955 resultados para pink limb blight
AIMS Due to a high burden of systemic cardiovascular events, current guidelines recommend the use of statins in all patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD). We sought to study the impact of statin use on limb prognosis in patients with symptomatic PAD enrolled in the international REACH registry. METHODS Statin use was assessed at study enrolment, as well as a time-varying covariate. Rates of the primary adverse limb outcome (worsening claudication/new episode of critical limb ischaemia, new percutaneous/surgical revascularization, or amputation) at 4 years and the composite of cardiovascular death/myocardial infarction/stroke were compared among statin users vs. non-users. RESULTS A total of 5861 patients with symptomatic PAD were included. Statin use at baseline was 62.2%. Patients who were on statins had a significantly lower risk of the primary adverse limb outcome at 4 years when compared with those who were not taking statins [22.0 vs. 26.2%; hazard ratio (HR), 0.82; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.72-0.92; P = 0.0013]. Results were similar when statin use was considered as a time-dependent variable (P = 0.018) and on propensity analysis (P < 0.0001). The composite of cardiovascular death/myocardial infarction/stroke was similarly reduced (HR, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.73-0.96; P = 0.01). CONCLUSION Among patients with PAD in the REACH registry, statin use was associated with an ∼18% lower rate of adverse limb outcomes, including worsening symptoms, peripheral revascularization, and ischaemic amputations. These findings suggest that statin therapy not only reduces the risk of adverse cardiovascular events, but also favourably affects limb prognosis in patients with PAD.
This article describes the clinical applicability of a nerve stimulator–guided technique, previously described in dogs, to block the sciatic and the femoral nerves in 4 pet rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) undergoing hind limb surgeries. Preanesthetic intramuscular doses of medetomidine (0.08 mg/kg), ketamine (15 mg/kg), and buprenorphine (0.03 mg/kg) were administered to the rabbit patients. The rabbits were intubated and general anesthesia was maintained using isoflurane in oxygen. The sciatic-femoral nerve block was performed with 2% lidocaine at a volume of 0.05 mL/kg/nerve. Sciatic-femoral block was feasible in rabbits, and the motoric responses following electrical stimulation of both nerves were consistent with those reported in dogs after successful nerve location. Iatrogenic complications, namely nerve damage and local anesthetic toxicity, did not occur. Based on these results, the authors conclude that the sciatic-femoral nerve block described in dogs can be safely performed in rabbits. Clinical trials are required to assess the analgesic efficacy of the combined sciatic-femoral nerve block in rabbits as a part of multimodal pain management.
In this paper, we report on an optical tolerance analysis of the submillimeter atmospheric multi-beam limb sounder, STEAMR. Physical optics and ray-tracing methods were used to quantify and separate errors in beam pointing and distortion due to reflector misalignment and primary reflector surface deformations. Simulations were performed concurrently with the manufacturing of a multi-beam demonstrator of the relay optical system which shapes and images the beams to their corresponding receiver feed horns. Results from Monte Carlo simulations show that the inserts used for reflector mounting should be positioned with an overall accuracy better than 100 μm (~ 1/10 wavelength). Analyses of primary reflector surface deformations show that a deviation of magnitude 100 μm can be tolerable before deployment, whereas the corresponding variations should be less than 30 μm during operation. The most sensitive optical elements in terms of misalignments are found near the focal plane. This localized sensitivity is attributed to the off-axis nature of the beams at this location. Post-assembly mechanical measurements of the reflectors in the demonstrator show that alignment better than 50 μm could be obtained.
Operationsziel Geschlossene, anatomische Reposition und sichere Fixation von problematischen suprakondylären Typ-III- und Typ-IV-Humerusfrakturen, die mit den herkömmlichen Operationsmethoden nur schwierig geschlossen zu behandeln sind. Indikationen Gemäß der AO-Kinderklassifikation der suprakondylären Humerusfrakturen vom Typ III und IV: Frakturen, welche nicht geschlossen mittels üblicher Repositionsmethoden reponierbar sind sowie Frakturen, die nicht mittels der üblichen, gekreuzten perkutanen Kirschner-Draht-Technik zu fixieren sind. Bei schweren Schwellungszuständen, offener Fraktur oder initial neurologischen und/oder vaskulären Problemen („pulseless pink hand“) sowie bei mehrfachverletzten Kindern, welche eine optimale Rehabilitation benötigen und die Extremität gipsfrei sein sollte. Bei Kindern mit Komorbiditäten (z. B. Anfälle, Spastizität), die eine bessere Stabilität benötigen. Kontraindikationen Prinzipiell keine Kontraindikationen Operationstechnik Im nichtreponierten Zustand unter Durchleuchtungskontrolle Einbringen einer einzelnen Schanz-Schraube in den lateralen (radialen) Aspekt des distalen Fragments, welches sich in der streng seitlichen Röntgenprojektion als „Sand-Uhr“- bzw. Kreisform des Capitulum humeri darstellt. Je nach Größe dieses distalen Fragments kann die Schanz-Schraube rein epiphysär oder metaphysär liegen. Danach in absolut streng seitlicher Projektion des distalen Humerus im Bereich des meta-diaphysären Übergangs Einbohren einer 2. Schanz-Schraube unabhängig von der Ersten, die möglichst rechtwinklig zur Längsachse des Humerus in der a.-p.-Ebene zu liegen kommen sollte, um spätere Manipulationen mittels „Joy-Stick“-Technik zu erleichtern. Sind die beiden Schanz-Schrauben mehr oder weniger in beiden Ebenen parallel, so ist die Fraktur praktisch anatomisch reponiert. Nach erreichter Reposition Feinjustierung aller Achskomponenten. Sicherung der Flexion/Extension mittels einem von radial, distal eingebrachten sog. Anti-Rotations-Kirschner-Drahts, der die Stabilität signifikant erhöht und eine Drehung des distalen Fragments um die einzelne Schanz-Schraube verhindert. Postoperative Behandlung Keine zusätzliche Gipsruhigstellung notwendig. Es sollte eine funktionelle Nachbehandlung erfolgen. Ergebnisse Gemäß unserer Langzeitstudien bewegen die meisten Kinder bereits zum Zeitpunkt der ambulanten Pin-Entfernung in der Frakturambulanz ihren Ellbogen weitgehend normal. Bei einer Follow-up-Zeit über 40 Monate hatten 30/31 Kindern eine seitengleiche Achse und Beweglichkeit.
OBJECTIVES In cardiac muscle, ischemia reperfusion (IR) injury is attenuated by mitochondrial function, which may be upregulated by focal adhesion kinase (FAK). The aim of this study was to determine whether increased FAK levels reduced rhabdomyolysis in skeletal muscle too. MATERIAL AND METHODS In a translational in vivo experiment, rat lower limbs were subjected to 4 hours of ischemia followed by 24 or 72 hours of reperfusion. FAK expression was stimulated 7 days before (via somatic transfection with pCMV-driven FAK expression plasmid) and outcomes were measured against non-transfected and empty transfected controls. Slow oxidative (i.e., mitochondria-rich) and fast glycolytic (i.e., mitochondria-poor) type muscles were analyzed separately regarding rhabdomyolysis, apoptosis, and inflammation. Severity of IR injury was assessed using paired non-ischemic controls. RESULTS After 24 hours of reperfusion, marked rhabdomyolysis was found in non-transfected and empty plasmid-transfected fast-type glycolytic muscle, tibialis anterior. Prior transfection enhanced FAK concentration significantly (p = 0.01). Concomitantly, levels of BAX, promoting mitochondrial transition pores, were reduced sixfold (p = 0.02) together with a blunted inflammation (p = 0.01) and reduced rhabdomyolysis (p = 0.003). Slow oxidative muscle, m. soleus, reacted differently: although apoptosis was detectable after IR, rhabdomyolysis did not appear before 72 hours of reperfusion; and FAK levels were not enhanced in ischemic muscle despite transfection (p = 0.66). CONCLUSIONS IR-induced skeletal muscle rhabdomyolysis is a fiber type-specific phenomenon that appears to be modulated by mitochondria reserves. Stimulation of FAK may exploit these reserves constituting a potential therapeutic approach to reduce tissue loss following acute limb IR in fast-type muscle.
BACKGROUND Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a major cause of cardiovascular ischemic events and amputation. Knowledge gaps exist in defining and measuring key factors that predict these events. The objective of this study was to assess whether duration of limb ischemia would serve as a major predictor of limb and patient survival. METHODS The FReedom from Ischemic Events: New Dimensions for Survival (FRIENDS) registry enrolled consecutive patients with limb-threatening peripheral artery disease at a single tertiary care hospital. Demographic information, key clinical care time segments, functional status and use of revascularization, and pharmacotherapy data were collected at baseline, and vascular ischemic events, cardiovascular mortality, and all-cause mortality were recorded at 30 days and 1 year. RESULTS A total of 200 patients with median (interquartile range) age of 76 years (65-84 years) were enrolled in the registry. Median duration of limb ischemia was 0.75 days for acute limb ischemia (ALI) and 61 days for chronic critical limb ischemia (CLI). Duration of limb ischemia of <12, 12 to 24, and >24 hours in patients with ALI was associated with much higher rates of first amputation (P = .0002) and worse amputation-free survival (P = .037). No such associations were observed in patients with CLI. CONCLUSIONS For individuals with ischemic symptoms <14 days, prolonged limb ischemia is associated with higher 30-day and 1-year amputation, systemic ischemic event rates, and worse amputation-free survival. No such associations are evident for individuals with chronic CLI. These data imply that prompt diagnosis and revascularization might improve outcomes for patients with ALI.
Stroke is one of the most common conditions requiring rehabilitation, and its motor impairments are a major cause of permanent disability. Hemiparesis is observed by 80% of the patients after acute stroke. Neuroimaging studies showed that real and imagined movements have similarities regarding brain activation, supplying evidence that those similarities are based on the same process. Within this context, the combination of MP with physical and occupational therapy appears to be a natural complement based on neurorehabilitation concepts. Our study seeks to investigate if MP for stroke rehabilitation of upper limbs is an effective adjunct therapy. PubMed (Medline), ISI knowledge (Institute for Scientific Information) and SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library) were terminated on 20 February 2015. Data were collected on variables as follows: sample size, type of supervision, configuration of mental practice, setting the physical practice (intensity, number of sets and repetitions, duration of contractions, rest interval between sets, weekly and total duration), measures of sensorimotor deficits used in the main studies and significant results. Random effects models were used that take into account the variance within and between studies. Seven articles were selected. As there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups (MP vs Control), showed a – 0.6 (95% CI: –1.27 to 0.04), for upper limb motor restoration after stroke. The present meta-analysis concluded that MP is not effective as adjunct therapeutic strategy for upper limb motor restoration after stroke.
BACKGROUND Drug-eluting balloons (DEB) may reduce infrapopliteal restenosis and reintervention rates versus percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) and improve wound healing/limb preservation. OBJECTIVES The goal of this clinical trial was to assess the efficacy and safety of IN.PACT Amphirion drug-eluting balloons (IA-DEB) compared to PTA for infrapopliteal arterial revascularization in patients with critical limb ischemia (CLI). METHODS Within a prospective, multicenter, randomized, controlled trial with independent clinical event adjudication and angiographic and wound core laboratories 358 CLI patients were randomized 2:1 to IA-DEB or PTA. The 2 coprimary efficacy endpoints through 12 months were clinically driven target lesion revascularization (CD-TLR) and late lumen loss (LLL). The primary safety endpoint through 6 months was a composite of all-cause mortality, major amputation, and CD-TLR. RESULTS Clinical characteristics were similar between the 2 groups. Significant baseline differences between the IA-DEB and PTA arms included mean lesion length (10.2 cm vs. 12.9 cm; p = 0.002), impaired inflow (40.7% vs. 28.8%; p = 0.035), and previous target limb revascularization (32.2% vs. 21.8%; p = 0.047). Primary efficacy results of IA-DEB versus PTA were CD-TLR of 9.2% versus 13.1% (p = 0.291) and LLL of 0.61 ± 0.78 mm versus 0.62 ± 0.78 mm (p = 0.950). Primary safety endpoints were 17.7% versus 15.8% (p = 0.021) and met the noninferiority hypothesis. A safety signal driven by major amputations through 12 months was observed in the IA-DEB arm versus the PTA arm (8.8% vs. 3.6%; p = 0.080). CONCLUSIONS In patients with CLI, IA-DEB had comparable efficacy to PTA. While primary safety was met, there was a trend towards an increased major amputation rate through 12 months compared to PTA. (Study of IN.PACT Amphirion™ Drug Eluting Balloon vs. Standard PTA for the Treatment of Below the Knee Critical Limb Ischemia [INPACT-DEEP]; NCT00941733).
BACKGROUND Dysregulation of the coagulation system due to inflammatory responses and cross-species molecular incompatibilities represents a major obstacle to successful xenotransplantation. We hypothesized that complement inhibition mediated by transgenic expression of human CD46 in pigs might also regulate the coagulation and fibrinolysis cascades and tested this in ex vivo human-to-pig xenoperfusions. METHODS Forelimbs of wild-type and hCD46/HLA-E double transgenic pigs were ex vivo xenoperfused for 12 hours with whole heparinized human blood. Muscle biopsies were stained for galactose-α1,3-galactose, immunoglobulin M, immunoglobulin G, complement, fibrin, tissue factor, fibrinogen-like protein 2, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1. The PAI-1/tPA complexes, D-dimers, and prothrombin fragment F1 + 2 were measured in plasma samples after ex vivo xenoperfusion. RESULTS No differences of galactose expression or deposition of immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin G were found in xenoperfused tissues of wild type and transgenic limbs. In contrast, significantly lower deposition of C5b-9 (P < 0.0001), fibrin (P = 0.009), and diminished expression of tissue factor (P = 0.005) and fibrinogen-like protein 2 (P = 0.028) were found in xenoperfused tissues of transgenic limbs. Levels of prothrombin fragment F1 + 2 (P = 0.031) and D-dimers (P = 0.044) were significantly lower in plasma samples obtained from transgenic as compared to wild-type pig limb perfusions. The expression of the fibrinolytic marker tPA was significantly higher (P = 0.009), whereas PAI-1 expression (P = 0.022) and PAI-1/tPA complexes in plasma (P = 0.015) were lower after transgenic xenoperfusion as compared to wild-type xenoperfusions. CONCLUSIONS In this human-to-pig xenoperfusion model, complement inhibition by transgenic hCD46 expression led to a significant inhibition of procoagulant and antifibrinolytic pathways.
Critical limb ischemia (CLI) represents the most severe form of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and frequently occurs in medically frail patients. CLI patients frequently exhibit multi-segmental PAD commonly including the tibial arterial segment. Endovascular therapy has been established as first-line revascularization strategy for most CLI patients. Restenosis was reported to occur in up to more than two-thirds of CLI patients undergoing angioplasty of complex tibial arterial obstructions. Nevertheless, favorable clinical outcomes were observed for infrapopliteal angioplasty when compared with bypass surgery, despite higher patency rates for the latter. Based on these observations, infrapopliteal patency was considered to be only of secondary importance upon clinical outcomes in CLI patients. In contrast to these earlier observations, however, recent findings from two randomized clinical trials indicate that infrapopliteal patency does impact on clinical outcomes in CLI patients. The purpose of the present manuscript is to provide a critical reappraisal of the present literature on the clinical importance of tibial arterial patency in CLI patients undergoing endovascular revascularization and to discuss utility and limitations of currently available anti-restenosis technologies.
Heating of a pink two-dimensional Co(II) coordination network {[Co2(μ2-OH2)(bdc)2(S-nia)2(H2O)(dmf)]·2(dmf)·(H2O)}n (1) built from 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid (H2bdc) residues and thionicotinamide (S-nia) ligands initiates a single-crystal-to-single-crystal transition accompanied by removal of both coordinated and co-crystallized solvents. In the dry blue form, [Co(bdc)(S-nia)]n (dry_1), the Co(II) centers changed from an octahedral to a square pyramidal configuration.
Vertebrate limbs grow out from the flanks of embryos, with their main axis extending proximodistally from the trunk. Distinct limb domains, each with specific traits, are generated in a proximal-to-distal sequence during development. Diffusible factors expressed from signalling centres promote the outgrowth of limbs and specify their dorsoventral and anteroposterior axes. However, the molecular mechanism by which limb cells acquire their proximodistal (P-D) identity is unknown. Here we describe the role of the homeobox genes Meis1/2 and Pbx1 in the development of mouse, chicken and Drosophila limbs. We find that Meis1/2 expression is restricted to a proximal domain, coincident with the previously reported domain in which Pbx1 is localized to the nucleus, and resembling the distribution of the Drosophila homologues homothorax (hth) and extradenticle (exd); that Meis1 regulates Pbx1 activity by promoting nuclear import of the Pbx1 protein; and that ectopic expression of Meis1 in chicken and hth in Drosophila disrupts distal limb development and induces distal-to-proximal transformations. We suggest that restriction of Meis1/Hth to proximal regions of the vertebrate and insect limb is essential to specify cell fates and differentiation patterns along the P-D axis of the limb.
Inhalation anesthesia with isoflurane is a well-established and safe method used in small laboratory animals. In most cases oxygen is used as a carrier gas for isoflurane, but room air or mixtures of oxygen with air or nitrous oxide are also being used. Anesthesia is therefore administered using different fractions of inspired oxygen (FiO2), and this may have consequences for the outcome of experiments. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of FiO2 on rat hind limb ischemia/reperfusion injury and to refine the used inhalation anesthesia. Male Wistar rats were subjected to 3.5 h of ischemia and 2 h of reperfusion, and divided into three groups according to FiO2 in the O2/air/isoflurane anesthesia gas mixture: 40%, 60%, and 100% O2. Normal, healthy rats were used as controls. Muscle edema and creatine kinase MM, a marker for myocyte necrosis, were significantly increased with 40% FiO2 as compared with 100% FiO2 (P<0.05). Partial pressure of oxygen, oxygen saturation, and oxyhemoglobin were significantly higher in the 100% O2 group as compared with 40% O2. No significant differences were detected for other parameters, such as the oxidative stress markers malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase. We conclude that a refined inhalation anesthesia setting using 40% FiO2, reflecting more or less the clinical situation, leads to a more severe and more physiologically relevant reperfusion injury than higher FiO2. Oxidative stress did not correlate with FiO2 and seemed to have no influence on reperfusion injury.
OBJECTIVE Recent small single-center data indicate that the current hemodynamic parameters used to diagnose critical limb ischemia are insensitive. We investigated the validity of the societal guidelines-recommended hemodynamic parameters against core laboratory-adjudicated angiographic data from the multicenter IN.PACT DEEP (RandomIzed AmPhirion DEEP DEB vs StAndard PTA for the treatment of below the knee Critical limb ischemia) Trial. METHODS Of the 358 patients in the IN.PACT DEEP Trial to assess drug-eluting balloon vs standard balloon angioplasty for infrapopliteal disease, 237 had isolated infrapopliteal disease with an available ankle-brachial index (ABI), and only 40 of the latter had available toe pressure measurements. The associations between ABI, ankle pressure, and toe pressure with tibial runoff, Rutherford category, and plantar arch were examined according to the cutoff points recommended by the societal guidelines. Abnormal tibial runoff was defined as severely stenotic (≥70%) or occluded and scored as one-, two-, or three-vessel disease. A stenotic or occluded plantar arch was considered abnormal. RESULTS Only 14 of 237 patients (6%) had an ABI <0.4. Abnormal ankle pressure, defined as <50 mm Hg if Rutherford category 4 and <70 mm Hg if Rutherford category 5 or 6, was found only in 37 patients (16%). Abnormal toe pressure, defined as <30 mm Hg if Rutherford category 4 and <50 mm Hg if Rutherford category 5 or 6, was found in 24 of 40 patients (60%) with available measurements. Importantly, 29% of these 24 patients had an ABI within normal reference ranges. A univariate multinomial logistic regression found no association between the above hemodynamic parameters and the number of diseased infrapopliteal vessels. However, there was a significant paradoxic association where patients with Rutherford category 6 had higher ABI and ankle pressure than those with Rutherford category 5. Similarly, there was no association between ABI and pedal arch patency. CONCLUSIONS The current recommended hemodynamic parameters fail to identify a significant portion of patients with lower extremity ulcers and angiographically proven severe disease. Toe pressure has better sensitivity and should be considered in all patients with critical limb ischemia.