445 resultados para ruído


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Numa conversação qualquer, se a intercompreensão entre emissor e receptor torna-se duvidosa, verifica-se a tentativa de restabelecerem-na a partir de metalinguagens que encontremum termo comum entre eles. A análise desses momentos de uma conversação torna possívelverificar a variação lingüística entre os interlocutores, por eles próprios destacada, de maneiramais segura e objetiva. Assim, o propósito deste trabalho é caracterizar esses momentos deperda da situação de comunicação e suas tentativas de restabelecimento, sobre um corpus colhidoem pesquisa de campo realizada pelo próprio autor.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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A clinical investigation was undertaken to find out the prevalence of craniomandibular signs and symptoms in a group of 11 patients with labiopalatal lesions. The number and distribution of occlusal contacts was evaluated through questionnaire, clinical examination and analysis of mounted casts in partially adjustable articulators in the position of maximum inter cuspation. The most frequent signs and symptoms were articular sounds and lateral pterygoid muscle tenderness to palpation followed by restriction of mouth opening and sensation of tiredness. The number of occlusal contacts was small, mean of 5 contacts per patient, and the site was considered as atypical, 62% of them were on inclined plane surfaces , suggesting occlusal instability. The frequency of signs and symptoms was low and they were of a mild character. The most prevailing signs of craniomandibular dysfunction - articular sounds, muscular tenderness to palpation and restriction of mouth opening - was noticed in only one of the patients


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We surveyed subjective symptoms of 600 patients referred to the Occlusion and Craniomandibular Dysfunction Center of the School of Dentistry, Campus of São José dos Campos São Paulo, Brazil. We have only considered those symptoms reported by the patients as major complaints. Our purpose on this project was to draw a profile of the disease considering sex, age and incidence of the symptoms that presented themselves or associated with others. Findings were that we found a significant larger number of women, 82.83%, comparing with 17.17% of men. Most of the patients belonged to the third decade, followed by the fourth and second. The most frequent symptom was pain on TMJ region, 42%, followed by TMJ noises, 26.6%, facial pain, 15.5%, earache, 14.5% and headache, 12.1%. The symptom TMJ noises showed to be statistically more significant in men, while headaches, pain in the neck region and temporary locking were more frequent in women. The most frequent association between two symptoms was: TMJ noises with TMJ pain, earache with headache and TMJ pain with earache. There was no statistical difference between sexes. The most frequent association of three symptoms was: TMJ noises together with TMJ pain and pain or difficulty in chewing


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Esta pesquisa analisou as diversas soluções para atenuar os níveis de ruído dos tratores e propor um projeto de redução do ruído na sua fonte. Para tal, se propôs projetar, executar e testar alterações em componentes mecânicos causadores de ruído nos tratores, fazendo com que esses níveis se enquadrem em valores considerados salubres. Todas alterações e ensaios foram executados num trator Massey Ferguson MF 290. Para a redução do ruído foram atacados as 3 fontes principais de ruído do trator : o sistema de exaustão de gases, a hélice do sistema de arrefecimento e o sistema de admissão de ar. Como conclusão final pode-se afirmar que é possível atenuar o ruído de tratores agrícolas até níveis salubres (que não causem perda de audição a seus operadores), atuando-se exclusivamente nas fontes de ruído (motor e seus acessórios).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A novel AC Biosusceptometry (ACB) system with thirteen sensors it was implemented and characterized in vitro using magnetic phantoms. The system presenting coils in a coaxial arrangement with one pair of excitation coil outside and thirteen pairs of detection coils inside. A first-order gradiometric configuration was utilized for optimal detection of magnetic signals. Several physical parameters such as baseline, number of turns, excitation field and diameters were studied for improvement of the signal/noise ratio. This system exhibits an enhanced sensitivity and spatial resolution, due to the higher density of sensors/area. In the future those characteristics will turn possible to obtain images of magnetic marker or tracer in the gastrointestinal tract focusing on physiological and pharmaceutical studies. ACB emerged due to its interesting nature, noninvasiveness and low cost to investigate gastrointestinal parameters and this system can contribute for more accurate interpretation of biomedical signals and images


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Almost forty years computed tomography (CT) has been one of the most powerful tools in diagnostic imaging. However, this modality delivers relatively high doses to their patients. It is known that the inappropriate use and unnecessary radiation may be associated with a significant risk of cancer, especially in pediatric patients. Moreover, the quality assurance in CT, provided and required by Portaria 453/98 and the guide of the RE 1016/05, ensures that the images generated by computer tomography provide reliable diagnostic information with doses as low as reasonably achievable. This research aimed to make the quality control (QC) of CT equipment; establish a better relationship between dose and noise on the image to protocols of skull CT according to the study of optimization proposed in 2005 by Daros; and assess the dose distribution in different cranial organs for protocols of adult and pediatric use in the routine of the Department of Diagnostic Imaging of HCFMB-UNESP. The equipment used for testing QC, optimization and dosimetry was a third generation tomograph GE Sytec 3000i