1000 resultados para red inalámbrica


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The physical properties and fertility of the soil are important factors in the formation and establishment of pasture. Changes in physical properties affect the movement of water, air, nutrients and roots, which, in turn, affect the productivity and longevity of pastures. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical properties of the soil and the dry matter yield of a pasture with signalgrass cv. Basilisk (Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk), fertilized with increasing nitrogen doses (N), on a dystrophic Red-Yellow Latosol. The experiment was conducted on the Fazenda Rio Manso of the Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, in Couto de Magalhães de Minas, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. To evaluate the annual forage yield, a split plot scheme in a randomized block design with four replications was used, with N doses (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg/ha/year) in the plots and growing seasons (first and second) in the subplots. For soil evaluation, a split plot scheme was used with N doses (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 kg/ha/cut) in the plots and three sampling times (prior to the experiment, at the end of the first growing season and at the end of the second growing season) in the subplots in a randomized block design with four replications. This analysis was performed separately at two soil depths (0-3 and 10-13 cm). Forage samples were analyzed for the annual dry matter yield (DMY), and soil samples were analyzed for pre-consolidation pressure (σp), initial soil bulk density (Bd), total pore volume (TPV) and void index (Vd). Higher nitrogen doses increased the dry matter yield of signalgrass pasture and the pre-consolidation pressure of the soil. The total pore volume and void index decreased, and the initial soil bulk density increased, though without promoting soil compaction.


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In modern agriculture, several factors cause changes in the soil physical properties. The time of establishment of a crop (plantation age) and the slope are examples of factors that moderate the impact of mechanized operations on the soil structure. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of machinery traffic on the physical properties of a Red-Yellow Latosol under coffee plantations with different ages (2, 7, 18, and 33 years) and slope positions (3, 9 and 15 %). Samples were collected from three positions between coffee rows (lower wheel track, inter-row and upper wheel track) and at two depths (surface layer and sub-surface). Changes in the total porosity, macroporosity, microporosity, organic matter, bulk density, and aggregate stability were investigated. Our results showed that the slope influenced the organic matter content, microporosity and aggregate stability. The soil samples under the inter-row were minimally damaged in their structure, compared to those from under the lower and upper wheel track, while the structure was better preserved under the lower than the upper track. The time since the establishment of the crop, i.e., the plantation age, was the main factor determining the extent of structural degradation in the coffee plantation.


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Red light running (RLR) is a problem in the US that has resulted in 165,000 injuries and 907 fatalities annually. In Iowa, RLR-related crashes make up 24.5 percent of all crashes and account for 31.7 percent of fatal and major injury crashes at signalized intersections. RLR crashes are a safety concern due to the increased likelihood of injury compared to other types of crashes. One tool used to combat red light running is automated enforcement in the form of RLR cameras. Automated enforcement, while effective, is often controversial. Cedar Rapids, Iowa installed RLR and speeding cameras at seven intersections across the city. The intersections were chosen based on crash rates and whether cameras could feasibly be placed at the intersection approaches. The cameras were placed starting in February 2010 with the last one becoming operational in December 2010. An analysis of the effect of the cameras on safety at these intersections was determined prudent in helping to justify the installation and effectiveness of the cameras. The objective of this research was to assess the safety effectiveness of the RLR program that has been implemented in Cedar Rapids. This was accomplished by analyzing data to determine changes in the following metrics:  Reductions in red light violation rates based on overall changes, time of day changes, and changes by lane  Effectiveness of the cameras over time  Time in which those running the red light enter the intersection  Changes in the average headway between vehicles entering the intersection


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Soils are the foundation of terrestrial ecosystems and their role in food production is fundamental, although physical degradation has been observed in recent years, caused by different cultural practices that modify structures and consequently the functioning of soils. The objective of this study was to evaluate possible structural changes and degradation in an Oxisol under different managements for 20 years: no-tillage cultivation with and without crop rotation, perennial crop and conventional tillage, plus a forested area (reference). Initially, the crop profile was described and subsequently, 10 samples per management system and forest soil were collected to quantify soil organic matter, flocculation degree, bulk density, and macroporosity. The results indicated structural changes down to a soil depth of 50 cm, with predominance of structural units ∆μ (intermediate compaction level) under perennial crop and no-tillage crop rotation, and of structural units ∆ (compacted) under conventional tillage and no-tillage. The soil was increasingly degraded in the increasing order: forest => no-tillage crop rotation => perennial crop => no-tillage without crop rotation => conventional tillage. In all managements, the values of organic matter and macroporosity were always below and bulk density always above those of the reference area (forest) and, under no-tillage crop rotation and perennial crop, the flocculation degree was proportionally equal to that of the reference area.


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Agricultural production systems that include the production of mulch for no-tillage farming and structural improvement of the soil can be considered key measures for agricultural activity in the Cerrado region without causing environmental degradation. In this respect, our work aimed to evaluate the chemical and physical-hydric properties of a dystrophic Red Latosol (Oxisol) in the municipality of Rio Verde, Goias, Brazil, under different soil management systems in the between-crop season of soybean cultivation five years after first planting. The following conditions were evaluated: Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu as a cover crop during the between-crop season; Second crop of maize intercropped with Brachiaria ruziziensis; Second crop of grain alone in a no-tillage system; Fallow soil after the soybean harvest; and Forest (natural vegetation) located in an adjacent area. Soil samples up to a depth of 40 cm were taken and used in the assessment of chemical properties and soil structure diagnostics. The results demonstrated that the conversion of native vegetation areas into agricultural fields altered the chemical and physical-hydric properties of the soil at all the depths evaluated, especially up to 10 cm, due to the activity of root systems in the soil structure. Cultivation of B. brizantha as a cover crop during the summer between-crop season increased soil water availability, which is important for agricultural activities in the region under study.


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Following a high wind event on January 24, 2006, at least five people claimed to have seen or felt the superstructure of the Saylorville Reservoir Bridge in central Iowa moving both vertically and laterally. Since that time, the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) contracted with the Bridge Engineering Center at Iowa State University to design and install a monitoring system capable of providing notification of the occurrence of subsequent high wind events. In subsequent years, a similar system was installed on the Red Rock Reservoir Bridge to provide the same wind monitoring capabilities and notifications to the Iowa DOT. The objectives of the system development and implementation are to notify personnel when the wind speed reaches a predetermined threshold such that the bridge can be closed for the safety of the public, correlate structural response with wind-induced response, and gather historical wind data at these structures for future assessments. This report describes the two monitoring systems, their components, upgrades, functionality, and limitations, and results from one year of wind data collection at both bridges.


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Data sheet produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources is about different times of animals, insects, snakes, birds, fish, butterflies, etc. that can be found in Iowa.


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Data sheet produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources is about different times of animals, insects, snakes, birds, fish, butterflies, etc. that can be found in Iowa.


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Red light running (RLR) is a problem in the US that has resulted in 165,000 injuries and 907 fatalities annually. In Iowa, RLR-related crashes make up 24.5 percent of all crashes and account for 31.7 percent of fatal and major injury crashes at signalized intersections. RLR crashes are a safety concern due to the increased likelihood of injury compared to other types of crashes. One tool used to combat red light running is automated enforcement in the form of RLR cameras. Automated enforcement, while effective, is often controversial. Cedar Rapids, Iowa installed RLR and speeding cameras at seven intersections across the city. The intersections were chosen based on crash rates and whether cameras could feasibly be placed at the intersection approaches. The cameras were placed starting in February 2010 with the last one becoming operational in December 2010. An analysis of the effect of the cameras on safety at these intersections was determined prudent in helping to justify the installation and effectiveness of the cameras. The objective of this research was to assess the safety effectiveness of the RLR program that has been implemented in Cedar Rapids. This was accomplished by analyzing data to determine changes in the following metrics:  Reductions in red light violation rates based on overall changes, time of day changes, and changes by lane  Effectiveness of the cameras over time  Time in which those running the red light enter the intersection  Changes in the average headway between vehicles entering the intersection


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Red light running (RLR) is a problem in the US that has resulted in 165,000 injuries and 907 fatalities annually. In Iowa, RLR-related crashes make up 24.5 percent of all crashes and account for 31.7 percent of fatal and major injury crashes at signalized intersections. RLR crashes are a safety concern due to the increased likelihood of injury compared to other types of crashes. The research team developed this toolbox for practitioners to address RLR crashes. The Four Es—Engineering, Enforcement, Education, and Emergency Response—should be used together to address RLR problems. However, this toolbox focuses on engineering, enforcement, and education solutions. The toolbox has two major parts:  Guidelines to identify problem intersections and the causes of RLR at intersections  Roadway-based and enforcement countermeasures for RLR


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Crashes related to red light running account for more than 800 deaths and thousands of injuries each year in the United States. Many states and local jurisdictions have undertaken studies and enacted programs in reaction to this major transportation safety concern. This research study examined the scope of this phenomenon in Iowa, reviewed red light running reduction studies and programs nationwide, and proposed countermeasures to address significant violation problems.


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Following high winds on January 24, 2006, at least five people claimed to have seen or felt the superstructure of the Saylorville Reservoir Bridge in central Iowa moving both vertically and laterally. Since that time, the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) contracted with the Bridge Engineering Center at Iowa State University to design and install a monitoring system capable of providing notification of the occurrence of subsequent high winds. Although measures were put into place following the 2006 event at the Saylorville Reservoir Bridge, knowledge of the performance of this bridge during high wind events was incomplete. Therefore, the Saylorville Reservoir Bridge was outfitted with an information management system to investigate the structural performance of the structure and the potential for safety risks. In subsequent years, given the similarities between the Saylorville and Red Rock Reservoir bridges, a similar system was added to the Red Rock Reservoir Bridge southeast of Des Moines. The monitoring system developed and installed on these two bridges was designed to monitor the wind speed and direction at the bridge and, via a cellular modem, send a text message to Iowa DOT staff when wind speeds meet a predetermined threshold. The original intent was that, once the text message is received, the bridge entrances would be closed until wind speeds diminish to safe levels.


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En el marco de una investigación más amplia sobre transiciones escolares y el papel de las redes sociales te pedimos que contestes las preguntas siguientes acerca de tus relaciones personales. Te rogamos que leas con atención las preguntas y contestes con sinceridad. Agradecemos mucho tu colaboración.


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The Formica rufa group (red wood ants) currently includes six species. Nevertheless, during previous work based on molecular markers, we showed the existence of one population morphologically identified as F. lugubris, but genetically different from all other analysed populations of this species. This population could represent a cryptic species within the Swiss National Park and has been provisionally named Formica lugubris-A2. To verify our hypothesis, we conducted a behavioural test based on the ability of ants to recognize pupae of their own species when compared to those of another species. The three red wood ant species present in the Swiss National Park (F. lugubris, F. paralugubris and F. aquilonia) and the F. lugubris-A2 population were used in our study. Results indicate that the F. lugubris-A2 population differs from other F. lugubris and from all other species in the behaviour of its workers and in the way its pupae are discriminated by other species. This is in accordance with the genetic data and strengthens our hypothesis on the existence of a new cryptic red wood ant species within the Swiss National Park.