868 resultados para rhetoric and philosophy


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Over the past decade the topic of genetic engineering has been has been readily debated in the media, but often these debates consist of political rhetoric and fail to offer objective information on the methods and the potential benefits to human health and their environment. In truth, humans have been manipulating the genomes of organisms for thousands of years, and it has been an evolution of scientific knowledge that has led to the more precise methods of genetic engineering. This paper discusses how scientists utilize natural processes to alter the genetic constituents of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, benefits to human health and the environment, as well as potential misuses of biotechnology such as bioterrorism.


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En las décadas de 1960 y 1970 convergen varias de las líneas que, desde principios del siglo XX, habían centrado las discusiones en torno del Barroco. Tanto en Europa como en América, y desde diversas disciplinas -filología, ensayo literario, retórica, historia, filosofía, psicoanálisis- el Barroco es visto como un punto de partida de la cultura moderna. En 1975 José Antonio Maravall publica La cultura del Barroco, definida como un concepto histórico, en oposición a la teoría de los eones y las constantes desarrollada por Eugenio d'Ors. Para Maravall el Barroco vincula a España con el surgimiento de la modernidad. Años antes, el cubano José Lezama Lima ve en el Barroco el puente que establece la continuidad entre la cultura española y la americana, lanzándola hacia el futuro. Y en el París de la década de 1970, Severo Sarduy introduce el barroco y neobarroco entre los conceptos que circulan en el intenso intercambio intelectual del momento. Proponemos un abordaje de la cuestión en el cruce de esas líneas diversas


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En las décadas de 1960 y 1970 convergen varias de las líneas que, desde principios del siglo XX, habían centrado las discusiones en torno del Barroco. Tanto en Europa como en América, y desde diversas disciplinas -filología, ensayo literario, retórica, historia, filosofía, psicoanálisis- el Barroco es visto como un punto de partida de la cultura moderna. En 1975 José Antonio Maravall publica La cultura del Barroco, definida como un concepto histórico, en oposición a la teoría de los eones y las constantes desarrollada por Eugenio d'Ors. Para Maravall el Barroco vincula a España con el surgimiento de la modernidad. Años antes, el cubano José Lezama Lima ve en el Barroco el puente que establece la continuidad entre la cultura española y la americana, lanzándola hacia el futuro. Y en el París de la década de 1970, Severo Sarduy introduce el barroco y neobarroco entre los conceptos que circulan en el intenso intercambio intelectual del momento. Proponemos un abordaje de la cuestión en el cruce de esas líneas diversas


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En las décadas de 1960 y 1970 convergen varias de las líneas que, desde principios del siglo XX, habían centrado las discusiones en torno del Barroco. Tanto en Europa como en América, y desde diversas disciplinas -filología, ensayo literario, retórica, historia, filosofía, psicoanálisis- el Barroco es visto como un punto de partida de la cultura moderna. En 1975 José Antonio Maravall publica La cultura del Barroco, definida como un concepto histórico, en oposición a la teoría de los eones y las constantes desarrollada por Eugenio d'Ors. Para Maravall el Barroco vincula a España con el surgimiento de la modernidad. Años antes, el cubano José Lezama Lima ve en el Barroco el puente que establece la continuidad entre la cultura española y la americana, lanzándola hacia el futuro. Y en el París de la década de 1970, Severo Sarduy introduce el barroco y neobarroco entre los conceptos que circulan en el intenso intercambio intelectual del momento. Proponemos un abordaje de la cuestión en el cruce de esas líneas diversas


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In 2012 the Philippines launched its "K to 12" Program, a comprehensive reform of its basic education. Through this reform, the Philippines is catching up with global standards in secondary education and is attaching a high value to kindergarten. The structure, curricula, and philosophy of the education system are undergoing reform and improvement. The key points of the new policy are "preparation" for higher education, "eligibility" for entering domestic and overseas higher educational institutions, and immediate "employability" on graduating, all leading toward a "holistically developed Filipino". This policy appears admirable and timely, but it faces some pedagogical and socioeconomic problems. The author wants to point out in particular that the policy needs to address gender problems and should be combined with demand-side approaches in order to promote poverty alleviation and human development in the Philippines.


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The innocent Job suffers, friends are no help, and then Job screams at Yahweh, demanding justice. The first surprise is that Yehweh responds to Job, does not criticize him but tells him he is ignorant, and then gives him a science lesson. The content of that lesson is the second surprise.


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A number of confusions plague the debate concerning religion and evolution. Included here are the belief that religion and science must be incompatible and the thesis that evolution is evidence for atheism. Clearing up these confusions helps remove obstacles to genuine dialogue, while acknowledging that difficulties remain.


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How can we best interpret the traditional Christian affirmation that human beings are made in God's image in light of contact and dialogue between religion and science? And what, if any, are the environmental implications of this conversation between the two?


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Recent scholarship suggests that religion should be conceived in terms of embodied social practices as much as (if not more than) a set of systematic beliefs. Such accounts of religion, I will argue, raise problems that have not been adequately treated in current discussion of the role of religion in liberal society.


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How is it that one of the most famous Christian thinkers - Soren Kierkegaard -- and one of the most famous contemporary secular thinkers -- Jurgen Habermas - both agree: the religious has nothing to say in the public realm of social, ethical discourse.


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Contemporary pluralism is best represented as a set of rival worldviews. Secularism and religion represent the dominant worldviews in our society. But moves to exclude religious views because they are based on faith are misguided since political philosophies also, and unavoidably, depend on "faith".


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Reformed epidemiologists like Alvin Plantinga and William Alston are well known for their view that one can rationally believe that God exists without believing on the basis of any evidence - scientific, philosophical, or otherwise. I defend reformed epistemology from objections (including one having to do with clairvoyance), and I develop a view about the role that evidence should play in the rationality of theistic belief.