978 resultados para paralisia facial
The authors studied the main aspects of etiology of the palate paralysis in six children suffering from soft palate paralysis. They emphasized the importance of multidisciplinary approach in the management of patients with this disease. In the author's cases the most likely etiologies were: neuropathy post-viral epidemic parotitis, tumors localized in the posterior cerebral fossa and idiopathic. They concluded that it is extremely important in these patients a detailed otorhinolaryngologic, neurologic and fonoaudiologic examinations.
Compression and section of the facial nerve were performed in 48 rats in order to study the anatomopathological alterations occurring after daily intraperitoneal injections of 100 mg of exogenous gangliosides (Sinaxial®) for 45, 90, 180 days. In groups submitted to nerve compression, the histopathological changes were discrete and in the 180-day subgroups the nerve was practically normal. In animals submitted to section and neurorrhaphy there was formation of an amputation neuroma, a granuloma around the suture, axonal unstructuration and inter and perineural fibrosis. No significant differences were observed between the groups submitted or not to injection of exogenous gangliosides, indicating that the major factors involved in the quality of nerve regeneration were the technique and the formation of fibrosis and of an amputation neuroma.
The authors present a rare case of vocal cord paralysis following thyroid cyst. The clinical diagnostic and evolution aspects are presented. The importance of precise evaluation of the thyroid gland in all cases of vocal cord paralysis is emphasized.
Granuloma faciale is a benign and rare disease restricted to the skin. Its etiopathogenesis is not related to systemic granulomatous and eosinophilic diseases. Two adult patients with reddish-brown lesions on the facial are reported. Among the treatments used, the more consistent results were observed with intralesional triamcinolona (Case 1) and with CO2 Laser (Case 2), with clear advantage of the laser therapy. The histopathology and the therapeutic options are discussed.
Objective: To measure and compare the activity of the masseter, temporalis and buccinator muscles in different infant feeding methods. Method: Cross-sectional study of 60 full-term infants with no intercurrent diseases, aged between two and three months, classified into the following groups: 1) exclusive breastfeeding; 2) breastfeeding plus bottle-feeding; and 3) exclusive breastfeeding plus cup feeding. Surface electromyography was performed during infant feeding. The Krushal-Wallis test was used, complemented by multiple paired comparisons of the groups. A 5% significance level was chosen for the tests. Results: Statistically higher results were verified in the breastfeeding group in relation to the bottle-feeding one, both in the range of movement and the mean contraction of the masseter. With regard to the temporalis muscle, statistically higher results were found in the breastfeeding group comparatively to the bottle-feeding one. As to the buccinator muscle, statistically higher results were observed in the breastfeeding group in relation to the bottle-feeding one, although in this case, the difference concerned only the range of contraction. Conclusion: The similarities between the muscle activity in the breastfeeding and in the cup-feeding groups suggests that cup-feeding can be used as an alternative infant feeding method, being better than bottle-feeding, due to the hyperactivity of the buccinator muscle, which could result in changes to the structural growth and development of the stomatognathic system functions. Copyright © 2006 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.
AIM: To assess the correlation between Wits and AF-BF appraisals with the ANB angle, and verify the influence of the facial type on these appraisals. METHODS: Lateral cephalometric radiographs from 118 untreated individuals were separated into 3 groups according to the facial pattern (brachyfacial, mesofacial, and dolichofacial). The radiographs were digitized and submitted to ANB angle and Wits and AF-BF appraisals on computer software. All radiographs were retraced for intraobserver and interobserver error tests. RESULTS: The Student's t test demonstrated no statistically significant differences on the intraobserver's test (P > .05). There were statistically significant differences in the readings of Wits values of the 3 groups and for AF-BF values in the brachyfacial and mesofacial groups (P <.05). The multiple linear regression tests demonstrated high correlation between ANB and AF-BF for the 3 groups (r2, 0.768). The same result was found for ANB and Wits (r2, 0.624). CONCLUSION: Facial pattern does not have an influence on the correlation between ANB and AF-BF nor between ANB and Wits, but it does influence the measurements of ANB, AF-BF, and Wits.
AIM: To investigate the relationship between divine proportion and facial esthetics in frontal photographs as well as whether any of the 4 ratios for manipulation provide more favorable facial esthetics. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The sample comprised 20 frontal photographs of Caucasian individuals (11 males and 9 females). The photographs were digitized and stored on a compact disk. A photometric analysis was created with 7 facial segments that were measured on Image Tool software and 4 ratios between 2 facial segments calculated using Microsoft Excel. This manipulation led to 5 different photographs of the same individual: one photograph with no manipulation and the others with 1 of the ratios manipulated in the Deformer 2.0 to very close or equal to 1.618. Thereafter, the 5 photographs of all individuals were evaluated by 12 examiners. The examiners selected those photographs that were esthetically more pleasant. CONCLUSION: After evaluation, a chi-square test revealed a relationship between divine proportion and facial esthetics. Among the ratios selected, R1 and R2 provided more favorable facial esthetics.
Objective: the purpose of this prospective study was to cephalometrically analyze the dentoalveolar and soft tissue changes after the orthodontic treatment followed by the extraction of four premolars. Material and methods: the sample was comprised by 30 Class II division 1 patients with mean initial age of 12 years and 4 months. Two lateral cephalograms were obtained from each patient at the beginning and at the end of the treatment. The variables analyzed were the nasalabial changes and upper and lower incisors changes in relation to a vertical and horizontal x and y reference lines. Results: upper and lower incisors retraction was 3.4 and 1.8mm, respectively. The SNA angle was decresead by 1.7 degrees followed by a retraction of point A mainly due to the upper incisor retraction. There was a significant decrease of the Wits and ANB variables. There was an increase in the lower anterior facial height. Upper incisor retraction was followed by an increase in the nasolabial angle (ratio 1:2.8 degrees). However, a wide range of individual variability was found. Conclusions: the present study did not support the simple expectation that treatment with extractions of four premolars will result in a dished in face. It appeared that facial changes were more related to a normal facial growth, the amount of incisor retraction and the anchorage control during the upper and lower incisor.
Cochlear root neurons (CRNs) are involved in the acoustic startle reflex, which is widely used in behavioral models of sensorimotor integration. A short-latency component of this reflex, the auricular reflex, promotes pinna movements in response to unexpected loud sounds. However, the pathway involved in the auricular component of the startle reflex is not well understood. We hypothesized that the auricular reflex is mediated by direct and indirect inputs from CRNs to the motoneurons responsible for pinna movement, which are located in the medial subnucleus of the facial motor nucleus (Mot7). To assess whether there is a direct connection between CRNs and auricular motoneurons in the rat, two neuronal tracers were used in conjunction: biotinylated dextran amine, which was injected into the cochlear nerve root, and Fluoro-Gold, which was injected into the levator auris longus muscle. Under light microscopy, close appositions were observed between axon terminals of CRNs and auricular motoneurons. The presence of direct synaptic contact was confirmed at the ultrastructural level. To confirm the indirect connection, biotinylated dextran amine was injected into the auditory-responsive portion of the caudal pontine reticular nucleus, which receives direct input from CRNs. The results confirm that the caudal pontine reticular nucleus also targets the Mot7 and that its terminals are concentrated in the medial subnucleus. Therefore, it is likely that CRNs innervate auricular motoneurons both directly and indirectly, suggesting that these connections participate in the rapid auricular reflex that accompanies the acoustic startle reflex. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The objective of this study was to analyze the motor development of a ten year old child with ataxic cerebral palsy and the effects of a motor activities program in the swimming pool. Motor development was measured according to the motor assessment and the intervention program of motor activities in the swimming pool conducted at Sesi/Londrina, twice a week, during 45 minute sessions over a 2 month period, with an attendance rate of 87%. Data was analyzed descriptively comparing the results with before and after tests. Generally, the motor quotient regarding all items was classified as very low, characterizing motor deficit, with exception of temporal organization, presented as normal low. After intervention, the only area that showed positive change was balance; this result showed that the child gained 12 months in motor age, without corresponding alterations in the other areas.
Purpose: This study evaluated the long-term effects of orthognathic surgery on subsequent growth of the maxillomandibular complex in the young cleft patient. Patients and Methods: We evaluated 12 young cleft patients (9 male and 3 female patients), with a mean age of 12 years 6 months (range, 9 years 8 months to 15 years 4 months), who underwent Le Fort I osteotomies, with maxillary advancement, expansion, and/or downgrafting, by use of autogenous bone or hydroxyapatite grafts, when indicated, for maxillary stabilization. Five patients had concomitant osteotomies of the mandibular ramus. All patients had presurgical and postsurgical orthodontic treatment to control the occlusion. Radiographs taken at initial evaluation (T1) and presurgery (T2) were compared to establish the facial growth vector before surgery, whereas radiographs taken immediately postsurgery (T3) and at longest follow-up (T4) were used to determine postsurgical growth. Each patient's lateral cephalograms were traced, and 16 landmarks were identified and used to compute 11 measurements describing presurgical and postsurgical growth. Results: Before surgery, all patients had relatively normal growth. After surgery, cephalograms showed statistically significant growth changes from T3 to T4, with the maxillary depth decreasing by -3.3° ± 1.8°, Sella-nasion-point A by -3.3° ± 1.8°, and point A-nasion-point B by -3.6° ± 2.8°. The angulation of the maxillary incisors increased by 9.2° ± 11.7°. Of 12 patients, 11 showed disproportionate postsurgical jaw growth. Maxillary growth occurred predominantly in a vertical vector with no anteroposterior growth, even though most patients had shown anteroposterior growth before surgery. The distance increased in the linear measurement from nasion to gnathion by 10.3 ± 7.9 mm. Four of 5 patients operated on during the mixed dentition phase had teeth that erupted through the cleft area. A variable impairment of postoperative growth was seen with the 2 types of grafting material used. No significant difference was noted in the effect on growth in patients with unilateral clefts versus those with bilateral clefts. The presence of a pharyngeal flap was noted to adversely affect growth, whereas simultaneous mandibular surgery did not. After surgery, 11 of 12 patients tended toward a Class III end-on occlusal relation. Conclusions: Orthognathic surgery may be performed on growing cleft patients when mandated by psychological and/or functional concerns. The surgeon must be cognizant of the adverse postsurgical growth outcomes when performing orthognathic surgery on growing cleft patients with the possibility for further surgery requirements. Performing maxillary osteotomies on cleft patients would be more predictable after completion of facial growth. © 2008 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
This article evaluates space closure mechanics efficiency in an extraction case where maximum anchorage was a requirement. The Segmented Arch Technique (SAT) was utilized as an anchorage control strategy to obtain maximum anterior retraction and, in consequence, significant facial profile change. A 20-year-10-month old woman needed severe labial and profile changes. The patient had four premolars extracted and SAT with type A mechanics [1] (Marcotte [2] activation protocol) was applied. The results showed significant reduction in labial protrusion and incisal angulation with effective anchorage control. The results were compared to others available in the literature derived from different techniques, where anterior retraction was also accomplished with maximum anchorage [3-7]. In conclusion, the SAT with type A mechanics has been shown to be another treatment option when significant changes in the soft-tissue profile are needed in extraction cases. © 2008. CEO. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the dimensional stability and detail reproduction of two silicones used for facial prosthesis, under the influence of chemical disinfection and storage time. Twenty-eight test specimens were obtained, half made of Silastic MDX 4-4210 silicone, and the other half of Silastic 732 RTV silicone. The test specimens were divided into 4 groups: Silastic 732 RTV and Silastic MDX 4-4210, with disinfection 3 times a week with Efferdent and without disinfection. Dimensional change was analyzed using an electronic comparison microscope and detail reproduction was observed under a stereo microscope, immediately and 2 months after the test specimens were made. Once the results were obtained, an analisis of variance (ANOVA) was applied, followed by the Tukey's Test with 1% confidence. The storage time factor had a statistical influence on dimensional stability: Silastic MDX 4-4210 had less contraction than Silastic 732 RTV. Chemical disinfection did not significantly alter the dimensional stability of the materials used. Regarding detail reproduction, no alteration of values was observed in any of the materials analyzed, regardless of storage period or disinfection.
Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate by a visual method of comparison the color stability of nonpigmented and pigmented facial silicones after accelerated aging. Materials and Methods: Two kinds of silicones were used in this study; one specifically formulated for facial prostheses and the other an acetic silicone for industrial use. Twenty-four trial bodies were made for each silicone. These were divided into colorless and intrinsically pigmented groups: ceramic, make-up, and iron oxide. The groups were submitted to accelerated aging for nonmetallic materials. An initial reading and subsequent readings were made at 163, 351, 692, and 1000 hours using a visual method of comparison. The values were annotated in a spreadsheet by two observers, according to scores elaborated for this study. Results: All groups presented color stability in the visual method. According to the results obtained and analyzed in this study, we can conclude that both silicones, Silastic 732 RTV and Silastic MDX 4-4210, behaved similarly, they can therefore be indicated for use in maxillofacial prosthesis. The time factor of aging influenced negatively, independently of the pigmentation, or lack of it, and of silicones and no group had visually noticeable alterations in any of the accelerated aging time, independently of the addition or not of pigments.