979 resultados para poly(vinyl alcohol)


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An innovative bioadhesive patch intended primarily as a vulval drug delivery system and, specifically, as a means to deliver photosensitisers, or their prodrugs, for photodynamic purposes is described. The patch was formulated with a copolymer of methyl vinyl ether and maleic anhydride (PMVE/MA) as a bioadhesive matrix and poly(vinyl chloride) as a drug-impervious backing layer. Adhesive strength to neonate porcine skin, as a model substrate, was evaluated using peel and tensile testing measurements. Acceptabilities of non-drug loaded patches were appraised using human volunteers and visual-analogue scoring devices. An optimal formulation, with water uptake and peel strengths appropriate for vulval drug delivery, was cast from a 20% (w/w) PMVE/MA solution and adhered with a strength of approximately 1.7 N cm-2. Patient evaluation demonstrated comfort and firm attachment for up to 4 h in mobile patients. Aminolevulinic acid, a commonly used photosensitiser, was formulated into the candidate formulation and applied to vulval intraepithelial neoplastic lesions. Fluorescence under ultraviolet illumination revealed protoporphyrin synthesis. The patch achieves the extended application times obligatory in topical photodynamic therapy of vulval lesions, thereby contributing to potential methods for the eradication of neoplastic lesions in the lower female reproductive tract.


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This study investigates the use of co-melt fluidised bed granulation for the agglomeration of model pharmaceutical powders, namely, lactose mono-hydrate, PEG 10000, poly-vinyl pyrolidone and ibuprofen as a model drug. Granulation within the co-melt system was found to follow a nucleationâ??steady growthâ??coating regime profile. Using high molecular weight PEG binder, the granulation mechanism and thus the extent of granulation was found to be significantly influenced by binder viscosity. The compression properties of the granulate within the hot fluidised bed were correlated using a novel high temperature experimental procedure. It was found that the fracture stress and fractural modulus of the materials under hot processing conditions were orders of magnitude lower than those measured under ambient conditions. A range of particle velocities within the granulator were considered based on theoretical models. After an initial period of nucleation, the Stokes deformation number analysis indicated that only velocities within the high shear region of the fluidised bed were sufficient to promote significant granule deformation and therefore, coalescence. The data also indicated that larger granules de-fluidised preventing agglomeration by coalescence. Furthermore, experimental data indicated that dissipation of the viscous molten binder to the surface was the most important factor in the latter stages of the granulation process. From a pharmaceutical perspective the inclusion of the model drug, ibuprofen, combined with PVP in the co-melt process proved to be highly significant. It was found that using DSC analysis on the formulations that the decrease in the heat of fusion associated with the melting of ibuprofen within the FHMG systems may be attributed to interaction between PVP and ibuprofen through inter-molecular hydrogen bonding. This interaction decreases the crystallinity of ibuprofen and facilitates solubilisation and bioavailability within the solid matrix.


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Contamination of medical devices with bacteria such as Meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is of great clinical concern. Poly(vinyl chloride) is widely used in the production of medical devices, such as catheters. The flexibility of catheter tubing is derived from the addition of plasticisers. Here, we report the design of two dual functional ionic liquids, 1-ethylpyridinium docusate and tributyl(2-hydroxyethyl)phosphonium docusate, which uniquely provide a plasticising effect, and exhibit antimicrobial and antibiofilm-forming activity to a range of antibiotic resistant bacteria. The plasticisation of poly(vinyl chloride) was tailored as a function of ionic liquid concentration. The effective antimicrobial behaviour of both ionic liquids originates from the chemical structure of the anion or cation and is not limited to the length of the alkyl chain on the anion/cation. The design approach adopted will be useful in developing ionic liquids as multi-functional additives for polymers.


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The preparation and characterization of three different plastic thin-film colorimetric sensors for gaseous ammonia is described. In the film sensors, the neutral form of a pH-sensitive dye (Bromophenol Blue, Bromocresol Green or Chlorophenol Red) was encapsulated in a plastic medium, either poly(vinyl butyral) or ethylcellulose plasticized with tributyl phosphate. Each of these film optodes gave a reproducible and reversible response towards gaseous ammonia. The sensitivity of the film sensors towards ammonia was found to be strongly dependent upon the pK(a) of the encapsulated dye. Thus, the film with Chlorophenol Red (pK(a) = 6.25), proved to be very insensitive (operating range: 0.29%


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Two ionic liquids, 1-ethylpyridinium docusate (IL1) and tri-n-butyl(2-hydroxyethyl)phosphonium docusate (IL2), were designed and synthesized with the explicit intention of imparting a combination of plasticization and antimicrobial efficacy when incorporated into medical grade poly(vinyl chloride)s (PVCs). The glass transition (T-g) of PVC can be reduced by >20 degrees C on addition of 15 wt% IL2. Both IL1 and IL2 leached to varying extents from the base PVC resins rendering the surface of the PVCs hydrophilic. The antimicrobial activity of both ILs is related to the presence and concentration of both cationic and anionic component of the ILs leached from the PVC and inversely proportional to the extent of PVC gelation. Blends of the PVCs with IL1 displayed antibacterial activity against almost all Gram-positive bacteria tested, including coagulase-negative Staphylococci (CoNS) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), but not with IL2 at low concentration in contrast to our previous study when high concentrations of IL2 were used. The more hydrophilic IL1 when added to PVC retards biofilm formation.


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This paper presents a novel strategy for the prevention of ventilator-associatedpneumonia that involves coating poly(vinyl chloride, PVC) endotracheal tubes (ET) withhydrogels that may be subsequently used to entrap nebulized antimicrobial solutions. Candidatehydrogels were prepared containing a range of ratios of hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) andmethacrylic acid (MAA) from 100:0 to 70:30 using free radical polymerization and, whenrequired, simultaneous attachment to PVC was performed. The mechanical properties, glasstransition temperatures, swelling kinetics, uptake of gentamicin from an aqueous medium, andgentamicin release were characterized. Increasing the MAA content of the hydrogels significantlydecreased the ultimate tensile strength, % elongation at break, Young’s modulus, and increasedthe glass transition temperature, the swelling ratio, and gentamicin uptake. Microbial(Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) adherence to control (drug-free) hydrogelswas observed; however, while adherence to gentamicin-containing p(HEMA) occurred, noadherence occurred to gentamicin-containing HEMA:MAA copolymers. Antimicrobialpersistence of gentamicin-containing hydrogels was examined by determining the zone ofinhibition against each microorganism on successive days. Hydrogel composition affected the observed antimicrobial persistence,with the hydrogel composed of 70:30 HEMA:MAA exhibiting >20 days persistence against S. aureus and P. aeruginosa,respectively. To simulate clinical use, the hydrogels (coated onto PVC) were first exposed to a nebulized solution of gentamicin(4 mL, 80 mg for 20 min), and then to nebulized bacteria (4 mL ca. 1 × 109 colony forming units mL−1, 30 min). Viable bacteriawere not observed on the gentamicin-treated p(HEMA: MAA) copolymers, whereas growth was observed on gentamicin-treatedp(HEMA). In light of the excellent antimicrobial activity and physicochemical properties, p(HEMA: MAA) copolymerscomposed of ratios of 80:20 or 70:30 HEMA: MAA were identified as potentially useful coatings of endotracheal tubes to be usedin conjunction with the clinical nebulization of gentamicin and designed for the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia


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As propriedades funcionais dos materiais ferroeléctricos tais como a polarização reversível, piroelectricidade, piezoelectricidade, elevada actividade óptica não linear e comportamento dieléctrico não linear são fundamentais para a sua aplicação em sensores, microactuadores, detectores de infravermelhos, filtros de fase de microondas e memórias não-voláteis. Nos últimos anos, motivado pelas necessidades industriais de redução do tamanho dos dispositivos microelectrónicos, aumentando a eficiência volumétrica, tem sido feito um grande esforço ao nível da investigação para desenvolver estruturas ferroeléctricas à escala micro- e nano- métrica. É sabido que a redução de tamanho em materiais ferroeléctricos afecta significamente as suas propriedades. Neste sentido e considerando que foi previsto teoreticamente por cálculos ab initio que estruturas do tipo nanocilindros e nanodiscos apresentariam um novo tipo de ordem ferroeléctrica e, na expectativa de alcançar conhecimento para o desenvolvimento de uma nova geração de dispositivos microelectróncos, existe um grande interesse em desenvolver métodos de fabrico de nanoestruturas ferroeléctricas unidimensionais (1D) tais como nanocilindros e nanotubos. As estratégias de fabrico de nanoestruturas 1D até agora descritas na literatura indicam claramente as dificuldades inerentes à sua preparação. Existem duas grandes vias de síntese destas nanoestruturas: i) o método “topdown” que consiste na redução de tamanho de um dado material até à obtenção duma estrutura 1D; e ii) o método “bottom-up” em que átomos, iões e moléculas são agrupados para formar um material 1D. O método “top down” envolve em geral técnicas de desgaste, como o uso do feixe de electrões, que apesar de permitirem elevada precisão no posicionamento e no controlo do tamanho, falham em termos de resolução, exigem muito tempo e causam facilmente defeitos que deterioram as propriedades físicas destes materiais. Na metodologia “bottom up” a utilização de moléculas ou estruturas “molde” tem sido a mais explorada. As estructuras 1D podem também ser preparadas sem recorrer a “moldes”. Neste caso a agregação orientada é promovida pelo recurso a aditivos que controlam o crescimento dos cristais em direcções preferenciais. Neste contexto, neste trabalho utilizaram-se duas estratégias “bottom up” de baixo custo para a preparação de nanopartículas de titanato de bário (BaTiO3) com morfologia controlada: 1) síntese química (em solução e em fase vapor) com utilização de nanotubos de titanato TiNTs) como “moldes” e precursores de titânio 2) síntese química em solução com presença de aditivos. Os nanotubos de titanato de sódio foram preparados por síntese hidrotermal. Como existiam muitas dúvidas acerca da natureza estrutural e do mecanismo de formação dos NTs, a parte inicial do trabalho foi dedicada à realização de um estudo sistemático dos parâmetros intervenientes na síntese e à caracterização da sua estrutura e microestrutura. Foi demonstrado que os NTs têm a fórmula geral A2Ti2O5 (A = H+ or Na+), e não TiO2 (anátase) com defendido por vários autores na literatura, e podem ser preparados por método hidrotermal em meio fortemente alcalino usando como fonte de titânio TiO2 comercial na forma de anátase ou rútilo. A menor reactividade do rútilo exige temperaturas de síntese superiores ou tempos de reacção mais longos. A forma tubular resulta do tratamento hidrotermal e não de processos de lavagem e neutralização subsequentes. Se os NTs forem tratados após a síntese hidrotérmica em água a 200 ºC, transformam-se em nanocilindros. Uma das partes principais desta tese consistiu na investigação do papel dos NTs de titanato no crescimento anisotrópico de BaTiO3. O potencial funcionamento dos NTs como “moldes” para além de precursores foi testado em reacção com hidróxido de bário em síntese em solução e por reacção com um precursor orgânico de bário em fase vapor. Tendo por base os estudos cinéticos realizados, bem como as alterações estruturais e morfológicas das amostras, é possível concluir que a formação do BaTiO3 a partir de NTs de titanato de sódio, ocorre por dois mecanismos dependendo da temperatura e tempo de reacção. Assim, a baixa temperatura e curto tempo de reacção verifica-se que se formam partículas dendríticas de BaTiO3 cuja superfície é bastante irregular (“wild”) e que apresentam estrutura pseudo-cúbica. Estas partículas formam-se por reacção topotáctica na fronteira dos nanotubos de titanato de sódio. A temperaturas mais altas e/ou reacções mais longas, a reacção é controlada por um mecanismo de dissolução e precipitação com formação de dendrites de BaTiO3 tetragonais com superfície mais regular (“seaweed”). A microscopia de força piezoeléctrica mostrou que as dendrites “seaweeds“ possuem actividade piezoeléctrica superior à das dendrites “wild”, o que confirma o papel desempenhado pela estrutura e pela concentração de defeitos na rede na coerência e ordem ferroeléctrica de nanoestruturas. Os nossos resultados confirmam que os NTs de titanato não actuam facilmente como “moldes” na síntese em solução de BaTiO3 já que a velocidade de dissolução dos NTs em condições alcalinas é superior à velocidade de formação do BaTiO3. Assumindo que a velocidade de reacção dos NTs com o precursor de bário é superior em fase vapor, efectuou-se a deposição de um precursor orgânico de bário por deposição química de vapor sobre um filme de NTs de titnato de sódio depositados por deposição electroforética. Estudou-se a estabilidade dos NTs nas diferentes condições do reactor. Quando os NTs são tratados a temperaturas superiores a 700 ºC, ocorre a transformação dos NTs em nanocilindros de anatase por um mecanismo de agregação orientada. Quando se faz a deposição do precursor de bário, seguida de calcinação a 700 ºC em atmosfera oxidante de O2, verifica-se que a superficie dos NTs fica coberta com nanocristais de BaTiO3 independentemente da concentração de bário. O papel dos NTs de titanato no crescimento anisotrópico de BaTiO3 em fase vapor é assim descrito pela primeira vez. Em relação à metodologias de crescimento de partículas na ausência de “moldes” mas com aditivos fez-se um estudo sistemático utilizando 5 aditivos de natureza differente. As diferenças entre aditivos foram sistematizadas tendo em conta as diferenças estruturais e morfológicas verificadas. Está provado que os aditivos podem funcionar como modificadores de crescimento cristalino por alteração do seu padrão de crescimento ou por alteração da cinética de crescimento das faces cristalográficas do cristal. Entre os aditivos testados verificou-se que o ácido poliacrilíco adsorve em faces específicas do BaTiO3 alterando a cinética de crescimento e induzindo a agregação orientada das partículas. O polivinilpirrolidona, o docecilsulfato de sódio e hidroxipropilmetilcelulose actuam mais como inibidores de crescimento do que como modificadores do tipo de crescimento. A D-frutose aumenta a energia de activação da etapa de nucleação não ocorrendo formação de BaTiO3 para as mesmas condições dos outros aditivos. Esta tese clarifica o papel dos NTs de titanato de sódio enquanto precursores e “moldes” no crescimento anisotrópico de BaTiO3 em solução e em fase vapor. É feita também a abordagem do controlo morfológico do BaTiO3 através do uso de aditivos. As estratégias de preparação de BaTiO3 propostas são de baixo custo, reprodutíveis e fáceis de efectuar. Os resultados contribuem para uma melhor compreensão da relação tamanho – morfologia – propriedade em materiais ferroeléctricos nanométricos com vista à sua potencial aplicação.


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A biomimetic sensor for norfloxacin is presented that is based on host-guest interactions and potentiometric transduction. The artificial host was imprinted into polymers made from methacrylic acid and/or 2-vinyl pyridine. The resulting particles were entrapped in a plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) matrix. The sensors exhibit near-Nernstian response in steady state evaluations, and detection limits range from 0.40 to 1.0 μgmL−1, respectively, and are independent of pH values at between 2 and 6, and 8 and 11, respectively. Good selectivity was observed over several potential interferents. In flowing media, the sensors exhibit fast response, a sensitivity of 68.2 mV per decade, a linear range from 79 μM to 2.5 mM, a detection limit of 20 μgmL−1, and a stable baseline. The sensors were successfully applied to field monitoring of norfloxacin in fish samples, biological samples, and pharmaceutical products


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A flow injection analysis (FIA) system having a chlormequat selective electrode is proposed. Several electrodes with poly(vinyl chloride) based membranes were constructed for this purpose. Comparative characterization suggestedthe use of membrane with chlormequat tetraphenylborate and dibutylphthalate. On a single-line FIA set-up, operating with 1x10-2 mol L-1 ionic strength and 6.3 pH, calibration curves presented slopes of 53.6±0.4mV decade-1 within 5.0x10-6 and1.0x10-3 mol L-1, andsquaredcorrelation coefficients >0.9953. The detection limit was 2.2x10-6 mol L-1 and the repeatability equal to ±0.68mV (0.7%). A dual-channel FIA manifold was therefore constructed, enabling automatic attainment of previous ionic strength andpH conditions and thus eliminating sample preparation steps. Slopes of 45.5±0.2mV decade -1 along a concentration range of 8.0x10-6 to 1.0x10-3 mol L-1 with a repeatability ±0.4mV (0.69%) were obtained. Analyses of real samples were performed, and recovery gave results ranging from 96.6 to 101.1%.


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A 3D-mirror synthetic receptor for ciprofloxacin host–guest interactions and potentiometric transduction is presented. The host cavity was shaped on a polymeric surface assembled with methacrylic acid or 2-vinyl pyridine monomers by radical polymerization. Molecularly imprinted particles were dispersed in 2-nitrophenyl octyl ether and entrapped in a poly(vinyl chloride) matrix. The sensors exhibited a near-Nernstian response in steady state evaluations. Slopes and detection limits ranged from 26.8 to 50.0mVdecade−1 and 1.0×10−5 to 2.7×10−5 mol L−1, respectively. Good selectivity was observed for trimethoprim, enrofloxacin, tetracycline, cysteine, galactose, hydroxylamine, creatinine, ammonium chloride, sucrose, glucose, sulphamerazine and sulfadiazine. The sensors were successfully applied to the determination of ciprofloxacin concentrations in fish and in pharmaceuticals. The method presented offered the advantages of simplicity, accuracy, applicability to colored and turbid samples and automation feasibility, as well as confirming the use of molecularly imprinted polymers as ionophores for organic ion recognition in potentiometric transduction.


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A new man-tailored biomimetic sensor for Chlorpromazine host-guest interactions and potentiometric transduction is presented. The artificial host was imprinted within methacrylic acid, 2-vinyl pyridine and 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid based polymers. Molecularly imprinted particles were dispersed in 2-nitrophenyloctyl ether and entrapped in a poly(vinyl chloride) matrix. Slopes and detection limits ranged 51–67 mV/decade and 0.46–3.9 μg/mL, respectively, in steady state conditions. Sensors were independent fromthe pHof test solutionswithin 2.0–5.5.Good selectivitywas observed towards oxytetracycline, doxytetracycline, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, nalidixic acid, sulfadiazine, trimethoprim, glycine, hydroxylamine, cysteine and creatinine. Analytical features in flowing media were evaluated on a double-channel manifold, with a carrier solution of 5.0×10−2 mol/L phosphate buffer. Near-Nernstian response was observed over the concentration range 1.0×10−4 to 1.0×10−2 mol/L. Average slopes were about 48 mV/decade. The sensors were successfully applied to field monitoring of CPZ in fish samples, offering the advantages of simplicity, accuracy, automation feasibility and applicability to complex samples.


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O trabalho descrito compreende o desenvolvimento de um anticorpo plástico (MIP, do inglês Molecularly Imprinted Polymer) para o antigénio carcinoembrionário (CEA, do inglês Carcinoembriogenic Antigen) e a sua aplicação na construção de dispositivos portáteis, de tamanho reduzido e de baixo custo, tendo em vista a monitorização deste biomarcador do cancro do colo-retal em contexto Point-of-Care (POC). O anticorpo plástico foi obtido por tecnologia de impressão molecular orientada, baseada em eletropolimerização sobre uma superfície condutora de vidro recoberto por FTO. De uma forma geral, o processo foi iniciado pela electropolimerização de anilina sobre o vidro, seguindo-se a ligação por adsorção do biomarcador (CEA) ao filme de polianilina, com ou sem monómeros carregados positivamente (Cloreto de vinilbenziltrimetilamónio, VB). A última fase consistiu na electropolimerização de o-fenilenodiamina (oPD) sobre a superfície, seguindo-se a remoção da proteína por clivagem de ligações peptídicas, com o auxílio de tripsina. A eficiência da impressão do biomarcador CEA no material polimérico foi controlada pela preparação de um material análogo, NIP (do inglês, Non-Imprinted Polymer), no qual nem a proteína nem o monómero VB estavam presentes. Os materiais obtidos foram caracterizados quimicamente por técnicas de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier (FTIR, do inglês, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) e microscopia confocal de Raman. Os materiais sensores preparados foram entretanto incluídos em membranas poliméricas de Poli(cloreto de vinilo) (PVC) plastificado, para construção de sensores (biomiméticos) seletivos a CEA, tendo-se avaliado a resposta analítica em diferentes meios. Obteve-se uma boa resposta potenciométrica em solução tampão de Ácido 4-(2-hidroxietil)piperazina-1-etanosulfónico (HEPES), a pH 4,4, com uma membrana seletiva baseada em MIP preparada com o monómero carregado VB. O limite de deteção foi menor do que 42 pg/mL, observando-se um comportamento linear (versus o logaritmo da concentração) até 625 pg/mL, com um declive aniónico igual a -61,9 mV/década e r2>0,9974. O comportamento analítico dos sensores biomiméticos foi ainda avaliado em urina, tendo em vista a sua aplicação na análise de CEA em urina. Neste caso, o limite de deteção foi menor do que 38 pg/mL, para uma resposta linear até 625 pg/mL, com um declive de -38,4 mV/década e r2> 0,991. De uma forma geral, a aplicação experimental dos sensores biomiméticos evidenciou respostas exatas, sugerindo que os biossensores desenvolvidos prossigam estudos adicionais tendo em vista a sua aplicação em amostras de indivíduos doentes.


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Carnitine (CRT) is a biological metabolite found in urine that contributes in assessingseveral disease conditions, including cancer. Novel quick screening procedures for CRT are therefore fundamental. This work proposes a novel potentiometric device where molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) were used as ionophores. The host-tailored sites were imprinted on a polymeric network assembled by radical polymerization of methacrylic acid (MAA) and trimethylpropane trimethacrylate (TRIM). Non-imprinted polymers (NIPs) were produced as control by removing the template from the reaction media. The selective membrane was prepared by dispersing MIP or NIP particles in plasticizer and poly(vinyl chloride), PVC, and casting this mixture over a solid contact support made of graphite. The composition of the selective membrane was investigated with regard to kind/amount of sensory material (MIP or NIP), and the need for a lipophilic additive. Overall, MIP sensors with additive exhibited the best performance, with near-Nernstian response down to ~ 1 × 10− 4 mol L− 1, at pH 5, and a detection limitof ~ 8 × 10− 5 mol L− 1. Suitable selectivity was found for all membranes, assessed by the matched potential method against some of the most common species in urine (urea, sodium, creatinine, sulfate, fructose and hemoglobin). CRT selective membranes including MIP materials were applied successfully to the potentiometric determination of CRT in urine samples.


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A low-cost disposable was developed for rapid detection of the protein biomarker myoglobin (Myo) as a model analyte. A screen printed electrode was modified with a molecularly imprinted material grafted on a graphite support and incorporated in a matrix composed of poly(vinyl chloride) and the plasticizer o-nitrophenyloctyl ether. The protein-imprinted material (PIM) was produced by growing a reticulated polymer around a protein template. This is followed by radical polymerization of 4-styrenesulfonic acid, 2-aminoethyl methacrylate hydrochloride, and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate. The polymeric layer was then covalently bound to the graphitic support, and Myo was added during the imprinting stage to act as a template. Non-imprinted control materials (CM) were also prepared by omitting the Myo template. Morphological and structural analysis of PIM and CM by FTIR, Raman, and SEM/EDC microscopies confirmed the modification of the graphite support. The analytical performance of the SPE was assessed by square wave voltammetry. The average limit of detection is 0.79 μg of Myo per mL, and the slope is −0.193 ± 0.006 μA per decade. The SPE-CM cannot detect such low levels of Myo but gives a linear response at above 7.2 μg · mL−1, with a slope of −0.719 ± 0.02 μA per decade. Interference studies with hemoglobin, bovine serum albumin, creatinine, and sodium chloride demonstrated good selectivity for Myo. The method was successfully applied to the determination of Myo urine and is conceived to be a promising tool for screening Myo in point-of-care patients with ischemia.


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A novel reusable molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) assembled on a polymeric layer of carboxylated poly(vinyl chloride) (PVCsingle bondCOOH) for myoglobin (Myo) detection was developed. This polymer was casted on the gold working area of a screen printed electrode (Au-SPE), creating a novel disposable device relying on plastic antibodies. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), cyclic voltammetry (CV) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) studies confirmed the surface modification. The MIP/Au-SPE devices displayed a linear behaviour in EIS from 0.852 to 4.26 μg mL−1, of positive slope 6.50 ± 1.48 (kΩ mL μg−1). The limit of detection was 2.25 μg mL−1. Square wave voltammetric (SWV) assays were made in parallel and showed linear responses between 1.1 and 2.98 μg mL−1. A current decrease was observed against Myo concentration, producing average slopes of −0.28 ± 0.038 μA mL μg−1. MIP/Au-SPE also showed good results in terms of selectivity. The error% found for each interfering species were 7% for troponin T (TnT), 11% for bovine serum albumin (BSA) and 2% for creatine kinase MB (CKMB), respectively. Overall, the technical modification over the Au-SPE was found a suitable approach for screening Myo in biological fluids.