863 resultados para repairing dressing


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The effect of climate change on the shallow expansive foundation conditions of resident dwellings is costing several hundred billion dollars worldwide. The design and costs of constructing or repairing residential footings is greatly influenced by the degree of ground movement, which is driven by the magnitude of change in soil moisture. The impacts of climate change on urban infrastructure are expected to include accelerated degradation of materials and foundations of buildings and facilities, increased ground movement, changes in ground water affecting the chemical structure of foundations, and fatigue of structures from extreme storm events. Previous research found that residential houses that were built less than five years ago have suffered major cracks and other damage caused by slab movement after record rainfall. The Thornthwaite Moisture Index (TMI) categorises climate on the basis of rainfall, temperature, potential evapotranspiration and the water holding capacity of the soil. Originally TMI was mainly used to map soil moisture conditions for agriculture but soon became a method to predict pavement and foundation changes. Few researchers have developed TMI maps for Australia, but generally, their accuracy is low or unknown, and their use is limited. The aims of this paper are: (1) To produce accurate maps of TMI for the state of Victoria for 100 years (1913 to 2012) in 20 year periods using long-term historical climatic data and advanced spatial statistics methods in GIS, and (2) Analyse the spatial and temporal changes of TMI in Victoria. Preliminary results suggest that a better understanding of climate change through long-term TMI mapping can assist urban planning and guide construction regulations towards the development of cities which are more resilient.


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Matthew is a 15-year-old adolescent boy who lives with his parents, Boon Hock and Guek, and brother Benjamin in Melaka Malaysia. Matthew loves exercising in the park, going to school and dressing smartly like his brother. Matthew has an intellectual disability and autism, and attends a special school. In this story, Matthew's parents reflect on the time around the diagnoses of his disabilities, and their experiences with health care professionals. They describe the changes in Matthew as he has grown from child to adolescent. The impact of Matthew's developmental disabilities on his likfe and that of his brother and parents are explored, and their hopes and plans for the future are discussed


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Although the method of external attachment of CFRP to the concrete members is the most effective and economical solution for strengthening and repairing concrete structure in the century, the bonding issue between CFRP and the hosting surface still a challenge for the structural engineers. Many solutions are proposed to overcome the early debonding failure in the strengthened members. This paper reports an ongoing experimental program for testing CFRP retrofitted RC beams and slabs. Fifteen RC beams of dimensions 150x250x2300mm and twelve two- way RC slabs of size 85x1670x1670mm will be strengthened using different types of epoxies, different configurations and variable number of layers of CFRP strips (MBrace-230). Rubber modified epoxy will be used for carbon fibre external attachment using wet lay-up method. Loading frame of 500 kN capacity will be used for beams testing. While for applying uniformly distributed load on the slabs a purpose built attachment will be used. The experimental results will report on the ultimate load, failure mode, mid-span deflection, strains readings in different locations and the ductility for both groups of strengthened beams and slabs. A mathematical model will be developed to predict the behavior of RC beams and two-way slabs.


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This article explores the tensions inherent in how Kyrgyzstan's nationhood and statehood have been imagined and practised via an analysis of local reactions to the findings of the Kyrgyzstan Inquiry Commission's (KIC) investigation into the 2010 Osh violence and in particular the threat narrative that developed in opposition to the investigation. In the wake of the clashes that erupted in Osh in June 2010, a recurrent theme was calls from the international community for an independent investigation. Within Kyrgyzstan, however, some politicians argued that investigations violated the republic's sovereignty. Despite local reluctance, a number of investigations did subsequently take place. Yet the reports of the respective investigations did little to quell controversy, with the KIC report being strongly criticized and declared a threat to national security. The strength of feeling demonstrated by this reaction was indicative of long-standing and unresolved tensions in Kyrgyzstan between international and local imaginings of nationhood and statehood. The article concludes by arguing that nationhood and statehood need to be reimagined to focus on re-establishing state–society relations by both local and international actors in order for Kyrgyzstan to begin repairing the already fragile sociopolitical relationships that were grievously damaged by the violence and the subsequent investigations.


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Background Few guidelines exist for the initial management of wounds in disaster settings. As wounds sustained are often contaminated, there is a high risk of further complications from infection, both local and systemic. Healthcare workers with little to no surgical training often provide early wound care, and where resources and facilities are also often limited, and clear appropriate guidance is needed for early wound management. Methods We undertook a systematic review focusing on the nature of wounds in disaster situations, and the outcomes of wound management in recent disasters. We then presented the findings to an international consensus panel with a view to formulating a guideline for the initial management of wounds by first responders and subsequent healthcare personnel as they deploy. Results We included 62 studies in the review that described wound care challenges in a diverse range of disasters, and reported high rates of wound infection with multiple causative organisms. The panel defined a guideline in which the emphasis is on not closing wounds primarily but rather directing efforts toward cleaning, debridement, and dressing wounds in preparation for delayed primary closure, or further exploration and management by skilled surgeons. Conclusion Good wound care in disaster settings, as outlined in this article, can be achieved with relatively simple measures, and have important mortality and morbidity benefits. © 2014 Société Internationale de Chirurgie.


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The social importance of presentation and dress was explored in the context of ASC and various cognitive theories of autism using a range of socially relevant survey questions and tasks important to everyday presentation, demonstrating the relevance of dressing to the social obstacles commonly occurring among this population.


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A pilot study was conducted to compare gauze with silicone foam that may be left in place for as long as seven days. Adult patients who were receiving treatment via peripherally inserted central catheters were recruited and alternately assigned to either the gauze or silicone foam group. Patient-reported itch and discomfort, nurse-reported ease of removal, and skin status were recorded for four weeks at each weekly dressing change.


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This paper addresses the strain ageing effects on the mechanical properties of the partially damaged structural mild steel. Since repairing partly damaged structures may not occur immediately, the strain ageing effect can significantly influence the structural behaviour. The changes due to this effect have not so far been considered in the civil engineering design guidelines. In order to investigate strain ageing effects, two-stage experimental tests are carried out on the mild-steel specimens. In the first stage, partial damage is made using quasi-static loading. During the second stage, the strength and ductility of the specimens are examined after 2 and 7 days ‘ageing’ at room temperature and the results are compared with the corresponding no-age samples. The microstructure of the specimens is examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). To illustrate the effect of strain ageing on the global behaviour of steel structures, a numerical example is provided in which strain ageing impacts on loading capacity and deflection of a steel beam. Finally, the stress–strain relation of partially damaged mild-steel material incorporating strain ageing effects is expressed by calibrating the parameters of Ramberg–Osgood model.


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O trabalho consta do estudo teórico-experimental da influência do choque térmico na aderência de azulejos ao substrato. Inicialmente é feita uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os vários componentes envolvidos no processo, são relatados elementos para elaboração de projetos de revestimentos, a normalização vigente e dgurnas das patologias mais comuns encontradas nas cerâmicas, especialmente para os azulejos, bem como suas formas de reparos e locais de maior ocorrência. Os fundamentos da teoria sobre aderência sáo abordados em um capitulo especial. No capitulo seguinte são apresentados os ensaios realizados, quais sejam, ensaios de choque térmico e de resistência de aderência 8, tração de azulejos. Estes azulejos, em finção da produção industrial, são de dois tipos: os confeccionados pelo processo monoqueima e os pelo processo biqueirna, sendo cada grupo de amostras assentado com argamassa adesiva a base de cimento, argamassa adesiva convencional e argamassa adesiva com aditivo incorporador de ar. A avaliação dos experimentos realizados é feita pelos métodos estatisticos, comprovando a importância das juntas de assentamento no desempenho ao longo da vida util dos tipos de azulejos estudados, com os resuItados encontrados constantes neste trabalho.


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O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos de cargas animais de 240 e 320 kg PV/ha em campo nativo (T1 e T2, respectivamente), de 400 kg PV/ha em pastagem melhorada com azevém (Lolium multiflorum L.) por 80 dias pós-parto e, após, carga animal igual a T2 em campo nativo (T3), e do desmame dos terneiros aos 100 dias (DP) ou aos 180 dias (DC) de idade sobre o desempenho reprodutivo de vacas de corte primíparas Hereford e Braford, e sobre o desenvolvimento de seus terneiros. A taxa de prenhez (TP) não foi influenciada (P>0,05) pelos tratamentos (T1 = 93,8%; T2= 90,6%; T3= 100%), nem pela idade de desmame (DP= 97,8%; DC= 91,3%). Houve efeito significativo dos tratamentos (P<0,05) sobre a TP aos 21 dias (T1= 15,6%; T2= 0,0%; T3= 17,9%) e aos 42 dias (T1= 46,9%; T2= 37,5%; T3= 71,4%) após iniciada a estação de acasalamento. O intervalo entre partos (IEP) e o intervalo parto-concepção (IPC) foram influenciados (P<0,01) pelos tratamentos. O IEP e o IPC para T1, T2 e T3 foram 390,9; 399,0 e 386,8 dias e 105,9; 114,0 e 101,8 dias, respectivamente Terneiros filhos de vacas Braford no T2 foram mais pesados ao desmame (P<0,05) do que terneiros filhos de vacas da mesma raça no T1 e filhos de vacas Hereford no T2. Os terneiros do DP tiveram pesos ajustados aos 180 dias menores (P<0,01) do que os do DC (174,6 kg vs. 197,2 kg, respectivamente). Não houve efeito (P>0,05) dos tratamentos, nem da idade de desmame sobre o peso dos terneiros aos 365 dias de idade. Os novilhos do DP tiveram pesos de abate e de carcaça, aos 14 meses, inferiores (P<0,01) aos novilhos do DC. Entretanto, o ganho de peso e o rendimento de carcaça dos novilhos do DP foram superiores (P<0,01) aos novilhos do DC. Não houve efeito (P>0,05) da idade de desmame sobre a espessura de gordura subcutânea.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a mudança do desempenho operacional de empresas brasileiras que abriram capital no período de 2004 a 2008, utilizando uma metodologia ainda não usada em estudos que englobem uma amostra ampla de empresas brasileiras. A maioria dos trabalhos pesquisados, tanto brasileiros quanto internacionais, indicam queda do desempenho operacional das empresas após a abertura de capital. Na literatura, vários fatores e teorias são explicam a queda de desempenho operacional das empresas, tais como ampliação dos conflitos de agência, assimetria de informações, market timing, window dressing dos números do balanço pré-IPO, dentre outros. Neste estudo analisamos a performance de 69 empresas que abriram capital no período de 2004 a 2008. Os resultados encontrados permitem inferir que as empresas que abriram capital eram mais eficientes antes do IPO, comparadas a empresas de capital aberto do mesmo setor e tamanho semelhante não sendo possível identificar se houve mudança de desempenho operacional pós-IPO, controlando-se pelo desempenho de empresas similares.


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In the 1970s, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was discussed by Nobel laureate Milton Friedman in his article “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits.” (Friedman, 1970). His view on CSR was contemptuous as he referred to it as “hypocritical window-dressing” a reflection of the view of Corporate America on CSR back then. For a long time short-term maximization of shareholder value was the only maxim for top management across industries and companies. Over the last decade, CSR has become a more important and relevant factor of a company’s reputation, shifting the discussion from whether CSR is necessary to how best CSR commitments should be done (Smith, 2003). Inevitably, companies do have an environmental, social and economic impact, thereby imposing social costs on current and future generations. In 2013, 50 of the world biggest companies have been responsible for 73 percent of the total carbon dioxide (CO2) emission (Global 500 Climate Change Report 2013). Post et al. (2002) refer to these social costs as a company’s need to retain its “license to operate”. In the late 1990s, CSR reporting was nearly unknown, which drastically changed during the last decade. Allen White, co-founder of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), said that CSR reporting”… has evolved from the extraordinary to the exceptional to the expected” (Confino, 2013). In confirmation of this, virtually all of the world’s largest 250 companies report on CSR (93%) and reporting by now appears to be business standard (KPMG, 2013). CSR reports are a medium for transparency which may lead to an improved company reputation (Noked, 2013; Thorne et al, 2008; Wilburn and Wilburn, 2013). In addition, it may be used as part of an ongoing shareholder relations campaign, which may prevent shareholders from submitting Environmental and Social (E&S)1 proposals (Noked, 2013), based on an Ernst & Young report 1 The top five E&S proposal topic areas in 2013 were: 1. Political spending/ lobbying; 2. Environmental sustainability; 3. Corporate diversity/ EEO; 4.Labor/ human rights and 5. Animal testing/ animal welfare. Three groups of environmental sustainability proposal topics of sub-category number two (environmental sustainability) 6 2013, representing the largest category of shareholder proposals submitted. PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) even goes as far as to claim that CSR reports are “…becoming critical to a company’s credibility, transparency and endurance.” (PwC, 2013).


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Comparar o desenvolvimento de profissionais e estudantes de enfermagem quanto à realização da técnica de curativo. Metodologia: estudo descritivo com abordagem quantitativa. A amostra foi escolhida através de amostragem por conveniência, tendo participado da pesquisa 14 profissionais de enfermagem, que foram observados no período de março a junho de 2009, e 24 estudantes de enfermagem, regularmente matriculados no último período do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, os quais foram observados no período de março e maio de 2010. O procedimento de coleta de dados foi efetuado através da observação não participante e preenchimento de um roteiro semi-estruturado, após a aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley, sob Protocolo n. 011/09. Resultados: na maioria dos aspectos analisados, os estudantes se sobressaíram aos profissionais, principalmente com relação à lavagem das mãos, orientação do paciente e utilização de movimentos únicos para limpeza da ferida. Conclusão: os profissionais devem melhorar seu conhecimento, buscando atualização nessa área, e os estudantes devem ser supervisionados durante a realização do procedimento


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Chitosan is being studied for use as dressing due their biological properties. Aiming to expand the use in biomedical applications, chitosan membranes were modified by plasma using the following gases: nitrogen (N2), methane (CH4), argon (Ar), oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2). The samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), contact angle, surface energy and water absorption test. Biological Tests were also performed, such as: test sterilization and proliferation of fibroblasts (3T3 line). Through SEM we observed morphological changes occurring during the plasma treatment, the formation of micro and nano-sized valleys. MFA was used to analyze different roughness parameters (Ra, Rp, Rz) and surface topography. It was found that the treated samples had an increase in surface roughness and sharp peaks. Methane plasma treatment decreased the hydrophilicity of the membranes and also the rate of water absorption, while the other treatments turned the membranes hydrophilic. The sterilization was effective in all treatment times with the following gases: Ar, N2 and H2. With respect to proliferation, all treatments showed an improvement in cell proliferation increased in a range 150% to 250% compared to untreated membrane. The highlights were the treatments with Ar 60 min, O2 60 min, CH4 15 min. Observing the results of the analyzes performed in this study, it appears that there is no single parameter that influences cell proliferation, but rather a set of ideal conditions that favor cell proliferation


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the pain influence regarding location, intensity and duration over functional capacity in institutionalized elderly (Fundacao Leur Brito). This is a descriptive exploratory study with a transversal design and quantitative approach. The population of the study was composed of 60 elderly, being 50% males with 60 years-old minimum age and 104 years-old maximum age, with mean age 77,6 (?}11,64) years-old. Data was collected by a structured query formulary divided in four parts: 1) Social, health and demographic characterization; 2) Pain related aspects (time and location); 3) Pain evaluation by numeric scale and 4) Functional capacity measured by Barthel Index. It was observed after evaluation by Squared-chi test (x2) statistical significant difference between pain presence and Barthel Index activities: bath (pvalue=0,015), dressing (p-value= 0,041), intimal hygiene transference (p-value=0,001), chair and bed transference (p-value=0,032), walking (p-value=0,010) and go upstairs (p-value=0,008). It was also observed statistical difference between total Barthel score (dependent/independent) and pain presence, p-value<0, 000. Through data obtained by this study, a multiprofessional approach is necessary to proper pain control and maintenance and/or regain of functional capacity, leading to an increase in life quality with more independence and autonomy to elderly