus the saturation, oxygen content and carbon chain length of the fuel.


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This paper aims to trace surface evolution in the wheel-rail interface using data obtained from a twin-disc testing machine and the surface replication technique. Changes in the surface profile of the rail testing disc are explicitly analysed according to the wear mechanism, which helps elaborate a better understanding of the attrition of asperities during the wearing-in process of surface modification. The surface profile amplitude was seen to decrease during the initial running-in phase of the experiment cycle, and after reaching a saturation value, the profile amplitude then increased. Ultimately the results show that grinding will roughen the rail surface and the wheel-rail contact conditions will then remove this surface damage to some saturation value of the profile height. The variation in the rail surface profile beyond this point is then only dependant on the contact conditions which exist between the wheel and rail during normal operation.


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The measurement of radon ((222)Rn) activity flux using activated charcoal canisters was examined to investigate the distribution of the adsorbed (222)Rn in the charcoal bed and the relationship between (222)Rn activity flux and exposure time. The activity flux of (222)Rn from five sources of varying strengths was measured for exposure times of one, two, three, five, seven, 10, and 14 days. The distribution of the adsorbed (222)Rn in the charcoal bed was obtained by dividing the bed into six layers and counting each layer separately after the exposure. (222)Rn activity decreased in the layers that were away from the exposed surface. Nevertheless, the results demonstrated that only a small correction might be required in the actual application of charcoal canisters for activity flux measurement, where calibration standards were often prepared by the uniform mixing of radium ((226)Ra) in the matrix. This was because the diffusion of (222)Rn in the charcoal bed and the detection efficiency as a function of the charcoal depth tended to counterbalance each other. The influence of exposure time on the measured (222)Rn activity flux was observed in two situations of the canister exposure layout: (a) canister sealed to an open bed of the material and (b) canister sealed over a jar containing the material. The measured (222)Rn activity flux decreased as the exposure time increased. The change in the former situation was significant with an exponential decrease as the exposure time increased. In the latter case, lesser reduction was noticed in the observed activity flux with respect to exposure time. This reduction might have been related to certain factors, such as absorption site saturation or the back diffusion of (222)Rn gas occurring at the canister-soil interface.


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This is the first report on studies carried out in detail on high-pressure oxygen copolymerization (> 50 psi) of the vinyl monomers styrene and alpha-methylstyrene (AMS). The saturation pressure of oxygen for AMS oxidation, hitherto obscure, is found to be 300 psi. Whereas the ease of oxidation is more favorable for styrene, the rate and yield of polyperoxide formation are higher for AMS. This is explained on the basis of the reactivity of the corresponding alkyl and peroxy radicals. Below 50 degrees C, degradation of the poly(styrene peroxide) formed is about 2.5 times less than that observed above 50 degrees C, so much so that it gives a break in the rate curve, and thereafter the rate is lowered. Normal free radical kinetics is followed before the break point, after which the monomer and initiator exponents become unusually high. This is interpreted on the basis of chain transfer to the degradation products. The low molecular weight of polyperoxides has been attributed to the (i) low reactivity of RO(2)(.) toward the monomer, (ii) chain transfer to degradation products, (iii) facile cleavage of O-O bond, followed by unzipping to nonradical products, and (iv) higher stability of the reinitiating radicals. At lower temperatures, (i) predominates, whereas at higher temperatures, chiefly (ii)-(iv) are the case.


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Modeling and analysis of wave propagation in elastic solids undergoing damage and growth process are reported in this paper. Two types of diagnostic problems, (1) the propagation of waves in the presence of a slow growth process and (2) the propagation of waves in the presence of a fast growth process, are considered. The proposed model employs a slow and a fast time scale and a homogenization technique in the wavelength scale. A detailed analysis of wave dispersion is carried out. A spectral analysis reveals certain low-frequency bands, where the interaction between the wave and the growth process produces acoustic metamaterial-like behavior. Various practical issues in designing an efficient method of acousto-ultrasonic wave based diagnostics of the growth process are discussed. Diagnostics of isotropic damage in a ductile or quasi-brittle solid by using a micro-second pulsating signal is considered for computer simulations, which is to illustrate the practical application of the proposed modeling and analysis. The simulated results explain how an estimate of signal spreading can be effectively employed to detect the presence of a steady-state damage or the saturation of a process.


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We have studied the low magnetic field high temperature region of the H-T phase diagram of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 single crystals using the technique of non-resonant rf response at a frequency of 20 MHz. With H(rf)parallel to a, H parallel to c, the isothermal magnetic field scans below T-c show that the frequency f(H) of the tank circuit decreases continuously with increase in H before saturating at H similar to H-D(T). Such a decrease in f(H) reflects increasing rf penetration into the weakly screened region between CuO bilayers. The saturation of f(H) at its lowest value for H similar to H-D(T) indicates complete rf penetration land hence the disappearance of field dependence) due to the vanishing of the screening rf currents I-rf(c) in those regions or equivalently when the phase coherence between adjacent superconducting layers vanishes. Therefore H,(T) represents the decoupling of the adjacent superconducting bilayers, and hence also a 3D to 2D decoupling transition of the vortex structure. Simultaneous monitoring of the field dependent rf power dissipation P(H) shows a maximum in dP/dH at H-D(T). The observed H-D(T) line in many crystals is in excellent agreement with the (l/t-1) behavior proposed for decoupling.


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Total strain controlled low cycle fatigue tests on 316L(N) stainless steel have been conducted in air at various strain rates in the temperature range of 773-873 K to identify the operative time-dependent mechanisms and to understand their influence on the cyclic deformation and fracture behaviour of the alloy. The cyclic stress response at all the testing conditions was marked by an initial hardening followed by stress saturation. A negative strain rate stress response is observed under specific testing conditions which is attributed to dynamic strain ageing (DSA). Transmission electron microscopy studies reveal that there is an increase in the dislocation density and enhanced slip planarity in the DSA regime. Fatigue life is found to decrease with a decrease in strain rate. The degradation in fatigue resistance is attributed to the detrimental effects associated with DSA and oxidation. Quantitative measurement of secondary cracks indicate that both transgranular and intergranular cracking are accelerated predominantly under conditions conducive to DSA.


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This paper presents a motion control system for tracking of attitude and speed of an underactuated slender-hull unmanned underwater vehicle. The feedback control strategy is developed using the Port-Hamiltonian theory. By shaping of the target dynamics (desired dynamic response in closed loop) with particular attention to the target mass matrix, the influence of the unactuated dynamics on the controlled system is suppressed. This results in achievable dynamics independent of stable uncontrolled states. Throughout the design, the insight of the physical phenomena involved is used to propose the desired target dynamics. Integral action is added to the system for robustness and to reject steady disturbances. This is achieved via a change of coordinates that result in input-to-state stable (ISS) target dynamics. As a final step in the design, an anti-windup scheme is implemented to account for limited actuator capacity, namely saturation. The performance of the design is demonstrated through simulation with a high-fidelity model.


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Self-assembled monolayers of fatty acids were formed on stainless steel by room-temperature solution deposition. The acids are covalently bound to the Surface as carboxylate in a bidentate manner. To explore the effect Of Saturation in the carbon backbone on friction in sliding tribology, we Study the response of saturated stearic acid (SA) and unsaturated linoleic acid (LA) as self-assembled monolayers using lateral force microscopy and nanotribometry and when the molecules are dispersed in hexadecane, using pin-on-disc tribometry. Over a very wide range (10 MPa-2.5 GPa) of contact pressures it is consistently demonstrated that the unsaturated linoleic acid molecules yield friction which is significantly lower than that of the saturated stearic acid. it is argued, using density functional theory predictions and XPS of slid track, that when the molecular backbone of unsaturated fatty acids are tilted and pressed strongly by a probe, in tribological contact, the high charge density of the double bond region of the backbone allows coupling with the steel Substrate. The interaction yields a low friction carboxylate soap film on the substrate. The saturated fatty acid does not show this effect.