980 resultados para real option theory
This thesis makes a contribution to the Change Data Capture (CDC) field by providing an empirical evaluation on the performance of CDC architectures in the context of realtime data warehousing. CDC is a mechanism for providing data warehouse architectures with fresh data from Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) databases. There are two types of CDC architectures, pull architectures and push architectures. There is exiguous data on the performance of CDC architectures in a real-time environment. Performance data is required to determine the real-time viability of the two architectures. We propose that push CDC architectures are optimal for real-time CDC. However, push CDC architectures are seldom implemented because they are highly intrusive towards existing systems and arduous to maintain. As part of our contribution, we pragmatically develop a service based push CDC solution, which addresses the issues of intrusiveness and maintainability. Our solution uses Data Access Services (DAS) to decouple CDC logic from the applications. A requirement for the DAS is to place minimal overhead on a transaction in an OLTP environment. We synthesize DAS literature and pragmatically develop DAS that eciently execute transactions in an OLTP environment. Essentially we develop effeicient RESTful DAS, which expose Transactions As A Resource (TAAR). We evaluate the TAAR solution and three pull CDC mechanisms in a real-time environment, using the industry recognised TPC-C benchmark. The optimal CDC mechanism in a real-time environment, will capture change data with minimal latency and will have a negligible affect on the database's transactional throughput. Capture latency is the time it takes a CDC mechanism to capture a data change that has been applied to an OLTP database. A standard definition for capture latency and how to measure it does not exist in the field. We create this definition and extend the TPC-C benchmark to make the capture latency measurement. The results from our evaluation show that pull CDC is capable of real-time CDC at low levels of user concurrency. However, as the level of user concurrency scales upwards, pull CDC has a significant impact on the database's transaction rate, which affirms the theory that pull CDC architectures are not viable in a real-time architecture. TAAR CDC on the other hand is capable of real-time CDC, and places a minimal overhead on the transaction rate, although this performance is at the expense of CPU resources.
Recent research in literacy acquisition has generated detailed programs for teaching phonological awareness. The current paper will address three issues that follow from this research. Firstly, much of the past research has been conducted under conditions that are divorced from the classroom. As a result, it is not known whether the suggested teaching strategies will lead to an increase in children’s attainments when integrated into a broad reading curriculum implemented by teachers in mainstream classrooms. Secondly, these phonological interventions have been designed either to prevent the occurrence of reading difficulties or to meet the needs of failing readers. Therefore, it is not known whether the same methods would advantage all children. Thirdly, teaching children to read takes a minimum of two to three academic years. We herefore need to develop a reading curriculum that can provide the progression and differentiation to meet a wide range of needs over several academic years. We report two studies that have addressed these issues through monitoring the impact of a reading curriculum, implemented by teachers, which integrated children’s acquisition of phonological skills with broader aspects of teaching reading over three academic years. The attainments of children at all levels of ability in the experimental group were raised relative to controls, and importantly, these gains were maintained after the intervention was withdrawn. These results demonstrate that phonological awareness training can be successfully integrated into real classroom contexts and that the same methods raised the attainments of normally developing children, as well as those at risk of reading failure.
This paper presents the design and results of a task-based user study, based on Information Foraging Theory, on a novel user interaction framework - uInteract - for content-based image retrieval (CBIR). The framework includes a four-factor user interaction model and an interactive interface. The user study involves three focused evaluations, 12 simulated real life search tasks with different complexity levels, 12 comparative systems and 50 subjects. Information Foraging Theory is applied to the user study design and the quantitative data analysis. The systematic findings have not only shown how effective and easy to use the uInteract framework is, but also illustrate the value of Information Foraging Theory for interpreting user interaction with CBIR. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
A large number of studies have been devoted to modeling the contents and interactions between users on Twitter. In this paper, we propose a method inspired from Social Role Theory (SRT), which assumes that a user behaves differently in different roles in the generation process of Twitter content. We consider the two most distinctive social roles on Twitter: originator and propagator, who respectively posts original messages and retweets or forwards the messages from others. In addition, we also consider role-specific social interactions, especially implicit interactions between users who share some common interests. All the above elements are integrated into a novel regularized topic model. We evaluate the proposed method on real Twitter data. The results show that our method is more effective than the existing ones which do not distinguish social roles. Copyright 2013 ACM.
The predictive accuracy of competing crude-oil price forecast densities is investigated for the 1994–2006 period. Moving beyond standard ARCH type models that rely exclusively on past returns, we examine the benefits of utilizing the forward-looking information that is embedded in the prices of derivative contracts. Risk-neutral densities, obtained from panels of crude-oil option prices, are adjusted to reflect real-world risks using either a parametric or a non-parametric calibration approach. The relative performance of the models is evaluated for the entire support of the density, as well as for regions and intervals that are of special interest for the economic agent. We find that non-parametric adjustments of risk-neutral density forecasts perform significantly better than their parametric counterparts. Goodness-of-fit tests and out-of-sample likelihood comparisons favor forecast densities obtained by option prices and non-parametric calibration methods over those constructed using historical returns and simulated ARCH processes. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 31:727–754, 2011
The extremely surface sensitive technique of metastable de-excitation spectroscopy (MDS) has been utilized to probe the bonding and reactivity of crotyl alcohol over Pd(111) and provide insight into the selective oxidation pathway to crotonaldehyde. Auger de-excitation (AD) of metastable He (23S) atoms reveals distinct features associated with the molecular orbitals of the adsorbed alcohol, corresponding to emission from the hydrocarbon skeleton, the O n nonbonding, and C═C π states. The O n and C═C π states of the alcohol are reversed when compared to those of the aldehyde. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations of the alcohol show that an adsorption mode with both C═C and O bonds aligned somewhat parallel to the surface is energetically favored at a substrate temperature below 200 K. Density of states calculations for such configurations are in excellent agreement with experimental MDS measurements. MDS revealed oxidative dehydrogenation of crotyl alcohol to crotonaldehyde between 200 and 250 K, resulting in small peak shifts to higher binding energy. Intramolecular changes lead to the opposite assignment of the first two MOs in the alcohol versus the aldehyde, in accordance with DFT and UPS studies of the free molecules. Subsequent crotonaldehyde decarbonylation and associated propylidyne formation above 260 K could also be identified by MDS and complementary theoretical calculations as the origin of deactivation and selectivity loss. Combining MDS and DFT in this way represents a novel approach to elucidating surface catalyzed reaction pathways associated with a “real-world” practical chemical transformation, namely the selective oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes.
Although theory on team membership is emerging, limited empirical attention has been paid to the effects of different types of team membership on outcomes. We propose that an important but overlooked distinction is that between membership of real teams and membership of co-acting groups, with the former being characterized by members who report that their teams have shared objectives, and structural interdependence and engage in team reflexivity. We hypothesize that real team membership will be associated with more positive individual- and organizational-level outcomes. These predictions were tested in the English National Health Service, using data from 62,733 respondents from 147 acute hospitals. The results revealed that individuals reporting the characteristics of real team membership, in comparison with those reporting the characteristics of co-acting group membership, witnessed fewer errors and incidents, experienced fewer work related injuries and illness, were less likely to be victims of violence and harassment, and were less likely to intend to leave their current employment. At the organizational level, hospitals with higher proportions of staff reporting the characteristics of real team membership had lower levels of patient mortality and sickness absence. The results suggest the need to clearly delineate real team membership in order to advance scientific understanding of the processes and outcomes of organizational teamwork.
This paper considers the problem of concept generalization in decision-making systems where such features of real-world databases as large size, incompleteness and inconsistence of the stored information are taken into account. The methods of the rough set theory (like lower and upper approximations, positive regions and reducts) are used for the solving of this problem. The new discretization algorithm of the continuous attributes is proposed. It essentially increases an overall performance of generalization algorithms and can be applied to processing of real value attributes in large data tables. Also the search algorithm of the significant attributes combined with a stage of discretization is developed. It allows avoiding splitting of continuous domains of insignificant attributes into intervals.
Since the development of large scale power grid interconnections and power markets, research on available transfer capability (ATC) has attracted great attention. The challenges for accurate assessment of ATC originate from the numerous uncertainties in electricity generation, transmission, distribution and utilization sectors. Power system uncertainties can be mainly described as two types: randomness and fuzziness. However, the traditional transmission reliability margin (TRM) approach only considers randomness. Based on credibility theory, this paper firstly built models of generators, transmission lines and loads according to their features of both randomness and fuzziness. Then a random fuzzy simulation is applied, along with a novel method proposed for ATC assessment, in which both randomness and fuzziness are considered. The bootstrap method and multi-core parallel computing technique are introduced to enhance the processing speed. By implementing simulation for the IEEE-30-bus system and a real-life system located in Northwest China, the viability of the models and the proposed method is verified.
AMS subject classification: 93C95, 90A09.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 94A12, 94A20, 30D20, 41A05.
A dolgozat célja egy vállalati gyakorlatból származó eset elemzése. Egy könyvkiadót tekintünk. A kiadó kapcsolatban van kis- és nagykereskedőkkel, valamint a fogyasztók egy csoportjával is vannak kapcsolatai. A könyvkiadók projekt rendszerben működnek. A kiadó azzal a problémával szembesül, hogy hogyan ossza el egy frissen kiadott és nyomtatott könyv példányszámait a kis- és nagykereskedők között, valamint mekkora példányszámot tároljon maga a fogyasztók közvetlen kielégítésére. A kiadóról feltételezzük, hogy visszavásárlási szerződése van a kereskedőkkel. A könyv iránti kereslet nem ismert, de becsülhető. A kis- és nagykereskedők maximalizálják a nyereségüket. = The aim of the paper is to analyze a practical real world problem. A publishing house is given. The publishing firm has contacts to a number of wholesaler / retailer enterprises and direct contact to customers to satisfy the market demand. The book publishers work in a project industry. The publisher faces with the problem how to allocate the stocks of a given, newly published book to the wholesaler and retailer, and to hold some copies to satisfy the customers direct from the publisher. The publisher has a buyback option. The distribution of the demand is unknown, but it can be estimated. The wholesaler / retailer maximize the profits. The problem can be modeled as a one-warehouse and N-retailer supply chain with not identical demand distribution. The model can be transformed in a game theory problem. It is assumed that the demand distribution follows a Poisson distribution.
A műhelytanulmány két kutatási kérdést vizsgál. Egyrészt kiemelt szakirodalom alapján megvizsgálja, hogy az elméleti ajánlások milyen vezetési stílust és vezetői stílusjegyeket fogalmaznak meg követendőnek egy lean vállalat számára. Másrészt megvizsgálja, hogy a lean menedzsment gyakorlatának alkalmazásában fejlettebb vállalatok vezetői valóban az irodalom által javasolt, kívánatosnak tekintett vezetői stílusjegyeket tekintik-e pozitívnak. Vizsgálatunkat a Versenyképesség Kutató Központ 2009-es kérdőívének adatbázisán végeztük el, melyben mintegy 300 vállalat négy vezetőjének válaszai állnak rendelkezésre. A rendelkezésre álló mintából mi az 50 fő feletti foglalkoztatottal rendelkező, feldolgozóipari vállalatokra fókuszáltunk, esetükben elemeztük a vezérigazgató és a termelésvezető által követendőnek, jónak tartott vezetői stílusjegyek alkalmazását. ----- Abstract: The working paper focuses on two connected research quesions: Ono ne hand based on selected literature it systematically looks at the ideal leadership style and connected leader attributes that help in transforming a company into a real lean organization. On the other hand the paper analyzes whether leaders of companies with more developed lean practice do or do not follow these leadership related suggestions formulated in the literature. The study uses the fourth round of the Hungarian Competitiveness Research Survey from 2009. The survey has 300 valid observations. Four different respondents in each company filled in questionnaires, all of them were top managers (CEO, marketing /sales, finance, production). Plants were quite different alongside the most important organizational dimensions (volume, number of employee, industry, ownership). Previous researches pointed out that lean management is more likely applied by larger manufacturer. Hence, this study is limited to the analysis of questionnaires filled in by producers that have more than 50 employees. We analyze the leadership styles of two managers, namely the CEO and production manager.
The challenge that continues to face HRD is how to integrate real concerns for diversity into programs, practices, and research. Critical race theory was used as a lens to examine work on diversity published in Human Resource Development Quarterly (HRDQ). Eight publications were selected and analyzed.
The goal of the power monitoring in electrical power systems is to promote the reliablility as well as the quality of electrical power.Therefore, this dissertation proposes a new theory of power based on wavelet transform for real-time estimation of RMS voltages and currents, and some power amounts, such as active power, reactive power, apparent power, and power factor. The appropriate estimation the of RMS and power values is important for many applications, such as: design and analysis of power systems, compensation devices for improving power quality, and instruments for energy measuring. Simulation and experimental results obtained through the proposed MaximalOverlap Discrete Wavelet Transform-based method were compared with the IEEE Standard 1459-2010 and the commercial oscilloscope, respectively, presenting equivalent results. The proposed method presented good performance for compact mother wavelet, which is in accordance with real-time applications.